TAUK TWO. DAILY KAST OHE(iOMAX, FE..NDLKTON. OIUXiON. SATI'1UAY, r'KUKUAIJY 1, l10. After puppet pale 'i For fAs evening from 6 p. m. unfZ 5 p. m. exactly three hours, we offer you THIRTEEN BIG BARGAINS any one NUMBER 1 NUMBER 2 NUMBER 3 NUMBER 4 NUMBER 5 of them is worth an extra trip from your house to our store this evening Satin Stripe Crepe du Chine, the regular price of which is 65c, on this good old Saturday night 6 p. m. till 9 p. m. per yard . 35c Men's Fancy Sox . . . . per pair 19c 50c Men's Fancy Sox . . . per pair 29c $2.00 Values, Afen't Stiff Bosom Shirts, 14 12, 15 1-2, 16 1-2 39c $2.25 and $2.00 Values, Misses Shoes, sizes 111-2,12, 121-2, 13, 131-2, 1, 1 1-2, 2, these are good styles and dj sq good wearers for this good old Saturday night . .? & NUMBER 6 $2.50 and $2.40 Values, Boys' Shoes, correct shape ana the kind that will stand hard knocks, sizes 2 1-2, 3, 3 1-2, i QQ 4, 4 1-2, 5, 5 1-2, good old Saturday night . . P 1 O Z? NUMBER 7 25c Women's Fancy Hose for this good old Saturday night 1 5c NUMBER 8 50c Women's Hose Supporters for this good old Saturday night 39c NUMBER 9 15c and 12 l-2c Children's Stockings, sizes 6 to 9 1-2 for this q good old Saturday night . . . . . . , . & NUMBER 10 15c Clothes Brushes, good value at 15c for this gocd old Sat- s urday night . . . . . . - . NUMBER 11 $2.00 down to 25c Fancy Ribbons, a lot of goods that would be worth a whole space itself will be put on sale for this good old Saturday night at per yard . . . EXACTLY HALF-PRICE Number 12 and 13 are a word from the MODEL GROCERY in the basement NUMBER 12 25c T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee comes in 1 lb., 2 lb. and iq 4 lb. package for this good old Saturday night, at per pound &C NUMBER 13 60c per pound T. P. W. special Tea, 1-2 pound and pound AAf. packages for this good old Saturday night at per pound . t tC No orders over the telephone will be accepted at the prices above mentioned on any of the articles. Goods will ba delivered at te time of sale. Remember the sale begins' at 6 p. m. and ends at. 9. GARDEN CITY GIRLS DEFEAT LOCAL HIGH W M l. A Y.IJ,A WINS HY SX)KK OF 17 TO 15 No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach Contest or mounters Very Exciting Visitors Play Aggressive Ball Bui I'oul leiuently I.Oeal Team Per forms in Fine Manner. With a great amount of enthusiasm running Hot. the girls or the Wull Walla high school last night edged out a victory from the co-ed ball team of the local high school. The score when the finul whistle blew was 17 to 15 with the winning margin on the side of the Oardcn City five. It was an exciting game through out and a large crowd was In the hill gymnasium to witness the contest. The visitors had a larger and heavier team than the locals but they were handicapped ly playing In a smaller hall than has been their custom. However, at the outset It looked as If they were booked to swamp their lighter opponents, but their method of playing was their- own undoing. By thoir rough tactics, frequent fouls were rolled upon them, six of which wore converted into points by Hazel Rader, Pendleton's clever little for ward. This was all the scoring that was done by the home girls In the first half while the Walla Walla forwards dropped the bull In the basket four times from the field and once from the foul line, giving them a total of nine points. In the second half th" Pendleton team struck a faster pace and succeeded in scoring nine points to Walla Walla's eight. In this half Pendleton's forwards did noticeably better work than In the first canto. Hazel n-uler making five points from l ulls and Laura McKee securing the only two field goals to the home team's credit. The Garden City five on because . f their aggressive method of play ing, but with a few minutes more tin re micht h.iw been a different f nis written. The lineup was, as follows: Wall.i W.ii'a: Forwards. Marguerite H'.iti' : n.l Irene Steele: centers, Jessie and .' ir:ie J'eCrea; guards, I.utella I.linl and Lottie Wrt'ht; silbstit-.Kr-. Viitrar-t Whim, v and Ti.-irnthv IV liot. i'.n !! !..n: F..r , ai ds. II.',;..- U;i : an 1 Lauia McKee: renters, I. lie !" K.iler an.l lilanche Bad ley; cuard . ".. -e !a '.n an:! Kl!a I.aZlnk.i ; sn'- A strong roan is strong all over. No man can be strong who is aulTerinii from weak stomach with it consequent indirection, or from some other disease oi the ttomuch and its associated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right," when he doesn't sleep well, haa an uncomfortable feeling iu the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man should ate Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood. Invigorates the IUr, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HEULTU AND STRENUTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. You can't afford to accept ttcrtt nostrum as a substitute for this oa alcoholic medicine op known composition, not even though the urgent deals nay thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. Churches First Christian Church. ttill meets in the South M. E. church, West Webb street. 9:45. Bible school, a class for any age or grade Come, bring your Bible. Acts 17:11. W. F. Taylor, superintendent; 1 1 a. in., communion and preaching; 0:311. young people's society; 7:30, sermon: Wednesday evening, prayer nice: ns. A cordial Invitation to all serv e. . A. M. Meldrum, pastor. t'lii'i-i'iau Sfieiuv. Services on Sunday morn 'na at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Jlind." Sunday s, H irl ut 10 o'clock Services on Wedncs'.ay evening at 8 o'clock, j Leading room open dally from 2 to 4 In tile afternoon. Kverybody cor d.al.y !i ted. Corner East Webb and Jol.n.-on .-irvitr-. M.'tn.Mlivi I'.oi copnl. .. F.an' theme at the Meth odist Episcopal church tomorrow morning will bo, "Things We Ought to Forget." Evening; topic, "A Pho tograph That Never Flatters." Sun day school, 10 a. m.; Fpworth League, 6:30 p. m.; preaching 11 a. m. a4 7:30 p. m. Strangers will find a cor dial welcome. Church of the, Rcdcesaor. Sunday school at 10 a, m.j dlviae .service with a celebration of the holy communion at 11 a, m. Evening ser vice and sermon at 7:30 p, m ; Lentea services next week will be Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p.,m.; Wednesday at 7: IS p. m., with choir practice I na med iately after. On Friday morning he Litany will be said at s o'clock. All are cordially invited. Charles Quinney, rector. TO Cl'ItB COLD IN ONB OAT. Ink.. I.AXATIVH l:l;.)MM (julnlup Tablet, la MCginni refund rauney If It fall to cure. IS. j:.iVi: s altaature Is on each Itnx. 2.V. Are You n Good Shot? Valuable guns and clears given l6 the best shots at the Pnsllme Parlors. ' it ('"-res 28 Aj-P'Va icl 1 ' '11-' -Pro an '. Gl'i en A .A ' 1 1 , N'at Kimball. Tlio Wa ) i Walal team was a. l r,' al til,, s. v ol play !lo. K (..nlg'Tt. M:ss i !i of 1 a 1 laiys' f .' in v ll '.am in that to, s Fra.nc Aiaie't: a girls, is nci ing in t li" . I v TVSLTE O Zm O 7 27 C A O FT OY1 TQ 27 OK'KJON n (i. A C. WILL CON I KST IN KOSS (WM IIl WHERE IT PA YS TO TRADE Al'STKALIA WILL SHOW AT 1KY l'AIIMING COXfiP.F-SS Spjkane. Wafh. John T. Burns, secretary-treasurer of the fifth Dry Farming congress, v.l.ich will meet in Spokane the first week in October, has rec-ived official advices from Senator J am. s H. McColl, vice presi dent of the congress from Australia, that an exhibit of farm and orch.'srd products will be sent to this city by the government of fVustral:a to com pete for trophies and premiums at the dry farming exposition. Mr. McColl writes that he has secured the sup- Doctors Say He Would Die port of the federal department of ag riculture for a collection of the vari ous state exhibits into one consign ment, which will be forwarded in bond to Spokane and installed by a representative of the government. The several state srnvernments have taken up the matter of a more extensive practice of dry farming in Australia and good results are looked for. Mr. Burns announces there will be $5000 in prizes for displays. A FRIEND'S ADVICE SAVES LIFE. Rosalia, Wash. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binijhampton, X. Y. Gentlemen I wish to speak of the wonderful cure that 1 have received from your noted Swamp-Root, the gTeat kidney and bladder cure. Last summer I was taken with severe pains rn my back and sides. I could not breathe without difficulty and was nearly wild with the desire to urinate. Was compelled to do so every ten min utes with the passage of pure blood with the urine. I tried,all the differ ent doctors from far and near, but they said it was no use to doctor as 1 would die anjnvay. I was at the end of mv rope and was so miserable with pain and the thought that 1 must tile that words cannot tell how I felt. One day a friend told me of the wonderful help she had received from Swamp-P.oot. She gave me one of your pamphlets which I read and determined to try Swamp-Root. After taking half a bottle I felt better. Have now taken ten bottles and am well as I ever was, thanks to Swamp-Root. I wish to tell all suffering people that have kidney, llvei or bladder trouble, that Swamp-Root is the best medicine on the market. All persons doubting this statement an write to me and I will answer them directly. Yours very truly, CLYDE F. CAMERER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July. 109. VERNE TOWNE, Notary Public Prove What Bwamp-Root Will Do for Yon. Bend to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bins hampten, N. Y, for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will al so receive a booklet of valuable In formation, telling all about the kid eys and bladder. When writing, be ore and mention this paper. A Safeguard to Children. "Our two children of six and eight years have been since infancy subject to colds and croup. About three years ago I started to use Foley's Honey and Tar, and It has never failed to pre vent and cure these troubles. It I the only medicine I can get the chil dren to take without a row." Th above from W. C. Ornsteln, Green F.ay, Wis., duplicates the experience of thousands of other users of Foley's Honey and Tar. It cures coughs, cold and croup, and prevents bronchitis and pneumonia. Koeppen Bros. LEAVES VOll OLD IRELAND TO BRING BACK COLONISTS Spokane, Wash. Stephen W. O' Brien, a mining man of Spokane, who la backed by a syndicate of local cap italists in a project to irrigate 30,000 acres of fruit and vegetable lands near Northport, Wash., 90 miles north of here, has gone to Ireland to or ganize a colony of 3000 families to make their homes along the Colum bia and Kettle rivers in Stevens and Ferry counties. O'Brien has filed on numerous water rignts on me two streams between the International boundary and Northport, and engi neers now on the grour.tl making the preliminary surveys for the canals and laterals say he has control of sufficient water to supply moisture to more than 60,000 acres of land. It is reported here that It " planned to have the Irish Immigrants work the land on shares Until they are fa miliar with modern tillage, when they will be permitted to buy the acreage at actual cost. A trained horticulturist will teach them the principles of irrigation. ' Worn Out. That's the way you feel about the lungs when you have a hacking caugh. It's foolishness to let it go on and trust to luck to get over It. when Ballard's Horehound Syrup will top the cough and heal the lungs. Price tic, 60 and tl per bottle. A. C. Koeppen a Bros. SPOKANE WOMA.V WAS BLIND AND NOW BEES Spokane, Wash. Mrs. C. F. Uhls, a pioneer resident of Spokane, living at Fifth avenue and Crestline street, has regained her sight following an operation frr glaueona, one of the difficult diseases of the eye with which oculists have to deal. The operation performed at the Deaconess hospital in this city consisted of raising the eye hall and making an ineisoln to per mit the fluids to escape. The disease is caused by hardening eyeballs and usually results in total blindness. The first state Is a so-called smoky vision then periods of blindness, following visions of Irrldescent light. A sud den shock, and frequently without cause, is followed by blindness. Mrs. Uhls was tunder hospital treatment less than a week and is now at her home. The operation was the first of its kind performed In this part of the northwest and was successful In every way, In that the woman's sight has been restored and she sees better than at. any time during the last 20 years. While giving every credit to the ocu list, Mrs. Uhls says her prayer for sight, was answered from heaven. 1". of ')., Hue. .in-. Ore Tin i. rn xt we,.k, Washington's birthday, will w.tn. ss tile second int'O-c! I. -.r... : , cross-country run ever held in "n.--K"ii. and on that date Oregon's f ' -lest distance in. n will try coin In- Saved from An ful Peril. "I never felt so near my grave," writes Lewis Chamblln, of Manches ter, Ohio. R. R. No. 3, "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pull ed me down to 115 pounds in spite of many remedies and the best doctors. And that I am alive today Is due sole ly to Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 160 pounds and can werk hard. It also cured my four children of croup." Infallible for coughs and colds, Its the most certain remedy for la grippe asthma, desperate lung trouble and all bronchial affections, 60c and JL A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. MONARCH OF KIAM WITH BIG RETINUE IS COMING New York. Paramlnde Maha Chu lalongkorn is planning a visit to the United States, Chulalongkorn Is the King of Slam. He made this an nouncement to a Fifth-avenue dia mond merchant who Is Just back after delivering a large consignment of Jewels to the King. Chulalongkorn thinks that he will visit several of the larger American cities. He spent his last previous vacation In Paris and Germany two years ago. On that oc casion he traveled with a retinue of seventy-odd attendants. sions with the five best from the ie. iron Auricultural college. Although both Oregon and O. A. C. have te l. I croK--country runs 'for th.-ir own sn.i trnts. but one race of this kin.l has ever been held between tin two Institutions, and the n.-xt one looked forward to with considerable interest. Each institution will enter a team of five men, and the race will he run for "points, the man finishing first winning ten points for his col lege, second man nine, third man einht and so on clown to the last man. who wins one point. Th" course will be a slart anil finish on the varsity trac! w ith a course of about 3 1-2 miles ov er country roads and rol'lng country. The Oregon team will be made up of McClure, the freshman, who won the Fall college cross-country; RSddell. '10. Oregon's crack miler, and Gara brandt, '12; Schoemacher. '12. and Henry, '13, who finished second, third .and fourth respectively In the Fa. I race. . T. O. A. C. team will be: Watson, Brown, Williams, Severance and Btir-dlck. THE MEN AND WOMEN Who Enjoy the Choicest Products of r the World's Commerce. Knowledge of What is Dest More Important Than Wealth Without It. It must be apparent to every one that qualities of the highest order are necessary to enable the best of the products of modern commerce to attain tD universal acceptance. However loudly heralded, they may not hope for world-wide pre-eminence unless they meet with the general approval, not of individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and enjoying the choicest products. Their commenda tion, consequently, becomes important to others, since to meet the requirements of the well informed of all countries the method of manufacture must be of the most perfect order and th9 combination the most excel lent of its kind. After thirty years of gen eral usage, Syrup of Figs and Elixirof Sennais every where accepted as the best of family laxatives. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the laxativa . and carminative principles of plants known to act most beneficially on the system, but also to the method of manufacture 'of the California Fig Syrup Co., which ensures that uniform ity and purity essential in a remedy intended for family use. It cleanses and sweetens the system effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects. To get the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, buy the genuine only; the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. is printed on the front of every package. Price, 50 cents per bottle. 'y-k- .-iC. r -A V.;r-ov. The average- man no jooncr ac quires a virtue than he proceeds to advertise It. OrDheum Theatre. li .1 P. MFJFKNACll. Proprietor HiCH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children m:f. pp.oi'P.am iv tomw's pri;n Progiiini ('liiingo on Snnilnw. I ne-da. and Friday's. I i-' : 1 Baby Hands. will get Into mischief often it means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal lard's Snow Liniment just as soon as the accident happens, and the pain will be relieved while the wound will heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure for sprains, rheumatism and all pains. Price ZSc, SOc and ft. A. C. Koeppen Bros. You never saw Furniture so cheap in Pendleton as it will be here during the next 3 days. ' We must reduce our Stock to fit our new Store Room On March 1st we will move to the store room formerly occupied by Ingram's grocery. We have too hrge a stock (or the room and to reduce it will supply your needs at any old priceCome in and help us. For 3 days we intend selling regardless of cost prices. No bttmfoozle bargains, but the real article. Pendleton Furniture Co. WR. GRAHAM, Manager.