EIGHT FADES. ' DAILY EAST OREGON IAN. PENDLETTON, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEB1UJARY JT, 191. PAGE BEVKX. E A 25C. t ADVANCE IN YARDS balk of fair stuff is made at $9.25 Tills Imll.ateh Host Stuff Would Bring $9.50 Cattle Market In Dull Slu'cp Market is Steady Ewes Go at 90. Portland Union Stockyards, Stock dale, Feb. 16. The general trend of the livestock market was steady to day Hogs were firm and fair quality, mid at $9 26 during the day, and there mi every likelihood that an advance over the extreme high figures printed would have been obtainable had tho proper quality been offering. On the baBlH of the stock sold to day the top of the hog market could safely be placed at $9.60, but It takes first class quality to brings this fig are. Stock that nold at $9.25 today avnragcd around 230 pounds and was officially classed as "fair." There was only a very limited run ef hogs In the yards todny, a total of 7$ head being received. These are the first arrivals since last Thursday, when very scant pupplles were offer er OUtl,. Market Is Dull. With only a very small showing of supplier this morning, the cattle mar ket at Stockrtale was dull today. Ar rivals totaled the same number ns In bogs. Attempts of a morning and after noon publication to give out faUe quotations to the country shippers Is condemned by livestock sellers h-Te who say that they are very willing that the renl state of the market be printed no higher nor lower than fee prices actually received. There wis sale yesterday of 124 head of extra good steers nt $5.60. which means a slight decline from previous transac tions "The transaction wa prir.iei correctly by the Journal," says a live stock seller, "but the other papers added 10 cents to tho price, and In stend of saying the market was 10c lower, as it actually was, tli claim wa made th.it nn advance wns scored Misleading quotation hurt the rrin-ket inor. thin anything else" Sheep Market is Steady. NotwIlhstnnd'Pir that sheep rirrivn's have bc":i very limited in the yards up to ye-ten).iy wheM 1 1 T. f head were received, ihhk i ominsr forward todav, tlie general mvlu't for s!i"ep Is merely steady nnd 'aie-i nmd in? the past I hours were : form' r values One lot of , averted tnf pounds, went al while vplhor thai avernired pounds went M the sain price Today's range of ivrstr"k p.e-e;: Cattb Rest steers. $ri.C0l '5. 65. geod steer", f 5 't " fi : common t 'ois. $3.fi0fr4: me.lum cows. I L i I 2 ." ; poor cow s. $2.50 fr 3. Hoes Host cast of the m. nintiln.', JS.25: fancy $9; stockers. $8. .If'' I P. J8. Sheep Hest wethers 5; ordinary, $5.50; spring lambs, ? 6.501 '3; stralcht ewes. $5.75 f 6; mixed b'M, 15.50. Calves fieri. $ 5 7 5 rt 6 ; ordinary, IS4J5 25. Colonist Rates UPl I. OREGON ShotLike Colonist Rates id Union Pacific To OREGON and the Great Northwest The management of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. (Oregon Lines) takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from eastern cities, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will prevail again this eprintr DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. People of Oregon The railroads have done their part; now it's up to you. The colonist rate is the great est of all homebuilders. Do all you can to let eastern people know about it, and encour age them to come here, where land is cheap and housebuilding easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if desired. Any agent of the O. R. & N. Co. is authorized to receive the required deposit and teltjgraph ticket to any point in the east. ' R KM EMBER THE RATES From Chicago $33, from St. Louis $32, from Omaha and Kansas City $25. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. WM, McMURRAY, Gen, Pass. Agent, Portland, Ore. C. J. JACKSON, Agent, Pendleton.'Ore. a Want Ads. E WANTED. WANT TO RUN about five acres of garden or poultry ranch on shares. Beginning first of March. Paul Rubesamen, St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work, done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. For Sato Continued. ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mat order business at home. No can vassing. Be your own boss; Send fei free booklet. Tells how. Heacock 2708, Lockport, N. T. AN intelligent person may earn 1 19 monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. 8i irr par ticulars. Press Syndicate, $708 Lock port, N. T. FOR SALE 80 acres of good alfalfa land In the Hudson Bay district Every foot under cultivation. Good -water right. . No buildings. Sur rounding lands sell for from $1S0. 00 to $250.00 per acre. The best alfalfa proposition In the Walls Walla valley. Must sell and will take $125.00 per acre. Half cask, balance long time at ( per cent. Address, P. E. Cockburn, Hilton, Oregon. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Single Comb Buff Orpington eggs from the prize-winning. Wlndle strain. Il.tt per setting of 15. Mrs. A. B. Wis dom, 619 Walnut street Phone R. E011. FOR SALE. tO'rt SALE. Old newspapers wrap ped In bundles of 160 each, suitable for wrapping, putting under car pets, etc. Price 16c. per bundle, two bundles 26c Enquire this ox flee. FOR SALE S. C. Black Mtnerc eggs. The kind for eggs, sice and beauty. Eggs $1.60 per II. Lester Boyd. 610 East Webb street. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAINES, J vyou want to subscribe tn magaa1ne or newspapers In the United State or Europe, remit br postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORB GO N IAN the net publisher's prWa of the publication you desire, an4 we win nave it sent you. It i-U mt you both trouble and risk. you are a subscriber to the EA9I OREOONIAN. In rernlttlni? vm , ieduct ten Ber cent from the pub lisher's price. Address EAST OREOONIAN PUB. CO.. Pendl ton. Ore. Classified Directory dur um '.t tint f, 112 THE WHEAT MARKET SHARP ADVANCE SIADK IX ALL CHICAGO W1IF.AT May Moves 2 Cents a Bushel Higher Tlmn Yesterday Even Though Liv erpool Has Reaction Argentina lltillisli. Ilnnrvn Coughs, Stuffy Colds, pain in chest and sore lungs, ar symptoms that quickly develop Int a dangerous Illness if the cold Is no cured. Foley's Honey and Tnr stos the rough, henls nd eases the con gested part.s and brines quick relle! Koeppen Bros. We enn grind you a new lense In a tew minute. Bring your broken lens to us. Hsnscom's Jewelry store. YOUR LAME BACK WILL FEEL FINE all voi r kiim:y Titorm.E WILL SIMPLY VANISH Out of Order Kidneys Are HcgiiliKttl mill liliuldcr Misery F.iiiIh A Pew Hoses f l'niM-'s Diuretic Will Make Your Kidney-. Art Fine "ml Cure All Frlnury Trouble. Aryentlnn Movement Delayed. (Special Cable.) Liverpool, Feb. 18. Broom liail cables: "General rains have fallen In Argentina, which Is favorable for corn and against the move ment of wheat. Arrivals from the Interior are light and stocks continue very small at the ex pense of shipments." Hi - : si Ticket Coimon f ) For free ticket given by the East Cregoniar. to 3 "Tho Kbusa of a Thoicsand Can2.es" 4) at the Oregon Theatre, Wednesday, March 2nd. Name Address- niis coupon must accompany cacli IM. New York next season, though it is a question which opera, his or Mascag ni's will be produced first. DAMK OF OLD COLONIAL DI'SCKXT LOS1S CITIZENSHIP A real surprise awaits every suf feier from kidney or bladder trou ble who takes several doses of Tape's Diuretic. Misery In the back, sides or !'ln, slek headache, nervousness, rheumatism pains, heart palpitations, dizziness, sleeplessness. Inflamed or swollen eyelids, lack of enerpy and all symptoms of out of order kidneys simply vanish. Uncontrollable urination (especial ly t niKhtl, smarting, offensive and discolored water and other bladder misery ends. The moment you suspect kidney or urinary disorder, or feel any rheu matism, begin taking this harmless medicine with tho knowledge that there Is no other remedy at any prlre made anywhere else In tho world which will effoct so thorough and prompt a cure a" o fifty-cent treat ment of Pape's Diuretic which any druggist can supply. Tt Is needless to feel miserable and worried because this unusual prep aration goes at once to tho out-of-order kidneys nnd urinary system dis tributing Its cleansing healing and strengthening influence directly up on the organs and glands affected and completes the cure before you real ize It. Tour physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Papc, Thompson A Pape of Cin cinnati, Is a large and responsible medicine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty cent treatment any drug store any where In the world. Chicago, Feb. 16. Wheat opened; with buyers hesitating, but the closing was very firm at an advance of 1 1-2 i f, 2o a bushel above yesterday. There was a weaker feeling In the foreign wheat trade, although the news from Argentina was of a char acter to further the bullish cause. Chicago wheat opened l-8c lower for the May, unchanged for July and 1-Sc advance for September. May trading got under headway toward the end of the session, and ns the price began to score an advance the rest of the market was boosted along with It. May closed 2c a bushel higher than yi sterdny. Liverpool opened l-8d lower than yesterday and closed with a loss of l-Sd to l-2d. Cash wheat sales; No. 2 red, $1.24 W1.28; No. 3 re.d, $1.18 01 1.21; No. 2 ii-1 it t , ii- tt 11 I.ICi 1 14 !-! Nn. I northern spring, $1.1 1-2W1.17 1-2; No. 2 northern spring. $1.14 1-2 5? I l.ir. 1-2; No. 3 spring, $1.12 i.-23 1.14. I Cash Corn No. 2 corn, 03f' G3 l-2o; No. 2 white, 64 1-2 if 65 l-2c; No. 2 ye.llow, 63 1-2W64C; No. 3 corn, 61c; No. 4, white, 62 l-2c; No. 4 corn, 57 'i r.T l-2c; No. 4 yellow, 57 1-2 8 6S l-4c. LIVXL COMPOSFHS WILL MFI7T IX (JAY PA11F.F. Paris. Miss M. Du Bellet, a colon ial dame of Virginia, tracing her Am- j crican ancestry back for 300 years, j hns practically lost her American cltl- I zenship, the United States Consulate , having refused to permit her to regis, ter under the new law governing Am ericans residing abroad. Miss Du Pellet Is highly Indignant, and an ap peal has been made to the State De partment at Washington. She Is a daughter of Judge Du Bellet of New Orleans and was born in Madison's house at Montpelier, then the prop erty of her grandfather. In her state ment to Ambassador Bacon, Bhe said: "Three hundred years ago an Am bler built a house on a promontory of the James river. Other houses clustered around it, and Jamestown was founded. That Ambler was my ancestor. The blood of Martha Wash ington is in my veins, and the Careys, Montcures, Morrises, Fairfaxes, and all those who were the pride of Vir ginia in the colonial days and who fought the battles of Independence are my relatives. Is it not unjust to de prive me of my American citizenship because I live abroad?" Miss Du Ballet has resided nearly fifteen years In Paris. gra pliers Club of the Pacific North west, of which T. P. McKlnney Is president, and the Spokane chamber of commerce will entertain the dele gates during their stay In Spokane. There will be a series of receptions nnd excursions to nearby points, al so a banquet in the Hall of the Doges and a luncheon in the assembly hall of the chamber of commerce. The railroads operating In the Pacific Northwest will be represented by the head of their dispatching depart ment and It is likely there will also be presidents of several transconti nental lines in the United States and Canada. SPOKANE WILL KESIST FFIiTIlEU EFFOKTS OF I. W. W. Four Lines, in Daily, Weekly and Semi-Weekly $1 per month. Extra Lines over Foot, 25 cents per Line per month. PHTSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office. Mack 3411; residue, r4 9133. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRO ntc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone, Main 654. DENTISTS. E A. MANN, DENTIST. OFFICE Main street, nut to Cojimercial Association rtcms. Office 'phone, Kiack 3421; residence 'ph -.e, red iJBl. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 15 Judd build ng. Phone, led 3301. MISCELLANEOUS. CHINA RESTAURANT, noodles and chop suey, Ung D. Goey, prop. At the old stand. Aha street in rear of Tallman & Co. HAIR WORK DONE ALL KINDS of hair work done at Madame Ken nedy's Hair Parlors. Km v -.. street, the only natural human hair ever soia in Pendleton; also a nice line of goods to sell, rolls, chains, pomps, switches, puffs, made from your own combings. Everything strictly guar anteed. Shampooing, halrdresslng a specialty. Highest prices paid for combings. Phone Red 3762. VAUGHAN BROS., DENTISTS, OF fice in Judd building. Phone Main 73 VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB. LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector end member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 915 east Court St Res. 'phone Main 69. ATTORNEYS. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RP pair work on all kinds of machines, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction cf Court and Alt streets. Marlon Jack. Prop.; A. T. Miy, manager. RALE Y A RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank building. FEB tt SLATER, LAWYERS, OF- fice In Despaln building. CARTER & S1I '."Ti:n. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in American Nation al Bank bulldlnk. 'LET ELECTRICITY DO TOUT! work It's clean, reliable . :ud con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. J5.25. Electric Hot Water sn Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock c Gas ana Electric fixtures. First-clas 1 wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan. ; 815 Main street. I TEE PA M, LEE CO., NOODLE RES ! taurant, Mrs. Goey, Prop. Chicken : noodle soup, chop suey. etc Webb St., between Main and Garden. Phone Red 3391. 'SLOM KEE, CIUNLSE LAUNDRY; iamuy wvsning; worn done by hand; mending free; goods called for an? ellvered. 408 East Court street. JAMES B. PERT Y, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. JLCIIIXEItY. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. TNNIX(i INDIAN CHIEF HUNTS MUHPI.RF.U DOWN l'arls.--Ralph Edmunds of the Lle Ider Coii.-.'.any of New Yorn leaves on Monday for Milan, where Marcagnl awaits him. Together they, will hear voices nnd engage singers for Bessie Abbot's opera company, which will produce "Lndy flodlvn." early next November. This Is the first opera Maseagnl has written since leaving America five yenrs ngo. He promised It to the. Ro man authorities for their internation al exposition and the newspapers nre. filled with angry protests Hgalnst his giving It first In America. They ac cuse him of being a traitor to Rome, where all his operas slnco Cavalllesa have been produced nt the Constanza Theatre, but the monetary temptation offered by the Llobler company was very great. Mme. Maseagnl Insisted upon an ab solute refusal of all terms. As soon as Puccini heard of Mas- cngnl's American opening he was spurred on to try and finish "The Girl of the Golden West," which has been delayed by difficulties of the last act The Metropolitan Opera House had hoped to produco It this season but It Is now certain that It will be given In lilobe, Ariz. Through the tireless efforts of Chief Chilchuana, a 70-year old Indian warrior who won fame in the Appache wars, Tom Hansen, the Indian desperado who celebrated his release from prison by slaying two witnesses whose testimony helped to convict him, has been recaptured. Hansen has been terrorizing the northern portion of the country for the past two days. The old chieftain and several of his sons finally Joined in the pursuit. Trailing Hansen with Indian cunning, they ran him to earth In the mountains near here and brought him in, riding 60 miles In less than 12 hours. Spokane, Wash. John T. Sullivan, chief of police of Spokane, has Issued a statement In which he says that ar rests will follow any attempt by mem bers of the Industrial Workers of the World to reopen their campaign for street speaking on March 1. This Is in reply to an announcement by Vin- j cent M. jnnn or v. mcago, secreiury and treasurer of the organization, that the battle Is to be resumed In Spo kane next month. Chief Sulivan says that the department is equlped to take enre of violators of the law, even If the I. W. W. sends an army, lie said: "Iibor unions are all right, but the I. W. V. people have no connection with labor unions. I respect and ad- mire a union man who demands good wages, does a good day's work in re turn and lives decently and respect ably, but I have no use for thriftless. ignorant and lazy agitators. Their place is on the rock pile and that is where they will go If they start some thing in Spokane." GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, nortgages ana contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 Sc. idt block. UNITED ENGINEERING CQ.. ME chanlcal engineers. Irrigation Dower or electric r.lnnta e-n nrni4. i AM 9K-9, O . T 131.4c. L- . . 1 XTJ L Ington. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sale8 a specialty. PETERSON WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 'and 4 S-nlth-Crawford building. PEELPS STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offices In Smith-Crawford FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral pari r. TRAIN DISPATCHERS TO GET TOGETHER IX SPOKANE Spokane, Wash. Two hundred and fifty members of the organization from all parts of the United States nnd Canada will attend the annual convention of the Train Dispatchers' association of America In Spokane be ginning June 21. The Spokane Train Dispatchers' club, headed by B. L. Spcrry of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway, the Old Time Tele- Gocy Takes Restaurant. Goey, the well-known Chinese merchant and restaurant man who re cently returned from an extended visit to China, took charge of his noodle house on West Alta street and again ojened It to the public Tuesday. CVR.VS FINANCES FOUND ' TO BE VERY PROSPEROUS Havana. Senor Pasolodos, secre tary to President Gomez, gave out a statement last night of the financial operations tn the first year of the present administration. It shows that at the end of American Intervention on January 28, 1909. the government found only $2,500,000 in the treasury to meet obligations of $12,000,000. Since that time all expenses have been paid. The budget for the coming fis cal vear amounts to $29,620,531. which, compared with estimated re ceipts, shows a surplus of $5,195,148, Sara money by reading today's ads building. jday or night. 'Phone main 76. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY " nnrJ tt law. Office in Association block. FRATERNAL ORDER is. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY JU ETJP:I5 X-ODGE To . at law. Will practice in all state A. F. and A. J.. meets the flrt and federal courts. Rooms 1. J, $. nJ "lrd Mondays of and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ; month. All visiting brethren are In- - . vlted. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. vrbTb. de a lerInIeSnt: Sfrww hand goods. If there Is anything jUBdl i n o F ' h.L you need In new .and second-hand vutt,nl brothers J?rt& furniture, stove. . Kranlteware and -he cord all, C212C EaTt e'eur?". Pr'C8- W' Flch.r. K. Of !?!:-NlCE ff?A-X-P- ARCErrTECTsTcONTRACTOItS, ETC W. D. FLETCHER. SUCCESSOR TO MAY CONTRACTCR A: R. E. Tarbet Real Estate, rire, 'Bun'der. Estimates furnished on'all Life, Accident and health Insurence. kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone Basement American National Bank, walls, etc. Phrine black 3786, or Or-. Employment Office and ' collection got. Ian office. agency. ' . HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES 'VV EVGIV Y0Rl2i? reliable abstracts of tlt t. all T7,tL', , a.Z Tw - lands in Umatilla county. Loan, on MXft I'Z city and farm property. Buys and VvSlJvI Ma rue I Wining Sprat sells all kinds of real estate. Does VxNL Douche a general brokerage business. Payj ?VCr5l taxes and makes Investments for non- iii residents. References, any ban' In Askyonr drwrsrlst f Nj-Mei'lCL- " Pendleton. it. If h cunnot snpply XC,,. 7 j JAMES JOHNS. Pres. Uij MARY KU accept jio YS ,1 W. S. HENNINGER. Vlve-Pres. TnKLJ C. H. MARSH, See. parrloulars and direction ItivilnaMe SUdi. SURVEL CU.44 E. 2.14 St NawTnr BENTLEY & LEFFINQ WELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident lnsur- . ance agents. New location. 815 Main jy5& H MEN AND WOMEN, street. Phone Main 404. Ff jTrkIJ CeBigefortmnatsrU ff li .tvV1 dichfcricM,inDnimtloo LIVERY AND FEED STAnLfrr". fy B t"'" ' ui jr,twu . , . ... ST-f doi to nrKKira. of taUCOttl KiembttDM. .i..x.-i.ojx.-v.-.. -..-!..- -i. -i. -i.r. -l -u -i -l nini- g J lto tMlAciM. Ptint. and Dot uuu -ITT LTVERY STABLE. THOMPSON TJil-Hf fYAttCxtiiiruCii. t-m or roi.ooou. street Carney A Bradley, Props, A WKSi""in-CJ!":i3 ' by Dnnliti, Livery, feed and sale stables. Govd --V ... or i.nt tn ei.it. wrwr. rigs at all time.. Cab Una tn eetue- trfWP5g il"&Jw,il lat tlon. 'Phone main 10. - V cmuut tt va sun