East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 16, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Another Express
Shipment of
Ladies' Suits and Silk Waists
just in. By far the Prettiest
this Store has ever
Glad to Show You
F. E. Livengood & Go.
March Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Now on Sale
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Marriage IjIcoiiso Issued.
A marrlnge license was issued to
day to J. Merle Roby 'and Miss Myrtle
L. Thompson, both of Athena.
Alexander Returning. With IJrlde.
Hoy Alexander and bride who were
married in Wiilla Walla last Tuesday
evening, are expected home tomorrow
morning. They have been spending
llii- week at Seaside.
Tlionio Gets Mail Contract,
John T. Thome who has had the
contract for carrying the mail be
tween this city ana Holman. haa been
notified that he has been awarded the
contract to carry the mail for another
four years.
The Pastime.
Program for Tuesday's change.
"The Cloister's Touch." Biograph.
A picture of feudal times, representing
a handsome young wife torn from hor
husband for the amusement of a duke.
"The Last Look." Drama. A de
tective story 'Of startling discoveries
and quirk action.
"His Opponent's Card." Comedy.
A very amusing p'cture for old and
"The Great Divide." Drama. A
lov( story well told.
"Wild Waves of St. Jean-de-Luk."
One Fet travelogues.
One illustrated song.
Acldcnt at 'Phone Station.
Owing to a blown out fuse the local
'phone service was off for an hour
last evening. Shortly after 8 o'clock
the accident occured and while the
damage was being repaired the 'phone
system was out of service.
Former Pendleton Boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sparks of Day
tmi. Washington, arc guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dun
ham in North Pendleton. Mr. Sparks
who is a former Pendleton boy, Is a
brother of Mrs. Dunham.
Conductor Meiizleti Is III.
Conductor Gordon Menzies of the
Pendleton-Walla Walli run, who was
taken seriously ill while en route from
Walla Walla to Pendleton a few days
ago, i still confined to his home in
Walla Walla. His place Is being fill
ed temporarily by Carl- Pefferley.
Phone Main 6 for coal.
Pastime pictures please all.
Furnished rooms, 602 Water St.
Ice cream at Hohbach's, Court st.
Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main S.
Snyder, chimneysweep, Med S812.
Plenty of good clean coal at Bur-muhi.-.'
phone Main 5.
Lenses duplicated In a few minutes
Hanscom's Jewelry store.
I'll pay cash for yuur veal. Chan.
Rayburn, phone Main 420.
Qofcd clean coal at the Oregon
Lumber Yards Phone Main I.
Four or six room furnished house
for rt.iit. Inquire Mark Moorhouse. .
. Orjiliouni.
Boys Goodyear Welt Shoes for j Todny's program:
$2.60 at Wohlonbergs Dept. Store. j i. The Golden Lilly. A sacred dra-
Wnnted Boarders by week, day or ' "la,
month. Imjulre 412 West Bluff street, j 2. Ascending the Jura Mountains
Mi. re moving pictures shown than ! Sccnic-
ny oihrr thidtre In the i-lty the' 3- The JIan Who Lost. Drama.
Pasilme. j Flower Parade in Pasadena. Ca!-
m ,. ...... ilfornla Scenic.-
I,, it, nit? win: riurrougns.
Phone Main E and pet good coal
Halrdresslnp, manicuring and sham
pooing parlors In connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
Wanted Girl to do general house j Wrfllfi Walla. Efforts are to be
work. Apply 311 Perkins Ave., or i maie hy pr. s. n. NYlson. State Vet
phone Red 221. j erlnarion, to have the government
Broken lenses replaced In a few taKe up nnd Investigate the cases of
minutes at Hanscom's Jewelry store f "poinlclnus nemmla" which has
We grind any lenae. bron playing havoc among the horses
A good second hand Decker Bros. of p- Urser, a wonlthy farmer
Piano for sale. Call Sherman Clay & h01. Iteser has lost between (p and
Co., 745 Main St. 1 7R head from the disease, and about
For sale- New Smith-Premier type-' 75 are now sl('k' These Bre the only
writer win metal cover. Original ! CBses of t,,e klnd ln tlle state, so far
ot I107.BJ. Will sell for $90. En-! n: knon-
quire "E," this office. ' rr- Nelson has left for Olympla to
I confer with Governor Hav on the. mat
A live hustler to sell and collect. : ter, and through him will probably
Must furnish honesty bond. Man j nsk the government to help,
with horse and harness prefered. Ap- ' The origin of the disease Is mys
ply E. C. Hotzlnger, 220 E. Court ( t. rlous and It Is not known how the
,treet- i horses on Heser's ranch became af-
1 focted. The disease affects various
. pnrts of the body and Is accompanied
by a high rever, which is noticeable
! every other day.
' Animals afflicted with the disease
I rarely recover, the death rate being
about 99 per cent.
Dr. Nelson states that It is baffling
' him. Ills assistant, Dr. J. W. Knl
' kus, at Pullman. Is working on the.
: disease in the laboratory.
Girls to Play Walla Walla.
Miss Luclle Rader today received an
acceptance of the challenge which the
local high school girls' basketball
team Issued to Walla Walla high
school. The game will be played In
the high school gymnasium Friday
evening and promises to be one of the
most interesting contests of the season.
Arrested for Forgery.
Sheriff Taylor goes to Portland to
night to take In custody James Carter J
mis cuy, wno was nrrested In Port
land today. Hi- is wanted for com
plicity In a forgery perpetrated In this
lity last summer and for which Simp
kins was recently arrested. The lat
ter has made a complete confession,
Implicating young Carter, who is well
kr.own in this city.
The faculty of the Washington State
college at Pullman has recently hand
ed out an edict which will seriously
effect the future of athletes at the
state college, says the Walla Walla
Union. The ruling Is that hereafter no
athletes will be allowed to compete
In more than two branches of inter
collegiate athletics during any school
year. In the past the state college
has always had several men who were
strong in at least three branches of j
athletics and the recent ruling of the j
faculty has put an end to this.
"Moose" Englehorn and Wallace Do !
Witt, the two Spokane boys who were
the stars of the football team and are
now helping W. S. C. in the fight for
the northwest basketball champion
ship, will be the first men affected by
the rule as they have already won
their letters in two branches of sport
and will have to forego competing in
the spring on the track team.
This will be a serious blow to Coach
Bohler's plans, as big Englehorn was
depended upon for the weight events
the place left vacant by the graduation
of Joe Halm, and the high hurdles,
? nfin at Wohlenberg
lilts lit Dept- store
French Socialist Leader Utters 415,.
660 Words In Four Years.
Paris. Some Frenchman with
nothing better to do has calculated
that the famous socialist leader, Jau
res. has uttered 415,666 words In four
years In the Chamber of Deputies.
Juares, like other French notables,
makes his reputation part of his cap
ital and charges for anything which
he is asked to say in the. public press
in the way of interviews.
36-ln Imported Pongee, at yard S1.25
36-ln All wool Serges at 50
38-ln. Silk Lustre at 50J
38-in. All wool Batistes at 65J
48 in. Panamas and French Serges at $1, $1.25
27-in. Adora Silks at yard 42
32-In. Banner Batistes at yard 12 1'2
26-in, Rajah Silk at yard 50S
29-in. Mercerized Linens at 48j
S4-ln. Imported Scotch Ginghams at yard...29
34-in. Soiesette In white, tan old rose, black, -light
blue at yard 25
Save money by reading today's ads
McCall Patterns for March
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods For Less Money
Now's the Time
loaf n
to Buy
5. Won by a Holdup. Drama.
6. In the Land of the Buffalo.
llrln1n Mulco from Interior.
George Strand and Herbert Thomp
son, the reservation farmers, will ar
rive in Pt-ndeton tomorrow with 30
hind of mules. The animals were
purchased In the Burns country 'and
have been driven across the moun
ta ns. Though the trip is a difficult
one to m.iko at this time of the year,
the shortage of hay In Harney coun
ty and the long winter made it pos
s ble to purchase the mules at Very
reasonable prices.
S -- -1
The Well Known Chinese Doctor
Cures any
and all dis
eases that the
hunia . flesh
Is heir to. My
wonderful and
p o w e r f u 1
roots, herbs,
remedies are
romnosnd o f
V 1 , ' Chinese
buds, barks
and vegetables that are entirely
unknown to medical science of the
present day. They are harmless,
as we use no poisons or drugs. No
operations. No knife used.
We cure stomach troubles, liver,
kidne catarrh, lung, throat, asth
ma, nervous debility, female com
plaints and rheumatism and all
disorders of the blood. We cure
to stay cured, and guarantee to
cure private diseases of men and
women. If you are unable to call
send 2 cents In stamps for blank.
Consultation free. Address
S6 W. Rose St., Walla Walla ,Wn.
ava Itasc for France.
Paris. French naval circles urge
that the Brest be made the real naval
base of the Atlantic. At present
France's Atlantic naval forces arc es
j tabllshed at three points Brest.
Cherbourg and Lorient Several wrlt
i ers on naval topics maintain that this
' is a mistake, since the Mediterranean
is no longer "the defensive center "
Sivllon rori-iiinn Changes.
Theodore Dickson, who was for
merly section foreman at Cayuse, but
who has been on the Wash'nsti n di
vision for several months, has return
ed to the main line of the O. R. & N.
and is now stationed at Meacham. C.
E. Bradhurn who has been section
foreman for the O. U. & X. for n num
ber of years, first at Horseshoe Curve
and then at Thome Hollow, has re
signed his position with the railroad
and will leave at once for Idaho,
where he will farm a large t
Closing Out Sale at Eilers Piano House An Extraordi
nary Chance to Save Big Sums
It Makes
Them All
!"! " ' ; k1
- :
.tfji, j,- :j
Save From
$125 to
$218 Now
I id u aril Elliott Here Tonight.
Edward Elliott, the great enter
tainer, will appear at the Methodist
church this evening under the au
spices of the Pendleton high school
He will either lecture on Shake
speare's plays or give his famous en
tertainment of parts from plays. It
is expected that the latter will be
given here. Mr. Elliott Is considered
one of the greatest entertainers on
the American lecture platform and
his excerpts from "The Lion and the
Mouse." "Hamlet," and other fa
mous plays, is said to be exceptional
ly good.
If every family who haven't a Piano or Player
Piano or Organ realized what little money it
now takes to secure a good instrument in our
Closing Out Pale, it is safe to predict that all these
rare values 'would he snapped up in short order.
Since the first announcement of this really great
event, a score of buyers, many of them keen
judge of piano value, have selected instruments
At the outset we stated that this was the
greatest Tiano Event ever launched "in Pendle
ton or Eastern Oregon.
Such a vast assortment of well-known" makes
raet of jl.as never before been shown at any one time, and
the low prices asked for them make this beyond
the shadow of a doubt the Piano Event of a Lifetime.
Subscriptions to be sent through
the American Woman's League for
periodicals; may be left at Frazlcr's
' book store. Those leaving subscrlp
; tlon orders will please designate the
; person to whose membership they
should be credited.
Wanted At Teoples Warehouse,
two apprentice girls for millinery department.
Koeppen Bros.
Cordially invite the ladies to step into their store and be
taught free of charge how to make the very best Vanilla Flavor
ings, and they may take home with them a free sample to see
how good it is. Fifty cents worth of material will make one
quart of flavoring and we sell nothing less than that amount,
bit you can make it up in small quantities and the balance will
keep for future use. The process is new, the flavor supreme,
expense subnormal. . ,
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
Ijiir to Have Hearing.
Thomas Lair, who Is lodged in the
county jail on the charge of nssault
with Intent to kill will be given a
hearing before Justice of the Peace
Parkes this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
I-flir Is the young man who is accused
of bouncing a rock on the head of
Thomas B. Pruitt and then attempting
to cut his throat. The fight was the
termination of a discussion as to the
relative merits of Jim Jeffries and
Jack Johnson as fighters. Pruitt s
nursing nn Injury to his chin which
he says was caused by a knife In the
hands of ITlr. while the latter is
nursing a frnctured collar bone ns the
result of having been hurled violently
to the sidewalk by Pruitt.
Parole Law Unconstitutional.
, Springfield, Ills., Feb. 16. The su
preme court today held that the state
parole law Is unconstitutional. The
decision will. It is believed, affect the
freedom of Paul Stensland, the con
victed banker, who recently was pa
roled, and probably will compel his
return to the penitentiary.
Land Fraud Trials.
Boise, Feb. 16. The taking of tes
timony In the Kcttenabch. Kester,
Dwyre land fraud trial will not be
gin until tomorrow. The entire time
In today's session will be occupied
with reading Indictments.
Phone Main 8 for good dry wood
ind coal that will burn clean. Prompt
ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard.
For Rent Eight ropm house, one
block from Main street Inquire 114
West Alta. Phone Black S166.
We cannot adequately describe all the Pianos
included in this Closing Out Sale in this limited
space, but a glance at the list below will give some
idea of the tremendous savings that can now be
It matters little what amount of money you
desire to invest in a good Piano, you are sure to
find an instrument here to suit your taste and
j ocketbook, and you'll save big money by buying
new. These are plain, honest statements of facta
worthy of your earnest consideration. We don't
ask you to take our or anyone elses mere say 60.
Investigate for yourself j satisfy yourself. Bear
in mind, too, everything will be found just as rep
resented or money cheerfully refunded.
upright, beautiful ma
case, regular $350,
Organs Small Goods
ESTEY, chapel organ taken as Rare old Violin, $30 val. $14.25
part payment for piano, in good
right ; in rich mahogany case, a
splendid instrument, made
since 1853. Regular $390,
now $190
EAIillUFF organ in
satin wal
nut case, 11 stops, cannot be
told from new; a big snap at
REMINGTON, upright, in ma- KIMBALL taken in part payment
. hogany, beautiful tone, can now . vimhn niano enrt now b
be had at
EMEPvSON, slightly used, in eb
ony case, can now be bought
at - $135
CLARENDON, in walnut case,
superb instrument, rich and
mellow tone, now $265
Fine Violin, Bow and case
- $17.25
Mayflower Mandolin $9.75
Mayflower Guitar, new $8.75
Gundel Accordeon, others ask
$7.50, closing out price $3.25
Violin Case, leather, plush lined
- $5.35
Mandolin Leather Case, $15.00
value $8.20
$45 Talking Machine with 6
double disc records ....$33.45
$25 Talking Machine with 3
double records $10.50.
Music Cabinets $13.25
KIMBALL organ; satin walnut Kecord Cabinet $S.OO, $S.50,
, . $12.50, $14.75
case, a rare bargain at . . , , ,
b $1.00 Mouth Ilarps S5
condition in fine walnut case, 25c Mouth Ilarps. 20t
had at less than 1-3 price when
Remember Everything must go. Everything fully guaranteed. Pianos exchangeable within one
year at what you pay for them. Factory guarantee with each instrument Arrange to come at once
and participate in these big savings. Come tonight if possible. Open evenings until everything ia
sold, You can have your own terms of payment
dispensers of
513 Main Street
Pendleton, Oregon.