E1UIIT PAGES. FAGR SIX. THEATRE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 st OREGON A. G. Delamater and William Norris (Inc.) Announce the Massive Scenic Production of Geo. Barr McCutcheon's Stirring Romance of Love and Laughter Then see the Play You Have Read the Book DAILY EAST OKKUUMAN. fK DLkl U.N. OKM.oV. SaStHOAY, J N UAKY 80. 1010, V7 y Dramatized from the Novel BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARK" By RobL. M. Baker A Metropolitan Cast of Players Including tiKKTIU IH: FOWI.KK. former lend ln lady with Mrs. Patrick Campbell and Mute. Ilejane. I UAYMOMt WIUTTAKKK. two season leading nian Blanche Wolnh. r EIUTII SHAYXF, former lending lud y with "Lion ami the Moiih)." I TIUiS. V. MOKIUSON. Into leading heuvy with Mrs. Leslie Carter. V 11 ' IVVT1F. lAUMONTKI.l.K, the greatest character commedlenne before the public. STAGED VXDER THK DIRECTION OF OSCAR EAGLE. COVKTESY OF Ml!. WAItFIEI.D M MR. HELASGp. Seat Sale Opens Monday January 3 1, 10 a. m. Pendleton Drug Co. Prices: Boxes $1 .50 Lower Floor $ 1 .00 Balcony ?5c Gallery 50c Tins IS THE STORY OF "THE TOP O THE W ORLD" Well, you see Prince Tinymite, the ood fanry. wns just passing when Maida said: "I wish I could go out alone. I wish I did not have to go to ted early. I wish I was grown up." And Tinymite grabbed the little girl in his arms and carried her. swiftly to the top of the world where Santa Claus has his workshop. Maida was ten years old and lived in an apartment house in New York City. She was very unhappy because she could not go out alone and be cause her papa and mama told her that she could not do anything alone until she had grown up. so Maida mad a wish that she grow up. quick ly. It was a wonderful shop, this place of Kris Kringk's and full of wonder ful toys all of which came to life at the expression of a wish. Two verv interesting toys. The of the "Can of Climate" and the whole party merrily sang: "Old Jack Frost, Old Jack Frost, Met a can of climate and his Job was lost." The wishine pole was guarded, in the wonderful city of Illusia. very carefully by the outposts of the l Queen's army, but fortunately the ! party had picked up Kankakee and j Kokomo, an Esquinaux Chief and his ; daughter, and these two acting as j guides, safely brought the party into I'.lusia. Meantime Kokomo fell in 1 love Avith Morse and married him. ' Princess Stalacta, whom the Queen hated on account of her beauty, had the good fortune to win the favor of Shellman, the explorer and accord- ', ing to the rules of Illusia, he released ; hf r from imprisonment with a kiss. The explorers were captured within the city by the Queen's guards anil ! little Maida was condemned to a dark dungeon. As she was being led ; inwav. she broke into te:trs and re- Candy Kid and Jack-in-the-Box made crretted that she had left her father i friends with her at once. Being only! and mother. As this was the wishing 4 aI 4 VAO ' ...... ft v 1-4 -f "7 , : SW if 7 5 f- -x 2 i -'V.-'- j) n ' 5 A. ; V , J 4 t J 1 J J pk.i.t ' , i ..-5": x'- x other a female which makes the ex periment more interesting1. They are not brother and sister, hqwever. be cause a seal never haa more than one pup at a birth. They made their long railroad Jour ney from San Diego, Calif., to Wash ington in a box, six feet by three. On their arrival here they were not at once placed in the big water tank which will In the future be their home, because, strange as It may seem, they have yet to be taught how to swim. A voung dog thrown Into the water will swim naturally, but the seal pup has to bo taught how. Boatswain Thurber was ordered to bring his j ts here so that the scien tific chaps at the Fish Commission could sic for themselves the success of liis i ff'rts If the pups continue o thrive under his treatment nurseries may be established on the seal islands t,-i take care of the pups left to starve j after the killing of their mothers by j I pelagic sealers. Birthday or Kansas. Topeka, Kan., Jan. 29. Kansa Day the forty-ninth anniversary of th admission of the Sunflowered statu to the union, has attracted the usual r umber of prominent Kangans to the dty today. The annual meeting of tt.e Kainua Day club will close "vita a banquet tonight A yoar from to day Kansas .will celebrate, Its serol (ntennial, and it Is expected that a celebration on a much larger scalu will be arranged for. Fur Indigestion and all stomach troubles take Foley's Orlno Laxative. It Is the natural remedy for Indiges tion, dyspepsia, heartburn, baa breath. K.ck headache, torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Foley's Oiino Laxative sweetens the stiiinnch and breath, and tones up tin entire alimentary system. Koeppea Bros. Snveil ot Ieath's Door. The door of death seemed ready to j open f'r Murray W. Ayers, of Tran sit Bridge. N Y., when his life was wonderfully saved. "I was In a dread- rti! condition." he writes, "my skin was almost vellow: eyes sunken; To Meet Yale FMi. New York. Jin. 29. With the strongest swimming team in Its history the College of tht. rity of New York experts to give the human fish of the big universities a hard tussle for first honors. Yale Is here today, nnd th New Haven swimmers will give the local men their first real try-out of the season. Dates have also been ar- tovs and full of mainsprings and cog wheels they could not play with her until she wished them legs and arms . . . a ..1. r. r r,-- .1 1 . wish to go home than the fairy Scene f. i '" ' . prince Tinymite appeared, clothed as Oregon Tlieaier. I'm--.: at the '.lillC.1V I. and a couple of hearts. Maida was a knight, and with his flaming sword philanthropic and favored the two funny toys, and soon, to her great de light, they were hopping about and making love to the little girl as only toys can do. But Maida was satis fied, and she wished to grow up and f-ld Kris Kringle so. "Dear eh:'. i." said the kind old man, "yon can do this by standing with vr.nr harit To the North Pole and wishir.g for it. If you sro to this wish ing pole you can immediately grow up by making the wish." It was a hard trip and so far away that Maida wept bitterly because she could not go. But at this moment came in the Fhellman Group of explorers and they were looking for the North Pole also. The expedition was Just starting, Shellrr.an and Morse invited Santa Claus. Jac k-in-theBox. The Candy Kid old Santa's tam pt the Friendly Bfar. and last but not least Little Maida. to go a!"ng with th-m to the Vp of the world. To guard against inrdmnt weather Morse carried with him a machine called "A Can of Climat." with which dared the myrmidons to do evil to , tQ tlle ru;jng princess of a myth little Maida. Queen Aurora had never seen her own face and in spite of all her faults possessed a love of the truth. Cyni cal Morse presented her with a mir ror, which is an article absolutely un known in Illusia, and then the Queen saw that for all her years her court iers had obtained their wishes by flat tery and lying, and she thought so much better of the explorers that all were released from captivity. Who knows but that Tinymite suggested the solution of the difficulty? Dis covering then that it was better to grow up slowly like ordinary chil dren. Maida said goodbye to her friends and wished herself back home with papa and mama, and there she was. sure enough. Then Maida awoke from her dreams. I h BEVERLY OF GRAl'STARK" STORY OF REAL LIFE "Beverly," the dramatization of George Barr McCutcheon's successful novel of that name, the sequel to he rou'd make the coldest day in the I "Graustark." which will be the at- north regions warm and pleasant enough for the r ird of the park. Old Jack Frost, who was Premier of the City of Illusia. ruled over by Queen Aurora Boreal:. ent a bitter cold wind to frustrate thern. but M"re merejy turned on the nozzle traction at the Oregon theater on Tuesday. February 1, is a story of real life told In a real and convincing manner. It relates the exciting adventures of an American girl. Beverly Calhoun of Washington. l. C, while on a visit principality in the eastern pari "i Europe, one of the Balkan statts. In staging the production, the inan-..n-xment Delnmnter & Norris. have endeavored to make every least p ssi- ' ble detail true to life, and it is only necessary to state that they have been , aided and advised by that master of statecraft. David Belasco. f,.r theater goers to realize with what care and I'H expense "Beverly" has been produced, r.eia.-i... has a standard from which he will not recede and anyth'ng Ui;i! bears, his imprint must be us perfect -as money and artistic genius can make it. "Beverly" was stage. uii.l r t the personal direction nf Oscar Ka- .- gle, one of Mr. Belasco' highest sal- 1 aried aids. ' In selecting the cast the manage ment has been equaily cir.uil. It contains such well known people as Gertrude Fowler, sai.l to I., one ot the most beautiful women' ..n tiv stage; Edith Shayne. last s. is, ,, t :..) ing lady In the Savage production of "The Devil" and for the three seasons previous with Margaret liiai-.-i n an: "The Lion and the Mouse;" Itatti. Carmontello, for many years end man with Billy Bice's minstrels, playing nr.t.nsltp the well known liil.y Vunr. I, .(.:.. :. . i i tv . s. usoii.s nl n c.i-i:. v. ! ' .i m lie Walsh. V. .'.... ri..,. !"i M.i years i.. ni l-,.; in avy u'.-h Mr- Leslie Car K r; Kzra W. Graham ami others. i k ;m:i si: i . r; in ivrEi.iTs . iKM ini' uoiti.n I'l't.'K-, last in tnothi t . . ..... Tii ' ' w.i seal a I ;;i e cr i.een raised on ! t!,.urVtitv ni .H rii i il here eU i ii i 'i. r.;. I i i- foster .Iii'ls.ni T!i ii in r. r!ie l.ig lioat- ;.j Iie ieelll. c J't"'! I'ear. Th. ;, ;re in iheir new iiiarters at e ,."l;, es .; (lie pisli I '"111 mission, I,; ai'e in fine condition. So is their i f., i . v in. has aronseil tiie Interest of t'ie whole scientific worl.l by the success of his expei'iim in 'ii raising the pups in eaptiviti s..m, thing that has iv vi r I. ecu d.-ee '.. fo e. and w.t lleemeil illlposillie. T'o- i a; s iv . re ; . i : I . d ii) the I'nivers'.ty of Pennsylvania, Har vard, Columbia and Princeton. loiipue eoate,l;cmaeiaten rrom ''J n" ranged with the swimming teams of 411 poynos, growing wcuner imny. V.ru'.ent iiver trouble pulling me down to death In spite of doctors. Then that matchless medicine. Elec tric Hitters cured me. I regained the ' 1 pounds lost and now am well and strong." For all stomach, liver and k il it. y troubles they're supreme. 50c at Tallman & Co.'s T( ma .oi; i-ii:is BIG AVIVI'IOX MEET I o;n 1. .Ian. 'Js. -Tacotna business men have raised K..(H ns a guarantee dem.i"ile l by i'r. iiioter I tick Ferris for tiie proposed aviation meet here. n i.ical site on an open iiralrle Just sou'ii ..r tins city was seeureu, yday and the committee is awaiting word from Ferris regarding the dates. fme and see the exhibit of Red Goose drawings at the Peoples Warehouse. It Is a dangerous thing to take a cough medicine containing opiates that merely stifle your cough Insfead of curing It. Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cough and ex pels the poisonous germs, thus pre venting pneumonia and consumption Refuse substitutes and take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Koeppen Bros. Brewer to Keiik to kaiimiis. New York, Jan. 29. At the annual dinner of the KansaR Society of New York to be given nt the Plaza Hotel this evening. United States Supremo Court Justice Brewer will be the prin cipal speaker. Other guests will In clude Hamilton W, Mable. United States Senator Joseph Brlstow and Henry J. Allen, editor of the Wichita Eteusuii. Any Cold Can be Cured without "cold cureV' cough mixtures" and the Lke opiate filled medicines. All you have to do is to open your bowels wAe with TV.-. :'I r-.--v rr. ! r-c-rf:? an l -.y-.erriic poiior.i away and you'il 'ft If yvj have a ko!1 f-r are con st" ut'i.d r,r h- jr.e i:.-.it..."i, liver or ai-jncr ''''' Ujc si NR l.:-':--t to-n;2.-.t ir.l you a lxi .tr r h 1' " tnor: '.: X ' 'ii '.-if 11 iginally on the liii.lioff I -la I11I':. Hilcre their niot'-i r:' bad I.e. 11 t; ; M 1 I :m.f where they eons queiit ly xionld l.ave starved to death had it not been for Thurber. H- .'r'e.l t'o a oil ' ' I ' 1 ' 1 e : 1 s e 1 1 lllilk and soon had tiaan eating fish, after he hnd discovered the secret that they could not cat anv'liitii; until the had been Francis McGrath, last season with tne string under ineir longn Brooks & Dingwall pi odtn tion o. cui. "The Sins of Society;" Raymond One of the pu is a male and the J or. by a. c. KOKITMiX 4 BI'.OS. H . Ah mi (L(k A Splendid Overall j fr every ue. Cut generous ly fulL Two hip pockeU. Felled seams. Continuous fly. taUtadMA MURPHY, GRANT (C6. Uiafoam a Sarmda MM ' " m oK?r n t , ' r Jrji Xlf's! K 1 ' iiiiv)'i inL If pl t?y f .f- I h ' 1 1' ' I I W 'A ( , t r J A 0v A.ili- f , 1 1 L Osp Cold Cured. Health Restored. A X I i' i n- MK. C. IV. J.l.l.NN . ,,f ;. rue .. rr MlK IlK'lH'llll H "iMW... ,,hTT, .H.Mnrk." a. i Ore Theater TH,lay. Fehn.nry 1 Be Careful of a Cold and Cure it Before it Becomes Deep Seated; if Not it May Run into Chronic Bronchitis or Lung Trouble Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Will Cure the Cold and Build Up the Entire Sys tem So That It, Can Resist Disease. "I have hip-hly praised Duffy's Turc Malt Whiskey to every one suffering from deep colds, as I know it was your valuable Whiskey that has given nic back my health. f anybody thinks this statement is not genuine, let him write me, and I will let him know what your medi cine has done for me." C. W. Glenn, 1518 Ashland St., Rich mond, Va. DniTv's Pt'tre Malt Whiskey has .......... - ... - - ..t. to its credit over fifty years of service. During this time it nas urougiu health and happiness to thousands of homes. Duffy's Pure iYlalt whiskey is an absolutely pure, gentle and invigorating stimulant and ft?n,9' .It: overcomes all weakening, wasting and run-down conditions of the body, brain, muscle, giving the system power to throw oil and resisi cou-,ns, colds, grip, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles, and it is an absolute cure and preventive of consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, malaria and low fevers, if taken in time and in small closes as directed. It is prescribed by doctors and is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. II In need st idvlce, writ Meillcat Depart ment, Dully Malt WhUkey Company, Koch entcr. New York, Mating your caetully. Our doctor will tentl you advice tree, together with a valuable lllu.trated medical booklet, containing rare, common .ene rules lor health, which you cannot altord to ba with out and some ot the many thouAandA ot grati fying letter received Irom men and women In all walk ol Ilia, both old and young, who have been cured and benrllted by tha IM ol thl great medicine and who continue to en oy good health. Sold by druggtata. grocere and dealer, or direct, $1.00 a large Imttle. 1