PA(.K kit DUC1VK ADVISED OPERATION Cored by LydiaRPinkham's Vegetable Compound ' Galena, Kans. "A year affo last March I fell, and a fev days after there was soreness in my right side. In sliort time a bunch came and it bothered me so much at night I could not sleep, it kept prowinc larger and by fall it was as hirge as a hen's egg. I could not so to bt'd without a hot water bottle applied to that side. 1 had one of the best doc tors in Kansas and he told my husband that I would have t3 be operated on as it was something like a tumor caused by a rupture. I wrote to you for advice and you told me not to pet discouraged but to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I did take it and soon the lump in my side broke and passed away." Mrs. R. B. IIcky, 713 Mineral Ave., Galena, ' Kans. I Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation, tibroid tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result has been worth millions to many Buffering women. If you want special advice writ forittoMrs.Pinkham,Lymi.::'s, It is free and always helpful. Pure It's Good catarrh, hT ferr. coQirh. i cure. Write us or tfrt Sample Free at over !L0 rirriev1tj. Alway (ct-p XkiiOt or wc unitary tube in the buue or pockt. KonuoD Mfg. Co. -Minneapolis. Minn The Well Known Chinese Doctor 1 Cures any and all dis eases that the huma:. flesh Is heir to. My wonderful and powerful roots, herbs, remedies are composed o f Chinese buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmless, as we use no poisons or drugs. No operations. No knife used. We cure stomach troubles, liver, kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth ma, nervous detlllty, female com plaints and rheumatism and all disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure private diseases of men and women. If you are unable to call send 2 cents In stamps for blank. Consultation free. Address THE L. CIIIXG WO CHINESE " KEDICIXE CO., S09 W. Rose St., Walla Walla ,Wn. FAIR EXCHANGE. i A New Back for an Old Ose now It ; Can Be Tme in Pendleton. Tbs back aches at times with a dull, iadeacribab'e feeling, making you weary and restless; piercing pains shoot across the region of the kidneys sad again the loins are so lams to stoop Is agony. No use to rub or ap ply a plaster to the back In this con dition. You can not reach the cause Exchange the bad back for a new and stronger one Pendleton resident would do well to prsflt by the follow ing example. Mrs. Putnam Teck of Elgin, Ore., ays: "I had known of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills long before I had occasion to use them. When suffer ing from an attack of lame back, ac companied by pains through my kid Beys, I procured a box and began their sse. If I sat long on one position th pains were always mora severe and I experienced a languid, dlaxy fecllnt upon first arising In the mornlnn Doan's Kidney Pill banished tht backache, regulated the pamage of the kidney secretions and helped me In very wsy. I cannot express my grat itude to Doan's Kidney Pills for ths benefit they gave me." For sale by all dealers. Pries 88 oenta. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo. New Tork, sole agents for the United Utes. Remember the name Doan's and taka no other. TUe Est t)nt"(iln is Esstera Ore gon's rrprmmiatlve papnr. It inuh and the pr-u)le anprtvlMe It and sho It by their llbrrsl patronage.. It b thr advertising median of U seedoo wtetmMmm i ili 1 QTO. NIGHT . 1 1 j$S$ii0&Z. I U.UL ! mysterious road IN BLUE MOUNTAINS WALLA WALLA MEN MAKE A DISCOVERY Run Onto Road on East Side of Blue Mountains in Region Considered Inaccessible Ostensibly Is Is for Logging Purposes But Indications Point to Another Theory. Wednesday's Walla Walla Bulletin Is authority for the following: That there is already a railroad on the east side of the B'.ue mountains, running to the top, ostensibly for the purpose of serving gome logging camps but evidently for the purpose of connecting with some big road. Is the assertion of George T. Barber, a contractor. Mr. Barber and A.-A. LuU discov ered this road a year ago last sum mer and told of it on their return to Walla Walla, but were laughed at, as that part of the country has been re garded as Inaccessible. Mr. Barber Is of the belief that this road Is a part of the Strahorn system and that it is to be a connecting link in the North Coast road or whatever the road is to be known as after it leaves Walla Walla. That the North Coast railroad Is to touch Walla Walla from the west and north has been stated a number of times by Robert Strahorn, and he is also reported as having stated that the road would run through Walla Walla toward the east. It will have to cross the Blue mountains, and they have been regarded by many as an almost Insurmountable obstacle. Lo cating Engineer E. S. Clark of the North .Coast, has made two surveys up Mill Creek to get a route to the east for the road. He claims to have found a suitable grade but whether this grade leads to the newly discov ered old road is not known. Mr, Barber, about two years ago, had business which took him Into the Blue mountains to a place called Paradise, at the fork of the Looking Glass river, which flows down the east side of the ' mountains. He was fa miliar with this section, having hunt ed and fished there as a boy, and while he was looking up some water power he took his family along for an outing, making the trip In an au tomobile driven by A. L. Lutz. . They reached the place Mr. Barber was looking for and found a railroad track, the right of way of which had been cleared and the small timber and brush burned off Mr. Barber stated that he was nonplussed for awhl'.e, as he had never heard of a railroad In that section, but he was sure of his landmarks and went on. They went up in the mountains about eight miles further and crossed the track again. Inquiry at a nearby camp only elicited the Information that the road served some lumber camps. Soon a big engine, with a three-wheel drive, drawing two late new boxcars, without a mark on them to Indicate their ownership came puffing along. The rails, said Mr. Barber, are of the heaviest steel, weighing more than twice those ordi narily used on mountain roads. The road, Mr. Barber states, was headed directly toward the head of Mill creek, which is just on the west side of the ridge. At that time It wag said to be sixteen miles long. "There Is no timber to speak of where they are going," said Mr. Bar ber, "and certainly not enough to warrant the construction of a stand ard gauge railroad. I was unable to find out who It did belong to, none of the mountaineers seeming to know. "When I told the story here on my return they all laughed at me, claim Ingthat I had taken the wrong kind of 'stuff They said It was Impossible to build a railroad there. When I saw Engineer Clark of the North Coast last summer I mentioned t to him and he said he knew all about the road, but he would give me no In formation about It." Mr. Barber's statements were never given publicity and only a few have known of the road. It did not come out until this week, when Mr. Barber happened to be talking with a num ber of friends about the North Coast and mentioned something about the mysterious road in the Blue moun tains "NEVER AGAIN," SAYS FITZ. tanky Bob Bnrstg Into Oratory Forswears the Ring. The moving pictures of the fight between Bill Lang and Bob FitzHim mons were shown for the first time on New Tear's night in the stadium, where the fight took place, says the San Francisco Examiner. During the exhibition Fltzslmmons was Intro duced and delivered the following or ation to the big crowd present: "Last boxing day I fought Lang In this ring and I put up the best fight that was in me. but I met a younger and stronger man I think that Lang deserves every credit for winning. He Is a good, game, powerful fighter, and with a little more knowledge of the finer points of boxing he ought to develop into a world's champion. In a way. I became a man In Sydney, and won my first fight here and, en couraged by the support and friend ship of you people, I crossed the seas and went to America. No one knows better than you how well I succeeded. I won three titles middle-weight, lleht heavyweight and heavyweight championships of the world,' and only weighed eleven stone. But my 3(8 victories are nothing to me compared with the fact that I am among you again with clean hands. (Cheers.) After twenty years I returned to fight for the heavyweight championship of Australia. I have fought my last fight here and shall now retire from the ring for all time. One thing I am pleased about la that I fought my first and last battle In Sydney, so all there Is left for me to do now Is to get back to New Jersey, America, where I have bought broad acres, and settle down uAi OttiiuuiUA, rikMti.fc.TlKM, as the proprietor of a physical cul ture school among the corporations and trusts of New Jersey. The vig orous calling of the blacksmith and the warrior Is soon to be changed for the pastoral vocation of tho farmer, and Instructor In physical culture, and before long, no doubt you will hear that Bob Fitaslmmons' pumpkins and watermelons have won the heavy weight championship (laughter), and as I sit at home beneath my vine and fig tree, I shall no longer figure on the new brands of uppercuts and so lar plexus blows, but, rather, as to Orpingtons ray the biggest eggs. For over thirty years I have done my best to be the champion of honesty and Integrity in athletic contests. Age, eye and even experience must yield to youthful vigor, as I have discov ered, and as gracefully as I could, I have fought, and lost my last battle, to a younger. If not a more handsome man." (Loud cheers.) BISHOP WARNS FLOCK AGAINST DIVORCE EVIL Rockford, 111. Bishop Muldoon In a Lenten pastoral to the priests of the Rockford diocese urged them to give special instructions during Lent about the sacrament of matrimony. He said: "I would be pleased to have you explain the sacrament, of matrimony and the recent marriage legislation. This legislation Is very clear to us, and no doubt has been clearly ex plained by you at other times, but it needs reiteration. The records of the divorce courts for the past 20 year are' appalling and require serious at tention not only of every priest, but also every loyal, patriotic cltlien. "Although Catholics know the firm- & ly determined position of the church against this social evil, still they ar I human, and, unconsciously, at times, ( are injured by the prevailing loose no tions. Most appropriately at this sacred season may the priest, speak ing with authority, warn against this corroding sin and caution his flock against the worse than pagan ideas prevalent today. "Therefore, please preach during Lent on matrimony whenever possi ble, and try to Instruct non-Catholics in the principles of the Catholic faith before asking for dispensation." President Helps Orphans. Hundreds of orphans have been helped by the president of the Indus trial and Orphan's Home at Macon, Ga., who writes: "We have used Electric Bitters In this institution for nine years. It has proved a most ex- j cellent medicine for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. We regard It as one of the best family medicines on earth." It invigorates all vital or gans, purifies the blood, aids diges tion, creates appetite. To strengthen and build up. pale, thin, weak chil dren or rundown people it has no equal Best for female complaints. Only 50c at Tallman & Co. MAY REGULATE LENGTH OF WOMEN'S SKIRTS Denver, Colo. The length of wo men's skirts for street wear will be regulated by law if the Denver City Council acts favorably on a sugges tion received by Mayor Speer In a let ter from one of Denver's society lead ers. Though the name of the author Is withheld, intimation of the plan outlined has caused considerable un easiness in society circles, where sur prise is expressed at this attempt to curtail the dominion of Dame Fash ion. The Mayor's correspondent suggests that an ordinance be passed limiting the length of skirts so that they will not trail In the sidewalks or sweep off car Bteps as their wearer disem barks. The bachelor committee of the Council have under advisement the suggestion, is being overwhelmed with protests by Denver women. Took All His Money. Often all a man earns goes to dee tor or for medicines, to cure a stom ach, liver or kidney trouble that Dr. King's New Life Pills would quickly cure at slight cost Best for dyspep sia. Indigestion, biliousness, consti pation, Jaundice, malaria and debility. 25c, at Tallman & Co. Some Wire Sparks. Cincinnati, Feb. 16. A petition has been started for the pardon of Henry Youtsey, now serving a life sentence In the Kentucky penitentiary as an accomplice to the murder of William Goebel. Chicago, Feb. 16. A panic In a crowded and fast-moving trolley car ensued last night when Joseph Chi mcll, u laborer, shot and killed Her man Bierman, the conductor, and at tempted to stab passengers. Two po lleemen on the car finally subdued Chlmell. Washington, Feb. 16. Twenty-one railroad systems In the United States pension their employes and more than 600,000 men on these lines are liable to the benefits, according to a statement compiled by the bureau of statistics. Four of these systems have made the retiring age 66 years, The others hold It at 70. Chicago, Feb. 16 The fiftieth n nlversary of the republican national convention In Chicago which nomlnat ed Abraham Lincoln, known as the "wigwam convention," will be cele brated by members of the Lincoln league of Illinois on May 16, IT and 18. Toklp, Feb. 16. The announcement that the United States will grant minimum tariff rates to Japan has been received by the commercial In terests of the empire with the liveliest satisfaction. ' Gocy Takes Restanrant. Goey, the well-known Chinese merchant and restaurant man who re cently returned from an extended visit to China, took charge of his noodle house on West Alta street and again oj ened It to the public Tuesday. Read the "Want", ads tods.. OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, Cottolene Comes from Dixieland ! The source of lard is against it. Lard-cooked food may not cause indigestioa and throw your stomach out of kilter, but it will be only a matter of luck if it doesn't. The source of Cottolene is pleasing the product is healthful. The oil is extracted from the cotton seed grown in the fields of the Sunny South. It is then refined and rendered odorless and neutral in taste. From Cottonfield to Kitchen human hand never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made. Cottolene is an absolutely pure product of pure origin and ancestry, and will make palatable, digestible, healthful, wholesome food. It is the best frying and shortening medium made to-day. If the best is none too good for you, ask your grocer for Cottolene, and 3o not let any prejudice stand in the way. The only way to know Cottolene is to test it yourself. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed n'd(' iHyfc S2?.S t not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. : Never Sold in Bulk cie A ISSZ from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. Made only by THE N. NEWSY NOTES OE ECHO SXOW FALL IS NOT WELCOME TO SHEEPMEN Ewes are Lambing and Cold Weather Makes It Hard on Them Rcbckahs Meet Other Items. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Feb. 17. Echo and vi cinity were treated to a three Inch fall of snow last night and while It U welcomed by the farmers It Is un fortunate for the sheepmen and es pecially those who are lambing. Wm. Slusher and Jos. Cunha are both In the midst of lambing, Mr. Cunha's increase averaging 110 per cent. There are 4,000 ewes in the band at the home ranch. Mr. Cunha has every convenience for protection against the weather which consists of long sheds and roomy barns. The members of the Henrietta Re- bekah lodge met last night In reg ular session. After the business of the lode was concluded, the com mittee on entertainment surprised the members, with a short but entertain ing program. The ladies who belong to the has- ketball team were entertained to night by Mrs. Jay Pelmutter, where they spent the evening studying rules of the game, etc. A pleasant even ing was had and dainty refreshments were served. T. G. Smith is In Pendleton on busi ness. D. C. Brownell, the Umatilla sago, was a business visitor here today. Lorano Davis left last evening for Enterprise, Ore., where he has a home stead. R. R. Lewis came up from his Her- mlston ranch this evening. Cloyd Oliver returned this even ing to his home at Buhl, Idaho. Rev. S. L. Clark made a pastoral visit to Stanfleld today. DESERTED ESKIMO WIFE AND LITTLE CHILD Los Angeles, Cal. Indignant over what they assert Is cruel desertion of an Eskimo wife and child by Eli M. Smith, who until Tuesday was in Long Beach, J. V. Geary and Dana Thomas, former Quaker missionaries In Alaska, have come out with a pub- 11c denouncement. Dana Thomas, now superintendent and president of the Huntington Park Friends Church, has Issued a signed statement telling of Smith's marriage In Kotzebue, Alaska. The missionaries say they wish to protect innocent women from his wiles, be cause he was recently married to a Washington, D. C, girl. Geary combined with his duties as a missionary In Kotzebue, Alaska, the position of postmaster. He says tnat It wrung his heart to see a litlo Es kimo woman who patiently watched the malls for mors than four years In hope that her white husband would prove true to her. He declares that Smith espoused his far northern brlUe In legal form before Mrs. Otha Thomas, then a Friend preacher at Kotzebue. They had a white child HAYS HAIR HEALTH NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY. Salhft Ywrulf hi SmJint Ntwfora SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE Cut tlnftadv. out nnd mail with your mime and nddreaa, and to cents to i'HIL j HAY SPECIALTIES CO. SaC.intm '.t., Newark, N J..U.8 A. PENDLETON DRUG COMPANY. tv: ijt xi rr. zxs r 1010. ulrtltJijL K. FAIRBANK COMPANY which lived to be three years old, but died a year ago. The boy was chlrsten ed Ell M. Smith, Jr. Smith suddenly came before the public eye when he made a spectac ular dash across the contlunt carry ing the malls several years ago. WHITE ITHACA HEN LAYS EGGS IN CORNELL COLORS Ithaca, N. Y. So contagious is the Cornell spirit that a whfte Ithaca hen of the most unblemished character has been persuaded, after a course In dietetics with professors of the Cornell State College of Agriculture, to lay eggs bright with the Cornell colors. The yolks are red and the albumen white. A harmless diet was given to tho : : The Housewife's work will be lessen ed when Electrlcty and Gas come Into the home COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel as well. No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to handH and fires to kindle and it costs less. For Her sake, put as In your home before the hot weather arrives Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Phone Main 40. MsUoek Building. TH GRH N D PENDLBTON'B DIG. POPTTLAU VATJDEVILLK AND MOTION PICTURE THEATRE. New Performers, Acts and Pictures twice each week, Monday and Thursday Johnson 8 Four-Piece Orchestra, Every Performanct. Matinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon. ADULTS 25a CHILDREN 15c. Doors HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. $13(0 cash or 1560 cash and 86 monthly payments of 113.11 each or $360 cash and 100 mor.thly payments of $14.80 each, or $160 cash and 120 monthly payments of $11.11 esch. "MARK MfoORHOUSE & CO. Tel. Msln BS. El tl IT PAGE8. - ieaii hen with her food, and when It seen that her plumage began to turn a delicate pink her eggs were exam Ined and found to be still more deep ly colored. Other mixtures of diet turned the yolk of the egg pink and the lien's feet pink. I'll. EH SURED IN 6 TO 14 DATS PAZO OI.NTMKNT la guaranteed to caress rase of Itcblng, llllud. llleedlng or l'rotrooS lug Tiles In 0 to 14 days or mooey reload ed. 50c. Are Yon a Good Shot? Valuable guns and cigars given e the best shots at the Pastime Parlors. Ask Estes. We can grind you a new lense n few minutes. Bring your broken Una to us. Hansoom's Jewelry store. LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and most reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger anj easier to operate you turs a lever and It does th work. Uader Che Old Managemen Open at 7 p. m. 120 KL OourS El 'spill