EIGHT PACKS, 1MII g KAhT OHEOOMIAN. PKXDLgrON. ORKGON. THlTtSDAY, FEBUUAJtY 3, 1010. PAGE FIVE. A Big Express SLipimnt ot Silk Shirt Waists for Early Spring wear The Prettiest we have ever shown Newsy Notes of Pendleton For Students of History. Headers and students of French hintory mny be glad to know that the public library has thethird edition of "Franco Under IVchelleu and Maza rin," by J. Ji. Perking. Alaska Minors Here. Four Alaska miners are registered at the Hotel Roivman today. They are Herman Tofty of Tofty. Alaska, and E. H. Woodear, Jack Glnlven and Free D. Hurke of Fairbanks. Come In and See Them We Have Your Size !j F. E. Livengood &Co. J IIIMM BMnMMMUMMimMIH Examinations for Teachers. The regular February examinntlnns for teachers will be held In this city next week, beginning with Wednes day. The examinations for countv papers will last three rtavs whlio ihnu for state papers will last four days. Library Ball. The big ball given by the ladles of the city for the benefit of the free public library, will be held In the Eagle-Woodman hall this evening. No pains have been spared to make this a b g affair and all indications point to one of the most successful events of lis kind ever held In the city. First Showing of the New Spring Silts LOCALS Phone Main 6 for coal. , Pastime pictures please alt. Furnished rooms, S02 Water SU Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main 4. fresh oysters at Hohbach'i bakerjr. Plenty of good clean coal at Bur roughs.' Phone Main 6. Lenses duplicated In a few minutes. Hanscom's Jewelry store. I'll pay cash for yaur veal. Chan. jtayDurn, pnone Alain 4Z0. Ood clean coal at the Oregon Lumber Yards Phone Main 8. Four or six room furnished house tor rent. Inquire Mark Moorhouse. Boys' Goodyear Welt . Shoes for 11.60 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store. Wanted Boarders by week, day or Month. Inquire 412 West Bluff street. For Kale household goods. Call 1 Perkins Ave., or Phone Red 3807. More moving pictures shown than ny other theatre In the .city the Pastime. No coal famine with Burrouehs. Phono Main i and get good coal promptly. Wanted Man and wife on ranch, all at 914 West Court street or phone Main lit. Wanted Sewing of any kind. In quire Badgett Sisters, 1618 West Kail road street. Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham pooing parlors In connection with the Vogue Millinery. Broken lenses replaced in a few minutes at HansCTms Jewelry store We grind any lense. We can grind you a new lense In a few mtnutea. Bring your broken lens to us. Hanscom's Jewelry store. Phone Main 8 for good dry wood aid coal that will burn clean. Prompt ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard. .straight on, and afterward downward toward the tide-line of the Wye. No papers were discovered, and the two doctors have now returned to America, but their hopes are not abandoned, and they have signified their intention to renew the search, and for this purpose are said to have obtained the exclusive right of boring und delving in the caves. DEATH OF "DITCH JAKE" MIST KEMAIX MYSTERY Being unable to fix the responsi bility for the death of Mike Hoeffner. the so-called "wood alcohol victim" the coroner's Jurv which was emnnn- elod vesterdav to InveKflfrnte th rn an j brought In their verdict this afternoon. They rind that the deceased came to his death as a result of drinking de natured alcohol but they say they were unable to determine whether he aominisicrca me sturf himself or whether It was given to him by some one else. Five witnesses were ex amined. This will prohably end the case so far as the officers are concerned and the mystery surrounding the death of the unfortunate man will probably always remain unsolved. Every effort to delve into his past or to locate some of his relatives, have failed and he was burled today at the expense of the county. 0 far as could be ascertained he does not have a living relative. Elks .Meet In Sinnll Hall. Because of the fact that the li brary ball will be held In the regular hall this evening, the meeting nf , lodge of Elks wlll.be held In the small lodge room of the Eagles-Woodmen building this evening. The meeting will be called promptly at 7:30 so that all may have time to attend th hnti 'afterwards. Infant Son Dies. Word was received here this morn ing of the death at the family home In Portland. Sunday, of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland N. Oliver. Mrs. Oliver was formerly Miss Alice Van Nuys and both are well known here, having moved to Portland only last fa:i. The child died the dav of its birth. At Wohlenberg Department Store Twenty-seven and thirty inch Jacketts in plainly tailored or Russian Blouse Effects, are the rule, skirts plain or pleated, the materials are principally Mohairs, Panama, Serges and Worsted. THE PRICES?as usual this store lives up to it rep utation of "Better Goods for Less Money", in every case absolutely the Lowest. Extra Announcement-In a few days now our riovv stock of Wool DreS3 Gooda, Wool Goods, W,ite Goods Dress Linens (etc., will be on display and ready for your admiration, heedless to say it will be far and away ahead in variety of new styles, and choiceness of ma terials, and in every case a noticeable saving in the pricea Wohlenberg Department Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. DKAWS A BLANK. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Monster Engine jn Collision. Engine No. 450. one of the new monstrous lrnn horses which the O. It. & X. company recentlv Installed on the mountain division and which has been attracting considerable at tention on each of its trips to Pen", dleton, was mixed up in a freight wvecK at Gibbon station, vesterdav. The big engine was pulling into O b- Don station just as a freight train with engine 361 as helper was pull ing out toward the cast. For some reason the engineer in command of the big engine did not see the one aheadjof him and a roar end collision ensueu. rvo one was nurt, tne track was soon cleared and the slight dam age to the two engines will be re paired without much trouble. AMEIMCAXS DELVIXO KOK CAVE TICKASritKS Ijondon The. romantic neighbor hood of Chepstow Castle Monmouth shire, has been the scene recently of a mysterious search, conducted with close secrecy by two American visi tors, Dr. Prescott of Honton, and Dr. Owen, of Detroit. Chepstow Castle a lutndsome eleventh-century ruin, stands In the summit cliffs washed by the Wye, and these cliffs abound with caves. In one of the caves, almost hidden un der masses of moss and Ivy, the Am ericans and their assistants have for some weeks past been busy with pick and shovel. Their operations aroused much curiosity, but the object of the search was kept secret until the other day when It leaked out that they ex pected to unearth documents of very great historical interest and import ance, j The doctors stayed at a !hcintoW hotel and breathed no word of their -utrange quest. Though an Invalid, Or. ! Owen joined I'litlmslastica lly in the 1 search. It is stated that he believes that the rave contains documents' which have not seen the light for over . 800 years. The cave was searched first to the . right, then to the left, then Program at thc Oi-plietun Today. 1. Tobacco Mania (Edison). J. Cap of Fortune (Edison). 3. Tho Fallen Idol (Edison). . Cambyscs. King of Parla (Gau mout). 6. Thc Shepherd's Flute (Gau mout). 6. A Well Earned Medal (Pathe). 7. Oh, You Doggie (Pathe). 8 Song Alice Where Art Thou Going. High School Is Victor. Hy the overwhelming score of 55 to 0 the high school basketball ten m last evening, defeated the team from the Pendleton Academy on. the Com mercial club floor. The contest was one sided from the start and Indi cated that the high school is to have an undlHputed claim to the city championship. With the exception of Captain McDill the lineun for tho first half of the game was composed of second team men. The score for this part was 22 to 2 In favor of tha high school. Devlne did not pTay auring the game. The academy boys showed good spirit but they played out of luck against a greatly superior team though the feature of tho game was the absence of teamwork on eith er side. The Pastime. The following new pictures for Fri day and Saturday: "Under the Stars and Stripes" (Se llg). A story sensational and bubbling over with patriotism and full of heart Interest. "The Usurper" (dramatic). A well told story of a man who Impersonat ed a friend in order to obtain a for tune. "A Live Corpse" (comedy). It Is funny from beginning to end. "Corsiran Hospitality" Open Aid. This film presents a. vivid picture of the hot. revengeful nature of the Cor- sican. "ne set Travelogues, "nn illustrated song "I want In itnn'v." cried the irate visitor, "whether that Item of yours In regard to me is an intentional slur 01 merely editorial stupidity?" "What are you talking about, my dear sir, and who are you?" asked the editor. " "I'm lr. William, and I refer to your announcement of the sudden illness " the Honorable John Jones, in which you say. -Mr, Jones Is in great danger. Iv. K i I tin i h.is lio.-n called in." LOVELY WATEK WE A HE IIAVIXO OW Yes, Not! But It Is different at Koeppens. for they use and have for sale those Germ Proof Fulper Filters which removes every particle of that dirty substance and makes your drinking water pure and cl. ar as crystal. We are demonstrat ing them In one of our windows so como and see. PRICES $1.2. 10 $14.00 DELIVERED. The Drug Store That Serves You Best 0 UVCAh AUTHOIt XOT POPI I.AU. Duke of Argyle Might Irodmv Some thins Very Spicy. Umdon. Although the Duke of Ar gyle is a distinguished author and po et, nis works nave not attained a pop ular vogue. Some of them have been called "stodgy." Xov the friends of the duke say he Is about to emulate the example set by the Countess of Cardigan and write something quite spicy. He has been gathering data for mis hook, tne line or which is "In t mate Society letters of the Eigh teenth Century" It will be publish ed in April. As the husband of the king's favorite sister, the Princess Louise, the duke lias had a free run of a mass of royal documents. He will have the assistance of th. Vinn.io of many noble houses, who will fur nish him with interesting letters and documents, lvrany of which liavnot seen the light of publicity. Some of the most gossipy of these letters will -throw a lurid light on the intrigues carried on in court circles in the wicked days of George HI. There will for a scries of letters deal-' i) with the famous trial of Warren .Ha'-t ngs: the Intimate correspondence of K.ng George s sister, the Duchess of I'.iui swlek; others from Dr. Moore, the father of General Sir John Moore. to the Duke of Hamilton, and others from Madame le Stael. If the- letters prove as sensational expected, It will be interesting to note t lio action taken by the Circu lating Libraries association, which re fused to distribute Lady Cardigan's memoirs. The Duchess of Argyle takes but mild interest in her husband's work. Wealthy Brewer Pays $60,000 for Iliironelacy Rut Doesnt Get It. London. Much mystery Is thrown about a suit, Wyatt vs. the Countess of Warwick, which was called re cently in the King's bench court, over which the Lord Chief Justice presides, and was postponed. Wyatt Is a wealthy brewer with social aspirations. The story goes that shout a vao n v. ,.tj t... I - ngu lie wao iuiu UV j a prominent member of the principal icry ciun, tne Cariton, that If he wished to be made a baronet, he would attain his ambition bv paying $100,000. Wyatt satisfied ' himself that the persons making the propo sition could make good and he agreed to pay J100.000 with tin. understand ing that a baronetcy would be given him among the titles and honors which the King conferred on his last birthday. Some time before the list was to ap pear, Wyatt was informed by the per son who had approached him origi nally, that he must pay $60,000 to principals in the negotiations, when, it is said, he named as the Countess or Warwick and a high official of Buckingham Palace. Mr. Wyatt objected to navim such a large sum until the baronetcy was "delivered." but his objections were overcome and he paid it. But when thc list of blrthdav hon. I ors was published, his name was not on it. Naturally Mr. Wyatt was in- o gnant and demanded his Jfifl non He was nersnadert thnt tho title would be given him when the next list of honors should n nnnn r that it was withheld only because cer tain necessary formalities had to he gone through with. Becoming suspicious, Mr. Wyatt made Inquiries and learned that his name had not even been suggested to the King. So he brought suit to re cover his $60,000. POEMS OF PRINCESS SHOW .BROKEN HEART Berlin. The simple and sad life story of an unknown German princess Is unfolded in "Dream and Life; Songs of One Who Came to an Early End," a remarkable posthumous vol ums of poems published annolymous ly at Munich. Beyond the disclosure of the poems themselves that they are the productions of a royal lady who passed her final days on the Ri veria, the mystery of their authorship is profound. The publishers inform me that her identity has ever been veiled from them. The only clew is a stanza in dicating that the princess was a Ba varian. The poems are of conspicu ously nigner accomplishment than the amateurish efforts, occasionally put forth by poetesses of gentle birth, and deserve notice, according to the re viewers, on their merits, quite apart from their romantic and mysterious origin. The authoress has practically writ ten an autobiography In verse. It be gins with poems of her childhood and of a youthful love, which never for sook her, and It relates the martyr dom of a marriage In which her heart had no place, and how her sorrow sent her to an early grave, despite her ef forts to find solace in her children and in deeds of mercy. In aristocratic and litera.rv eirelm there is keen Interest In identifying this gifted princess who died of a broken heart. Are You a Good Shot? Valuable guns and cigars given t the best shots at the Pastime Parlors. Ask Estes. I T T j I Under t.he Old JL X 1 j Management GRHN D PEXDLETOX S BIG, POPULAR V A CDEVILLE AND MOTION PICTURE THEATRE. Attention B. P. O. Elks. Hegulnr meeting tonight in small lodgeroom Eagle-Woodman hall at 7:30. sharp. Balloting for candidates THOS. FITZ GERALD. Sec. 4IUSh.ClaM Vaudeville nets each performance, with entire A cliunge of program twice each week Mon .& ti,,. L Johnson's Four-Piece Orchestra, Every Performance. Motion Pictures Change Three Times Each lFeejfc. Matinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon. ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN loo. Doors Open at, 7 p. m f OREGON THEATRE BAILEY andAUSTIN i.V THE FANTASTICAL MUSICAL COM EDY mi, FEB. 4 Tie They Kneu (lip Answer. "Well, therp were only three boys to school today who could answer one question that tho teacher nskr'l ns." said a proud boy of eight. "And 1 hope my boy was one of the three," said the proud mother. "Well, I was," answered tho young hopeful, "and Sum Harris and Harry Stone were thc other two. "I am very glad you proved your self so good a scltohiv, my 'son; It makes your mother proud of you. What question id tho teacher ask you. Johnnie?" "Who broke tho glass In the back window ?" 'Chicago News. THE ALL YEAK 'ROUND STCCKSS AT THE CASINO WD M VJFSTIC TIIF TKES, N. Y." CITY AND STUDERAKEK T1IEATJIE, CUICAGCX ' ' Only company Playing the Piece with its Innumerable Original Features. Big Girly Singing and Dancing Chorus. Song Hits, Pantomimic Absurdities, FAMOUS COLLIE BALLET m i ! 75 NEVER CEASING, EYEK SINGING. DANCING AND MARCHING GIRLS ENTRAOR D INAR Y CAST. r) SAXE OPENS THURSDAY, 10 A. M., PENDLETON DRUG CO r t- Z1-11?08 ?2-0' Bi,leony S1'00' loxver Floor 91.50, Gallcrv 50. I rco List Entirely SuspontlcJ.