East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 rfti ii irw ii i i ii iuiiihwii mr
, . .
Our Entire Spring Shipmemt
Now on Display.
Pretty Fancies 75c, . ' 85c, $1.00 and $1.25
Taffettas all shades . . 75c, 85s and $1.25
Yard wide Silk . $1.00, $1 25 and $1.50
Pongee Silks . 50c to $1.25
See Window Display
F. E. Livengood & Co.
March Ladies' Home Journal Patterns and Style
Books Now Ready
Phone Main 6 for coal.
Pastime pictures please all.
Furnished rooms, 602 Water St
Ice cream at Hohbach'a, Court at.
Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main .
Snyder, chimneysweep, Red 8811.
Plenty of good clean coal at Bur
roughs.' Phone Main 6.
Lensea duplicated In a few minutes
Hanxcom's Jewelry store.
I'll pay cash for yaur veal. Chas
Has burn, phone Main 420.
iWd clran coal at the Oregon
Lunitirr Yarn. Phone Main 8.
Four or six room furnished house j
for rent. Inquire Mark Moorhouse. J f
Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for j P
2.60 at Wohlenbcrg's Dept. Store. ;M
More moving pictures shown than '
eny other thetre In the city th- '.
No coaj famine wliL Hurroughs.
Phono Main 6 and Rot good coal
Wanted At Peoples Warehouse,
two apprentice girls for millinery de
partment. Have you seen the drawing of the
famous "Red Goose" at the Peoples
Halrd reusing, manicuring and sham
pooing parlors In connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
Wnnted Girl to do general house !
work. Apply 311 Perkins Ave., or
'phone Red 22(1.
Broken tenses replaced in a few
oned themselves In the matter of earn
work and goal shooting and those
who watched the recent game with
the strong team from the academy
can seen othlng but victory in sight
for Pendleton.
Never since the game became dodu-
larlzed In this city has there been so
much Interest displayed In a girls con-
I test and the crowd tonight w ill prob
he the largest ever seen at a
i similar contest In eastern Oregon.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Thomas E. Prultt Arrested.
Thomas E. Prultt, the v.ctim of the
attempt at murder on Main street,
Saturday evening was arreBted this
morning on the charge of assau'.t and
battery. The warrant was sworn to by
Thomas, Lair, tho man who Is alleged
t'o have mude the attempt on Pruitt's
Return With Prisoner.
Sheriff T. D. Taylor returned last
evening from Portland, where he had
been to arrest Jim Carter, the young
man wanted In connection with the
Slmpklns forgery. Carter had been i
arrested In Portland at the request I
of Sheriff Taylor after Slmpklns had I
made a confession Implicating Carter.
Program at Library.
Tomorrow a "Washington Day"
program will be given at the public
library. At 10 o'clock, the regular
children's story hour,- Mrs. John
Halley, Jr., will entertain the little
ones and at 10:45 Miss Viva Warren
will talk to the older Juvenile patrons
of the library. The "Washington
Day" program will be held at the li
brary tomorrow because the teachers j
win oe ousy luesaay.
Good Roads Committee
According to C. C. Conner, county
president of the farmers union, the
committee on 'good roads appointed
at the recent meeting of the'unlon In
this cily, consists of A. R. Shumway
of Milton, R. W. Campbell of Hold
man, John Cresswell and Frank Sny
der of Pendleton. Tills committee
will not make Its report until the
April meeting while the committee on
state normal school Is expected to re
port at the next meeting.
eoples warehouse team
still rowling champion's
In .mother howling match held last'
' evi nlng tlo- Peoples Warehouse team I
lau.iin ilef. :ie,l the all-clerks team of,'
j stars. The mar;t!n last night though'
I was close. The detailed srorp of the j
l two teams was ns follows: I
Peoples Warehouse.
Heavy Storm Across Mountains.
According to reports received In this
city today, the worst snowstorm of
the season has been In progress on the
otherside of the Blue mountains. Word
fiom La Grande and Baker City Is
to the effect that both the Grande
Ronde and Powder River valleys have
been held In the grip of a severe snow
and wind storm. The snow is said to
have piled in great drifts along the
railroad tracks and to have seriously
delayed traffic for several hours. On
this side of the mountains, however,
the weather has been exceedingly
mild today and there is every Indica
tion i'f an approaching chinook.
For Saturday
These Special Prices at Wohlehberg Dep't. Store
$1.50 Lingerie and Tailored Waists at 98c Each
Every one the springs best styles, the best made, best
fitting $1.50 waists on sale for Friday and Sat. only 98c
15c White dotted Swisses, small dotts ..... 11c
3 1-30 Cretonnes and Comfort Calicoes for yard . . Qe
15c Kimona Flannels for yard . . . . 9
65c and 75c Muslin Night Gowns for each . . , 45c
Womens 20 Black Cotton Hose for pair ... .12 1-2
Childrens J5C Black Cotton Hose 7 to 9 for pair . . . c
Children's 35c Wool Hose for pair . . , . . 23&
SI. 00 Kabo Corsets, New Shapes, Friday and Saturday, each . 79
Couple Flyers From the Shoe Department
Women's $5.00 Patent Leather Shoes, Lace and Button . . S3. 9 5
Misses' and Children's $1.75 Shoes, sizes 8 I -2 to 2 . . $ 1.30
Boys' and Youths' $2.50 Shoes, 13 l-2to2 .... S 1.95
WohlenbeiHj Department Store
Better Goods For Less Money"
McCall Patterns For March
Tryst" 1
Spell . .
Smllh .
Taylor's All-t'lcrk Stars.
. C Taylor . .
Chas. Penney. .
Wm. McKlnney
l!ob Livermore
II. Corby
Total. I
201 527!
140 409 i
124 420
100 295
100 366
178 419
172 441
121 404
US 382
96 358
Today's program:
1. Tlo. Postmistress.
minute at Hanscom's Jewelry store j stry wcj told
2. Leather Industry
A beautiful
We grind any lense.
For Kent Eight room house, one
block from Main street. Inquire 214
West Alta. Phone Black 3156.
Phone Main 8 for good dry wood
and coal that will bu.n clean. Prompt
ly delivered. Orpgon Lumber Yard.
A live hustler to sell and collect
Must furnish honesty bond. Man
with horse and harness prefered. Ap
ply B. C. Hetalnger. 220 E. Court
3. The Scarecrow. Comedy.
4. The Devil, the Servnnt and the
Man. Drama.
5. Summertime. New and beautiful.
The Past lino.'
Program for Friday's change.
"Shooting An Oil Well," (Sellg)..
A graphic Illustration of one of Am
erica's greatest Industries, executed In
detail. ,
"Our Herman Cousin," (Sellg). A
good one.
"Fatal Fascination." (Drama). A
Every boy or girl under the age of
It who draws a picture of the famous
Red Goose and brings It to The Peo
ples Warehouse Shoe Department will j lovely story of Interest,
receive a prize and will also be en- i "Getting Square With
titled to a chance In the competition j tor." (Comedy.)
for the J 10.00 prlxc. ! "The Strong Man," (Farce). A
"! very clever picture.
.ntix wii.i. nviT! filtEAT "Cousin Lou For Minei" (Comedy.)
the Inven-
Without doubt the best game . of
basketball ever played In tho city of
Pendleton will be witnessed ut the
high school gymnasium this evening
when the local girl's team will meet
the girls from the Walla Walla high.
n shriek.
One set Travelogues,
one illustrated song.
Protest School Elivtlnn.
A protest against a school election
held in school district No. 67. which
is located on the south fork of the
Walla Walla river, near the power
station of the Northwestern corpora
tion, has been filed with the county
sehooi superintendent. The protes
tors are Harry Ruber. W. L. II ill. Ar
thur Kollcy and M. C. Wallace.' They
allege, that Chairman C. W. Jared
erred when he ruled that Hill, Kelly
and Wallace were not entitled to vote
and when he ruie 1 that L. Holstein
and George Harris were entitled to
vote. The contention of the protes
tors is that had the chairman not so
erred in his ruling that Harris would
not have been elected director an'l
Koliln Robinson would not have been
elected clerk. So far County Superin
tendent Welles has taken no action on
the protest.
Democrats Will Meet.
New York, Feb. 18. Coincident
with the growth of rumors that Wil
liam J. Connors of Buffalo will re
sign from the chairmanship of the
democratic state committee came last
night a call for a special meeting of
the committee in Albany on February
24. Mr. Connors is spending the win
ter at Palm Beach, Fla., and did not
sanction the call. It did not come as
a surprise however, for there has
progressed for some time a moc
ment to. call a meeting at which his
opponents hoped to oust him.
Orpheum Theatr
J. P. MERERXAC II. Proprietor
For Men, Women and Children
Program Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's.
Power Say (irivk Aspinlily Can Get j
Along Without Them. j
Paris. The Foreign office announe- '
ed today that the four protecting pow
ers France. Russia, Italy and Great,
l'.ritain had reached a complete
agreement as to the representations j
to he made to Crete concerning the!
participation of the island In the ,'
forthcoming Greek parliament.
Cunea (Crete), Feb. 12. The can- j
stils f the protesting powers today j
presented identical notes to the Cre
tan executive committee prohibiting
the elections of Cretans to the Greek
national assembly or chamber nnd
warning the committee that in the
event of the prohibition being disre
garded effective steps would be taken
to enforce this decision.
Johnson ;ivi:x
Denver, Feb. 18. J. Howard Cash-
It will not only he the closing game mere was convicted of swindling
f the season but It will he a battle working women out of thirteen thou
roynl from start to finish. ! sand dollars by persuading them to
The local ball tossers have lost but invest In stock In the "Psychic Pub-
one game this season nnd that to the
team from the Garden City. For that
reason the Pendleton young ladles the
more than anxious to win the victory
tonight. They will have their entire
line-up, a thing they did not have
when they were defeated In Walla
Walla at the opening of the season.
The locals have also greatly strength
ening company" today. It is said
his operations netted him over thirty
Lost, Thursday morning, lady's
small gold watch with name "Rosa"
engraved on back. Liberal reward
offered for return to Wohlenberg
Dept. store.
Koeppen Bros.
Cordially invite the Indies to step into their store and be
Uught free of charge how to make tho very best Vanilla Flavor
ings, and they may take home with them a free sample to see
how good it is. Fifty cents worth of material will make one
quart of flavoring and we sell nothing less than that amount,
but you can make it up in small quantities and the balance will
keep for future use. The process is new, the flavor supreme,
expense subnormal.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
Chicago. President Ban B. John
son of the American league, was re
elected president, secretary nnd treas
urer of the organization for a term
of 20 years. This term is coincident
with the life of the new agreement
adopted by the magnates to govern
the affairs of the league for that pe
riod of time.
The salary of the president was not
announced, but It Is believed to have
been set at $25,000 a year. It is known
that Charles Comiskey, of the Chicago
club, presented a motion to make the
president's salary that figure.
The league went on record as op
posed to "syndicate baseball" and ad
opted a schedule of 154 games for the
approaching season.
Members of the Western league de
cided Wi a schedule of 168 games,
opening April 20 and closing Octo
her 1.-
you ve
got to
hurry !
(ierman Evan. Lutheran Church.
Services at Pendleton Sunday. Feb
ruary 20, In the Presbyterian church,
corner College and Alta streets, at 2
p. m. All are cordially invited. Geo.
L. Sprattler, pastor.
Chicago Hogs Reach $9.50.
Chicago, Feb. 18. The price of
hogs jumped to nine fifty today, mnk
Ing a high record. The price waa
forced up by "scalpers." Towards the
close there was some weakness.
In New York last week ihe Inter
state Commerce Commission took
testimony on the complajnt of R. E.
Sundberg of Kennedy, Minn., that the
four large express companies have an
agreement to keep up prices.
If you want to take advantage of the closing out sale at
Eilers Piano House you must come at once now. Pianos
have been going with a rush beyond our most sanguine
It only proves again that if you offer the buying Pub
lic something of exceptional merit at the right price, they
will be quick to take advantage of the same.
More pianos have been sold in the past two weeks
than ever before in a like period. People who have come '
in the morning and put off buying until later in the day
have come back only to be disappointed to find their
favorite already gone.
Just think, well known New York makes going at
savings of $1.25 to $2.18. Just a few more left. Every
piano is guaranteed. Easy payments accepted. If you
ever expect to own a piano now is your chance to save.
Come to-night or first thing in the morning to
dispenser:? of
813 Main St.
Pendleton, Ore