ElflllT PAOE8. DAILY HAST OKECIUMAN, PKNDLKTON, OREGON, TIlCnSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1010. PAGE THREX. BIG REDUCTIONS IN ALL BROKEN LINES. Our Big Sale of All Odds and Ends Now in Full Blast Come Ear y, Don't Wait. Bargains in Small Lots without an Equal CLEARANCE SALE India Linens, Persian Lawns, Etc. 1 NEW MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 7.1' Quality, Mcnrailcc Sale 58? COc Quality, Clearance Salo. "... 45 50c Quality, Clearance Sale 33t? 40c Quality, Clearance Sale 27 35c Quality, Clearance Sale 25 25c Quality, Clearance Salo 20 CHINA AND JAP SILK. 50c Quality, Clearance Sale 33 75c Quality, Clearance Sale 55 85c Quality, Clearance Sale 62 $1.00 Quality, Clearance Sale 75 TWHLK LINENS, lileaclic! Satin T)ama.k all Prices. $2.25 . Quality, Clearance Sale $1.80 Clearance Sale of Remnants at One-Half Price This small announcement will make.husy times iu tlie. Wat-h (J(K)ds dqmrt.iiit-iir.. llundredn of yards in white jrod, flan nels and colored wash goods, 1-2 price. $9.35 Ladies Suits Wo have less than twenty suits to choose from, hut, the val ues are the very best ever offered at this store or any other. These suits sold regularly from $25.00 to $45.00. ' There is one suit at $45.00, one at $40.00 and two Buits at $35.00. The others are $25.00 and $30.00 suits, for the next, three days your choice, $9.35 No one ever heard of greater values. Big Clearance in Underwear UEGULAK $1.00 VALUKS AT 69. Wool mixed pants and vests, in white or cream, worth $1.00 special sale price 69 Women's all wool two piece suits, cream color, our very best Tallies this season at $1.25 and $1.50, now that the lots ar" broken your choice, sale price S7 The same hi;r reductions on all underwear. Wool Dry Goods Fancy Mohair, 75c quality 48 inch Cream Serge, our best $1.25 vnlifes. Your " inch Sonre, lw-st 'j v.ilitv, would well any place $2.25, our special prico for this sale $1.50 Bedford Cord, 42 inches wide, all wool, splendid material for infants' jackets SI. 05 inch wide Voile, special in our stock at 50c. at this sale In lice S7 t $2.00 or S1.2S $2.00 Quality, ('lea ranee Sale $1.75 Quality, Clearance, Sale l.r.O Quality, Clearance Sale KAMK lilfj UKDCCTTONS ON NAPKINS. HANDKERCHIEFS All Handkerchiefs Reduced" as Follows : 'to Handkerchiefs, Clearance Sale "5 Or Handkerchiefs, Clearance Side 12 l-2c Handkerchief. Clearance Sale $1.65 $1.45 1.20 1." Handkerchiefs, Clearance Sale Handkerchiefs Clearance Sale Ilandkcivhiefs, Clearance Salo HaiMlkcrelii. f. Clearance Sale Handkerchiefs. Clearance Sale Handkerchief-. Clearance Sale Muslin Underwear Special lot of corset covers, values up to $1.7.", sizes hut irnor quality, clearance price 3 7c 8 l-3 200 25? inostiv small '. . 25 I'NDKKMUSLINS AIK THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE FEBRUARY SALE. All under garments bought for spring and summer wear, are in the house at this time and will be placed on sale at the same big reduction as that carried over from last season. We think when you seo this beautiful assortment that you will agree with us that never before in the history of Pendleton was such dainty and attractive under garments shown at any price, and to think now on salo at great reductions. The store that gives what they advertise. $7.50 Garments, Clearance Sale S5.75 $0.50 Garments, Clearance Sale $4.75- $5.00 Garments, Clearance Sale -.- - ?3.85 $4.50 Garments, Clearance Sale $3.60 $4.00 Garments, Clearance Sale - $3.10 $3.50 Garments, Clearance Sale ?2.75 $3.00 Garments, Clearance Sale - $2.40 $2.50 Garments, Clearance Sale - -. S1.60 $1.50 Garments, Clearance Sale $1.10 $1.25 Garments, Clearance Sale 95 $1.00 Garments, Clearance Sale 75c 75c Garments, Clearance Sale -- G? 50c Garments, Clearance Sale - 33 40c Garments, Clearance Sale '. 27? Ladies' Wool Dresses We have just a few left, but in order to clear the store of every old garment we place these drosses on sale at a price that .n.cjit to sell every one of them. Your choice $7.45 One dress in the lot that sold for $35, tie lowest price. NEW DRESS GINGHAMS READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION: ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STOR1 PENDLETON, OREGON TO YKXICI'. oest "f the foundation up to imp PACIFIC COAST 15 LAND OF PROMISE i-i4r. y,n:j:u ii:i.ivi:ws MX'ITKi: DYNAMIC WKST Says I'uturo IcvcliiimcnlM of West Will Knr Siiixish Most l'libiilous rHvanis of Most Fliitlnislnstlc i Spirit of Wi-xt ! Youth, Ho Soys, ! aD! Predicts Mississippi Vnlley Will j IWi Svt of INwT That IJtiV-s tlioi World. New York. Professor , Charles Xuholln. formerly of the University of Chleairn, predicted a wondorful future for th, "(Jolden West" at a lecture nt tho W ildorf-.Worla. The lecture was the flrnt of a series on' tho "Dynamic West," Klven under the auspices of j tho Women's Welfare department of the National Civic federation. Among those present were Miss Anno Mor gan, Ida Tarhell and Miss Elizabeth Marbury. Professor Zubelln said the future developments of the west would far surpass the "most fabulous dreams of the most enthusiastic." Ho said that the Tnciflc roaot would be a paradise, and that the Mississippi valley would some day bo tho seat of power of tho world. Incidentally he pivp. a slap at the old time conven tions, and stated that tho progress of America lay In the spirit of tho west, which was tho spirit of youth. Groat Power In West. "The spirit of spnntaniety of the wrest will sooner or later place that section of country far In advance of tho enat." said Professor Zuhclln. "One explanation of tho progress that la going on along the Pacific coast Is youth. Wo are old. tho west Is younpr. sont STOMACH. When tie- Pacific coas-t comes into Its own the M'ss'ss'ppi valley, will ho the sent if power of tile world. The administration "ill rem i in In the east, hut the power will come freni the west. "Senator-: from Idaho and Nevada., representing a population of le.-.- than Jersey City, exert more bi.en than the New York and New Kmrand senators combined. Tho brains of Si na tors Pali-. Fry. I.odpe, Kont and Aldrieh nr.- jihovo suf'pieion, lint are not work ing. The senators of Wisconsin. Min nesota ami Iowa, representing a pop ulation not greater than that of New York, are doing more than the east ern senators; they are doing what the liberals did for England before the present crisis, and will be on han-1 when the crisis comes here. The trou ble is that the people do not take the Interest they should in politics. When they do It will not bo many y ears un til they are able to rule by referen dum. Garden Spot Here. "Washington. Oregon, all along the Pacific coact, from Canada to Cali fornia, will be the garden spot of the world. The Pacific cities of the fu ture will far surpass the most fabu lous dreams of th. most enthusiastic Although familiarly known as the large tall to the eastern dog. it is not such a long time hence when the tail will move tho dog. "Onro the west grasps an Idea there Is no delay. While New- York took 10 years in which to build a new theater Denver accomplished the same thing in o"e night. Tho mayor opened the auditorium as a municipal theater. "There is more freedom in the west than In the east People are not held down bv conventionality." !'!: s " - in tli of the veil' an sects and not son i mi r warmth. "1 wish I ciiulil III IT W alks ilnWll (lean window pain other band, it slanting glass front These are habits of which offer a field studv." hiinse ;it this tine winti r-ha t ched In mil- from tin-sum A I IK I '7.7.1 f.OIXC; r.xici:. NIi in in n y a ! .v but always up a and why, on the will walk down the of a picture, the house fly for interesting Saved from Awful Peril. "I never felt so near my grave." writes Ivowis Chnmblin. of Manches ter, Ohio. R. R. No. 3, "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pull ed me down to llii pounds in spite of many remedies and the best doctors. And tha't I am alive today Is due sole ly to Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh IfiO pounds and can work hard. It also cured my four children of croup." Infallible for coughs and colds, its the most certain remedy for la grippe asthma, desperate lung trouble and all bronchial affections. 50c and $1. A trial bottle free. ijuaranteed by Tallman t Co i liiike to l ake Command of Croat Ar-ciml Alter Year's Wall. I Koine. The Duke of the Abruzzl is I to have command of the great arsenal at Vi i . where be will reside in a wing of the royal palate facing tho Plazzctta and the Doge's Palace. The Duke was appointed to this f'linmand nearly a year ago. but since then the Katharine Klkins incident and his subsequent journey to the Himalayas prevented him, taking up the post. It is rumored at Venice that a Dreadnought" battleship will be laid down as soon as tho royal command ant starts business there. The Mar- iuis Durax.zo. the Duke's flag captain, who accompanied him on his Arctic and Hinmlayan expeditions, will be with him at Venice as his chief aid. c st of the foundation up to the j ground level. The jury will distribute-J-1.00i.i among deserving competitors. .Models must be deposited at the Federal Palace. Iteine. before August 15. 1310. .laoan I.tMiks feir War. Heiiin. -The St. Petersburg cor respondent eif the Vossische Zeitung states that M. GK-smer, a member of the ceiuncil of the empire, who recent ly returned from a journey through China and Japan has presented a re port, according to which he ascer tained that Japan was preparing to face the- possibility of war with Rus sia next year, and would probably then declare it. M. Glesmer asserts that the situa tion of Russia in Central Asia is an unenviable one, and advises the Rus sian diplomatists to conciliate the Chi nese. He expresses the opinion that in case of war Japan, failing the help. ef England, would be likely to find allies in Germany and Austria. Girls. Why have your shoe soles nailed on when we sew them on at 65c a pair. No swell dressed man or wo men wants their shoes full of nails ' A. EKLUXD. MOTHERS FRIEND SCl'I.PTOKS TO COMPKTK. Sls the ji grippe pains that pervade tho entire system, la grippe coughs that rack nnd strain, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxative, safe and certain In results. Koeppen Eros. MYSTKKY OF T1IF, FI-Y. Ml-o-na Pnts tho Stomnch In Fine Klinpo In Five, Minutes. If your stomach Is continually kick ing up a disturbance; you feel bloat ed and distressed; If you belch gas nnd sour food Into the mouth, then you need Ml-o-na Stomach Tablota Ml-o-na stomach tablets give ln tant relief, of course, but they do more; they drive out the polsonouB gases tha cause fermentation of food and thoroughly clean, renovate nnd strengthen the stomach so It can read ily digest food without articlflal aid. Ml-o-na stomach tablets are guar anteed to cure Indigestion, acute or chronlo, or money back. This means that nervous, dizziness and biliousness will disappear. Druggists everywhere and Tallman A Co. sell Ml-o-na (or 6 cents. "I was under the care of four dif ferent doctors during nine months and was cured of dyspepsia by Ml-o-na." Mr. Joseph Orondlne. 117 Fountain street, Fall River, Mass. Booth's Fill for constipation tSc. IjoimIoii Scientist Says Common House PestH Have Poor Kyeslght. I,ondon. Henry Hill has delivered at the London Institution a fascinat ing lecture on the llfo nnd habits of tho house fly. For seven or eight years past Mr. Hill has had this Insect under close observation. "I have given a groat deal of time to the question of the fly's ability to see," he said. "My own belief Is that tho house fly has no acutenoss of vision. I have put a spider and fly together In a glass and seen the latter Jump on the spider's back. Again, I have seen a fly proceed to one-eighth of an Inch distance from a motionless spider. The fact that the fly In the latter distance had been perfectly safe sug gests that the spider also has an ac- utoness of vision." Mr. Hill asserted, with reference to the Insect's homely name of "house" fly. that if It were called, as it might truthfully be called, the "cholera" fly or the "typhoid" fly, we should be far less tolerant of It. He stated that the Kstrny Notice. Strayed from Thompson's ranch on the reservation, one bay mare, about three years old. star In foreheaei. branded A. V. on loft shoulder. Will pay liberal reward for return or In formation leading to the recovery abo.e hsi rilied animal. NATE RAINES. Pendleton. Ore Monument to Commemorate Telegraph Cnion. Geneva. Tho Swiss Federal Coun cil has recently issued the program ot a competition for the erection of a monument at Porno to commemor ate the foundation of the Internation al Telegraph I'nion. The' competition Is open to all artists in the world, and will be decided hv an international Jury. ' The cost of the monument must not lexcee-el $35.i'On. in addition to carri-age- expenses, customs eluties and the MM ! A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Not only Is Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but the comfort and healthful condition its use produces makes it of inestimable value to every expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by tho strain on the different ligaments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, prevents back ache and numbness of limbs, soothes the inflammation of the breast glands, an.4 in every way aids in preserving the health aud comfort of prospective mothers. I Mother's Friend is a liniment for cstern.il massage, which by lubricating aad expanding the different muscles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the Byattmt j for baby's coming without danger to the mother. Mother's Friend is Bold at. I drag stores. Write for -our free book for expectant mothers. THE BRADFIELD CO., ATLANTA, GA Otnadii's ITohnWp Head. Liverpool. The "Daily Peist" says it is extremely possible that Lord Carrlngton, who has been president 6f the board of agriculture since 1905 will be the next governor-general of Canada. Ho was governor-general of New South Wales from 1S85 to 1890. Paby Hands. win goi lnio misciiit-i uuen u means j a burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal lard's Snow Liniment Just as soon as the accident happens, and the pain will bo relieved while the wound will heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure for sprains, rheumatism and all pains. Price 25c, 50c and $1. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. TO Ct'ItR COI.D IN ONB DAT. Take LAXATIVE IlltOMO Quinine Tablets. PruFcmts refund nmnry H It rails to cure. r. W. ejlteiV K W signature la on earn toi. lie, Lost. A lady's mink collar, showing three mink head. Finder will pleaso leave same at my office and get reward. LOT L1VERMORB, No. Ill East Court Street. IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SEXS1TTVK About ttit also of your shoes. It's same satisfaction to know that nany people can wear ahoea a alia amiu- h aioklaa; Allen's Keot K.ana. the antiseptic powder. Into them. Juat the thing for Darning rartloa, latent Leather 8hoes. and for Rreaklsg In New 8hoas. Whea rnboer ar Tar ahoea Became aeceaary and jnur ahoea plnrb, Allen's Foot-Ease glres instant ra llef. BoM Everywhere, 2!tc. Sample Kit EE. AMreaa. Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Ray, N. T. Don't aoorpt any awkeWnte. Free Demonstration " mi IPbetebeedStock I INCLUDE, Canned Fruits Can'd Vegetables Canned Fish Canned Shell Goods Uolusks OF THE CELEBRATED ASlen & Lewis Preferred Stock Canned Goods Fcr the Next 1 0 Days Commencing Fri., Feb. 4 Everybody Cordially Invited Clark's Grocery 544-546 Main Sl Phone Main 1 74