East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 16, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 1 V - 'Aasv--
r i!.;i'iml Imllv. Wwkly lind Seml-V. wkljr,
at lVndt.'ton, Or.von. by the
r-all. .n y.-ar. by mail r00
t-llT. fix montlia. hy mail 'J .Mi
three immtha. by mull 1.25
rll'. onr month, by mull M
lly. tr,e year, by carrtfr 7. SO
iigiii. rir ramitha. by carrier S 15
falij. thref inomtia. by carrier .... l.flS
'tl!y. out month, by carrier
ckly, one year, by mall 1.50
rkly. al months, by mall 73
"ely four months, by mal! 50
ml-Wkiy. one year, by mall .... 1.50
aetnl-Weekly, tlx months, by mail . . .75
leal Weekly, four months, by mall . .50
The Dally Rant Orpfonlan la kept on aale
at the Oreeon Newt Co.. it" Olh atreet,
rortland. Oregon.
Cblcaeo Hnreau. S.ciirlty Hulldlng.
Wanlilncton. P. C. Hureau, 501 Four
'unth atreet, N. W.
Mmber tnlttvi Aswlatlon,
Entered at the poatoi'i.e ac Tendleton,
Oregon, aa aerond rlaaa wall matter.
tlepbnoe Mala 1
Tour burden is heavy, I haven't
a doubt;
But others have loads they
must carry about.
And they are not whining.
Some people are glad if but half
of the way
Ues out of the shadow, or part
of the day
They see the sun shining
Suppose you try smiling.
This funny old World is a mir
ror, you know,
Turn its way with a sneer or
the face of a foe.
And you will see trouble.
But meet it with laughter, and
looks full of cheer,
And back will come sunshine
and love, true and dear.
With blessings to double
Suppose you try smiling.
to those j
All doors open widely
who are glad;
Too many lack courag
many are sad;
Those near y"u need cheer
ing. So, laugh with your burden; the
way is not long;
And if you look upward, your
heart will grow strong,
And skies will be clearing
. uppose you try smiling. .
. 1
By all means shold an initiative ,
measure be prepared in behalf of the
Eastern Orecon normal school. A
normal school. A
bill providing adequate maintenance
for the school should be drafted and!
ubmittcd to the people in November, j
The people can then say whether or j
not they wish to maintain a normal:
achool in eastern Oregon. That they
do favor an eastern Oregon normal
and will support the Weston insti
tution this paper firmly believes.
It was to the shame and disgrace
of the state of Oregon that the nor
mal schools were left without funds
last winter. Though it took but a
trifling sum to operate the Eastern
Oregon normal, yet the school was
left without a cent. Through
work of a little clique of senators the
achool was even denied money with
which to complete the school year
Only through public donations se
cured from the people of Weston,
Pendleton and from the normal school
faculty ami the students themselves
waa enough money gathered to eke
out the term.
Since the Eastern Oregon normal
waa forced to close for lack of funds
the young people of eastern Oregon
desiring normal training have gone to
th Washington normals and to the
normal school at Lewlston, Idaho.
They are being educated at the ex
pense of our sister states. However
under the laws of Washington a stu
dent from Oregon must pledge him
elf or herself to teach for three years
within that state after graduation or
else pay a high entrance fee. Nearly
all of them agree to teach In Wash
ington and so become lost to this
So It Is plain that If the present
situation Is allowed to continue It will
b5 but a few years until this state will
be In a sorry plight with respect to
teachers. With no provision for
training teachers within the state and
with many young people going away
for Instruction and to teach the edu
cational work In this state cannot but
retrograde. If the standard of the
public schools of eastern Oregon Is to
bo maintained It Is absolutely neces
sary that the Eastern Oregon normal
be supported and so permitted to do
the work for which It was establish
ed. Let us see what we can do tow
ards getting support for this Inst!
The long discussed, much planned
assembly scheme la now ready for use.
An assembly, or In other words a con
rentlon, to to be held In Portland In
July. At that time a slate will be
adopted and when the primary elee-
tlon is held the machine clement
throughout the entire state will get
behind it and try to put it through.
The former political "lenders" want
get back Into power. They want
tn do away wilh the "abuses" of the
direct primary. They don't want
candidates for nominations to come
out by themselves, make promises di
rect to the people and run for office
upim their merits. They want them
U oume to the bosses and the boss
lets as they did ot old. A man Is for
ward and self seeking who conies out
for office of his own account with
out first "fixing matters" with the
powers that be. If a man wants to
run for office he should go see Joe
Sinmn or sonic other remnant of the
rotten ring that once dominated this
state. He should not look to the
citizenship of the state. Only a dem
agogue does that. At least this Js the
view of the assemblyltes.
However the people of Oregon ad
opted the direct primary law. They
did so for a purpose. They did so In
order to wipe out hossism. In order
to do away with galling. assinine
system of allowing a few self ap
I ointed political managers to name
the officials and dictate the policies
of this state. It is a pretty safe guess
that the people have no desire to re
turn to the old system. Some politi
cians may be weary of the direct pri
mary. But the rank and file of the
pcople are entirely satisfied with It.
Wait and watch what they do to the .
slate that will be framed up by Mr.
Simon and his fellow ringsters.
It is now evident that desperate ef
forts will be made to fasten the guilt
for the high cost of living upon the ;
farmer the one man who is not i
guilty. One by one the various trusts
con.e forth with elaborate stntom.-nt '
from their attorneys and agents show-
int. bn,v thev Vinv-o V,nI nnlMn. ,.l,n.. I
... .... .. -.. , t plotters oi lauur.
evir to do with the increased cost of The men who to 1 may or may not
existence. The railroads ueclare thev which may provide them
u , , , . . . . . ,' with enough for food, with cheap
have had nothing to do with it. The. , , , . ,, ,. x), ,.,.. nr,,
'clothing ;iii! sheiter. i ne m-t pro-
administration still insists that the t lhu... .,. -;,,., the amount of their
tariff is innocent and that the reduc- ! wages. That will not matter. They
tion made last summer was downward.
So there is only one man left to blame,
the original producer he is the
"goat." Few people though are go- .
Ihg to be deceived !'V this. It is well !
1 Known thnt the farmers are about
; the only people who have not organ-
! ized and who still do business upon
I a comtittitive hnsls. Upsides the fin-
ger of suspicion points too strongly nt (
the trusts. Despite the insistent de-j
the trusts. Desrite the insistent de-
;nials of the trust representatives peo-
pie are going to believe they are re-
pie are going to believe they are re- 1
sponsible for the high cost of livinw. I
The trusts have the "goods" upon j
them. They cannot expect to keep on j
rolling up enormous profits and then j
ask people to believe them when they i
point to the farmer and say he is the
rillan in the plot.
NOW FOR THE $25,000.
The Washinptmi-Oregon company j
agrees to commence operations upon
the raising of J25,000 by local peo
ple. The company still wants $50,000
but will undertake- to raise the re-
malnder of the fund themselves.
Very well.
The fact that the company will be
gin its construction work and agree
tc carry out the provisions of Its con
tract after $25,000 has been raised Is
'.ecldedly encouraging. It Is the best
news the traction workers have had
In many weeks. It means that the
long hard fight for a traction system
may be won." It is all but won now.
With another day or two of good vig
orous canvassing the sum may be
brought up to the desired $25,000
mark. Then the traction system will
be assured and bright days shall be
it hand for Pendleton and for the
people of this city.
The Inland Herald, the new Spo
kane daily, quotes the East Oregon-
Ian as asking whether Pendleton shall
fellow the Spokane way and build up
this city or allow the town to shamble
along the best wy it can. "Take the
Spokane way, Pendletonlans," says
the Herald. "Pull together and go to
it. Get your traction lines as a begin
ning." If the Japanese continue to ship
arms and ammunition to the Fili
pinos It may be necessary to send the
old Second Oregon back to the orient.
If not the famous Spanish war regi
ment then the "Fighting" third regi
ment O. N. O.
The professors of the examining
board found a Joke. Some of the
teachers have not changed their age
In years. Wonder if the teachers
know any Jokes on the examining
J. Tborburn Ross must go to the
penitentiary for five years. This
should be a warning to other bankers
who "part their names in the mid
Pendleton will win.
Politeness pays enormous dividends
on the investment.
Tin: 'stacy or high rnorrrs
Socialists sometimes speak of a
capitalist this or a capitalist that. A
great many people do not understand
Just what we mean, and we are often
sneered at as visionary and irrespon
sible. Last fall our -Distinguished
president made a speech in Boston.
There was one phase of that speech
which will make clear what we mean
by a capitalist president. The hum
of prosperity and the ecstacy of great
profits, he said, are likely to dull our
interest in reforms.
What a niai'veiously illtiiniimting
phrase the ecstacy of great profits.
Properly undtrstood. that phrase
should ilpen to all of us the mind
and heart if Mr. Tat't. Perhaps he
has sat down with great financiers
when a melon was cut or a box of
Hood li ver apples was opened up
fan you imagine an ecstacy so ex
tiuisile a.- l-i be a stockholder in a
gnat trust which has laid aside mil
lions of surplus profit which it decides
to divide among you. Here is the
most gorgeous graft thnt the mind of
man can conceive of- It Is clean gain
without any effort on our part.
Mr. Taft knows how to reach the
heart of the capitalist. He has done
it to perfection in this phrase. He has
tickled him with the most exquisite
sensation known to the profit seeker,
the ecstacy of great profits.
We socialists say that Mr. Taft is
a capitalists' president and you ask
what we mean. We mean this, that
President Taft is the repre
sentative of the profit seekers, the
two million or more little child slaves
have no president. Men. women and
children of toil, deep this day and
everv ilav in the mines In the fac-
tories, before the furnaces
have no
They know not the ecstacy
of great profits. They never have ,Jt h .t much u be
nor ever will cut a single luscious mel- N(jr weaUn nor cr0Wn, nor power
on. The product of their labor th.s , A v.ne-i-iiii gate where roses wait
year alone will amount to untold mil- j With lips of love's rose-flower,
lions The bread thi-v bake, the steel ; Sing sweet, O hearts of evening,
thev make, the coal they mine, the en- j When whistles blow wheels cease,
gine thev drive, the clothing they ! And down the ane to heart's refrain
sew. the houses they erect, are like j - home ot peace!
mighty rivers filled with blood and i It uot.sn-t take much to be happy,
sweat, laden with profits flowing into v.,.. need ye be king.
,u0 coffers of our great commercial
i i, i.t ,..,e!,i.. e'initniii;ts with mil-i
tiusts to provide capitalists with mU-
Hons of melons to cut. The surplus
will be rich and plentiful and there
, . .i, v. .,,-t r th ,v
w 11 be ecstaev in the heart or the ex-
. '
The hum ol
prosiM l ily and the ecstacy of groat
profits, thise are the words of a re
publican president in the year liMHi
:,,nl 1010.
Let us fail
k to t!u words of
' that nobli
i said. ' 'U
i three gp-n
patriot, Abe Lincoln. He
whole species falls Into
classes. 11
ful labor, us.-
j i,.s. labor and Idleness "
t I'ist "tllV is llierilor.oll:
( if these the
and to it all
th- product of l.il'oV rignt.uny -iiw
: '.lit ih,- tw i latter, wh they
. , .... ,,,.sionei-; upon th--
I r- robbintr it of a la rue proportion
! of its just risiit.-J. Io be pla;n. -Mr.
Merchant, farmer and lain. ring man.
what then is
capital'st president?
We socialists claim he is that one who
,...o-..i.i- the i.ensioners Those whos.-
s t on in the commercial siru';ni
Miables them to rob labor of n large;
. . , t ..jjrj,! He is 1
'' '1L.U ,,f ., I
mat o,,,- n,,. nen ne sp.aKs r a
nation's weal. ba one thing on. ,n ,
mmd robbery, w as .nr. i,m m..
I ih
of treat profit,
"How about your cook? When I
saw you last month, you were quite
dissatisfied with her." "Was I?" re
sponded the hostess wearily. "I've
been dissatisfied with five or six cooks
since then." Louisville Cotirrier
Journal. A five-foot piece of steel rail, hung,
from a wooden framework serves as j
a fog bell at rnllborne. Md., on Ches-
peak bay. I
Toronto voters will have a chance
to express their opinions on a pro
position to build 33 miles of under
ground railroad.
In Every Way
the Bitters will prove very helpful to
those who suffer from ailments of the
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels.
It has stood the test of public approval
for over 58 years, so it must be good.
today for Loss of Appetite, Sour Ris
ings, Heartburn, Illoatlng, Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia, Costlveness, Ellllous
ness, Kidney Ills, Colds, Grippe and
Malaria. You'll acknowledge, it to be
the best. For sale at all drug stores.
1640 acres all fenced, ' good new
posts, 800 acres In grain, 250 acres of
alfalfa land mostly set, will cut 750
tons of alfalfa this year, a stream of
water runs through which furnishes
plenty of water for Irrigating, good
concrete dams and ditches, good
buildings, lots of fruit trees and ber
ries. This is an Ideal place for feed
ing stock for the market. A railroad
runs right through the middle of It.
Tou can buy this fine ranch for $46,
000. IS. T. WADE,
Office in American Nat. Bank Bid.
Pendleton, Ore.
1 1 Cures Coughs, Colds,
7 y and Lung Troubles.
fresh, good, wholesome,
economical. Readily
made with
No Alum
No Lento
It doesn't take much to be happy,
It doesn't cost much to be sweet
A doorway in the quiet lane
That leads from tumult street,
A love-rose there to greet you.
And little one to rush
With arms to clasp and lips to cling.
1U4" swl,t-1 "UUI ul ,,ua"-
i .,,r captain of the mortal hosts,
Nor lord or anything.
I A lane that leads to roses,
a cottage unu u uii
' And, lo, as slow or switt you go,
, , , ., ,'
''" v,'; "" uu
Baltimore Sun.
Helix. Ore., Keb. 14. lain.
Editor East Oregonian. Peiullet in.
re. Inai Sir: U'iil you kindly cor
n : the account of the Helix poison-in:-:
cases that appeared ill today's
's in- of your paper. The facts are
as follows. I v. as hot feeling very
well, so consulted lr. Grlsw old. w ho
ii l that he would give me some
medicine that would help me. He
. en- p. the drug store and when he
Rheumatism i3 in reality an Internal inflammation; a diseased condi-!
tion of the blood cells which supply
to sustain our bodies. The disease
the blood, which comes from indigestion, weak kidnevs, constipation, and
uljs.li: uwv. -v '
Rn acrid condition of the blood, and tho circulation, i ustaad of nourishing
the different portions of the body, continually deposits into the muscles,
Berveg joints . n d V)0nC3f the irritalini? and pain-producing acid with which
it j3 filled. Then follow the painful and torturing symptoms of Rheumatism.
, w j t .!!. for R. S. S. that it is
purifier, and that is just what is needed to cure lUieumtitism. S.S.8. goes
Into the circulation, and by neutralizing the uric acid and driving It from
the blood, eilcrt unlly and surely removes the caus of Rheumatism. 8.S.S.
Strengthens and invigorates the blood so that instead of a weak, sour
Stream, causing pain and agony throughout tlia system, it becomes an
Invigorating, nourishing fluid, furnishing health and vigor to every portion
Of the body, ard permanently relieving the suffering causod by Rheumatism.
B.S.S. is purely vegetable and will not injure tho most delicate system.
Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write.
J. P. MEDERNAO II. Proprietor
For Men, Women and Children
Program Changes on Sundays, Tuesduy's and Friday's.
i Byers'
I Flour
Croup, La Grippe, Asthma,
Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
71 1
returned handed me two bottles each
containing medicine. One bottle had
only the name of its contents on the
li.bel while the bottle containing the
aconite had directions to take one
tenspoonful every two hours. When
I took my first dose I knew that
there was . something wrong and so
took the medicine back to Dr. Grls-
wold and told him of the peculiar ac
tions of the medicine. The doctor
was so sure yiat the medicine was
J harmless that he took a large swal
low of it himself.
I I am very glad that we both escap
i ed so luckily and would not write
you only I do not think It was my
eiireles-iiess as you said when I was
te.king the medicine according to di
rections. There was a mistake made,
u ho made It I do not wish to say,
but If there wns any carelessness it
surely wasn't on my part.
Yours very truly,
Mr. P. came home very late the
other night from a political meeting.
In the hall he k'ick'td up rather a row,
growling and. sw earing to himself till
his wife called to him from upstairs:
"What's the mutter, my dear?"
"Ma'tei hie is." Mr. P. shouted,
of-i 'i ri,f.r,.-s two hatrack here, T dun
l. l,;,.h one to hang my hat on.."
'Tut jou've got two hats, haven't
von.'" said Mrs. P. soothingly. "Hang
one on each rack ami come up to bed.
You're tired." Answers.
the nourishment and strength necessary
is caused bv an excess of uric acid in
anvthini? more tlmn a first clasa hlood
Is made from the choicest wheat that
grows. Good -fcrend is assured when
BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran,
Shorts. Steam Rolled Barley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon
For the Lenten Season, fresh
every day at the
Central Meat Market
mo n Aha Sl 'Phone Main ft
in the
! Pneumonia
Is Here
Better cure that cold befor
It Is too iate.
cold capsuls will knock the
worst cold in two day. Manu
factured and sold only by
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of
Just Received
Carload of Poul
try supplies of
ill kind
127-129 t. Alta
Tf?oc Marks
Of signs
Anrtnn"Pt"1lnff a kot-'h utirt Vwrtt.tt.in nuir
qiilrKiT iih'-iiiiii ' j r i i -r r ro whethur urn
iiivii'iiinn in iiroiu.1 . -i i -r r- nirninlrn.
ih'iieUttrk'Myi'inm.!. .i i i. i. : ;ic tK .i, j-jtctita
i'nt fre. (Hiti'ni ii' ' . - . . . r : : i i intiMin.
I'ntoiitf Inai'Ti U t A, it.. lei-titV
t. 'i
A rmndfimneljr lintpfri-ra wr'ur. I unrwit
rulHiMin of irny H'ii"-i ni-' )- iinuiL 'i'tTiim fi
y-Mr: (tu riM.niljj L HuUb-full new!Ki.'Hlor
HOT & Co New Ifort
Urancb Onic, V HL, H'ojhiutiimi. n n
'nr -'i5ij,,S V m i
The French Restaurant
T. n. Swearliigen. Mgr. ((?
Thoroughly renovate-l
l Irst-clasn rooma In con
nection. Private dining parlors;
good service and the best
You Can Stretch It
'I he furtherest by buying your coal of
us where cleanliness and clear burn
ing quality Is an assured fact
The old saying 'the best Is the
cheapest In the end" applies with re
markable aptness to the purchase of
You obtain the best coal at the
best price when the order is placed
Phone Main 178.
be? nr i rrTaftri R
Mi I no Transfer
Phone Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggage transfer
ring. Piano and Fumture
moving and Heavy Truck
wg a specialty.