East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 16, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    rAGE TWO.
ONE-HALF PRICE 1 ns oxon sulphur
i J
Only Three More
All Remnants of all kinds must go at Half-Price
Suit Lengths Skirt Lengths Waist Lengths
The Most Beautiful Array, of Goods Ever Displayed in Pendleton
NcW SUk tne most beautiful designs all
Waists... shades $5.50 to $10
NeW HOUSE us receved the neatest, handi-
You Must See Them to Appreciate Them tj
....New Spring Grays T'ksBes and
Tailored Suits ask to see them. 1
The Peoples Warehouse, Where it
This article is from the CitizeM-Star
of Fort Worth. Ti xas, anil was writ
ten by Garfield Crawford, formerly of
Heppner. The young man mentioned
is L. R. McBee who has a ranch at
Cecil. l
To pay 15 per ae ro for .1 d'soarded
and wornout stock ranch was consid
ered a vry foolish investment by the
wise heads of a community. However
this was done and the purchaser Is to
day Independent and has a snug bank
When the young man purchased
the 16.000 acre ranch consisting of
sage brush and sand hills, with about
100 acres of It on the bottom to be
converted into a meadbw, the question
of how he expected to ever pay out
was considered by all of his neighbors
It wa. thoroughly discussed and in the
majority of cases the decision was
rendered, "Can't never do It." The
young man paid no attention to the
neighbors or those who sought to give
him advice 'that he was going it a
litle strung." but went to work to
carry out the ideas that he had In
A creek runs through this ranch
and the first move on the part of the
young farmer was to repair an old
Irrigation d.tch. fix up the dam and
to get water out on a small patch of
alfalfa that had been planted several
years before. This alfalfa had been
own on the ground and harrowed In
and left to do the best it could. If
it grew, all good and well; of not,
It made no particular difference to
the former owner. He had a email
acreage cleared off below the house
upon which a little bunch of wheat
hay could be raised to pull the cattle,
through the winter Alfalfa was
not the best hay, anyway, was the
con nen bus of opinion by cattlemen
in those days. But the newcomer
thought differently and after getting
water onto the growing alfalfa he
started a crew of men to work grub
bing sagebrush, following up with
or any severe sicKness
Ve will supply h to any one with the understanding that if it does
not do what we claim we will refund the money paid us for it
Days of this Money Saving Sale
fiuys your
' Suit
We have left
Just Received By Express
beautiful Negligee Waists,
White, Cray and
StripesCuff Buttons
to match
mentsmade $2.50 to $3.75
plows, scrapers and levelers. The main
ditch was enlarged so as to carry
more water from the creek. Small
laterals vi re put in on the new land
and that fall tbout eighty acres of
wild land was In shape to be planted.
This system was followed out from
year to year until the entire 300 acres
of bottom land had been converted in
to .an alfalfa field.
It was a little more than ten yeans
ago that this young farmer settled
n Willow creek in Oregon. Today he
is free from debt, goes and comes
when so desires and has all the lux-
urles of life. But these luxuries did
not come Immediately upon the
hee.'s of the completion of the work
of establishing an alfalfa.farm. There ,
was much work to follow to make this t
farm an institution of permanency. ,
There must be some way to dispose '
of his crop so as to derive the highest
income. At that time there was ,
not enough to create a direct market
and he could not afford to take the 1
chances of shipping It to Portland, j
Seattle or Spokane markets, as hlR
supply was limited, and for that rea- '
son he would have to take whatever
the brokers saw fit to give him. His
way out was the beet way.
The banks were lending money In
the fall of the year o'n cattle and sheep
security. He went to the bank !
and went back Into the interior of ;
the state and bought cattle Just off
the'summer range. These cattle were j
driven out to his ranch and there fed
on alfalfa for sixty and ninety days.
They were topped off on alfalfa and !
then loaded oboard cars and placed !
on the Portland stock market. In this 1
way he was able to sell his hay at &
figure from $16 to J20 per ton. He j
followed the market closely and al- ;
ways made an effort to have his cat
tle on the market at at time when
they would command the top price.
Obstacles presented themselves, but
these he met In a fearless manner. In
the late sumer the creek went dry
Choice of Any Man's
or Overcoat
on our counters
Values up to $30. 00
plain and embroideried-
$2.25 to $4
Pays to Trade
and In the e.-uly .spring it "would
overflow, doing much darrftige to
h s fields These adversities must le
contrniled. Brush along the creek
hank caught floating debris . which
formed dams, causing the overflows.
This was leaped away and in many
instances the channel was enlarged
a n.l straightened. These improvements
gave him more land and did away
with the overflow damage under or
1 nary circumstances, but the water
for his third crop was not to be had.
lie fell upon the idea. "Why not irri
gate when the water is plentiful?"
'nil sat about to regulate his affairs
to that condition. In the early sum
mer water was plentiful and at that
time he proceeded to soak up the
land in a through manner. He didn't
allow the water to stand on the field
any length of time, hut kept steady at
his work of irrigating. The Idea pro
ved a success and is now being fol
lowed by hundreds of farmers in that
As soon as the weather permits In
the" spring, springtootli harrows are
run over the fields, thus stlrrng up
the plant and soil, forming a loose
dust mulch on the surface which is to
conserve the moisture In the late sum
mer. Manure spreaders are put In use
and the dumpings from the barns and
food racks are consumed to restore
and enrich the soil. He adapted r a
system and followed It.
His neighbors raise alfalfa, 'in fact
every rancher on Willow creek, which
is more than sixty miles long and
farmed from the 'head to the mouth,
raise this great forage plant. Some of
them feed It to sheep, some to cattle
and a great many bale and ship. An
nlfalfa meal mill has been established
on this ranch and the demand for al
falfa today is far greater than it was
ten years ago.
Baby Hands,
will get Into mischief often it meant
a burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal
lard's Snow Liniment just as soon as
the accident happens, and the pain
will be relieved while the wound will
heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure
for sprains, ' rheumatism and all
pains. Price 26c, 50c and SI. A. C.
Koeppen & Bros.
After Uncle Joc'g Scalp
Berkeley, Cal. Feb. 18. "Uncle
Joe" Cannon will be discussed, and
probably "cussed" by the oratorical
wind Jammers of the University of
California tonight, when this question
will be debated: "Resolved, That Pow
er of the Speaker of the House of
Representatives should be Curtailed."
The affirmative speakers are conll
dent of victory, but "Uncle Joe's" de
fenders will make a hard fight In his
Oocy Takes Restaurant.
Goey, the well-known Chinese
merchant and restaurant man who re
cently returned from an extended visit
to China, took charm of hi noodle
j house on West Alta street and again
at ened It to the public Tuesday.
Aru-i' KrliiH'ii(liiK. Board Which
Fiuloix'tl lUm.oulc of Sotlu, Ap
proves I'so of Sulphur In pried
Fruits People Will h. Skeptical
About Action.
I William Wolff Smith. Correspondent.
Washington, D. C.)
Washington, II. C. Information
reaches Washington that the Ttemscn
Board Is prepnring to report that
sulphur is a harmless preservative for
dried fruits. Its conclusions will be
based on a series of experiments sim
ilar to those it conducted with ben
zoate of soda. Students, carefully se
lected because of their healthfulness
I have been fed on sulphured fruit, to
gether with many other things. They
have gained In weight; ergo sulphur
fruit is the real stuff for students.
This question is of great importance
to California because of Its large dried
I fruit Industry and Prof. Alonzo E.
Taylor, of the University of Califor
nia, a member of the Remsen Board,
has this matter in charge.
The favorable attitude of the Rem
sen Board toward sulphur, following
it. famous findings on benzoate of so
da, predicates similar favorable find
ings In behalf of saccharine, cop
peras and alum. It takes some time
for the board to make its experiments
and tabulate the results, which work
is compensated for at the rate of $2C
per day per member engaged.
Consequently decisions in these
matters are not expected very soon,
hut as the methods employed are the
same as in the bonzonte case, and the.
interests concerned are similar, the
results can be accurately predicted,
Cnls the Remsen board Is to pro
duce favorable results for artificial
i preservatives, etc., there Is no excuse
j for its existence. Congress enacted
in pure-food law and acting under it
i.iil sorts of preservatives and iidul-
t. rants were prohibited. These in.
j lii'iilions eajne from the highest con- ;
i -titut'-d authority under the law; and
! to secure a reversal of this adverse 1
j;ttitiii!e it was necessary to create iin i
i extra legal body, never contemplated!
, tiv congress, which took form in the
. Remsen hoard. Here then, we have
a prolilem for those student-- who .ire'
i sniffed with preservatives arid other
i things :noi-- to their hklng. Oivcn a
; eg!sl;t:ve action plu executive Inter.
' pretsitlon. resulting In loudly express
ed dls:it!fretl'in. follower! hy the
eat'op ,, rn i,trri leril court ot
' !.-vt r-'or': find the result Xothinsr 1
" ,. I.-;.. r; r emovv of ti e entire for dir-,,t'.-f-.ctton.
Ptnflng thoroughly j
!ea'thv students "id wholesome fond'
'-.Thin,,' with minute quant'tleo nfj
!r; t ran prove nothing as to the
t L'en ' ri ! effect of silch 'OH' on the
i puhhe rit Itrce.
"fhat this v'.e-v is taken by the phy- ,
. sti ans nf the country Is proven bv the
many r "ohilions adopted at their
state and national ronvent'ons enn- !
lemninij, henzonte of coda. Foremost !
among the active opponent" of the1
i preservatives is rr Charles T,. .. !
j lie, , of Cincinnati. TV. R. ed 's not i
j only i Tamous pnrgeon but Is one of'
the leaders in the cause of proven- j
tative medicine. He takes thr po- :
j s:tion that the effect of drugo upon!
invalids, children and aged persons,
the classes peculiarly the car,- of the ,
physicians, cannot be determined hv j
experiments conducted by chemists 1
upon the bodies of stalwart young col- j
lege students, carefully Selected he- !
'cause of their disease -eolsting pow
! ers and fed on :. diet scientifically
j calculated to off-set the deleterious
(effects of the Ingested drug or drugs. '
j Dr. Reed exposed the fallacy of such
i experiments nt the last meeting of1
I the Association of State 'ami National I
Dairy and Food Departments at Den- I
ver and but for the activity of the I
delegates representing the Depart- I
inent of Agriculture he would have I
swept that convention off Its feet. He j
is chairman of the special committee '
of the 'American Medical .-issnciatl n
which has the matter In chnrse and
the condemnation of benzoate of so
da ami other dru representatives by
this body Is heinn supported by all
the state and inter-state medical so
cieties as well as by the American
Homeopathic Institute. Phould I
President Taft's wishes prevail and
congress provides for a bureau of
public health it Is not improbable the
place will be offered to Dr. Reed,
who is an old friend of the president.
Carncoele Swimming Pool
New Haven, Conn., Feb. 16. After
two postponements, the new swim
ming pool presented to Tale by An
drew Carnegie will be formrlly open
ed this afternoon the exercises be
ing continued until the evening.
The pool, which was completed last
fall, was practically ready for an
opening In November, but the occa
sion was deferred because it was
hoped that Mr. Carnegie might be
Dice Thrown For Charity
London. The quaint ceremony of
throwing the dice for John How's
charity, or "the maid's money," at
Guildford has Just been performed
when two servants obtained the same
total of ten on the first throw. On
the second throw, however, Ellen
Reeve threw a double six, making a
total of twelve, and she was then
presented with a cheque for 11 pounds
19s. Other ancient charities were
also presented at the meeting.
The government of Chile, South
America, has adopted as the standard
time of the country that of the seventy-fifth
meridian west of Green
wich, the same as Eastern time In
North America.
UTanu man la Txrnt.A nt hl nwt
When thousands of women say that they have bee
cured of their ailments by a certain remedy, does this not
prove the merit of that remedy ? .
Thousands of women have written the story of their
suffering, and have told how they were freed from it by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for thirty
years these reports have been published all over America.
Without great merit this medicine could never have
gained the largest sale of any remedy for woman's ills
never could have become known and prized in nearly every
country in the world.
Can any woman let prejudice stand between her and that
which will restore her health? If you believe those who
have tried it you know this medicine docs cure.
Read this letter from a grateful woman, then make up
your mind to give Mrs. Pinkham's medicine a chance to
cure you.
Brooklyn, X. Y. "I am a firm believer In Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I was npreatmiflVrer from orjjani
female trouMes for years, ami almost despaired of ever hclng
well asraln. I had hearing-down pains, haeknehe, headache
and pains in my altit!iiow,und tried 31 rs. lNnMiani's Compound
a.s n last resort. The result was astonishing:, and I have used It
and advocated it tver since. It is a preat boon to expectant
mothers. I have often said that I should like to have iU merits
thrown on the sky with a search-light so that women would
read and be com inced that, there isn remedy for theirsufferinpni.
My husband joins me in its praise, lie has used it for kidney
able and been entirely cured." Mrs. U. A. Ilishop, 15)15
lantie Ave., Brooklyn, X. Y.
1" or SO years Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. Xo sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively-from roots and herbs, and
has thousands or cures to its credit.
prT Mrs. Pink ham invites all sick women
Sfc"M to write her for advice. She lias
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Aliri-s.s Mrs. Piukham, Lynn, Mass.
mrn i"T!..', ii: rTrnm m UTtrTinriiwifc mum i Mrfvwm iiii
.leiiru-s to go 1 1 ii nt I ti'r.
I. .
Anseles, Feb. 18. James J.
- arrive, here today from Du-
.viwre he recently finished his
rieai engagement, and will start
liately on a long hunting trip,
t Jias made nearly $BO,000
nil of hi.s engagement Ju.-'t coin-
Wo at
.it I'l'i
, I, ar
I iete.
1, wlilio hist year's profits came i
eiose to $100. 000. He is therefore
t. llii. his friends that he will not
, ., ... , ,
li.-ue worry over financial matters
main. Jeffries first training effort
will be to test his wind, which is de -
Wlii: man College Celebrates
Walla Walla, Wash. Feb 16. Stu
dents, faculty and alumni of Whit
. nan coIIcrc today celebrated the flf
Ueih anniversary of thit Institution,
in connection with a celebration In
01 i INCH OF
Left on Whole Body Boy of Fivo a
Mass of Itching Eruption and Hi3
Screams were Heart-Breaking
Bandages Stuck to His Flesh.
"Mr littlo Hon. a boy of five, broke,
out with nn itching niIi. Three cloc
rZi - t"r'' prencrilied for
rrrj him. hut he kept
KeiiiiiK wurhrr un
til v.e could not
d r e n him unv
won'. They finally
advhed me to try
a certain medical
college, but i 1 1
treatment did no
noocl. At I he time
I was Induced to
try Cuticura he
wut so bad that I
bad to cut his hair
off and nut the
Cuticura Ointment on lilm on bandages,
as it was Impossible) to touch him with
the bare hand. Tberi was not one
square inch i f shin on his whole body
that was not affected, lie was one mass
of sores. The bandapes used to stick to
bis skin and in removing them It used
to take the skin off with them, and the
screams from tho poor child were heart
breaking. 1 began to think that he
. would never get well, but after the sec
ond application of Cuticura Ointment I
began to nee rins of improvement, and
with the third and fourth applications
the sores commenced to dry up. His
skin peeled off twenty lime, but it
finally yielded to the treatment. Now
I can say that he is entirely cured, and
a stronger nntl healthier boy you never
saw than ho is to-lnv, twelve years or
more since the cure wns effected. Rob
ert Waltnra, 1US Fort v-elght h 8U,
Chicago, Oct. 0, 10OO."
Millions of women profer Cudcnra
fioop to afj other skia snaps for preserv
ing, purifying and beantifyinj tha skin,
scalp, hair and nanris. For rashes,
Itchlnp and chafing, red, rough bands,
dry, thin and falling hair, for Infantile
eruptions and skin blrrrdshrs and pvery
purpose of the toilet, bath and nursery,
Cut intra Soap and Cuticura Ointment
are Invaluable.
CoUfnrm floup CJV ), Oirfc mm Otutmmt (MM
nd ruib'iini Hranlvrnt (Me.), (or In Ui ftirm of
ChnmKuoaifil pun. ?.' per vul at 60). Bold
ttwmiirhimt Ihf world. Pillar Dni? rTirm l"erp,
B" Pmo L'lr, f ni'imbiM Avr.. Ilowimi Mum
f-Mllrd fm. M.pnwm Ciiflrunt Rnnklrl. a
AiiUNftir as Aawtiuua ot Um akin, dcsip sul time
rornomornt on nf the one him,l,e,lti
i anniversary of Curbing Kells, the
founder, uhlse hirth and death oc-
curred on February 16 The actual
found ng of Whitman was on Decem
ber 20. 1 S60. when Govenor Newell
signed the charter of the Whitman
I'lId'S sl'itKO IN 0 TO 14 HAYS
''AZO l X TMKXT In ei-nrnnlwHl to cure any
ihbc of Itt Miik, r.llml. CliHMInK r Protrud-
,nR ,, , hto I4 ,,,., r nnPJf
I Ml. rnc.
Do von tak the Fn.t Orron!n ?
...el..-- .....V."M?.i
Portland Hardwood Floor Co.
largest stock of Oak, Maple, llcccli,
Hirch, Mahogriany ami Wnlniu,
In the Pacific Northwest. Manufac
ture of Parquetry Flooring. We
have a large force of Expert Me
chanics and are In a position to give
estimates of finished floor work. W
also use sanding and scraping ma
chines for surfacing dance halla and
skating rink floors. We sell wax
brushes, furniture rests and glass
sliding hoes. Write or call al
280 Yamhill SI. Portland Ore.
Gus La Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North
west First-class cookc and service
Shell fish in season
La Fontaine BIk., Main St.
The following described animals
have been taken up by the Marshal of
the City of Pendleton, to-wlt:
One brown mare, about 12 years
old; weight about 1000 lbs.; left fore
ankle crooked, no brand visible.
One sorrel yearling colt.
If said animals are not claimed by
the owners or thoso entitled to the
possession of them, costs and expenses
against them paid and they takes
away within ten days from the data
hereof, then at 3 o'clock p. m. of the
18th day of February, 1(10, the sal
animals will be aold to the highest
bidder, at nubile auction, for euh. a
the City Pound, on the corner of Coa-
Die ana vveDo streets, in said City of
Pendleton, the proceeds of such sals
to be BDDlled to the navment nt an nh
costs and expenses of maklsg sale.
Dated this 7th day of February,
City Marskal.
Can you draw a rooseT
because It la past