PAGK TWO. DAILY EAST OUECOMAX, PKKDLETON. OKEtiON. TllUl.s!.Y, FKimiJAH 3, liUO. KKJHT PAC.B.S. SENATORS WRITE OF PROJECT EXTENSIOfl HtM'HXE AM I II VJH1UI..I woiiK Willi it i.u;i;it World White Our Great White Sale is Enlightening Shoppers With Its Rich Economices The Yhi;e Sale is at its hehzhth. The iiiirieiise varieties of Fndermuslins, white waists and dresses, laees ami embroideries, etc., whiel: we specially purchased for this event could cot he appreciably depleted by a few days' sellhijr great as it has been. The assortments are full and complete, the best bargains of the season are here in pro fusion. All white roods of all kinds are greatly reduced in price for this great sale; you can't afford to miss it; come early; now, while th assortments are complete. All Undcrniuslius, white waists, infants' wear, linens and domestics, white neckwear, white gloves, white ribbons, white outing flannels, ME.X'S WHITE FURNISHINGS, shirts, gloves, neckwear, underwear, hosiery, etc. White cotton blankets, laces and embroid eries, corsets of the very best makes, lace curtains and draperies, white silks, satins, etc., white dress goods and hundreds of other needed articles. Grocery Special--Friday Feb. 4, 9 10 For this day we will give you 20 lbs. of Sugar for ONE DOLLAR with a $5.00 cash purchase of gro ceries, 14 lbs. for $1.00 is our regular price, so you see you get SIX POUNDS FREE. The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO 00 WITH EARTH? tTNEMPLOYF.D WILL A Mi JOHN I. THAT Ql'KSTION Convention of Unemployed nt (liieago j Decides on Unique Expedient to At tract Attention to Tlieir Prediea- j ment Hoboes Will Call Upon Rockefeller. Chicago. A dele-Ration of th,. Chi cago unemployed will descend on John D. Rockefeller with'n a month nd put to h:m this question: "You have the earth: what art yu solnsr to do with it?" The sufrcestlon for this action was made at the convent'on of the unem ployed. It was made hy Attorney Nicholas Klein, delegate of the Cin cinnati organization of the unemploy ed. It received the Immediate pup port of all the other delegates who were told of it and was not opposed ky J. Eads How, millionaire chairman f the convention. According to Klein and to Alexan der Law of New York, one of Its most ardent supporters, the suggestion met the approval of the convention at this vening's session at Hull House. "Mr. Rockefeller is to be called on by three 'hoboes' or by three 'unem ployed men' if that term is to be pre ferred," said Klein. "The Idea Is to call the attention of Mr. Rockefeller, who is the richest man in America, nd the attention of all thinking men to tl.e economic s'tuat'on that exists. It will be a comparison, a bringing together of persons of the most wide ly divergent classes of society. "The men that wKl. form the dele gation will be men of the actually un employed class. We don't want to send lawyers or college professors. Hr. Rockefeller will receive them, I am sure, because he is demoncratlc enough to do that. "He is a good man, the victim of circumstances. "He will give them an answer of some sort. He will go on record one way or the other. "Whatever he says will help us." I J 4.:- sliin i;-pl.v to l''liton of County (;iaini;roM'iM That Itoelamatlon Work In This. County lie Kxti'mW'd. in reply t.) tile resolutions recently adopt')! by the County Oraingrowtrs' ii.s)iciation a.-king for the extension oS teh Umatilla project, President 0. A. Ilnrrett has received the follow ing letters from tile Oregon senators: IVoin Senator Chamberlain. United States Senate, Jan. 25, 1910. Jlr. ) A. Ilnrrett, Athena, Ore. My Dear Sir: 1 beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 20th Inst in behalf of the completion of the West Umatilla project. In reply I have lo inform you that I now have this matter up with the secretary of the interior and shall exert every ef fort to secure action looking to the completion of this project and of other projects in Oregon. You may rest assured that I will do everything in my power to secure for Oregon the completion of the ir rigation work heretofore commenced or in contemplation. Yours very truly, O. W. CHAMBERLAIN. Erom Senator Rourne. United States Senate. Jan. 24, 1910. Hon. C. A. Rarrett. Athena, Ore. Pear Sir: I nm in receipt of yours of January 17 urging that the gov ernment proceed with the extension of the Umatilla project. In reply I have to advise you that the entire Oregon delegation recently held a conference with Secretary Ral lingiT and went over the entire sit uation with regard to the reclamation projects in our state. We urged that the Malheur project be taken up und that the Umatilla be extended and, the Klamath project hastened to comple tion, our argument to the secretary being that the state of Oregon has not received its due proportion of the reclamation funds and Insisting that it be given the funds to which it was entitled. Sec retary Hallinger Intends as far as possible to expend in each state the proportion of the funds to whic h the state is entitled, but owing to the fact that his predecessors started more projects in some of the states than could be. carried on with the funds to which those states were entitled. Mr. Hall nger finds , himself to a considerable extent bound by the course pursued by his predecessors. I am in hopes that we shall secure the Issuance of bonds for the completion of the reclamation work. Yours very truly. J. BOURNE, Jtl. IB 18 B 6 HMO Chi -m i IV1 ALCOUOL 3 Ptk f:i-K'r AVcgcUiWe Preparation fons stmiraiingihcFbodantlKcrtula ting Uie Storaacns antllJowclsal' Promotes DicstionJChccrful ness and Rest.Contalns ncittur Opiitm.Morphine norMiacraL1 OTNAnCOTIC. flmiit SrcJ Mx-Smrn iitvptnwit JtDaimutSiJt Suqcr . hMifnattmr. Aperfecl Remedy forConsfliis- ioh . sour MomaciLuiamwiJ Y6rmsjConTilsionsJcvcrtsli ncss and Loss OF SlXR Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years SIbH I till Exact Copy of Wrapper. THCtflTAUR IOMMNV, MCW YORK OlTV. -V., ) TrT.a.t i ,.i, -im-i r -V- '" 1 A Splendid Overall U for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. IvUtrt ilMn. MURPHY, GRAM S CO. Hinufarturer SAifrwcisca CiTrfviU y AMIIItICA HlXPKl) 1IJIS11. Pore I.tms nnd Haw I.nnsrn. Most people know the feeling, and tbe m'serable state of ill health It ln dira''1'. II prole should know that Fo! y'i Uon y and T-ir, the greatest throat and lunf? remedy, will quickly cure 'he s"rrns and cough and re stor.. a nermal condition. t sk for I'"I y's Honey and' Tar. Koeppcn fiAVAXT WWTS WlfflflX to i'uactkt: ixovosit B'-rkeley. Thft although man h:is mnrtered the art of money-making, the housewife knows II" tie how to mnnne the income, was the dec fhralnn with which Trof. V. C Mitchell. univrrs'ty authority on prices who is considered one of the niot ll?;ble bachelors of the fac ulty, p:ive Ms class In economics a surpriw yesterday ITe addressed the etijdm's urder the subject of "Hpend inp Money." The univers'ty expert laid yreat stress on the fact the extravagant upendin? of the family Income wa the hooi on which family fortune had hopelessly foundered, and ald that to thl was attributable the hardships of the poor. "Money maklnu," he ta!d, "', de- I '.ailey & Austin iih Jack in til)- Itox and t'lindy Kill in "The Top O' World," at the Oregon Theater, Friday Eveiiinjr, l-'ebrnnry 4. rii' veloped to a very high degree, but the obverse is true in regard to the conservation of the family resources. Only by teaching women economics can the situation obtaining at present be solved. "Men co-operate in the making of money, but women do not follow this simple plan in the spending of it, for the reason that it is, impracticable. "This is due to the fact that while man can build a bus'ness on a practi cal and scientific basis it Is not so with the house and its management. Housewives, unlike business managers are not chosen, as a rule, for their ef ficiency and business ability, as men ins'st upon choosing wives without asking for diplomas as economists. "The only polution to the present difficulty Is the education of the wo man in the importance, of a system by which she will be able to spend the Income of the family more nearly on a scientific basis. A profession of do mestic economy may have to be es tablished to help In the organization of the home along scientific and prac tical lines." .San Francisco Call. him: iiorr.Kv.i.i plwxkd, Chambers of Commerce Contemplate Itnad from Sausnlito to Tklali. Santa Rosa. The Santa Rosa Chamberof Commerce, at a meeting held yesterday, re-elected its old of ficers with a vote of thanks for their work in the interests of Santa Rosa during the past year. Tho officers are: Ernest L. F'inley. president; Al fred Trembley and Dawson ' Oixon, vice-presidents; Kdvvani H. ilrown. secretary, anil John P. Overton, treas- i urer. ) The chamber of commerce and the j Sonoma County and Santa Rosa Au , tornobl'.e associations will Jo n in the general memorial to the Marin coun ty board of supervisors to take some action toward the repair of the roads between Kan liafa ! and Sausalito. It is believed the supervisors of Marin will take up the matter Just as early In the spring as possible. There is a project on hand to have a fine boulevard from Sausalito on the south to Uklah on the north. Siicei-sH of I'niti'd IrNh I.ciitnn' lue to Grent Help of American I.eamio. I'M.Ttelphia. Michael J. Ryan, national president of the I'nlted Irish league, has receivil a cablegram from John K. Redmond, chairman of the Irish parliamentary party, in which ll'Minond says the clleeess of the party was due to liie magnificent help '.'loin the I'nlted Irish league of America. Tin' cablegram follows: "Tin- election is now over. and. thanks to the magnificent help from the 1'iiijed Irish league of America, w.. have been able to meet and repel vic toriously a combined attack, union ist :'?'d f-'ctlnnal. "Not ore nationalist set was lost to unionist attack and when nationalists' seats were contested by unionists the nationalist majorities were in every case largely increased. "An unnatural combination between factinniHts tend unionists has caused temporary loss of a few, eats, but the nationalist party notwithstanding came back 72 seats strong anil more united and, therefore, stronger than for years. "Features of the election are, first, the enormous power exercised by the Irish voice In Great Britain. The Irish voted more solidly nnd wielded more Influence than at any previous election. Second, the Immense im pression made on public opinion by the demonstration of American cheer, support and sympathy for the Irish party. Third, for the first time this election showed clearly a British ma jority for home rule, and against the lords' vote, of GO votes, not counting the representation from Ireland. "The great results are due In large measure to the prompt and most gen erous' response of the United Irish league of America to the appeal made last December." When You Need Foley's Orlno Laxative. When you have that dull, heavy, feverls feeling, accompwanied by constipation. When you have headache, indigestion, bil iousness, pain In stomach and bowels, then you need Foley's Orlno Laxative. It moves the bowels freely and gently and thoroughly clears the intestinal tract. It does not gripe or nauseate and cures constipation. Koeppen Uros. Sav money hy reading today's ads. S100 Reward, S1"0. Tbe readers nf this piijier will be pints 'I to learn that thre Is nt least one dica!")! ilimnxe mat srlpnce lias bwn able to run In all its srages, and Umt Is Cnurrli. Hall l nlni rti Cure is tlie only positive chip no known to the medlcnl fraternity. Cn'arrli being constltutlonil ilUeHse, reepilres a cnMHtltutlfiiinl treatment, Hull's I'ntHrrh Cure taken Interim ily, arthie directly np'in j the bhi'Ml and mucous snrraces or liie s tein, thereby di-mrnylng the foundation of I the disease, and uIvImk the patient stri nctli by iulllliig up the constitution and tutslst .Ink nature lu doing Its' work. Tin pro I printers Iihvc mii nni' h fal'li In Its rurntlve pciwrir that iney oner tme Jiunurrcj nm larg for any cose that It falls to cure. Send for list of testltniiiitals. Address : K. J C1IKNEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. Sold by KniKclsts, Two. Tnke Halls Family Pills for roDatlpa tlon. The First National lank PEKELETGH, OREGON Report of the Condition January 3 1 , 1910 to the Comptroller, of Currency COM) KNSE I). l.oaiis am lisoiiiits $1,555,130.22 Oven! rafts 29,S 19.72 U. S. Bonds 250,000.00 OlhiT bonds and warrants 17,981.75 ltunk hiiildinir 10,000.00 Cnsli and exciiaiitrp 217.91G.91 $2,110,887.63 Cui.itnl stuck $ 250,000.00 Surplus and Undivided profit 189,14.3S :ireulat.ion 210,000.00 Deposits 1,431,78325 $2,110,887.03 1, U. Rice, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. G. M. IITCE, Cashier, Subscribed ami sworn to lx'fore me this '2nd dav of Feb ruary. 1010. 0. K. OIIANSTOX, (Seal) Notary Public for Orcon. r Ilonrso CoiikIir, Stuffy Colds. pain in chest and sore lungs, are symptoms that quickly develop into a dnni?erous illness If the cold is not cured. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the couch, henls . ?id cases the con gested parts and brings quick relief. Koeppen Bros. Dressed young chickens and chick ens for roastlna; -very Saturday at the Central meat market. Pnone Main 33. Read the "Want" ads today. "lioocJ Kiacious, John," a wife wail ed to her husband as they rose from the table, "you gave that waiter the tip of a millionaire. And yon know how hard up we are!" "Hut, my love," remonstrated tho hushand, "1 iok tit Ihe overcoat he gave me." And she, for the first time; notinii the superb, fur-lined ulster In which the man was enveloped, smiled and was content. St. Louis "Globo-Dem-ocrat. Byers' Best rioili Pride goes before a fall, for lots of people are particularly anxious to show off In the summertime. Is made from tlu choicest wheat that 2rows. Good ?s assured when BYtRS' bEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts. Steam Moiled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon The East Oregonian is eastem Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate if find show it by their liberal patron age. It is the advertising medium f this section.