EIGHT PAGES. UAILi Kl i.i ...iM l-KNlil.hCTUN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 29. 1910. PAGE MEV1CJI. NEWSY NOTES OF ECHO MANY JXTIO PEOPLE VISIT IV PENDLETON Mril-r Trial, Poultry Slimy and Jef. trlcH-Gotch Exhibition Prove Draw iug Cnrdw Ladles' Club 1uiih. (Special Correspondence) ilcho, Ore, Jun. 28. Kolio ha biH-n . II r.prcsi-ntod in the county S(.nt 1.11 tills wick, the attractions ranging Bjwliore between the Arnold murder cwh nn'l tho poultry sluw Lam but nut least, was the exhibition g:v..n by Jeffries and others nt the opera hoiiMe I i Hiol, wiui Ii lulled a large immher of Echo's sporting fraternity. Echo's I-nde8 0f Neodh-rrnff. wh(j halve lonp been ,t... (, the'if work irnnnicntiil, held Uiolr weekly nieet-ini- vfRferrlav ;nd r. solved upon a plan to do work which will 1,. cnn.tld red useful nn,l indeed Ih a work which Im a credit to any organization or per son It la nothing less than a plan te clean and beautify the yards and streets of Echo. The majority nf the flr.-ets are dean in in riitv:i n.-. of a nre.'it many miihII ,,win, JU trees cwulil bo planted, and improvements made In "the appearance of some yards and vacant lots. Already a committee lio waited upon the mayor, ulu, has ITntiiliPd the assistance and Influence of the city council in tin pood work. Mr. 1 Ian ford of Ncwta-ru. . lures belt- tonight ui the M.-ihud.st Episcopal church in the intercuts of the V. C. T. U. John Thomas. lo.fil tnanairer of the Henrietta Milling and lira, a i ..lupaiiy. left this morning fi.r Portland on a l'UHines visit. II n. Ilurlhtirt was In re from I'm ilb t"ii ths wiek. caring for h. Lazi ness InterestH. Frank Van 'l.a.. w.-ol to H.-rm-t. r. this morn'ng. Pauline in.,iiul. a litd- mi of p,x years, arrived lur. Wed ties lay evnit p mi the train fion Vancouver. W:uh. She toalo tic trip nil alon, tu'. m rived ''.i ! ., 1 n 1 1. having rad the tic-t of care from the train men. She will stav with her grand tnoiber. Mrs. .: li.ii.o.ni jim attend school here. Mr. R P.. Lewis is In town fr,.m his f.irth in :ir llermiston. home ii si: proved to i i: imm par iusr: Wesbinj.'oi l ll I 1 .i It u i llg. I'iillfornia, the Indians recentiy had a f-ast. tie ! wh i b is ju.-t rachi d t h Indian off:, e here. in .i. i.i i i . n u li '.i. iiKiiviii.ik iiK. Hie lioii.io.- .-iaii.-.i t.i .l..y a K.nne that L.d;e.t l'k.- t.ni.-'n t:ir. F"r home base ;li y p. eked a i .-o'tus plant ninif distance nff. mar a vacant hIhii k. Whlli- ;!! W' re i 'ha.-lnir one anethi r amund tie- ib-sert. the nei'iit In eh. hi;.- forc.-t h'- 'i.oilil. and f'umbcrid. When be awoke f. Ii. illy, in ll.it.-.i tii.it thi- cactus piant seemed to be the chief point i-f interest in ihe -aine. Hye an. I bye every. .ne hung amnio) b one and the came irr.-w stale. As one '! I btl. 1. w.t- 1-avlng bei .i. tus pi ii. t. th- in ."n cme out tr. nv. With the smooth white desert eni ath him and tin tb rimi-- moon ship., iib.ivi- him and anoind h m and ins-de of h m. he fell inspired to per f -rin a. little shadow dance with a couple of whiskey butt es for casta nets to the accnmpaniini lit of sev eral wbonps. Wh.ti his "whoop, h..i.." rhnnite.i t.. "hie, hie" the acent thmis-ht he w-uld t ike a- look a f "b'-me liase " Tie-re ns an oi.l b.ank.l thrown over the nlant and beneath tint sev- eral quarts of "bottled In bond" and n few shining s.K.r dollars Inside tho neighboring shack he found a Mexican peeping out of the w.nd.iw. Te "greaser" had a pocket full of those silver dollars and several cases of booze beside him lie bad a bar; all but the cash r. gister The Mexican is i" another shack now with lots of bars and the agent sas that nt thu n.-xt Indian feast over which he presides. If they play tree tug. will find him on the top brunch, very, very vigilant. HOWARD t'lIANDI.I R CHRISTY cirrs ins Dr;Hir.K iinnesvllle, O., Jan. 2S - The court today awarded Howard chandler Christy, the artist, possession of his twelve year old daughter Natalie, for which he and his wife wag-d a des perate legal battle for more than two weeks. U-c Rawing Meeting. Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 29. Men who re Interested In Ice trotting and pac ing meets are assembled today In largo nnmbers and It is probable that the Bnnual tournament on the Ottawa river under the auspices or the Cen tral Canadian Ice Racing association, to be held during the next seven days will be a. K''''nt success. Horses front all over Cnnnda and the northwest ern part of the I'nlted States are en tered. The amount of money to be distributed to purse winners Is the largept ever offered by the association. Cuiimhi' Thrw-Corncrrd F.IihM Ion. Ottawa. Jan. 2!). Bye-elections are being held todny to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Sir Wil fred Laurler. and nominations will take place next week. The contest will remitter, three different pnrtles being engaged In the fight for politi cal supremacy. A WreleJxxl Mistake, to endure the Itching, painful distress f piles. There's no need to. Listen: "I suffer much from piles," writes WIB A. Marsh of Slier City, N. C. "till I grrt a box of Buoklen's Arnica airs, and was aoon cured." Burns. !, ulcers, fever sores, ecxema. Cuts IkMPad hands, chllbralns. vanish be fsrs K. He t Tallman & Co.'s. Caning cards, wedding stationery ana csmroerelal printing to order, at the Bast Oretsnlsn. FOR COUGHS FOR THROAT I FOR " ' ' 1 I II ITTIfTMir U miiiMinMi leaiiiatmii awmaai munin unmi in in i m i i hi umiiiiii iim hi iiiiiiimwii mi PREVENTS PHEUSOKIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever aflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. ' Our doctor pronounced my casj incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's' New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Pries 50c H $!,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free MORE VA(.ES FOR 8000 MEN. HnKiklyn Rapid Transit Company Adopts New Wnse Soale. New York. Jan. 28. Right thou .iinV men will share In the Increase f wages put into effect today by the lifiokiyn Rapid Transit company. i lie raise will mean an additional ex ," rdlture for the company of about '-lO.noo nnnually. The Increase was unsolicited and applies to every man In the employ r the company. It directly affects at b ast 4 0,000 men, women and children tin- employes and their families, and was due to tho company's belief that the Increased cost of living Justified It. Vice President and General Mann-:-! J. V. Cald'Twood of the B. R T., v;,;d: "Now that the stockholders are re- ii lvine a partial return, the directors f. el that the men, whose rate per hour has not been uniformly increased for e.ir-, should also share in the pros ; !': the company enjoyed last year, . "1 h a result an increase which ili amount to about $200,000 a year. "Thi amount will be further fn-r- -med by efficient service, depending :? n the efforts of the men. The In- a-e Is o vi r ti n per cent of the last year's surplus of the company. It follows the pension system Inaugurat ed January 1 as a further recognition of the men. "i in the surface l nes conductors and inot.irmen will receive the same i i.v. rans'np from twenty-one to twinty-four cents an hour, accordinif to length of service. Next year this -. hedule will be advanced to twenty- lie and ..ne-ha!f up to twenty-four in i on. -half cents an hour. Rev. I. W. WHIInnw Testifies. Rev. I. W. Williams. Huntington. V.'. Va., writes us as follows: "This Is to certify that I used Foley's Kid ney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for It." Koep pen Bros. Many Wear Cnrnatlons. W.ishlmrton. Jan. 29. Government officials from Pres'dent Tnft down and many congressmen and citizens wore carnations today In memory of the late President McKlnley. There was a great demand for the pink n .wers ulrch were the martyred 1 resident's fiverltes. and the stocks of local fiorlst were exhausted. Canton, O., Jan. 29. Many flo.-al P eces and wreaths were placed today on the McKlnley tomb, as usunl on ilie birthday anniversary' of Canton'; 4t all chnrpct p.v.d tof tiic ncVr- f 1 Sj ett railrond cxprca eftice, Xf I You must have the best (utrantced to be absolutely pure aged in wood and honest. We buy CYRUS NOBLE direct from Ihe distillers have bought it lor 44 years. Don't let Ihem sell you something else " hist as good." Buy the best it's the cheapest in the long run. Bottled by the distillers. Guaranteed lo the I'nncd Slates Government and to you to contain nothing except pore straight aged wdmkcy. For the 6rst time since 1864 (44 years) in such sections aa ihe public is unable to purchase CYKUS NOBl.B we will sell yu direct 4 quart bottle for $4.90. No danger nl refilled bottles but the GENUINE Ci RUS NOBLE the best made, the best selling brand in the whole world. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO.. 1 05-1 07 Second Street, Portland. Ore. rSTAMJSIlEO ISM SEIlStNCC ANY BAN OR TRUST COMPANY W OBfXXM CUT T THIS UNI (NO Mall TO-OAT A . W. J. Van Schurver A Co PertUaal Or.,. Eadoird pleaie fax) $4.90 lor which pkaae end aae al aace br ttpraei, ptepaMl. four quarts . GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. r.txMi lilMQ OF CURES golds THE WONDER WORKER DR. KING'S COUGHS AND COLDS SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY TALLMAN CO. yrcatest son. Carnations were wjrn by hundreds of citizens who knew and. b.ed the late president and his wife. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trou ble that is not beyond the reach of p'edlcine. It Invigorates the entire system and strengthens the kldne'3 so they eliminate the lmpurties ifrom the blood. Backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles are all cured by this great medicine. Com mence taking at once and avoid Bright's Disease and Diabetes. Koep pen Bros. I'onr Years a King. ("..pi nliapen. ,1m. 29. Frederick VIII today becan the fifth year of his : reign as King of Denmark, and the i ann'versnry was made the occasion of inn. h popular rejoicing in Popenha- , ten and throughout the nation Frederick lias proved a highly pop ular monarch ind a worthy son of King r-hrlstlan IX. The second son i nf the kinc is Haakon VII. king of Novw.'iy. The Danish king is a broth- i cr of Queen Abr mdra . f Kneland. K'nsr rjeorge of fjreeee rn 1 the Pmv ajT rnfpress of Russia. Simple Remedy for I .a flrlppc. ijiOrippe coughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop Into pneu monia. Fojey's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no re rious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con tains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Koeppen Bros. SnlcMnm to Hun Uncos.- N.-w York. Jan. 20. A one-mile relay race for the department -store championship of New York will be run tnnigh at the Eighth Regiment Ar mory. Many of the big stores have M.ni,. crack athletes in their employ and tho rivalry among them is keen. Girls. Why have your shoe soles naih J ; on when we sew them on at 65e a pair No swell dressed man or wo man wnnts their shoes full of nails. A EKI.CND I' : CHILDRKN WHO ARE SICKLY Mothers who vnhie their own comfort and the welfare of their children, should I never be without a box of slother Gray's Sweet Powder for Children, for use I throughout the season. They Hreak up i Colds. .Cure Feverlshness. Constipation. 1 Teething Iiisnrders. Hendnche and Htomach ! Troubles. T1IESK 1'OWPFIIS NEVER KAIL. Sold by (II Prug Stores, 2.rP. Dim'f accept any milmtitutc. A trial package will he sent KKKE to any mother who will ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. I.e Itoy, N. Y. AND LUftlCS grarrw Prize Sliocitlng. First prize, 30-30 Remington auto matic. ' Second prize. 22 Marlln repeating rifle. Third prize, box of 50, 19c cigars. The contest Is now on at the Pas- time shooting gallery, Jas. Prop. H. Estes, Too Much Face. You feel as if you had one face too many when you have Neuralgia. Don't you? Save the face, you may need it; but get rid of the Neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Lini ment. Finest thing in the world for rheumatism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Estray Notice. Strayed from, Thompson's ranch on the reservation, one bay mare, about three years old, star in forehead, branded A. V. on left shoulder. Will pay liberal reward for return or in formation leading to the recovery of above described animal. NATE RAINES, Pendleton. Ore Pneumonia Follows a Cold but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs, and expels the cold from your system. Take at first sign of a cold and avoid a dangerous Illness. Koeppen Bros. Notice to the Public. On and after the first of February 1. 1910. ail milk retailed by me will be ten cents per quart, stra'ght S. M. Richards. in, "Star Dairy." TO riRE COLD IN ONE DAY. Tnke I.AXATIVK HKOMO Quinine Tablets. In iigulsis refuud money If It falls to cure. E. W (iltnVK'S signature Is 'nn eneh bnx. 2.V. WEAK OR SICK JVI1R0VIG0X CUKESWEAKNESS RESTOSES VICO.i ,m. ii.i..ini ..; ill lawn In l horn. lmi feel an ituproiemciit from the tint di . hare no muca confidence In our Inrtiir t.T thHl we otter tn fit! aej cut not c-un-4. IMl reitmly litlelj ciiree' the -.irt CUM In oil nl young lAt lgor. Virlqrx-ele. KWnen. I mine, hlnrtiire. Nerroue lleb.lltj Lo or Mi-mory, I'mttaterrhea. and all other wanUni ef frrte of mu-Ij- dianliMtlon. which W to enojumn llmi and oeaUi. bent eeaJeil $2 ijer bottle; three bottlre A. liiiarinteed to cure. D At LEBIG CO.safuVncVsVo And 11.1 Oei-lilrnlnt Avrnur, SEATTLE. wh -i. .Client ? .(c;i.-r rcler U) auiertutsuent In 'The Auiulcau Hevj." NOTICE OF BIDS IX)R STREET SWEEPING. Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the common coun cil of the city of Pendleton up to Feb ruary 2, 1910, at 6 o'clock p. m., for the cleaning of the paved portions of the streets of the city of Pendleton for a term of one year, said bids to include sweeping, hosing, hauling away refuse, and sprinkling before sweeping and keeping drainage sys tem open and in good order, the city to furnish sprinkler. All bids to be sealed and to be filed with the city recorder of the city of Pendleton, on or before February' 2. 1910. at 5 o'clock p. m. The common council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 20th day of January, 1910. THOS. FITZ GERALD. City ' Recorder. CALL FOR BIOS FOR STEEL BRIDGES. The county court of Umatilla coun ty, Oregon, invites bids for the con struct! m of four steel bridges In said county, as follows: Across the Wal la Walla river at McCoy's ranch, length 110 feet; across Dry creek at Blue Mountain station, length 60 feet; across Butter creek near th mouth of Butter creek, length 40 feet; across the Walla Walla river at Milton, length 90 feet. Plans and specifications will be on file at the office ,of the county clerk of Umatilla county, Oregon, on and after thi 10th day of January, 1910. Bids will be opened on February 3rd, 1910. Cer tified check for B per cent of total amount to accompany each bid. The court reserves the right to reject any and all blda. Dated this 11th day of January, 1910. FRANK SALTNO, County Clerk. KimnONETHTAR Oirn CoJdftt Prevents Pneumonia ttt&p, bs $Si I Id Want Ads. ffl 1 WANTED. ANTONB, anywhere, can start a mil order business at borne. ' No can vussini?. Be your own boss. Send f" fret booklet. Tells how. Heacock 2708, Lockport, N. T. WHERE DO TOU STOP when In Portland? Why, at the Plaza, ill 1-2 Third street, of course. Wher che rooms are clean and cheap the and landlady cheerful and ac commodating. Try It, It Is llk home. AN intelligent person may earn tl" monthly corresponding for newtps pera. No canvassing. 8oi iot pr- ' tlculars. Press Syndicate, 3708 Lock I port, N. T. HAIR WORK DONE. All kinds of hair work done at Madam Ken nedy's Hair Parlors, 607 E. Court street, the only natural human hair ever sold In Pendleton; also a nice line of goods to sell, rolls, chains, pomps, switches, puffs, made from your own combings. Everything strictly guaranteed. Shampooing hairdresslng a specialty. Highest prices paid for combings. Phone Red 3752. WANTED Position as cook for fam ily or housework. P. O. Box '4SJ. Four Lines, tn Daily, Weekly and Semi-Weekly $1 per month. PHTSICUXS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMED pathlc physician and surgeon. Of t t,. Viinrk Telpnhonesi Office. uk. w . - r lvinr.v 9.11- -,a i donrfl rAt 2623 l ' 1 i V U . . , . - ' - ' DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 654. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST. OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rcoms. Office 'phone, Mack 3421; residence 'ph r.e, red JJ51. ' DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUH geon. Office, room 15 Judd bulld ng. Phone, ted J301. VAUGHAN BROS., DENTISTS, OK fice In Judd building. Phone Main 73 VETEUIXAKY STRGEONS. mtTrjTc. M'NABB. LOCAL STATIC titock Inspector and member Stale Veterinary Board. Office Tall an's drug store. Pes. 'phone Main 69 ATTORNEYS. R ALKY A RALET. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office la American National Bank building. FEE & SLATER. LAWYERS, OF- nee in Despain building. j carter & sm':t::e, attorneys! at law. Office in American Nation al Hank bulldlnk. i JAMES B. PERT Y, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS i and counsellors at lav. Office in . JDespain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY I at law. Bstates settlea, wins, aeeas, nnrtnvM RnA. contracts drawn. Col-' lections made. Room 17 So. Idt ; block. j PETERSON 4 WILSON, ATTOR- j neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. I PHELPS 4 STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offices in smitn-crawtora building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Association block. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in an state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 1, S, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBUD, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price, xso. Ill East uouri street. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of tlte t- all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerajre business. Pay taxes and makes investments for non residents. References, . any ban tn Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. W. S. HENNTNGER, Vive-Prei. C. H. MARSH. See. BENTLH'Y & LE FFING WELL. REAL estate, fire, life and aocident Insur ance agents. New location, 81S Main street. Phone Main. 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLFP. :iTY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street. Carney Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale staMea. Oocd rigs at all time. Cab line la connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO.. ME ohanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or eleotrto plattta sas predso ers. ll-tl P.-I. BVdr. Seattle. Wash' Ington. ! Classified Directory i. - FOB SALE. FOR SALE 65 acre ranch, 69 acra rich rub-Irrigated bottom and II acreg wheat land. 5 acres in r chard, 3 acres timber, 17 acres al falfa and balance will raise any thing put in the ground. Big It room house, big barn, other out buildings, and a tlOOt pumplnjr plant consisting of a lX-horaepowr gasoline engine and 6-Inch centrif ugal pump. R. R. station, phon line, (tore, P.O. and 11 grade chool at the door. Location can't be beat. Price, 7500. One-half cash, bal ance easy terms. Address, O. T. Steele, Noll n Ore. FOR SALE Furniture, from Bin room rooming house, also piaa. . 201 W. Webb. Phone Red 1125. Extra good offer If taken at onc. FOR SALE 160 acres Irrigated alfal fa land about 2 1-2 miles north west of Echo; 110 acres In alfalfa. It acres In garden and orchard, balance grass pasture. Good fir room house, fair barn. Will aii either to one or two parties. For particulars, address Frank Corraa, Echo, Oregon, MAPS CITY. OF PENDLETON Ar East Oregonlaa office. Price ii Extra Lines over Four, 25 cents per Line per month. MISCELLAXEOVS. PENDLETON IRON WORKS Rb pair work on all kinds of machines, structural iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alts streets. Marion Jack, Prop.; A. K. May, manager. LKT ELECTRICITY DO YOU.. work It's clean, reliable . n.l con venient. Eicctri .''.n l Irons, guaran teed, 5. 25. Electric Hot Water an, . Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete sti.ca o. Gas and Elecuic fixtures, i-'iiil-t.oi-wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaught-r, 815 Main street. IKE SAM. LEE CO., NOODLE RE taurant, Mrs. tJoey. Prop. Chicket noodle soup, chop suey, etc. Vet St., between Muln and Garden. Ph..i Red 3391. SLOM KEE, cniNLSE LAUNDRY. family vislung; worn done by hand, mending free; goods called for an ellvered. 408 East Court street. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAINES. i you want to subscribe t magailntf or newaoaprrs in the United fet&tes or Europe, remit by postal notes check, or send to the EAST ORE -GONIAN the net publisher's prle-i of the publication you desire, anJ we will have It sent you. It 111 save you both trouble and risk. Ii you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONJAX, In remitting you car leduct ten per cent from the pub lishers price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB CO., Pendl -ton. Ore. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer. Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. BAKER & FOLSOM. FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalmer-s. Opposite postoffice. Funeral pari r Two funeral cars. Calls responded tii day or night. 'Phone main 76. . r PENDLETON LODGE No. S3 SJ A. F. and A. i!., meets the ftrat and third Mondays of est.', month. All visiting brethren are in vited. -"Sy B. P. O. E S NO. 181 v meets e vprv Tlinrtav pma. iVKS,y! Ing In Eagle's-WoodmsB -3 hall. G. W. Phelps. B. K : Tltoa. Fits Gerald, Secy. DAMON LODGE NO. 1. f . of P., meets every Monda evening In I. O. O. F. haO. v? Visiting brothers cordial)? Invited to attend. W. I. Gavdwa, C. C; R- W. Fletcher, K. of R. as 8. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY CONTRACTCR AK Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, atone walls, etc. Phone black 3786, or Ore gon lan office. Every Woman . ia imerwteo ana anotunanow I abil the womlernil a Marvel iX A1r mnt itpueirtat fhr It. If he cannot anr-rlv other, but send stamp iur tr.ited book MMled. It sh flhis. fiTn fall hw uiunn mill uimuinw inii.'n S ladle SUA V EL CO 44 1. 2i4 St, HasiTert MENANDWOME& Cm Bl for nnBtrjr4 dlaKbtT4fM,tnslsunBsiik)CaLi IrntsatKKis or alrsUDit ef ton eon BimbrnM, PtkinlMsa. ud not sulrih wMt (VANS CHIMtf 41 CO. cent or poi-oooai. old by Drvnlttla, or tDt la tlBiL wratppvr, br xnt-Mt, (trwpuiti, foe 1.00.4, SbottlZ.75. Mr as IB evmta per