East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 04, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Our Great While Sale is
Shoppers With Its Rich
Tho Whito S;ili is at its height. The inimonso varii'tios of uiuleninislins. white waists,
;in l dnvsos. hu'c- aiul enihroulorii's, vW., which v.c sixriiillv putvluisi'd" for this event eouhl not
In- appitviahh' depleted lv throe Jays selliiir groat as it has heon. So tomorrow visitors
will find jn?t as perfect choice and just as fine- hargaius as wore here in the beginning.
Such a chance today in a supply of high grade table and household linens and reliable
domes ties at substantial price savings cannot be ignored by thoughtful, prudent shoppers, the
freshness and splendid variety of those stocks i'dd to the attractiveness of the special buying
-4 White Heavy Sheeting made from first
tiass cotton and warranted to wear, regular
30 value, White Sale price
27 12?
7-4 White Heavy Sheeting of the celebrated
;inJ well known Pequot Mills, is strong and
serviceable, reirular 47, White Sale price
' 32 1-2?
10-4 White Heavy Pequot Mills Sheeting
free from sizing, this is the widest sheeting
?::ade: regular 40? val., White Sale pr. 35?
Inch White Hope Tx)nsdale Muslin soft
finish and ready for the needle, regular 12
1-24 value, Whire Sale price 9?
12 Inch White Pillow Tubing Manufactur
ers best fabric, regular 22 1-2? value. White
Sale price 19?
4" Tneh White Pillow Tubing so much in
demand, a guaranteed fabric, regular 25?
Milne. White Sale price 22 1-2?
!." Inch White Pillow Casing Made by one
i-f tin1 best mills in the country, regular 20?
value. White Sale price 15?
7-4 White- Heavy Sheeting, the soft kind
that gives so much satisfaction, regular 2S
value. White Sale price 25?
Large Wliiie Hemmed Sheets of the cele
brated and well known Pequot brand, known
from Ocean ro Ocean as being the vorv best,
size 72x!'0. torn and hemmed from their own
roods, all ready for us-e. regular SI. 25 value
White Sale price . OS?
White Hemmed Pillow Cases of standard
quality, made of first class sheeting that will
stand service and guaranteed satisfaction, size
4.rxOG, all ready for use, regular 20d value.
White Sale price 15?
Pleached Pillow Tubing that is so much
in demand for your pillow cases at the present
time, made of best fabric, 4.") inches wide, reg
ular 30? value, White Sale price 22 1-2?
White Linen Huck Towels with plain and
fancy oil red borders, a splendid towel for toilet
use; strongly woven and serviceable, regular
20? valued White Sale price 15?
65? Pleached Satin Damask table line, 0 1 -in.
wide 5S? yd.
Sl.OO Half Pleached Table Damask. 70-in.
wide, extra weight. 89? yd.
75? Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, 70
in. witle, a bargain GS? yd.
551.25 Superior Grade Bleached Satin Dam
ask Table Linen, 70-in. wide 98? yd.
$1.50 High Grade Imported Satin Damask
Table. Linen, 70-in. wide, special 81.19 yd
82.50 Bleached Satin Lustred Linen Table
Napkins, ,r-S size, price 81.75 do..
83.00 Bleached Satin Lustred Linen Table
Napkins,' pure Irish linen, 3-4 size, spec
ial 82.45 doz.
84.00 Bleached Satin Lustred Linen Table
Napkins. 3-4 size, with pretty designs
." 83.45 doz.
85.00 Superior Quality Bleached Satin Dam
ask Linen Table Napkins, Trish importation,
3-4 size 84.45 doz.
Just Received By Express
first shipment of
Wornens New Spring Suits
In Our Grocery Department
The Best Grocery in Oregon.
We have a full line of China Ware of all kinds, Cut Glass, Silver Ware Etc. at
prices that positively defy competition.
The Peoples Warehouse it Pay, to tw.
Agents for Carharft Overalls, Blocks Gloves, Stetson Hat.-. Hart, Sehnffner &vMarx Clothes.
i I KAIl OLD 'twr AT
I liirfiicc WillIn Aged Fulls lleuil
First Into a llarrcl of Vllrnl Water
and Is Pulled Out by Ills Little
Itrollior -Oilier Xcws of Nolln.
1 iKpeeinl Correspondence.)
j Nohn. Feb. 3. Clarence Weltzin,
j 7 yenr old son of Henry Weltzin who
lives L' miles north of Nolln, had a
j narrow escape from drowning in a
(barrel half filled with n solution of
blue vltrol water last Saturday while
, attempting to reach a piece of lee to
eat. The barrel being burled half
' way into the ground the little fellow
i lost his balance, went in head first
and was Immediately pulled , out by
his 4 year old brother, which is con
sidered a remarkable feat for n child
1 of his nge. There were no evil ef
Ificts from his douche except that
' he was unite sick for a short while.
Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore
, K rouse on Wednesday, Jan. 26, a 9
; pound son. Mother doing well. The
father's clothes are hardly large
enough for him and he Is an object
of more concern than the mother and
There- is no snow along the Uma
tilla river while the country adja
cent is covered with about three
inches. .
The nights are almost to a zero
temperature and the bright sun dur
ing the day time doesn't thaw the
pround very much.
John Puitley of Pendleton, who has
charge of the. late Lewis Updike
ranch came down on the local train
No. 2 yesterday to fumigate tho house
and to look after other affairs con
cerning the place. He states that the
' balance of the Updike family who
have been confined in St. Anthony's
hospital with typhoid fever yill soon
be out and will stay in Pendleton for
a couple of months after which time
they will go back to Michigan, their
Only Gloved Hands Piclcj
We use great care in picking tho
Eanh "SUNKIST" ORANGE is nickcJ
fmm llif Iron 1111(1 Ducked ill tllU box l)V O
irlovcJ hnntl. No ornnce that falls to tho .round is packed
under the "SUNKIST" label.
"Sunltlst" Navel Oranges Are Seedless
. . . ..i y-1 -r T1
We omw L .)' ,, cd nil ho norma oranaes. inrco-
l'-Sf fourths of all the lemons. Most of them ore sold in bulk, r
l,..i il,. nl,n;,.,i ,-..l..,.ii,,,,u nl I hiu (front nii.-intilv are wrnoned Wa
Ulll VHOl.,". t,-.V,,ull , ...... r. ' -i
: .I.- "C! IMIltST" LL..I .... il,,.t if uniilrl w sure ihnf
yu 8t the choicest pick, insist upon the "SUNKIST.
Beautiful Orange Spoon FREE
Some dealers may claim the oranges lliey sell ure the
famous "SUNKIST," but that they have removed the wrap
per. Insist on your 'dealer giving you oranges and lemons
in the "SUNKIST" wrapper. If you do this we will give
vou a beautiful oranuVj spoon one of Rogers' best standard
.AA quulity. Just send us twelve "SUNKIST" orantfe
f&& w-Sk. or lemon wrnnners. with six Zc stanins to Day Postage.
!?tv" "irK packintf, etc., and receive one of these beautiful
hi spoons by return moil.
. -n s ti i . -. r i i' .i.
i ne choicest quamy 01 lemons biso ko unuer mo
SUNKIST" label. You can easily sc
cure a whole dozen of these beautiful
orange spoons. Get a dozen "SUN
KIST" oranges or lemons today.
Send to California
Fruit Growers' Exchange
31 Clark Street, Chicarjo, HI.
WUKTIl 300,000
Kl I'aso. Texas. Feb. 3. Detective
H. Taylor of San Francisco is on
his way homo todny with L.- B. Ad
ams. Adams' S-year-old son John,
and the boy's nurse, Nora McLaugh
lin. The nurse and Adams' private
secretary, Nat Murphy, are alleged
to have kidnapped the boy from his
mother and to have brought him to
this city.
John Adams is said to be heir to
former home, it being too cold there I about Jsao.OdO. left him by a relative
of his mother. The custody or the
at present for their return.
F. O. Johnston, liveryman, of the
firm of Johnston and Prent of Weiser,
Idaho, came to Nolln yesterday after
F. I'. Purcell. who is working for S.
A. IMwaids on the Delhvo ranch, to
secure him as a witness In a civil
case at Weiser.
Win. Slasher brought in two bands
if sheep from his range south of here
t i be fed during the cold snap.
boy was granted his mother when she
applied for a divorce from Adnms.
The final decree has not been Issued.
On January 26. while on his way to
school, John disappeared. Detective
Taylor was detailed to find him. which
he did after following Private Secre
tary Murphy to this city.
The three were taken to the police
i station, where they went Into con-
meant'.me he Is a guest at the Cor
nelius. "My first wife," said Mr. Jonklna,
"had a wooden limb, and Bhe was the
best helpmate man ever had. She
died. I have two friends whon wives
have artificial appendages, and are
Ideal fraus.
"I've decided to marry aga.n I
want a girl with a wooden leg, or
crossed eyes, or a hair lip, or come
Ihlng liko that. Then she'll be able
to appreciate me and make a goo4
wife. So many wives look down on
their husbands and consider them
selves better."
miU.it'.'n with an attorney they had
Do the right thin If you have na- ; called. Taylor was in posses. on of a
-at catarrh. Get Ely's Cream Balm j item h warrant for them, and they de
?t once. Don't touch the catarrh eided to return to San Francisco with-
TooU All His Money.
Often-all a man earns goes to doc
tor or for medicines, to cure a stom
ach, liver or kidney trouble that Dr.
King's New Life Pills would quickly
cure at slight cost. Best for dyspep
sia, indigestion, b.llousness, consti
pation. Jaundice, malaria and debility.
25c. at Tallman & Co.
powder? and snuffs
the secretions that inflame th nasal I
passages and the throat, whereas mod- !
ii-ines made with murcury merely dry ,
up the secretions and leave you no j
better than you were. In a word.
Fly's Cream Balm is a real remedy, j
not a delusion. All drunxlsts. f,n ,
nets, or mailed by V.'y Brothers, Bfi j
Warren street. New York. '
for they contain . ,u making a fiht on extradition.
Fly's Gream Balm releases
Worn Out.
That's the way you feel about the
lung? when you have a hacking
' couch.- It's foolishness to let It go
, on and trust to luck to get over it.
i when Ballard's Horehound Syrup will
stop the cough and heal tho lungs.
Price 2!jc, 60 and $1 rcr bottle. A.
C Koeppcn & Bros.
An astronomer has discovered that
Comet A Is traveling at the rato of 41
mlies a second. Not knowing the
speed of other comets, it is ImposHl
bb tii form any opinion ns to whether
It is likely to win the comet race.
7T1 ?
fc- ' I
.' jfvv i V .' A
To 'lif r; TVS, sirciv-jthirn
liiL1 sh . i;.ch. i:u. iiy blc.otl
ant :n-t a -;. :r;t t :1 health
,.u' t ;i in.'-
voluntary application of concerns en
gaged in interstate business and will
ing to subscribe to federal regulation.
Creating a court of commerce and
amending the interstate commerce act
that body. Assurances were given
that there would be no conflict be
tween "insurgents" and the rules com
mittee. This would be avoided. It
was said, by caucuses to be held to
Day ton - ( 'nining all the way from
Fr"sno. Ciil., to seek membership in
the Blue Mountain Bachelors' club,
Kdv.ard 1 Miles proposed to so many
young women within a few hours that
his arrest followed, and he i. now a
patient in the Asylum for the Insane
at Medical Lake.
Miles, whose uncle. E. W. Alcorn,
or this city, is ex-County Treasurer
of Columbia County, says he has so
many sweethearts between here and
Fresno that he can't remember their
na mes.
On the train Miles introduced him
self to an attractive young woman,
the schoolteacher at Berryman station
10 miles west of here. When the wo
man alighted from the train, Miles,
followed her to the school house,
where he made a dramatic proposal.
The schoolteacher ran screaming
from the building.
Miles escaped the Berryman offi
cers and came to Dayton. Seated In
the home of his uncle, h,o caught
sight of a Dayton girl passing the
window. "She looks good to me;
I'm going," he remarked and dashed
out of the door. He was overtaken
as ho fell on his knees before the
frightened girl.
Sheriff Davis was notified and
Miles' arrest followed. Miles says he
rpent a month in Jail at Salem, Ore.,
because he told a policeman there he
was a stranger in town.
H. A. Jeiik.ii. who says he is 8;
capitalist of Dayton, Ohio, wants ai
wife with a wooden leg, pays the
Porliund Journal. Mr. Jenkins has!
come west looking for invest ments.
Incidentally he is looking for an af- !
finity with a wooden leg In the
li A tie""
lioi.l J. vcr.'v.i,'
. :r 10c. and 25c
"7 'i'ti.-' "-V-,vV- ''Wilt
as provided by the Townsend-Elklns ) design new mach.nory where any Is
Creating a legislative council for
! Alaska, members to be appointed by
VACTIONS JOIN TO the president.
ASSIST TA IT POLICIES' Laf r in the session it may be de-
1 cid'd to make additions to the admin
istration program by adding measures
I now ueemeu ui seuoji'j.iry importance.
For instance, President Taft has told
Cannon Fljrht TemMirarlly Forgotten
That Parly May Live p to Pre
rlenlon Platform Much Important
legislation Ahead.
advisers that he Is Inclined to
come out strongly for ship subsidy In
some form, and it is possible he also !
i mav ur'.: the passage of the bill pro-
Washington, Feb. 3 The admin- vidintr for rertifU ate, of Indebted-j
Ktrat on progrum, as revised today nss to ,hp amount of $30 000.000 to 1
by leaders of the senate and house ; r,rovi,u. miloy V) carr. ,jn roclama. !
and given the stamp of white house li( n wor
ji,,row,,, , oo,,,;.3.B wie lon-o.g ,eB-, Aldrlch Comes t Point.
-Bt'n; ' All republican members of the sen-
Statehood fcr Arizona . and New ! ate committee on finance had a mcet
Jlexieo in the form of a senate bill j ing early ytsterday In advance of the
which provides for ratif cation by con- regular session. Some plain taik was
gress of the constitutions of the new! indulged in by Chairman Aldrich over
slates after approval by the prcsl- the situation in which the republican
found to be necessary for the passage
j of administration bills.
; In' return for this concession to the
"insurgents" It was stated that. Mr.
I T.ift h.nl been promised that the "in-
-ur:rents" would not permit their an-
t'pnthy for Speaker Cannon to inter
I fere with the program,
j .
Choice Wheat Farm lor Sale.
800 acres z miles from Helix; fair
Improvements; fine well. Price $50,
814 Boyer Ave, Walla, Walla, Wash
000. Leased to 1912. Easy terms.
Dressed young chickens and chick
ens for roasting -very Saturday at the
Central meat market. Puone Main 33.
jLt-t'J -
Postal sav ngs banks with safe
guards against funds being transfer
red from sections where originally de
posited to the money centers.
Giving, the president authority to
withdraw from entry publfe Hnds de
sired for conservation purposes or for
classification, the withdrawals to re
main In force until revoked by him
or by acts of congress.
Federal incorporation open to the
party has found Itself by reason of
opposition to certain platform pledges
endorsed equivocally by Mr. Taft in
liis campaign speeches and on trips
over the country since be became
It was stated that the president has
the situation In tho house well In
hand, and that republicans, regulars
and "insurgents" alike, have agreed
to put their shoulders to the wheel
and roll the Taft policies through
p.rovs v. .-: '.: : -, ; ..
lil'tieles I j.-'.i:'
(;, '.-'llatinM ;.r. .
tl. t:ir.:ui..- .,:.
D'. tiuai i :.
icirios can ! :
ey T;eeff '1 f o,,i
Tl;er! w hut one
1 too i hero.'nesi overci.'i: ,1
;.;ori ri-1, and poor'T i . . n ;
i:';, i; i.siu'i of roficivi;!'.' :v .
. M !ly filled vith tiie si...p lf:-,:r:
i'! lo.:!.:i, and tho puius at.ii w.V :i t '
fiiour.t of riUihinir. rr t!:e " 'i
. ;. - t and curative! I.,-a on 1! " '
': ' " !:.:ent. is t ;-.-'"".irv r"li- I lr'm
to oiira RliP-tri it.isirt, an 1 i'ui'n
i It. r-.
"i ".. : :v rv ,.
' ;'"i:. i t'. .
,' v i; !i w ,,; ,
! i v. ; '. .
IT" ,t to
: : r.h't aches.
:i.i ( lie 1.1 ir. !
Of ti.u uric iiej.l imivir ir v. 8.8 S. ir, tho proTv - !! .', ! e(-jt. -f,-i
ilown ami ii; ., disease ut its head, end by Ii:;eri'i" iv:t rvrv partic!.-
of tho iir:-": '' 'r -ir-.d strep?thenin,f and o-:rieinn- iiie liioo'l. -ires-Rhouiniit..
. ,.i i .' :v U;rm. S. S. S. cliaiifics the :-..,nr, :ie1ri.!,ur,j,.ie,l Mood
to n rich. i:-.t:uv -uvain, which quiets the Piitii-n'.c.a-i :i.:rves, i:iusc!.n anJ
joints, cooi.. i -vcu.sli flesh, gently removes trio c):; i :..t! ilriws JCi-.Pu-matism
tru: i l .e svst!in S.S. S. reaches lnherite'l cj.i::i in veil n9 tiios"
which have liee- u'."-,.irofl, and pood rosult3 aro ulxa1, s t :;n.i ii.iiced f rotn
its use. Spe, m i,,,oi on Rheumatism tontainin;; i;:ai.j v,ilt;;.i.lo kiu'rcs
tions for rheumatic sufferers and any medial advice fr-e to w'lo wite
Located oo ilie corner of Seenli uml Sliirk slreels, pxleiiilliig tliroimh
the block to I'ark strei l, Porilnntl, Oregon. Our now Park Stroot Aiinet N
tle only fireproof hotel building In Oregon.
R.ates $1 a Day and Up. European
Under t.he Old I
i'i:.i)M.To'.s me;, popri.it v.nr.vn,i,K
i'ictit.h TiiF..vrm:.
4IIIxIi-C'Iush Vaudeville nets rnch pfrfonnnnco, with entire jt
(hiingo of program twice each wreUMon. 'lliur.-Hlay. L
Johnson' 8 Four-Piece Orchestra, Every Performance.
Motion Pictures Chnnyc Three Times Each Week.
Matinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon.
A I) l' LI'S 25c.
CIIII,Ini'.N 15c.
Doors Open at. 7 p. m-