East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 03, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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KinnT pages.
rnblUhrd I 'ally. Weekly and Seail-Weeklj,
(t Pendleton. Oregon, by the
srnsi-KirTioN hatks.
tN Ity. on yivir. l.v mail 15 00
Daily, oli months. ly mail 2..V
Dally, Ihrw months, by mall 1.2H
Dally, one month, by mull 50
Lolly, or if year, by carrier 7 Ml
Daily, all month, by carrier 3 .7.1
t-al'y, three months, by carrier . 1.11.1
Paltr. one month, by carrier 63
Weekly, one year, by mall 1.30
W eekly, six months, by mull . .73
Weekly four months, by mall oil
Semi Weekly, one year, by mall .... 1.30
Semi-Weekly, all months, by mall .. .73
Bernl-Weekly. four month., by mall . .30
The Dally Kast Orefonian la kept on sale
at the Oreeon Sew Co., i7 6ih street.
Portland, orecon.
Chh-aso Hnreaa. V09 Secntlty Building.
Washlneton, I). C, liureau, 501 Kour
taacth atreet, N. V
Member I'nlted A.-latlon,
Entered at the noato.;-e at Pendleton,
Oregon, aa tecnnd elaaa mall matter.
telephone Main 1
Beyond the last horizon's rim,
Beyond adventure's farthest
Somewhere they rise, serene and
The happy, harry Hills of
Rest. .
Upon their sunlit slopes uplift
The castles we have built in
While fair amid the Summer
Our faded gardens flower
again. '
Sweet hours we did not live go
To smoothing note, on scent-
ed wing;
In golden-lettered volumes lie
The songs we tried in vain to
They all are there: the. days of
That build the inner lives of'
The silent, sacred years we
The mipht be. and the might
have been.
Some evening when the sky is
I'll follow day into the west;
Nor pause, nor heed, till I be-
The happy, happy Hills of
Rest. .
In spite of all that has been said
regarding the proposed traction sys
tem there are many people who do
not yet have a proper conception of
the real importance of the present
move. This is doubtless due to the
fact that they have not given the mat
ter sufficient consideration.
The traction movement was not
undertaken merely to provide a street
car service for Pendleton. Such a
service will be of unquestioned bene
fit to the city it is true. Yet this fea
ture of the move is Insignificant com
pared with other features. What
Pendleton really wants Is interurban
line connecting lta tributary terri
tory with the city and additional elec
trical power so as to foster manufac
turing within the city and incidentally
to give us a better and doubtless
cheaper lighting service. These things
the Washington-Oregon company
promises and obligates itself to fur
nish. If the new company will carry out
lti program, as those who have In
vestigated the matter believe It will
do, Pendleton will be placed In a most
fortunate position. The city has a
great and largely undeveloped coun
try tributary to It. If only the proper
traction connections can be establish
ed with this territory the business of
this growing empire will he assured
for Pendleton for all time to come.
At least Pendleton will be the natural
metropolis and will be in position to
acquire much additional business.
The East Orcjronian believes the bus
iness people of the city may be relied
upon to secure the business that will
bo open to them and through fair and
proper treatment to hold that business
afu-r It has ence been acquired.
Just -now the question is, are the
property owners and business men of
Pcndloton poing to take sufficient in
terest in this subject to Insure that a
start will be made towards establish
ing an interurban system. The East
Orr-eoninn believes they will. The
traction rnov ment is growing In
strength every day and this paper U
confident that within the next week
or two weeks Pendleton will raise the
amount needed to insure that the en
terprise be undertaken. Pendleton
must rake the money. It would be
the h eighth of folly to refuse an offer
such as Is now open to the city.
An order has been Issued for for
estry men not to talk for publication.
Why Is this? Has the forestry bureau
under the new regime some secrets
it does not wish the public to share?
Does not the government wish to give
out information regarding the man
agement of the forest reserves? If
not why not. There are many people
ln have r. iiMins for desiring such
information. Stockmen and sheep
men need to learn regarding range
rules, changes in grazing allotments
and n host of other things. Why tiit
allow the forestry men to speak for
publication? Oftentimes In the past
forestry officials have given some
very valuable advice.
TJhe order requiring forestry men
ti keep their lips sealed does not
sound good and it will not inspire
confidence. It smacks of absolutism
and indicates that the government
may have things it wishes suppressed.
Whenever the lid is ordered people
naturally wonder what is being con
cealed. Tiny usually resent efforts
tii keep information from them ex
cepting in cases where the general
welfare really demands that secrecy
be maintained. Since the forestry'
service is doing work that is largely
of an educational nature it would
seem that the more publicity the ser
vice invokes the better. Certain it Is
that the forestry service through Mr.
Pinchot's muchly maligned yet high
ly valuable publicity bureau has suc
ceeded in creating some mighty
wholesome sentiment in favor Of con
servation. But possibly there are
people who want to take no chances
of a further growth of sentiment
along this line.
The other night the Commercial
association had a very spirited elec
tion. Yet it passed over ' amicably
considering the amount . of Interest
taken. On the part of those who won
and on the part of those who lost
gcod feeling was generally displayed.
Of course some sore spots were made
as is always the case. But there is no
reason why they should not quickly
heal. Life is too short for people to
harbor petty prejudices or animosi
ties. Another thing is the fact that
the city of Pendleton is in need of' a
united people. The city is now dealing
with the biggest proposition that has
been up In its history and the people
need to pull together. Personal and
factional differences should be cover
ed up with the robe of Tocal patrio
tism and all should stand shoulder to
shoulder in working for a greater
Pendleton. The Commercial associ
ation election was an important af
fair it u true. It was particularly
interesting to those most directly con
crned. nut it is over now and after
all it was but an incident in the day's
Prospective subscribers to the
traction fund should bear in mind
that they are asked to pay no money
at this time. The Washington-Oregon
company asks for no money un
til that company has first built its
line in this city and thereby showed
in an unmistakable manner just what
sert of work it will do. The third
payment is not to be made until the
company has brought Its power to
the city and electrified Its line with
its own current. To merely build the
six miles of line in and around the
city will require a heavy expense. Tbe
company will probably spend two
or three times as much money on this
work as it will get from local people.
It costs money to built electric lines.
Then the company binds Itself to
spend at least $10,000 In equipping
and Improving a park. Under these
circumstances how can local people
lose by backing the company? Is It
not pretty safe that If Pendleton puts
up its money it will get what it bar
gains for?
Spring is almost at hand and there
should be little loss or suffering
among .the stockmen and flock
masters of this section. People do
not run stock nowadays as they did
in the olden times. They now pre
pare to feed and care for their stock
and In consequence do not suffer the
old time losses.
Terrible mine disasters are oepur
Ir.g daily and it is small wonder the
miners r.re beeominr incensed at the
lack of proper safeguards for human
life. It might help the situation out
to require some of the mine owners
and directors to take a few chances
down In the shafts.
Pendleton now has nn excellent
chance to get In line to grow and
grow ns It has never grown before.
Are we going to take advantage of the
chance or will we through timidity
pessimism or other reasons pass the
opportunity by?
Walt until Pendleton gets interur
ban linos and becomes a real city.
Then our postal business will Increase
by Jumps and we will soon have an
office of the first class.
Join the Progress Club and work
for the Greater Pendleton. Every,
body belongs that wants to.
Over this earth of busy hand and
Comes call to an awakening,
tl stirs the farmer toiling in his grain;
With inigtby echoes breaking.
It beats upon the hearts of poor and
And sounds triumphant in the halls
of state.
Ciodilcss of universal peace.
Voicing the world's desire,
Look on gun weighted lands and ar
mored seas
I.ust to kill and lire.
An, I plead, with tongue inspired, the
nobler part,
Man's bloodless conquest of man's
prideftil heart.
Lead to the light our kings of pass
ing hour.
Where- wreaths of freedom shame the
crowns of power;
Rid them to stand on high,
And with all-seeing eve,
Self- free, behold the pigmy globe
spin past;
How mocking, then, are pomp and
trumpet blast!
What energy misused the clash and
Of armies fattiug on the nations'
What travesities the Dread naughts
of a day!
The council bidding for the sword of
Show them the accusing millions of
war's dead
From graves untimely rise
To shriek with flaming eyes;
Wherefore for vanity shall blood be
And for their guidance, faltering as
iov prev.
foint out the illumined way.
Immortal with the words the Master
"Thou shalt not slay."
This heedinx. they would be
Greater than fame, brothers to lib
erty. What laurels would be theirs,
Forever blessed in prayers
P.y mothers shrinking at the ancient
Of war and vengeance throned as
gods of glory!
May our Round Table Tales in time
to be
Recount great battles fought
By man for man!
The march of right with tolerant
' ' fraught
And in the van
Tbe radiant banner of humanity!
Percy Shaw.
I looked from my window, !
And. dancing together, j
I spied three queer people j
Who loved the wet weather.
The turtle, the frog and the duck all
joined hands
To scamper so gaily upon the wet
The turtle was coated
In shell to defy
The pattering raindrops.
And keep him quite dry.
The frog in green jacket was gay as
cbuld be.
"My coat will shed water just see it!"
said he,
The duck shook his webfoet
And ruffled his feathers;
Cried he. "Rain won't hurt me!
I'm dressed for all weathers.
Ami when I can see the clouds frown
in the sky,
I oil my gray feathers and k' ep very
drv." -Selected.
Oh. Mamma, dear! I wish you were
V little girl again,
To help me play with dolls and things.
And run and skip and then
I'd like so much if you could go
To school and sit with me;
I know you'd be my best friend.
And oh. how proud I'd be!
But if you were a little girl,
I wonder who would hold.
And hug me up, nnd fYl! me all
The stories you hnve told!
I s'pose I've wished a thousand times
That von eotild tnst he small
But that would mean oh dear! I !
It wouldn't do at nil!
Little Folks.
Men who write books on bow to
get rich are usually as poor as
church mice.
A Reliable
Ely's Cream Balm
it quickly absorbed.
Gives Relief at Once.
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and protects
the diseased mem.
brane resulting from
Catarrh and drives
away a Cold in t'.io
"ii-rsvttf )J$f-J
.'S IT- JV !
Head quiinlv. lie- It nt fClC'"?
stores the Senses of ijf ) i CT Iml't
Taste and Sm-il. Full size SO ets.., a'.I'vt.
tfisia or by im.c!. In li.mi.l form, ? nK.
l.Iy Brothers, fti Vnireu .Street, New I' .t
Black Percheron .Stallion,
8 years old, weight, one ton. Im
ported from France, price,
12500. Might consider good
property In exchange.
E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore.
Owner Sick
The 1800 acre stock ranch I adver
tise Is not like the ads you usually
see for the purpose of selling prop
erty Just for speculation or gain. This
Is a high grade proposition, and the
owner Is making good money, but
his health has failed him, he Is now
under the doctor's care, and Is not
able to look after his business, con
sequently is obliged to sell. ' The land
Is highly Improved, 90 head of fine
cattle, 10 head of horses, wagons,
farm machinery, fine chickens, and
two stoves. You can buy this land
now at $12 per acre, the land is worth
the money, the other property is a
gift. Terms half cash, balance to
E. T. WADE, Pendleton. Or.
Office In American Nat. Bank Bid.
Strong Healthy Women
If woman ia strong and healthy in a
erhood means to her but little suffering. The trouble lies
in the tact .that the many women tuffcr from weakness and
disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted
lor motherhood. This can be remedied.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Cure the weaknesses and disorder, of women.
It acta directly on the delicate and important
organs concerned in motherhood, making thera
healthy, atromjt vigorous, virile and clastic
"Favorite Prescription" banishes the indisposition of the
period of expectancy and makes baby "a advent easy and
almost painless. It quicken and vitalizes the feminine
organs, ana insure a healthy and robust baby. Thousands
testified to its marvelim mnlh
It Makes eak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Well
aa IooS A d "0t subs,i"'". urge them upon you ," ju.t
M good. Accept no secret nostrum in place of t'is ;,. r, remedy It
contain, no, . drop of alcohol and not grain of l
drujs. I a pure glyceric extract of healing, native America,, root. ,n,UOU,
Y. l Mansfield of the executive
board of the farmers' educational and
co-operative union believes in "put
ting it strong" when discussing the
meat boycott.
Parts of Mr. Mansfield's Interview
in Saturday's Spokesman-Review were
well within the bounds of reason, as.
for example, when he pointed out
that the stockgrower would be the
chief sufferer from a falling off in the
demand for meats. But when he as
serted that on an average every bush
el of wheat we raise costs us $1," ha
discredited his other statements, in
cluding the cost of producing beef and
In 20 years the price of wheat in
the inland empire has gone as high
as $1 on oniy one or, two occasions. It
has been as low as 25 and 30 cents,
a price that spelled ruin for the far
mers. The general average for 20
years has been about 60 cents, and
there is undoubtedly a profit at that
figure. Careful farmers can make a
little money at 40 cents. Many of
them grew well-to-do at 50 cents, and
hundreds of fortunes have been made
in the inland empire by growing
wheat at 60 cents.
With the general average around
6n cents great wealth, ns everybody
can see. has been made at wheatgrow
ing. and when the price rises to 75
American National Bank
Condensed Report of Condition
Rendered Comptroller of
Currency at Close of
Business January 31, 1910
I.oillis illlil iliseounts Sj
Wiirnints aii'l securities;
Iliuikiiiir liniHo
Other real c.-lale
U. S. Ii nl at par
Cash oti liaml
Caj.iial -tuck S 100,000.00
Sui'ilus 100,000.00
Un.liviile.1 profits (net) G3,10S.0G
Ciivnlati.in 100,000.00
Deposit 93-1,162.37
I hereby fortify that the nlmvp statement is true, to the best
of my kiifvelire and belief.
T. G. MONTGOMIiUV, Cashier.
Siibsei'ilied and sworn t before me thi.s 2nd day of Fell.
Xotarv l'nblie for Oregon.
Orpfoenm Theatre
J. P. IvrKPFRNAC H. Proprietor
For Men, Women and Children"
Program Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's.
womanly wav. moth.
of women hava
cents or better our farmers have as
surance of great prosperity.
It Is manifestly, gross'exaggeratlon
to say that it costs on the average 11
a bushel to grow wheat In the In
land empire. From 40 to BO cents
would be nearer the correct figure.
The holiday season was at Its
: height. The platform was piled with
j portmanteaus nnd packages; porters
were pocketing; pennies' grudgingly be
j stowed by parsimonious personages,
j and pandemonium was everywhere
j prevalent. Also, of course, trunks
: were being remorselessly banked
. about, while their owners looked
mournfully on. ' Suddenly the station
master appeared and approached one
of the most vigorous of the baggage
smashing porters.
"Hi!" he cried, "what do you mean
. by throwing those trunks about like
The passengers expected some live
ly words between the statlonmaster
and the porter, but were rather taken
biu k when the statlonmaster contin
ued :
"Can't you see you're making big
dents in the concrete platform? Bo
more careful, and do not damage the
company's property. or I'll report
the quality of beef you buy here,
whether for roasting, or brolllnR. We
would rather xcll you nothing than
si'U you a poor thlnn. You might be
disappointed momentarily, but would
appreciate our desire to give you
what you want. Fortunately our fa
cilities are such that we are "out ot
stock" very seldom, no matter what
particular meat or cut you have in
Central Lleat Market
1 0R TS. Aim St
Phone slain tl
Is Here
Better cure that cold befara
It Is too late.
cold capsuls will knock the
worst cold In two days. Manu
factured and sold only by
Tallman &. Co.
Leading Druggists of Eastern
Eye-Right SpertalM.
My Glasses are Guarantee, to give
you satisfaction or
I Grind all My Lenses.
Any Lens Duplicated In a Few
WM. E. IIANSCOM. Jeweler.
The French Restaurant
T. n. Sxvraringcn, Mjrr.
Thoroughly renovated
First-class rooms In con
nection. Private dining
good service and
the best
A Game of Chance
Ordinarily the selection of good
coal. Is a game of chance. Dealers
may send you the best they have
but suppose the coal they carry Is not
high-grade it would be impossible
for you to receive good quality.
We carry the famous ROCK
SPRING, the coal that burns clean
and sives heat you are taking no
chances when you phone Main 171.
"tioae Mnln 17H.
Just Received
Carload of Poul
try supplies of
all kinds
127-IZ9 t. Alts
Phone Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggage transfer
ring. Piano and Furnture
moving and Heavy Truck
ing a specialty.