EIGHT PAGES. flatulence NEWSY NOTES OF ECHO Gonsumption SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF The Ins. Co. of the State of Pennsylvania OF PHILADELPHIA. When every bite you eat seems to turn to gas and your stomach and intestines cause you end less discomfort, it is an unfailing sign that your en tire system needs a thorough housccleaning. firemen give valentine dance monday night Of Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania, on the 31st day of December, 1909, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: It.UUX ulit.ut.U., l'lwlJL,li.TO., OUKiiUN, V KD N ESD A Y, FEBRUARY 10, 1910 I ore. u s pot cures flatulence by eliminating anceinactive liver, lake and you'll feel better in the Better than Pills U BVA.U. WALLA WALLA HOGS HAVE THE CHOLERA EPIDEMIC IS DISCOVERED; MANY ANIMALS AFFECTED AfwiHUvnt State Veterinarian Woods Is Probing Into Cause of Malady Runners Are Negligent. Hog cholera Is rampant In this section and Assistant State Veterin arian W. J. Woods is now battling -with the disease, says the Walla Walla Union. Three hog ranches near Wal la Walla are affected. Thirty-five hogs have died on one ranch and 20 on another and 15 on a third within , the past few weeks. The fight is now being made to confine the infected community to its present bounds. It is not thought many of the hogs on the three ranches, about five hun dred in all, can be saved. In most in stances the disease was allowed to spread before Dr. Woods was sum moned. When found in his office last night Dr. Woods was rather retlcient In dis cussing the case and refused abso lutely to give the names of the far mers suffering the loss, claiming that there was no danger, as none of the hogs were being marketed and it would on'.y injure the farmer. Dr. Woods says the 'malady is in a mild form and if the farmers co-operate with him they can stamp it out be fore it has the entire valley In Its grip. Two additional cases of hog cholera have been reported to Dr. Woods nnd hi v!!l invest gate both this morning. When asked the cause of cholera, Dr. Woods said: "We thought we knew the cause up to a few months a?o until one of the pro fession came forth with new ideas T1" rarvcriL i.v.i r: CRY5TAI OMIMO Sugar 2'J"m 5' sealed boxes BEST SUGAR FOR TEA AND COFFEE! - BY GROCERS EVtRYWHEREI - rnrvOll. 1 There is Only One "Bromo Quinine" Thai is Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CORE A COLD III OME DAT. Always remember the fall name. Loos tor this signature on every box. 35c. r For Bilious Attacks Here is help for you. Your bilious attacks may be both prevented and relieved, but prevention is better than cure. The means are at your hand. When a dull headache, furred tongue, yellow cast to the eyes, inactive bowels dizziness, or a sick stomach, warn you of a coming bilious attack, resort at once to iilKIftif 1 PUS hich act almost in:;tan'.!y on the liver and bowels, and quickly regulate the How of L'.'.u. A few doses of Iieecham's Pills will correct the stomach, put the blood in order, relieve headache and tone the entire system. For over sixty years, on land and sea, Ececham's Pills, by their safe and thorough action on the stomach, bile and bowels, have maintained their world-wide reputation as The Best Bile Medicine Boxes 10c and 25c with full directions. ymcei M the cause of the disturb anMK tablet to-night morning. for Liver Ills 50 KUKl'rE.N Jt UK OS. and as a result veterinarians all over the country are puzzled." Continuing, Dr. Woods said: "The great trouble with the average ranch' er Is that he Is willing to take chances where we have not. When he notices anything wrong with any of the animals he should summon aid; for one who makes animal diseases a profession can see a hundred dangers where the average rancher does not see one. He is not supposed to Cholera in hogs makes its first ap pearance by a drowsiness of the ani mal. The animal sometimes becomes lame. It is while these symptoms con tlnue that a veterinary should be called. The farmer should not ex perlment for the disease develops rap idly and the first thing the rancher knows his entire pen is infected. Each animal should be isolated from the others if not killed at once, while the pens should be thoroughly disinfected This wet weather makes it a hard battle with the disease for whenever an afflicted animal walks, the ground becomes alive with germs and they will remain near the surface until summer. I intend making another trip through the quarantined district this week." No false pretense has marked the career of Ely's Cream Balm. Being entirely harmless, it is not responsi ble like the catarrh snuffs and pow ders, for minds shattered by cocaine. The great virtue of Ely's Cream Balm is that it speedily and completely overcomes nasal catarrh and hay fe ver. Back of this statement is the testimony of thousands and a reputa tion of many years' success. All druggists, 50c, or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, New York. ; TESTIMONIALS FOR HAXFORD ! IN HIS "AMERICAN LORD" It is a good comedy. Mr. Hanford plays the part of John Brewster as he always has everything, as an artist giving his best, which is the best. Miss Drofnah plays the classic part of the Irish widow with happy gaiety. The audience was enthusiastic, happy and appreciative. Otheman Stevens, Los Angeles Examiner. "The American Lord" is a first class comedy, chock full of humor. Charlotte (N. C.) News. "The American Lord" is one of the cleverest modern comedies we have seen for some time. Augusta Herald. The word "delightful" fully de scribes "The American Lord." The entire play Is clean, clear-cut and fill ed with general humor both m lines and situations Chattanooga News. "The American Lord" is a delight ful comedy, well designed, splendidly developed, and the lines are witty and weighty. Beaumont Enterprise. . "The American Lord" is a fascinat ing comedy, clean and clever, not too deep, not too light and not at all trashy it fills the bill. Galveston News. "The American Lord," as presented by Charles B. Hanford, is one of the best Broadhurst comedies. Houston Daily Post Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent in the East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot and cold water; bath. Inquire at Eat Oregonlan office. SWA N'9 Many Couples Attend Dog Catcher Is a Busy Man Other Items of In terest to Eclioltes. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore.. Feb. 15. The valentine dance given by the Echo firemen last night at the city hall was a very pleas ant affair. Nearly one hundred cou ple were present. Music was furnish ed by the Echo orchestra in J. E. Tay lor s absence the orchestra was led by Mrs. Theodore Barker. Dancing con tinued until 2 a. m. Today is a busy day for the dog catcher in Echo. Twenty-five dollars for new dog licenses has been received today with more to follow. Mrs. C. Tefft left today for Mt. Ver noon. Wash., to visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas Klmsey. Mrs. J. E. Taylor returned from a short visit to Pendleton this morning. E. Ripper left Monday for Portland on a short business trip. Miss Andry Watenburger who has been compelled to be out of school the past week with appendicitis, left this evening for Pendleton where she will take osteopathy treatment R. R. Lewis of Hermiston, was a visitor here yesterday, returning to his farm this morning. "RREWSTER'S MnXIONS" AT THE OREGON THEATER . What promises to be one o f the most important engagement of the present season at the Oregon Theatre. Is booked for February 28. The occasion will be the presenta tion by Cohan and Harris' comedians of Wlnchell Smith's and Byron On gley's dramatization of George Barr McCutcheon's famous story "Brews ter's Millions" of which upwards of half a .million copies have a:ready been sold. The story of Montgomery Brewster's wild and daring dissipa tion of a million dollars in twelve months in order to obtain possession of a legacy of 37, 000, 000, is already familiar to all readers of light fic tion. The humorous adventures and and escapades of young Brewster in quest of his goal have been deftly wo ven into delightful comedy by Messrs Smith and Ongley, and as presented by Cohan and Haris' clever comedians ', iwrm an emci luiiiiiiviil ctiiimsi ui duplication. Originally produced by Frederic Thompson, that master of stage productions, It ran for an en tire year in New York and subse kuently for an extended period In both London and Chicago, In each city recording an almost unheard of success. Its presentation here will be marked by the same care and elab rateness of presentation as during its long runs In the cities above named. The third act discloses what is prob ably the highest achievement in stage mechanism hitherto .recorded.' It discloses the deck of a ship In a storm at sea with such marvelous fidelity that the onlooker can Imagine himself as experiencing all the sen sations of the participators without any too wide stretch of his imagina tion. While this episode In the play Is melodramic In the extreme the balance of "Brewster's Millions" is delicious, sparkling comedy and this element is largely responsible for the excellence of its entertaining quali ties. Worn Out. That's the way you feel about the lungs when you have a hacking cough. It's foolishness to let it go on and trust to luck to get over it, when Ballard's Horehound Syrup will stop the cough and heal the lungs. Price 25c, SO and II per bottle. A. C. Koeppen & Bro. GRAFT BONE OF SHEEP IN THE LEG OF A CHILD Spokane, Wash. An unusual surgl- nol nnaratlnn wfljl nprfomlftd at the city hospital Friday at Sand Point, Idaho, when Dr. U. f. stacKnouse, removed about three Inches of the femur, the bone between the knee and hip, of the 18-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bentley of Clarks Fork, and substituted a section of bone from the leg of a young sheep. The animal was killed after the nnArnlinn wan commenced and the bone taken out as soon as death oc curred and placed in the child's leg. The bone was then packed in whipped blood taken from the sheep, so that all the nourishment possible could be given for the building up of the trans planted bone. The operation became necessary on account of the femur of the child be ing diseased as a result of walking at too early an age. Each day she Is placed on the op erating table and the splint removed from the limb and the wound packed In fresh beef blood. The little one goes to the table willingly. JIMMY BRITT TO STAR IN CONAN DOYLE SKETCH Paris. Jimmy Brltt, the California lightweight, looking very fit, landed In France from South Africa this week. He said: "There Is nothing doing there.. iney have some good men, but In the few places where prize fighting Is per mitted, a purse of 31000 looks bigger to them than a cathedral. So far as I can see nothing will take me Into the ring again. "What brought me back In a hurry was a desire to see Conan Doyle. He has virtually consented to write me a one-act play, the hero of course, to be a prize fighter. I shall use It as a sketch in the music halls." Britt was an amateur actor before he took up prize fighting, and the Conan Doyle sketch will give him an opportunity both to box and act. Wo can grind yon a new lease in a few mtnntes. Bring your broken lens to ns. Hanscsm's Jewelry store. The time was when consumption was thought to be an incurable disease, but to-day this dreaded White Plague is known to be curable under the enlight ened care of the doctors of all schools, when accompanied in the treatment by that wonderful remedy, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey It corrects the defective digestion of the food, increases the appetite, strengthens the heart, gives force to the circulation, cures insomnia and brings restfulncss to the brain and nervous forces. We have thousands of grateful pa tients who write us they have been cured after they were given up by the doc tors. If you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your checks the glow of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions. It tones and strengthens the heart action and gives vigor to the entire svstcm. It is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. It is in valuable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It is a pro moter of health and longevity. All druggists, grocer and dealers, or direct, 1 1.00 a large bottle. Refuse itibbtitueg and imitations, they are impure and dangerotis. Send for free medical booklet and advice. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N, Y. PARK STREET PHARMACY, Distributors, Portland, Ore. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW. What a Henp of Happiness It Would Bring to Pendleton Home. Hard to do house work with an aching back. Brings your hours of misery at leis ure or at work. If women only knew the cause that Backache pains come from sick kidneys. 'Twould save much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys, Many residents of this vicinity e dorse them. Mrs. Gertrude Hid, T street. La Grande, Ore., says: "I do not hesi tate to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills for they proved of great value to me. For some time I was Rnnoyed by attacks of backaches"" and any any heavy lifting caused the pains to become Intense. I had heard so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I pro cured a box and began their use They proved to be Just tho remedy 1 required and absolutely rid me of the trouble and Improved my general health." For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents. FosterMIlburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. TURKISH ARMY AND NAVY WIIJj HE REORGANIZED Constantinople. Shefket Pasha, the new minister of war. Intends to reor ganize thoroughly the Turkish army. The navy also is to be put on a sound fighting basis. German Ideas will prevail in the army and English In the navy. The old duys of graft, when ammunition and supplies were regarded as personal perquisites of commanding officers and the very engines of warships were sold by their officers, Is to be ended. Shefket Pasha, in an interview, said: "Surprise Is expressed that the Turkish army has adopted German methods and has employed German officers. How could it be otherwise when General von Moltke came to Turkey fully 80 years ago and himself built the nucleus of the present Turk ish army, which you may see from this antedated the reorganization of the present-day army of France? "And then. It seems to me that In our navy English regulations are in effect which were Introduced long ago by English officers. In fact, the com mander in chief of our fleet Is an Englishman and he plans shortly to bring other officers from his native land." American Wins at Oxford. Oiford Ene. M. F. Woodrow, a Rhodes scholar from Kentucky, has won the Vlnerian law scholarship at Oxford University. The scholarship Is among the more important of those nnen to competition. CATARRH. Quickly Cured by a Pleasant Germ Kllllng Antiseptic. The little Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) inhaler Is made of hard rubber and can easily be carried In pocket or purse. It will last a life time. Into this inhaler you pour a few drops of magical Hyomel. This Is absorbed by the antiseptic gauze within and now you are ready to breathe it In over the germ Infest ed membrane where It will speedily begin Its work of killing catarrh germs. Hyomel Is made of Austral Ian eucalyptol combined with other antiseptics and Is very pleasant to breathe. It is guaranteed to cure catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, croup,1 coughs and colds or money back. It cleans out a stuffed up head in two minutes. Bold by druggists everywhere and by Tallman & Co. Complete outfit Including inhaler and one bottle of Hyomel, 21 And remember that ex tra bottles if afterward needed cost only 60c. CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up INCOME. Premiums received during the year In Interest, dividends and rents received year Income from other sources received year 435.00 Total Income $ 761,437.81 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year f 377.7(3.70 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 202,438.48 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during Amount of all other expenditures 83,783.18 Total expenditures t 682.01I.IC ASSETS. Value of real estate owned 8 276,641.48 Value of stocks and bonds owned 638,(73.00 Cash in banks and on hand 53,972.48 Premiums In course of collection and in trans mission 141,377.16 Interest and rents due and accrued, etc., (if any there be) .' '. 10,000.00 Total assets 81,019,984.07 Less special deposits In any state (If any there be) 10,000.00 Total assets admitted in Oregon $1,009,984. 8T LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid . .'. t 87,684.29 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks '. (10.821.30 All other liabilities 8,507.46 Total liabilities $ 704.683.8I Total insurance in force December 31, 1909. . 169,905,(11 0 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year 8 401,906.08 Gross premiums received during the year 9,11(.1( Premiums returned during the year 1,(20.01 Losses paid during the year 2,398. ( Losses Incurred during the year ' 2,848.68 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31, 1909.... 374,29( 04 THE LS. CO. OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA OF PHILADELPHIA. By M. JOS. NOWLAN. Vice-President, Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: JOHN H. BURGARD, 273 Oak street, (Lewis BUIg.), Portland, Oregon. ROYAL BETROTHAL RUMORED Report Would Wl Prussian Prince and Princess of Connaoght. Conenhaeen. The reoort that Princess Patricia of Connauffht and Prince Adalbert of Prussia are be trothed persists. While It can not be confirmed, it Is generally credited while both the royal young people were at the Swedish court recently the betrothal was arranged. It would probably be a match after the kaiser's own heart, for he has al ways had a strong esteem for the duke and duchess of Connaught and the latter is a daughter of the father land and tho house of Hohenzollcrn. She has brought up her chllJren too. with that sedulous motherly care which Kaiser Wilhelm so approves, and a daughter of hers would be Just the bride he would prefer for his son undoubtedly. Moreover, Princess Pat ricia's parents are sturdy Proestants. and would far more readily consent SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF - The Union Insurance Company of Philadelphia of Philadelphia, the State of Pennsylvania, on the 31st duy of December, 1109. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up 200,009 It INCOME. Premiums received during tho year In cash....$ 769,229.(3 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year .' 34.339.84 Income from other sources received during the year 6,408.78 Total Income 8 808,978.96 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year 3 381,784.96 Commissions and salaries paid during the year . . 212,481.(8 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year .. 21,746.89 Amount of all other expenditures 107,742.62 Loss expenses ; 9,236.98 Total expenditures 3 733, 912. ft ASSETS. Value of real estate owned 3 106,600.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned 633,501.18 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.... 12,800.00 Cash In banks and on hand 60.640.20 Premiums in course of collection and In trans mission 137,418.01 Interest and rents due and" accrued, etc 24,489.27 Total assets 3 9(5,243. (( Total assets admitted In Oregon 3 9(5, 348. If LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid 3 78,851.04 Amount of unearned premiums on all out- standing risks 665,858.44 All other liabilities 8,020.53 Capital and surplus . .' 326,013.66 Total liabilities 965,248.81 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year $ 304.298.8t Gross premiums received during the year 8,955.71 Premiums returned during the year 1,516.18 Losses paid during the year 1,876.18 Losses Incurred during the year 1, 078.18 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31, 1909.... 304, 290.88 ' THE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. By E. R. DANNELS, Sec'y. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service; JOHN H. BURGARD, 273 Oak St. (Lewis Bldg.), Portland, Or. HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD nOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. 31350 cash or 3560 cash and 86 monthly payments of 311.21 each or 3850 cash and 100 monthly payments of 314.80 each, or I860 cash and 120 monthly payments of 313.21 sch, MARK MOORHOOSE 2b CO. Tel. Main 88, 8 200, 000. N cash 3 724,190.(4 during the 88,811.74 during the the year. . . 18,032.90 to her marriage with a Luthoraa than a Roman Catholic one. It re mains to be seen whether such a spirit ed and lively princess will take to the) Idea of becoming a personage t secondary Importance at the German court, a rolo that must have Its Inevit able drowbavks for a royal highness of marked character and keen sense of humor. She' will have plenty f time to think It over during the Af rican tour with her father and mother and, as " absence makes the heart grow fonder," we may hear mor about It on her return. Is 100 But Still Active. London. King Edward has tele graphed his congratulations to Mrs. Ann Speed of Helghlngton, Lincoln, on her one. onthundredth birthday. This wonderful centenarian keeps house for her eldest son, aged seventy-six, bakes her own bread and sells butter In Lincoln market, where she Is a familiar and picturesque figure. 130 BL Court