East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 17, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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air mm iim miixin
Another Express
Shipment of
Ladies' Suits and Silk Waists
just in. By far the Prettiest
this Store has ever
Glad to Show You
F. E. Livengood & Go.
March Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Now on Sale
Phone Main 6 for coal.
Pastime pictures please all.
Furnished rooms, 602 Water St
Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court st.
Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main 8.
Snyder, chimneysweep, Red 3812.
Plenty of (rood clean coal at Bur
roughs." Phone Main 6.
Lenses duplicated in a few minutes
Hiinscom's Jewelry store.
I'll pay cash for yaur veal. Chas.
ftiiyburn, phone Main 420.
G.t clean coal at the Oregon
Lunr;er Yra. Phone Main 8.
Four or six room furnished house
for r"nt. Inquire Mark Moorhouse.
Hoys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for
$2.60 at Wohlenbcrg's Dept. Store.
Wanted Hoarders by week, day or
month. Inquire 412 West Bluff stroet.
Mure moving pictures shown than
f.ny other theatre In the city the
No coal famine with Burroughs.
Phone Main 6 nnd get good coal
Wanted At Peoples Warehouse,
two apprentice girls for millinery de
partment. Halrdreaslng, manicuring and sham
pooing parlors In connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
Wanted (Jlrl to do general house
work. Apply 311 Perkins Ave., or
'phone Red 2261.
Rroken lenses 'replaced In a few
minutes at Hanscom's Jewelry store
We grind any lens4.
For Rent Eight room house, one
block from Main street. Inquire 214
West Alta. Phone Black 3168.
Phone Main for good dry wood
and coal that will burn clean. Prompt
ly delivered.- Oregon Lumber Tard.
On a visit to the Peoples Warehouse
the writer was much amused to see
the drawings of the "Red Goose" by
the school children.
For sale New Smith-Premier type
writer with metal cover. Original
cost $107.60. Will sell for $90. En
quire "E," thla office.
A live hustler to Bell and collect.
Must furnish honesty bond. Man
with horse and harness prefered. Ap
ply E. C. Hetzlnger. 220 E. Court
street. '
Every boy or girl under the age of .
16 who draws a picture of the famouB j
Red Goose and brings It to The Peo
ples Warehouse Shoe Department will '
receive a prize and will also be en- '
titled to a chance in the competition I
for the $10.00 prize.
denta, the emblem now being distinct
ive. It is a W of blue on a white
In the declamation contest held on
Thursday evening Mr. Henry W, Re
horn of the freshman class, received
flrBt place and Mr. George Cole re
ceived second place. Mr. Rehorn,
who Is a resident of Walla Walla, Is
also a member of the successful de
buting team which defeated Pullman.
The dedication exercises of the new
Whitman Conservatory of Music will
be held on Thursday afternoon, Feb
ruary 17 The color scheme of the
Interior of the building Is old ivory,
green and mahognny and has been
highly commented upon
Saturday morn ng a special course
in child study, given by Dr. J. T. Wil
liams, Ph. D., began with a gol at
tendance of students and public school
A debate of the freshman class
with members of the freshman class
of Idaho college, at Caldwell, Idaho,
has been firr.mp.ed for. The try-out,
which Is open to girls as well as boys
will take place about the first of
On Wednesday evening the Whit
man Choral society, under the direc
tion of Mr. Eiias Ilium, gave a very
successful concert, consisting of the
three cantatas, "Lelawala," "Light as
Air," from the opera Faust, and "Fair
F.llen "
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Goch Into Bankruptcy.
Philander O. Scott of Helix, has
gono Into bankruptcy. He only has
three creditors, but his liabilities
amount to more than $2500, while
his assets are practically worthless.
William lloynton Very Ldw.
Wi.liam Boynton, a well known res-
idem of this city and county for many
years, is critically in and not expect
ed to live out the day. He is suf
fering from a complication of trou
bles which started off with a serious
attack of rheumatism.
Will Have Washington Day.
Preparations 'are already In pro
gress at the public library for the ob
servance of the anniversary of Wash
ington's birth which occurs next
Tuesday. A plan, similar to the one
worked out with reference to Lincoln
day will be observed Tuesday.
. a
Pretmrlng for Revival.
The cottage meetings conducted by'
the Baptist church of this city will
be held tonight at the 'homes of Pas
tor Storey, Prof. F. K. Welles and Mrs.
P. O. Elliott. These meetings are pre
partory of the series that will begin
under Evangelist Ledford on Febru
ary 27. All Interested are asked to
The I'sunl Dally Snow.
The usual morning snow fell this
forenoon to the depth of nearly three
incnes. The fail stopped, however.
neiore to o'clock and Blnce that time
the mantle of white has been rapidly
disappearing. The snow that fell this i
morning contained more than the
usual amount of moisture and for
that reason was doubly welcome to
the grower of grain.
District Attorney PhelpH Is Home.
District Attorney and Mrs. G. W.
Phelps arrived this morning from a
short trip to California. The district
attorney had gone to Sacramento for
the purpose of taking depositions In
the Echo water cases and following
this, he and Mrs Phelps went to
Berkley, Oakland and San Francisco
for a brief visit. They report no
snow but lots of mud in California. I
'For Friday 5
These Special Prices at Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
$1.50 Lingerie and Tailored Waists at 98c Each
Every one the springs best styles, the best made, best
fitting $1.50 waists on sale for Friday and Sat. only 98c
15c White dotted Swisses, small dotts . . . . . e
8 13C Cretonnes and Comfort Calicoes for yard . c
15c Kimona Flannels for yard . . . . . . Qc
65c and 75c Muslin Night Gowns for each . . , . ' 45c
Womens 20c Black Cotton Hose for pair .... 12 1-2c
Childrens 15c Black Cotton Hose 7 to' 9 for pair . . . He
Children's 35c Wool Hose for pair . . , . . 23c
$1.00 Kabo Corsets, New Shapes, Friday and Saturday, each . 79c
Couple Flyers From the Shoe Department
Women's $5.00 Patent Lealher Shoes, Lace and Button . . $3.95
Misses and Children's $1.75 Shoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 2 . . " $1.'30
Boys'and Youths' $2.50 Shoes, 13 1-2 to 2 . . . $l!g5
WohBenbepg Department Store
Better Goods For Less Money"
McCall Patterns For March
Today's program:
1. The Golden Lilly.
2. Ascending the Jura Mountains.
3. The Man Who Lost.
4. The Flower Parade in Pasadena.
CaL ,
5. Won Ry a Holdup.
6. In the Land of the Buffalo.
New program tomorrow as follows:
1. The Postmistress. (Pnthe.
2. Leather Industry. (Pathe.)
3. The Scarecrow. (Pathe.)
4. The Devil, the Servant and the
Man. (Sellg.)
6. Summertime.
I'raiM- for Public Library.
Hr. T. L. Elliott, chairman of th( i
I'ook committee of the Portland II- '
brary was In Pendleton for a brief!
stay last evening while on his way to i
Walla Walla. He visited the local II- j
brary and had many favorable things
to say regarding the system employed I
and the character and number of j
books on the shelves and tallies. He !
says that rl:;lit now the Pendleton li
brary is in a better working condition
than was the Portland library a very
f w years ago.
.Mothers' MV(iijr nt School. -
At the Hawthorne school tomorrow
afternoon a ".Mothers' Meeting" will
be held. It will be for the purpose
of br.nglng the Ynothers of the Haw
thorne school children Into the work
of the school nnd all mothers having
children In that school are Invited
to be present. Other indies, too, will
be ma"Yle welcome. The program
will begin at 2 o'clock and the rogu-
city orxen. holds its
j " nrta i.Ai: wkkklv mki:tixc.
Cabbies. Expressmen and Three-Ball
Merchants Remiss In Pitying Li
censes Fire Alarm System may he
Installed Bulldine; Permit Ordl-
j nniu'c Proposed.
looked after. He accordingly appoint- i and prohibition, those great Ijasle
ed a levee committee, consisting of j truths the W. C. T. U. was founded to
Joseph Ell, A. L. Knight, and W. E. j promote. Such a commemoration ot
Brock. These men will be expected j Frances E. Willard's entrance upon
to make Immediate investigation of hiaverily activities is in keeping with
the levee and see what repairs, if any, I her Christian faith and her sublime
are necessary in event of a flood. i optimism. As we strive, through these
The concluding business of last ! meetings better to protect the home
, night's session was the announcement j against its most cruel enemy, the 11
hy Mayor Murphy that the next meet- I quor traffic, and more securely to
ins, the proposition of the extension ! shelter from sin and sadness the little
of the time limit in the Washington j child, so shall we most appropriately
and Oregon company's franchise ; honor the memory of one who sought
would be taken up. There was no j to make the whole world more home
discussion of the matter last evening, j like.
i.i r scnooi worn w .11 oe susprnuen nr ; night's
that part of the day. Miss Viva War- ' Unit' but Yiv.
ren s t ie nnnc mat of the Hawthorne
school, which is situated in the west
end of the city.
I Cabbies, txppssmen and owners of
pawnshops who have noi been paying
j up their licenses on. time had better
i hurry or the policeman will get them
; if he h;;- not already done so. It was j
j complained by Councilman Sharon at
The ladies of the Pendleton W. C. 1 San Francisco. Feb. Calling cas
T. U. will hold a memorial service ! ually at the office of Dr. John Hick
tomorrow evening In honor of the late i ey. E. E. Mitchell, a barW r. today
Mrs. Francis E. Willard. The ser- had the physician dress a
vice win De at tne Presbyterian church
and an appropriate program will be !
meeting of the council
licenses had been collect
i i d durinir the month of January and I .
j i'i.ii no- men iiaioeu auove were in
the habit of qoing for months at a
:ti:nc without jiaylng licenses. After a
v ry brier discussion the mayor an- ,
wound in his breast 24 ho.urs after
the missle had entered his tody.
tendered. . In the 24 hours Mitchell shaved
i The following selection relative to ! many patrons at his shop and went
I ! Mrs. Willard is from the Union Sle- home to enjoy a quiet rest. Then, af-
' ter a refreshing sleep, he. called upon
We shall ever bear in mind the ten- j the, doctor to have the bullet remov
der. sacred significance of the date ed and the wound dressed.
selected for the Frances E. Willari ; Dr. Hickey discovered that the bul-
I commemorative Meeting. But our I let had pierced tm? Dony aDove me
The Pastime.
Program for Friday's
"Shooting An OH We
A graphic Illustration of
erica's greatest Industries,
"Our Oerman. Cousin,"
good one.
"Fatal Fascination," (
lovely story of Interest.
"Clotting Square With
ur," (Comedy.')
"The Strong Man,"
very clever picture.
"Cousin Lou For Mine
a shriek.
One set Travelogues.
One Illustrated song.
11," (Sellg),.
one of Am.
executed In
(Sellg). A
Drama). A
the Inven-
( Farce). A
" (Comedy.)
Activities of Students of Missionary
College In Walla Walla.
Whitman College, Walla . Walla,
Wash., Feb. "17. At the chapel on
Friday morning students had the
pleasure of listening to a talk on Lin
coln by the Rev. Alexander Black
burn, D. D., who, as a boy, had been
honored by a personal greeting from
Lincoln and who saw him a number
of times when a soldier in the war.
Track athletics have received spe
cial recognition by the Associated Sta-
1 Subscriptions to be sent through
; the American Woman's League for
1 periodicals, may be left at Frazler's
! book store. Those leaving subscrlp
' tion orders will please designate the
i person to whose membership they
I should be credited.
A. W. Dougluss and wife returned
to Athena this morning after attend
ing the Uoby-Thompson nuptials at
I the Hotel Pendleton lnt nvenlne
Koeppen Bros.
Cordially invite the ladies to step into their store and be
taught free of charge how to make the very best Vanilla Flavor
ings, and they may take home with them a free sample to see
how good it is. Fifty ceuls worth of material will make one
quart of flavoring and we sell nothing less than that amount,
but you can make it up in small quantities and the balance will
keep for future use. The process is new, the flavor supremo,,
expense subnormal.
K 0 E F P E M 9
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
Tiidire Knnulcs oil Local Bench.
Circuit Judtre Knowles of Union
county Is sitting on the local circuit j lVou!J t (ke the matter ud with the ' truest love for Fiances E. Willard. j left breast, ranged downward, been
bench today in the place of Judge cnlef of' poilce today and intimated i Ur sinccre gratitude for all she has j deflected by a rib and emerged at the
Bean, who is one of the parties to a j.,,,,, .. ..,, ll!lf, i,m..ni "Alv h,p nd ever will be to our organ!-! back.
the suit zation, lead us to so observe the day "There was no use worrying over
I that the work of the Woman's Chris- I little things," said Mitchell. "It was a
... . ... .1 i .... . . . v. . i r
suit now on trial. It is the suit
brought by Judge Bean to compel the
Western Land i- Irrigation company,
as successors to the Hitikle Ditch
company, to furnish water for the
reclamation of his desert claim in the
west end of the county. When the
Judge took up his land he made a
contract with the H inkle Ditch com
pany to get water anil he is now seek
ing to compel the successors to the
Hinkle company to carry out the
terms of the contract. Bean Is being i
Fire Alarm System Kecom mended.
That there is Btlll a remote possibil
ity of Pendleton having a modern fire
alarm system became evident last
night when the fire committee recom
mended that the council take steps to
Install about a 15-box system. Un
fortunately the members of the com
mittee had not gono far enough into
the invest igaton of the mutter to sat
isfy the mayor and he reported the
recommendation back to that body
with the suggestion that the members
represented by Attorneys D. W. Ball
ey and J. P. Winter, w hile the West-I of the committee make a further in
ern lind & Irrigation company is be-j vestigation and take into consideration
lug represented by Attorney W . O
Dvowley of Baker City.
tian .Temperance Union may most i busy day at the shop nnd l was n-eri
helpfully be strengthened and ex- ' afterward."
tt nded. I Mitchell explained that he had been
We urge all home loving people In scuffling with a fellow barber and
this city to become members of our j tnnt nls finger caught in the trigger
organization, to subscribe for our Na- Puard of a revolver, causing thi dis
tional and state papers, and also to charge of the weapon.
aid us in the circulation of campaign '
and other temperance literature that Even a person who is too deaf to
will win thousands of new adherents ! hear what others say, may take many
to the principles of total abstinence j things by heresay.
. A. C,
to t i:li:br ATE
Portland. Celebrating its quarter
centennial as a state institution, the '
Oregon Agricultural college will hold
the most elaborate function ever giv
en at the Institution at the close of the
college year. President W. .1. Kerr
and the regents have taken steps to
prepare a suitable observance of the
achievements of the past quarter cen
tury and the faculty, student body
and alumni will Join in the demonstra
tion. During the past 25 years the
Institution has i net cased Its holdings
of land from 6 to 235 ncres; the
buildings from one to 20: faculty
from nine members to 94. and the
student body from !7 to aproxlmately
1100. The great good to this state re
sulting from the work of the institu
tion can Tiardly be over estimated.
King and Premier Confer
london. The Invitation from King
Edward changes the plnns of Premier
Asqulth, who proceeded to Brighton
this morning and had an audience
lasting an hour with his Majesty. The
Premier presented the proposed text
of the speech from the throne, the
Cabinet appointments and the opening
of Parliament next week.
Japan's Budget Pnmed.
Tokio. The budget was passed
ofter slight additions by the House of
representatives. The pussage of the
budget was assured through the recent
compromise whereby the land tax was
reduced 8 per cent. Involving 14,000,
000, and the appropriations were pro
portionately decreased.
Read the "Want" ads today.
j the fact that an alarm system could
not be installed without provision be
ing made for the stationing of a paid
man at the fire station ai all hours
the day and night.
Buililiiijr Permit Ordinance.
Hereafter no building can be con
structed, torn down, altered or re
paired within the city of Pendleton
without, a building permit .for that
i im pose having first been secured, If
the measure introduced last evening
becomes a law. It was referred to the
ordinance committee with Instructions
to report at the next meeting. As no
opposition to the proposed ordinance
manifested itself last evening It is pre
sumed that the measure will have easy
sledding. The purpose of the measure is not
only to regulate the building business
within the city but also to provide a
plan by which valuable statistics can
be secured. At present there Is no
way to keep tab on the amount of
business being done in the city and as
this is one of the best advertising fea
eures in which the city can indulge,
the members of the council have de
cided to take advantage of the oppor
tunity. No Barns Near Dwelling.
Another ordinance was introduced
Inst evening. This provides that no
barns or stables shall be built within
40 feet of a dwelling house and pro
vides that a violation of the ordinance
may be punished by both a fine and
imprisonment in the city jail. This
measure was also referred to the or
dinance committee with Instructions
t i report at the next meeting.
Preparing for Flood.
Mayor Murphy announced that in
view of the large amount of snow In
the mountains and the danger of high
water In case it should go off with a
rush, he thought the levee should be
Every Range User
Ought 1o Know
IM monarch Ifjalleable
1 Is the only Range with a log
ical draft system. THE DUPLEX
DRAFT works wonders.
2 Its Malleable construction
prevents the excessive waste ol
fuel Inevitable with steel Kanire
of the common tyixj.
;t Is the only Range with triple
walls nt every Mlnt exposed to
the lieat, there Is no chance for
the iltitmige from nist which ruins
oilier steel 1 tangos.
4 Its top nectls no blackening saving
work necessary with other Ranges.
all of the disagreeable
This Great "Range Has Many Features
That Other Ranges Do Not. Have
Investigate, we will be pleased to show you.
are safe In buying a Monarch.
We guarantee. Yon
The Tay!or Hardware Go,