f DAI1 f EAhT OREOONUN. PKR.DLETTON. OREGON. SATUKDAY, JANUARY 2 Itlt. CXG0T PAGES. page rnrx. New Ginghams, Percales, Galetea Cloth, Wool Dress Goods, Muslin Under- weart Etc. Big shipment lor Early Spring wear Now on Our Counters Ready for your inspection F. E. Livengood & Co. Ladies Home Journal Patterns for February and Spring Quarterly Style Books now on sale. LOCALS Phone Main 6 tor coal. Pant line pictures please all. Ingram's grocery, tel. Main tl. Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main 4. Fresh oysters at Hohbach's bakery. Only white cooks at cioldcn Rule dmlng room. Chicken dinner tomorrow at Gold en Rule Hotel. Plenty of good clean coal at Bur roughs.' Phone Main 6. Lenses duplicated In a few minutes Hanscom's Jewelry store. Coal! oaH For sale by Penland Ifrxm. Phone Ulnck 3391. I'll pay ca.-h fur yaur veal. Chus. Rayburn, phono Main 4 20. Good clean coal at the Oregon Lumber Yards Phone Main 8. s'our or six room furnished house for rent. Inquire Mark Moorhouse. Hoys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for 12.60 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store. Wanted Hoarders by week, day or month. Inquire 412 West Hluff street. Como and see the exhibit of Red Goose drawings at the Peoples Ware house. Mure moving pictures shown four any other theatre In the city the Pastime. No coal famine with Burroughs. Phono Main 6 and get good coal' promptly Wanted Man and wife on ranch, call at 914 West Court street or phone Main IK. Wanted Sewing of any kind. In quire Itadgett Sisters, 16 IS West Rail road street. Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham pooing parlors in connection with the Vogue Millinery. The Jaeobs-Stlne Co.'s contract is moro favorable to the buyer than any w have ever seen. Broken lenses replaced In a few minutes at Hanscnin's Jewelry store We grind any lense. Lost, gray elastic belt, large grey buckle on same. Finder phase re turn to thlB office. Wanted, position on ranch by mother and son. Inquire 418 Lincoln stret or phono Blnck 3651. Osod store or office room for rent in East Oregonian building on Main street. Inquire at thfs office. We can grind you a new lense In a few minutes. Bring your broken lens to us. Hanscom' Jewelry store. Phone Main 8 'or good dry wood and coal that will burn clean. Prompt ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard. For Rent Nicely furnished eight room house, four blocks from Main street. Inquire 514 West Court street. For Sale Piano bond good for 491.00 on a piano at Ellcrs Plnno House. Address Amy Hopkins, Wes ton, Ore., care I"). R. .larman. Fresh every day at Ingram's gro cery cabbage, cauliflower, green peppers, cucumbers, artichoke, celery, figs, date and fine eating or cooking apples. Phona Main 37. LOVELY WATER WE ARE n A VINO NOW x Yes, Not! But It Is different at Koeppens, for they use and have for sale those Germ Proof Fulper Filters which removes every particle of that dirty substance and makes your drinking water pure and olear aa crystal. We are demonstrat ing them In, one of our window so come and see. PRICES $4.23 to 914.00 'DELIVERED. K 6 EP IP E 9 The Drug Store That Serves You Best NKVKK KM'.W SENATOR HAD A HACK HON R Washington. Newspaper men at t ho national capital are a hardend lot of unregeneratcs. So thinks Sen ator Heyburn of Idaho, who, since his speech of last session In the Senate advocating abolishment of the press gallery and denouncing the corres pondents for their frivolous handling of momentous events, hasn't been re ci'ivlng very much attention In the public prints. So, also thinks Senator Perkins, of California, now that the latest example of their Irreverence lias been brought to his attention. A few weeks ago the California so lon hlipped on an Icy pavement and bruised his spine. The news speedily tvachod the headquarters of the Cali fornia newspaper correspondents. One oi them became wildly excited. "Oh. it's only a trival Injury," one of his colleagues expostulated. "Trival Injury, hell," the perturbed one snorted, "my paper will want to get out an extra. Just think how he's hurt! Why, IiIb backbone's in jured. Do you hear that? And out our way, they never know he har backbone!" Sen-itor Perkins is laying for the '!:er. LONDON WILL SEND SCOTT TO ANTARCTIC London The ' British fund for sending Captain Scott to the Antarctic in July has now reached dimensions to make the scheme a practical pos sibility. The British government has made a grant of 4 2.000 pounds toward the cost of the expedition. ''"he subscriptions already received amount to between 11.000 and 12,000 ponn K so that the expedition is now in a position to Insure Its starting in July next. t'M tnln Scott's whole time Is taken ii i with the necessary preparations. Mr. C. II. Meares has left London for Siberia for the necessary dogs and ponies. NOT EAST COLORS. "Aunty." said little Constance, "don't you want some of my candy?" "Thank you, dear," was the reply. "Sugared almonds are favorites of mino." "The pink or the. white ones?" asked the little tot. "The white ones, please." There was silence until the last piece had disappeared. "They were all pink at first, Aun ty." remarked Constance. From Suc cess Magazine. Thf l'erfert Man. There is a man who never drinks. Nor smokes, nor chews, nor swears; Who never gambles, never winks, And shuns all sinful snares . He's paralyzed. There is a man who never does Andthing that is not right; i His wife can toil just where lie Is At morning, noon and night He's dead. , From Unknown Author. A sweetly spoken refusal of a re ! quest Is more satisfactory than a be i grudged ncqulescenco. Newsy Notes of Pendleton llov. Qiilnney at Weston. The Reverend Charles Quinney leaves this evening for Weston where he will conduct and celebrate the holy communion In the All Saints church tomorrow morning. Committee. Will Meet. For the purpose of discussing plans and arrangements for the entertain ment of the big inland empire teach ers association the joint committee from the Pendleton Teachers' associa tion and the Commercial association will met at 3 o'clock tomorrow af ternoon. The session will be held In the council chamber at the citv hall. Wutcli for the Comet. "Comet A" which has been making nightly pilgramages through the heavens and thereby causing much comment and speculation will appear again tonight, and those who have not been favored with a sight of this appendaged star can have the oppor tunity by gazing westward between the hours of 6 and 7. Curricula Hoard to Meet. Dr. C J. Smith Is to leave Monday for western Oregon to attend a very Important meeting of the state board of higher curricula. The board ie to assemble in Eugene first and after a visit rt the. state university will pro ceed to Corvallls and visit the O. A. C. The members will then go to Portland where the formal session of the board will be held. This board has the adjudication of disputes be tween the agricultural college and the university over the question of dupli cation of courses In those schools. Curtain (iocs up at 0. At the suggestion of several of the business men of the city, the curtain for the "Sunny South Minstrels" will be postponed until ' 9 o'clock In order to allow the employes of the various stores to attend. Many of the stores, recognizing the worthiness of the purpose of the entertinment have signified their Intention of closing their establishments at 8:30. The pro cram at the poultry show will also he finished early and the orchestra will proceed to the opera house where it will assist materially in making the show a success. The advance sale of seats Indicates that there will be a crowded house to witness the efforts of the local thesplans. To Honor Miss WHInrd. The W. r. T. lT., of Pendleton, will observe the anniversary of the death of Frances E. Willard by memorial services on February 17, 1910. "The whole world loves Miss Frances E. Willard," says the Union Signal, or gan of the W. C. T. U. "Scores of school buildings and many other public Institutions in our country bear Miss Willard's name; in thousands of school rooms may be seen her pictured face: in many a church where her life work Is grate fully revered, radiant sunshine reveals the heunly of a Frances E. Willard memorial window. "Hundreds of little people have been given her beloved name, and in count less homes this name is a synonym for all that Is highest and truest and love liest in life." Information for I-aixl Seekers. The following publications of the genera land office, relating to "Homestending" rights, have ben re ceived at the public library. Suggestions to homesteaders and persons desiring to make homestead entries. The unappropriated public lands of the United States. Instructions under enlarged home stead act of February 19, 1909. Soldiers' and Sailors' homestead rights and soldiers additional home stead entries. Regulations governing entries' with in national forests. Instructions relative to- entries on lands withdrawn for the construction struetion of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands. Laws and regulations relating to townsltes. parks and cemeteries. Concerning riglV of way over public lands and reservations. Regulations concerning the selec tion of desert lands. Statutes and regulations governing entries and proof under the desert land laws. Coal-land laws and regulations thereunder. Timber and stone law act of June 3, 1878. Restoration of lost or obliterated corners and subdivision of sections.' United States mining laws. Suggestions to United States com missioner. United States court com missioners and Judges and clerks of courts of record. Regulations concerning railroad right of way over tho public lands and forfeiture acts. Instructions relative to town sites on public lands in Alaska. Circulars. ukl.ksti al immkjiiants ark wily curtomf:k.s Washington. The bureau- of immi gration here heartily subscribes to Rret Harte's characterization of the heathen Chinee. Nearly every day officials are confronted with another dark tricks of the wily Celestials to evude tho strict exclusion laws of the I'nlted States. For Instance, there Is the case of Toy Tun, recently arrested on the charge of surreptitiously entering the country and released because the im migration bureau refused to prefer charges. Tim gave himself up, claiming to have sneaked Into the United States from Mexico three or four years ago. He made the ease against himself so easy that the Immigration authorities smelt a rat. They have now decided that Tun is tryftuj to bamboozle the govern- ment Into paying his way back, to Chi na. His scheme was artfully con cocted. In the first place, he made the time in which he had been In the United States three or four years, to escape deportation back to Mexico which would have been ordered If the Immigration officials discovered that his entrance Into the United. States occurred less than three years ago. Thus he stood liable for deportation back to China, under the exclusion act The bureau officials decided that Tun was trying to work them, and have refused to act in his case. They think he sneaked across the Mexican border during the last few months, but haven't any way of proving it, al though they know lHa of other Chi nese are doing the same thing. It Is a physical impossibility to cover the whole border with agents, and a con tinuous stream of Celestials pours In. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS; Orpheum Tonight. 1. The Adventuress, high class com edy .Essany). 2. How Hubby Made Good- Farce Comedy (Essany). 3. Nothing Is Ever Lost. Comedy, (fiaumout.) 4. The Life Buoy. Drama (Gau mout.) 5 An English Boxing Bout, between Willy Lewis, the famous English pu gilist and Costello. i 6. Another Highwayman. Good chase. Picture full of life. Tonight will be the last chance to see the above program. They will have new pictures Sunday, as follows: j 1. A11 on Account of the Milk. (Bio- graph.) Another thrilling love drama j by th( well liged beauties. 2. True to His Oath (Eclipse.) 4. Home of the Gypsies. (Eclipse.) 4. Gambling With Death. Drama. (Vitagraph ) 5. Smile, Smile Smile. Pastime. , The Program at the Pastime the ater tomorrow contains the following interesting subjects: "The Smuggler's Game," (dramat ic.) "The Marriage of the Cook," (comic.) "A Victim of Circumstances," (dramatic.) "On a Rocket" (comic.) "A Stair Hunt in Java." (scenic.) Special added attractions for Sun day only: "Behind the Bars in Sing Sing," presented by Edward Holland, for merly record ' clerk at the famous prison. 10 and 15 cents. Woolen mill may be established at Bend. Take Advantage TODAY last day of the Muslin UNDERWEAR Sale at the Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Eetter goods for less money. SALESMEN' WANTED Big money selling high grade groceries at wholesale to families, farmers, ranchmen, etc. High cost of liv ing Is Looming our business. Steady work; quick returns. You take or- ders we do the rest. Best goods; lowest prices. Satisfaction or mon ey refunded. Give references. Hitchcock-Hill Co, Lake & Dear born streets. Chicago, wholesale grocers. tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. . It looks better ' See my ipany beautiful designs in concrete blocks beiore you build yjour home. . 1 will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D. T. MHY Contractor andJBailder Cor.RdIroadramdnWillowt8. Pendleton. Ore r THE APPROVAL of the most EMINENT PHYSICIANS and its WORLD-WIDE ACCEPTAKCE by the WELL-INFORMED, BECAUSE ITS COMPONENT PARIS ARE KNOWN TO BE MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN EF FECT, HAVE GIVEN TO ELIXIR, of SENNA THE FIRST POSITION .AMONG FAMILY LAXATIVES AND HAVE LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS, ALWATSBUYTHE GENUINE Manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP for sale by all leading druggists VNE size ONLY, REGULAR PRICE 5QY PER BOTTLE Rev. W. C. Merritt's theme at the Baptist church tomorrow morning Is "The Word: Its Promise and its Power." Read the "Want" adi today. KNOWN FOR WHAT IT A BANK'S CAPITAL is to protect lis depositors from possible loss, therefore the larger ' It Is, the greater protection the depositors have. . This bank has a Capital of . $250,000.00 Surplus and net profits 175,000.00 Shareholders liability .... 250,000.00 A total of 9675,000.00 litis means that this bank must lose over 2-3 of a million dol lars, before its depositors could lose a cent. This protection la for voc. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon SECURITY HOTEL rkQA' I 1 11 Located on the corner of Seventh and Stark streets, extending through the block to Pnrk street, Portlauil. Oregon. Our new Pnrk Street Annex le the only fireproof liotel building in Oregon. Rates $1 a Day and Up. European When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather, Concrete stands unsurnassed res rf.rifea I K ' ', Cd ': J",-'Ji'''!'i Fresh line received dally of nlc eating and cooking apples, celery, cauliflower, artichoke, cucumbers. Also fresh line of figs, dates, cocoa nuts and grapes. Ingram'B grocery, prone Main 37. IT'S STRENGTH MEANS OREGON if i' i 4t i C " it fori Basements. Founda and lastsjlonger than stone I