D1L K.si' UKb.t.OMA.N, i'OUmoA, OIUi.ui,N, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY t7, 1810. El (JUT PAGES. . " r NOLIN NEWS BREVITIES ) ii i niisaiilnrftilf 1 THE REASON WHY FARMERS ARE WORRIED OVER, THE LONG WINTER pv;tc KT. IS THE BEST STRENGTHENING TONIC for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world-famed tonics the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease, tastes pood, and agrees with every one. We return vour monev without qumuqii if Vlnol doe not accomplish all we claim tor it. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO., Pendleton J PLAN FOR CORRECTION OF NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARIES IS APPROVED Washington. The examination of national forest boundaries carried on by the forest officers last summer and fall upon the Initiative of Secretary Wilson and under his direction, has resulted in new information, which will make It pos'sible to restore to the unreserved public domain much land along the edges of and within forests that Is not best suited to forest pur poses. This is to be done under a plan just approved by President Taft. The plan was formulated by Secre tary Wilson and Secretary Balllnger L2 per cent of the total national for- Jointly and submitted to the presi dent In the following letter: February 7, 1910. The President, the White House. Sir: After having carefully con sidered the matter of eliminations from and additions to the national forests, we respectfully recommend that the following general policy be adopted. 1. Lands wholly or in part covered with brush or other undergrowth which protects stxeamflow or checks erosion on the watershed of any stream important to irrigation or to the water supply of any city, town or community, or open lands on which trees may be grown, should be re tained within the national forests, un less their permanent value under cul tivation is greater than their value as a protective forest. 2. Lands wholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, or cut over lands which are more valuable for the production of trees than for a result the boundaries can now be more carefully corrected than has ever before been possible. On the whole the changes which are found to be called for are of rel atively minor Importance, but in their aggregate they open to settlement a large amount of land. The applica tion of the rules which the presi dent has approved will mean the early restoration to the public domain of 4.000,000 acres or more of national forest land. This is something over est era. Three-tenths of the forests have yet to be mapped. Some of the land is suitable for dry land agriculture, though . the greater part is grazing land. In Ida ho, which has a large national area, about 470,000 acres will be eliminated of which 34 per cent is tillable. Elim inations In similar proportion will be made in a number of the other west ern states which have large amounts of land in national forests. Food Getting Scarce One Farmer Solves Feed Problem by Ordering Traction Engine Other Notes. (Special Correspondence.)' Nolln, Feb. 16. Everybody Is look ing at the continued winter In a se rious light and beginning to wonder how the spring work Is to be done when they take into consideration the scarcity and the high price of feed. Al Balcom has solved the feed problem so far as his own welfare Is concerned by ordering a 70-horse-power gasoline traction engine to do his summer fallowing". We have no snow but have a boun tiful supply of mud. The literary was largely attended Saturday night and an interesting pro gram rendered. W. A. Fraser of Despain gulch, made a business visit to our hamlet Saturday. Jacob Rohde visited the county seat from last Friday till Sunday. Kim Morton and wife of Pendleton spent last Sunday among Nolin friends. Joe Dell wo has been elected to fill the vacancy caused on our school board caused by the death of Lewis Updike. W. O. Haya and Will Godfrey have gone on a business trip to CUckltat county. Wash., where the former has extensive farming Interests. O. E. Holbrook of Colfax, Was., was looking over the country south of here last week with a view of In vesting In wheat lands. ' It )s rumored that Mattl Saari has purchased the C. E. Marple ranch near Yoakum for $6700. Mr. Saarl sold his former home at Coe to the Furnlsh-Coe people for their dam site. A party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dellwo last Sunday night In hon or of Ed McCutchen's 26th birthday. Luncheon was served at midnight when St. Valentine appeared and pre sented Will McCutcheon, a brother of the former, whose 29th birthday was Just dawning. Saved from Awful Peril. "I never felt so near my grave," writes Lewis Chamblin, of Manches ter, Ohio. R. R. No. 3, "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pull ed me down to 115 pounds In spite of many remedies and the best doctors. And that I am alive today is due sole ly to Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 160 pounds and can work hard. It also cured my four children of croup." Won't Need a Crutch. When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cor nelius, N. C, bruised his leg badly, it , started an ugly sore. Many salves and ointments proved worthless. Then Bucklen's Arnica salve healed It thoroughly. Nothing Is so prompt and sure for ulcers, boils, burns, bruises, cuts, corns, sores, pimples, eczema or piles, 25c at Tarllman & Co. Tnfttlllhla f ry .nucha artA nrt1im I , a agricultural crops, and lands densely ,ha mriB. tar i o'inn- stocked with young trees having a asthma de8perate lung trouble and prospective greater value than the value of the land for agricultural pur poses, should be retained within the national forests. 3. Land3 not either wholly or In part covered with timber or under growth, which are located above tim- all bronchial affections, 60c and $1. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. RUSH RECLAMATION WORK. ber line within the forest boundary 12'000 Acr? eap, T Win or In small bodies scattered through the forests, making elimination 1m- Under Irrigation, Pasco, Wash. Work on the Pasco DraetlpftblB or timit.4 -,irh Reclamation Company's project has are necessarily included for a proper been n,shel w,th renewed vigor since administrative boundary line, should the weather opened up. Contractor be retained within the national for- Burns of Spokane, who has the con eata i tract for the digging and back-filling 4. Lands not either wholly or in approximately 16 miles of trenches part covered with timber or under-,, for the PPe 1Ine- na3 a force of 60 growth, except as provided for in the men at work- Mor tna r0 mlles preceding paragraphs, upon which it of tn,s worlt haa alrea(Jy been corn Is not expected to grow trees, should P'eted. Several car loads of pipe have be eliminated from the national for- i been received for the laterals and Is esta. ; being put in place as fast as . the We have the honor to be very re- j trenches are dug. spectfully, your obedient servants, (Signed) JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. (Signed) R. A. BALLINGER, The concrete pumping station Is well under way and work on the open ditch leading from the pumping sta I tion to the pipe line is progressing Secretary of the Interior. rapidly. The open ditch is a little A definition of the lines along ( over two mlIes lonS? which action should be taken was The Paac0 Reclamation Company, called for by the fact that reports ' ln lta contract with the land owners, and maps are now In the possession ! 8Tees to have water on the lands by of the department of agriculture j APr" of thls year- a"d they are which show the character of the lands i bending every effort to make good. P. and the cover along the lilies of the j A. Devers, secretary and manager of national forest boundaries. The pur- j tne company, says that the water will pose of the department in securing be turned into the canal by April 1, this Information was to make pos- providing the electrical company ships ible a correction of the boundaries i tne machinery in time for It to reach on the principles now approved by I Pasco by that time, the president, for It has never been I More than 12.000 acres Is embraced Intended that the national forests j ,n th,s Project and the land Is in the should Include agricultural land or immediate vicinity of Pasco. The city grazing land not suitable for forest wi'l like'y Purchase a water right for purposes. Plans for gathering the aLr n me cuy umiis. data were drawn up under Secretary Wilson's direction a year ago, and In structions for going over the 60,000 miles of boundaries were issued to the national foreat officers last May. As STOMACH DEAD, BUT . MAN STILL LIVES People who puffer from sour stom ach, fermentation of food, distress after eating and indigestion and seek relief in large chunks of artificial dl gestors, are Just killing their stom achs by naction Just as surely as the La grippe pains that pervade the entire system, la grippe coughs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxative, safe and certain in results. Koeppen Bros SUFFRAGETTE HEN. Lays F.ggs With Double Yolks, Crows. Rut Refuses to Hatch Ejtes. Spokane, Wash. "Philadelphia Tom" Smith for 20 years a member of the police department of Spokane, now retired, has a Black Minorca hen, which regularly lays eggs with double yolks, crows like a rooster and Is, according to Its owner, a confirm ed suffregette, ln that the fowl will not stay in the hennery and hatch its eggs. One of the hen's chief feats i3 an egg with three yolks, which on exhibition In the exposition rooms of the chamber of commerce. Sever al of the hen's double eggs have been hatched in Incubators and by other hens and the chicks are large and strong, but none has yet developed the lusty crow possessed by the mother hen. Smith has tried time and again to have "Biddy" set on her eggs, but the hen simply utters a squawk that sounds like "nothln' doing," and then crows all over the lot at the Smith home on Perry street and White ave nue. Smith does not claim any credit for the remarkable performance of his hen, now four years old, but says Ic is a freak of nature. He feeds the hen on pounded oats and scraps from the table with plenty of pepper. Baby Ilands. will get Into mischief often it means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal lard's Snow Liniment Just as soon as the accident happens, and the pain will be relieved while the wound will heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure for sprains, rheumatism and all pains. Price 26c, 60c and tl. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. PENNILESS CRIPPLE EVOLVES BLACK ROSE GREAT NORTHERN WILL EXPLOIT CENTRAL OREGON Portland. The Great Northern railway will exploit central Oregon, and has sent two men through that territory to get data for bulletins and nfhf raMrAD mihtifiatlnn. Ihq will victim of morphne is deadening and ! describe the country thoroughly and : J. ? '-iwr every nerve , tell prospective settlers what they may expect there. The valley of the Des- In his body, What the stomach of every suffer er from Indigr-stlon needs Is a good prescription that will build up his stomach, put strength, energy and elastic. ty into it, and make it sturdy enough to digest a hearty meal with out artificial aid. The best prescription for Indiges tion every written is sold by druggists everywhere and by Tallman & Co, and Is rigidly guaranteed to build up the stomach and cure Indigestion or money back. This prescription It named Mi-o-na, Md Is sold In small tablet form ln large boxes, for only 60 cents. Re member the name, Ml-o-na stomach tablets. They never fair. Booth's Pills, beet for liver, bowels and constipation, 26c. chutes river tributary to the Hill road now building up the Deschutes will come ln for much favorable publicity and its resources, crop possibilities and general future will be told. The Hill lines are taking an Interest In Ore gon that will mean much for the state. At exhibit rooms In St. Paul, the Great Northern shows Oregon pro ducts and similar exhibits are to be maintained by the railroad company In Philadelphia and Boston. These places will direct a great deal of at tention to the opportunities In cen tral Oregon for the settler. Alfalfa Hay for Sale. I have alfalfa hay for sale In car load lots. E. C. BURLINQAME, Walla Walla. Wash. Washington. Confidently asserting that after fifteen years' experimenting he has discovered a process whereby black roses may be grown, Dennis Tapley, a penniless and homeless crip pie frcm Savannah, Oa., Is in Wash ington to obtain, if possible, a patent upon his discovery. He was preceded by a letter from Colonel A. R. Lawton, vice-president of the Central Georgia railroad, who has Interested himself In Tapley's claims and who has asked Repres sentatlve Edwards of Georgia, to take charge of the matter before the pat ent office. Mr. Edwards haa agreed to safe guard the cripple's Interests. The discoverer says that within the last month he has been offered $600, 000 for his secret. When You BUILD, Buifid to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far rViore comfortable in either cold or warm weather. Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete, blocks DeTore' you build your home, I will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D. H. MHY , Contractor and Builder Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore queathed to the widow and the re mainder to the four children. FRANCE'S PRESIDENT TIRED OF HIS OFFICE COCNT SIGRAY TO WED MARCUS DALY'S DAUGHTER Vienna. It is understood here that the engagement of Count Anton Slg ray to Miss Daly, daughter of the late Marcus Daly of Montana, will be an nounced shortly. The Hungarian Count, who Is now on the way to America, made the ac quaintance of the American heiress at the wedding of the Duke of Brag, anaza to Miss Anita Stewart. The Count was the best man at the wed Ing of Count Szechenyl to Miss Gladys Vanderbllt. The SIgray family has declared Its redlness to pay off the Count's debts, which aggregate $800,000, if the en. gagement Is canceled. Marcus Daly left a fortune estimated In 1900 at $11,000,000. Of this a third was be- Paris. From official sources since It Is learned that at the last cabinet meeting M. Falllerlos offered his res ignation as the president of the French Republic, saying that the state of his health would oblige him to abandon the heavy responsibility of his post. It is also a fact that the guests of the Eiysee have remarked for some time his failing health. The ministers urge him not to press his resignation as a presidential election would Imperil the success of his party. M. Falllerles then agreed to post pone his resignation until May 15. The news got ..out, however, and a presidential crisis Is virtually at hand. Candidates are already coming for ward. The three chief rivals are An tonin Dubost, now president of the senate: M. Rlbot, formerly prime minister and M. Loubet, the Immedi ate predecessor of Falllerles. FRANCE PREPARES TO MOVE ON MOROCCO Paris The French government is preparing to meet the attitude of Sultan Mulal Hafld with energetic measures. The "Matin" today says says if the Sultan does not accept the arrangement for the Moroccan loan recently concluded here between his commission and Foreign Minister Plchon within a fixed time, the French will not only seize the customs hooaa at Casa Blanca, but will take other steps. TO CORE A COI.D IN ONH DAY. Take LAXATIVE BKOMO Qalolna TtMata )rUKRlti refund money tf It fall te curs. W. Uito.VE'S signature la oa Mcta boi. Me. Even a spinster may be Induced to become enthusiastic over a baby. A Safeguard to Children. "Our two children of six and eight years have been since infancy subject to colds and croup. About three years ago I started to use Foley's Honey and Tar, and it has never failed to pre vent and cure these troubles. It Is the only medicine I can get the chil dren to take without a row." The above from ,W. C. Ornsteln. Greer, Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience of thousands of other users of Foley' Honey and Tar. It cures coughs, cold and croup, and prevents bronchltl and pneumonia. Koeppen Bros. HONOR FOR ROOSEVELT. French Academy to Wolcomo Illm as an Associate Member. Paris. When former President Roosevelt arrives In Paris next April or May. he can lay aside his khaki suit, slouch hat, formidable collection of guns and numerous cameras, and prepare to don a velvet coat, orna mented with gold lace worked Into the form of palms; buckle a pearl handled sword around his waist and don a cocked hat, all of which con stitutes the chief part of the regalia of a full-fledged Academician, for he Is to be elected to receive this honor of associate member, and under this title will take his place among the "Immortals" as the members of this most exclusive society, "l'lnstltut de France." Its membership Includes nearly all the great men of note ln science and literature since 1829. Col onel Roosevelt Is booked for a num ber of lectures at the Sorbonne here In April an event which Is already much talked about in literary circles. i V A Splendid Overall for every we. Cut generouB ly f.lL Two hip pockeU. Felled seams. Continuous fly. MURPHY. (RANI i (0. Manmfatturer. & hirrasx M(s T LET fill ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and moat reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger an.l easier to operateyou turn lever and It does tho work. The Housewife's work will be lessen ed when Elcctrlcty and Gas come into the home I: COOK WITH GAS 12 j T Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel as well. No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to hand?-) and fires to klndle and It costs less. For Hersake, put gas In your home before the hot weather arrives Worn Out. That's the way you feel about the lungs when you have a hacking cough. It's foolishness, to let It go on and trust to luck to get over It. when Ballard's Horehound Syrup will stop the cough and heal the lungs. Price 25c, 60 and $1 per bottle. A. C. Koeppen ft Bros. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Phone Main 40. Matlock RnOdtng. Modern Man Irreligious. Chicago. "We are not getting half: of the college men," said Professor I Mathews of the University of Chlca- j go, to the Methodist preachers. "In too many cases the college man has : an Idea that his education haa raised him above the conception of a religi ous mind. I do not believe the modern man likes Jesus Christ. I do not be lieve he goes to Christ naturally, but 1 rather to Pilate. Let us not only I send missionaries to China but also to modern man." More people are taking Foley's Kidney Remedy every year. It la con sidered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that ' medical science can devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects Irregularities, builds up the system, and restores lOBt I vitality. Koeppen Bros. I T T I , I Under t.he Old JL J I I Management) GRHND PENDLETON'S I1IO, POPTTLAR VAI7DEVILLE AND MOTION riCTURB THEATRE. New Performers, Acts and Pictures twice each week, Monday and Thursday J ohnson's Four-Piece Orchestra, Every Performance. Matinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon. ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN 15c. Doors Open at 7 p. m. Are Yon a Good Shot? Valuable guns and cigars given to the best shots at the Pastime Parlors. Ask Estes IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSITIVE About the ilr.e of your shoei. It's some satisfaction to know hat many people can wear shoes s size mllpr hv ahulilng Allen's Font-Ease, the antiseptic powder, Into them. Just the th(nn for Darning Tartlea, I'atent Leather Shoes, snd for Kreaklng In New Shoes. When ,rnbDrs or over shoes become neeesary and your shoea pinch, Allen's Font Kaae gives Instant re lief. ' Bold Everywhere, 2Se. Sample PItEB. Addreaa, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. Don't aooept any ntmiliilt. HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. $1350 cash or $550 cash and 85 monthly payments of $13.11 each or $360 cash and 100 mor.thly payments of $14.80 each, or $350 cash and 120 monthly payments of $13.21 each. MARK MOORHOUSE & CO. Tel. Main 8S. 120 & Court