KKilir PAOES. ' QUEEN OF FAKIRS" MR. JOHNSOV FACES 6TILI, ANOTHER, CHARGE Woman Well Known In Tills City Wanted for Swindling Portland Warn of $50 Four Years Ago SOU iABg-ulshrs In Vnnooutcr Jail. PACK SIX. According to the Portland Journal, Mrs. Maud Fancy, of Johnson or Haaelton, or whatever her name Is, will have still another charge rend ing against her when the Vancouver, Washington, case Li disposed of. This time she Is wanted in Portland on the eharge of buncoing a man out of $50. The following is th Journal story: Myra Baney, "Queen of Women Fakers" has been charged In the mu nicipal court with working a bunko game four years ago on Adam Dlller, 1230 East Salmon street, for $50. The woman has gained considerable no toriety the past few years by bring ing personal injury' suits against street railway companies, and by other bunko games. She Is now on trial at Vancouver, Wash., for attempting to ret a sum of money from the railway company there for an alleged Injury. Dlller is a retired fruit grower, and alleges the woman came to his home May 15, 1906, and wanted to borrow $50. She gave a mortgage on a horse and buggy, cow and calf, and four chicken Incubators. She drove to his home in a livery rig, which she rep resented was her property. The two went to her home at 14 97 East Pine street, where she showed hm the cow and calf and incubators, and received the money. Just before the mortgage was due Dlller discovered that the mortgage was no good, and began a search for the woman. She could not be found, but was later located In Washington anj was the plaintiff in a personal in jury suit against the Spokane street railway company. Mr. Piller made the complaint this morning to the district attorney and a warrant was issued for her arrest and she will be held in case the Van couver case is dismissed. He says she told him she wanted the money to ray a physician's bill for a siok sister. The woman has gone by several names, but the most frequent one used was Mrs. Johnson. Her method of operation was to got injured on a street ear, and brin;? suit. It has also b-on discovered that the cow and calf which she mortgaged to Dil'er was also mortgaged .the previous day to another man. IToiisolioM Remedies wh'ch have stood the test of time de serve a place in the medicine chest of every family. Mothers are today ad ministering to their children the remed'es their grandmothers used. For thirty years, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. made from roots and herbs, has been curing the women of this country from the worst form of female ills, and merit alone could have stood such a test of time and won such an enviable rec ord. WIXSI.OW IS POPCLAR. Consul-General to Sweden Is Great Aid to Americans. Stockholm. Americans who come to Sweden, and who for business rea sons come in contact with their consul-general here, are unanimous in his praise. Consul-General Winslow, who has been accredited to Sweden for about a year, is always ready 'to advise American business men, and as he speaks Swedish fluently, he Is able to give them valuable assistance in the business affairs. Consul General and Mrs. Winslow also en tertain most lavishly, which they are able to do on their large private means, independent of the consul's of ficial salary. The Winslows come from Chicago and their daughter Is study ing music in Berlin. Won't Xeed a Crutch. WTien Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cor nelius, N. C, bru'sed his leg badly, it started an ugly sore. Many salves and o'ntments proved worthless. Then Bucklen's Arnica salve healed U thoroughly. Nothing la so prompt and sure for ulcers, bolls, burns, bruises, cuts, corns, sores, pimples, eciflai or piles, 25c at Tallman & Co. Scotch Tdlnklner Less. Edinburgh The budget has already had its effect in making the Scotch a soberer nation. Official statistics published here show that s'nee the higher duty was imposed on whisky there has been a reduction of 2000 in the number of arrests for drunken ness. In other Scottish cities there has been a similar diminution in al coholic crime, notably in Dundee, where last year there were 1864 ar rests for drunkenness, compared with 2885 in 1908. These significant facts seem to confirm the Scotchman's reputation for carelessness In expendi ture; Worn Ont. That's the way you feel about the langg when you have a hacking cough. It's foolishness to let It go on and trust to luck to get over It. when Ballard's Horehound Syrup will atop the cough and heal the lungs. Price 25c, 50 and $1 per bottle. A. C. Kaeppen Bros. . Prize Shooting. 1st prize, 30-30 Remington auto matic. id prlxe, 22 Marlin repeating rifle. 3d prize, box of 60, 19c cigars. Tb contest ia now on at the Paa tlme shooting gallery. Jaa. H. Eetea, prap. Calling car da, wedding atatloaery and oonmerclal printing to order, at rh Eaat Oregon Ian. Aren't there going to be any more candidate for governor T We are Positively Going to Close Our Pendleton Store Nearly three carloads of the choicest high grade Pianos and Player Pianos, including the Genuine Pianola Pianos, and such world famous makes as Kimball. Hobart M. Cable, Leland, Lester, Marshall and Wendell, Starr, and a host of other makes are included in this sale. This is a chance of a lifetime YOU CAN SAVE FROM $118 to $176 ON A PIANO make it for you. Never before, or never again, will you a Piano at your own terms, and at a such exceptional low not figured in at all. It is merely a matter of disposing of this stock as soon as possible in order to save rent and freight REMEMBER EACH AND EVERY PIANO IS c5VFRED BY OUR GUARANTEE IF NOT FOUND JUST AS REPRESENTED IN EACH AND EVERY FEATURE, YOUH MONEY PROMPTLY REFUNDED OR A NEW PIANO. ' '. . COME IN AND LOOK THROUGH" THIS STOCK WHETHER YOU HAVE THE MONEY AT PRESENT OR NOT. LET US GET TOGETHER AND TALK IT OVER, AS WE MUST FIND HOMES FOR THESE PI ANOS, AND THAT RIGHT AWAY. LET US SHOW YOU THE WELL KNOWN OLD NEW YORK MAKES THAT SELL ELSEWHERE AT 8350 TO $400, AS LOW AS $189. OTHERS AT $217, $248 AND $261 Let us explain to you our new one year, tree trial plan Here's . BRING US $35, $25, $15, YES EVEN $10, THEN PAY US $10, $8 OR EVEN $6 PER MONTH WITH SIMPLE INTEREST ON THE BALANCE, AND WE WILL SEND ONE OF THESE HIGH GRADE, FULLY GUARANTEED PIANOS TO YOUR HOME. REMEMBER, THE BEST GOODS, THE LOWEST PRICES 'OU EVER HEARD OF, AND YOUR INVESTMENT FULLY PROTECTED. COME AT ONCE. Biggest Busiest Store For Rent. at this time. Think of the big savings. If you ever expect to own a piano it will pay you to borrow the money to take advantage of this great sale as we are going to sell Pianos and Musical Merchandise Lower than ever Before or again. You will be surprised to see how easy we can How On OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE Best dispensers of piaitorelralrilitx Can Pay be able to purchase prices. Profits are r i EIJ 813 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon Fixtures For Sale