East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 29, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Welcome Words to Women
W omen wlm miller wilb diaordern peculiar (o their
ex thonld write lo Dr. Pierce and receive free Ibe
advice of a physician of over 40 yean' experience
a kkilled and auccestful ipecialiM in Ibe diieaiet
of women, livery letter of tliii ion bat the most
careful consideration and it regarded a lacredly
eonfi Jcnti..l. Many sensitively modest women write
fully to l)r Pierce what they would shrink from
telling to their local physician. The local phvticiaa
it pretty ture to buy tbtt he cannot do anything
without J'an txaminution." Dr. Pierce hnldi that
these distasteful examinations are generally need
less, and that no woman, except in rare cases, should submit to tbem.
Dr. Pierce' treatment will cure you right in the privacy of
your own home. Hi " Favorite Prescription" baa cured
hundred of thousands, lomi of them the worst of cases.
It it the only medicine jf itt kind that is the product of a regularly graduated
physician. The onlv one good enough that it makers dure to prim every
ingredient on ill outside wrapper. There' no lecrecy. it will l-.ri una
tion. No alcohol and no habit-forming drug are found in it. tier:. l,tre)'
ulous medicine dealer may offer you a substitute. Don't tcl.e it u i I trifle
with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Anocititt'.a. Or. H.
V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y., take the advice received and i.e well.
t i I
SDs2etty I
a VP
(Continued from Pate Two.)
nesg and society, and his close friends
are taking: this opportunity to wiBh
him God speed In his new life- Those
who are participating; as hosts of the
event are the Messrs. Roy W. RJtner,
George Strand, Henry Collins, W. Roy
Boston, Clark B. Nelson, George Fer
guson,, Max Baumelster, Mark Moor
house, J. Roy Raley, W. J. Dcdman,
Fred W. Lumpkin, Royal M. Saw
telle. Ben L. Burroughs, Carl Cooley.
Winn Stewart. Clarence Bishop, and
W. G. Lyons.
An event of interest to society will
be the local talent entertainment at
the Oregon theater tonight which will
take tho form of a minstrel show un
der tho name of "Sunnv South Min
strels." The production has been or-
gantzea and directed by Mrs. Anna i
Z. Crayne, dean of women tit the Pen- j
dlcton academy, and is for the hone-1
fit of tho domestic science depart- 1
ment at that Institution. She. has en- j
listed most of the best talent In the !
city and Immediate neighborhood and :
the amateur troupe has been prac- ',
tlclng very faithfully during the past
three weeks and their efforts this eve.
ning will undoubtedly be enjoyable
and appreciable.
Tho big social event for the coming
week will be the library ball to be giv
en Thursday evening under the aus
pices of the lad es clubs of the city.
Thoso who remember the highly suc
cessful ball given by the ladles last
year for the benefit of the public li
brary will appreciate the fact that the
coming affair will be something worth
while. Committees are now being
named to have charge of the differ
ent features and everything possible
will be done to provide for the com
fort and pleasure of those who at-'
fend. The ball will bo held In the
Eagles-Woodmen hull, the Elks hav
ing given up Thursday n'ght to the la
dies for this occasion.
One of the most enjoyable social
events given In connection vith the
nild-w Infer graduating exorcises of
the h'gh school when six young la
dles of the city terninatod their aca
demical careers, was the dinner given
the class Inst Saturday evening by
Mrs. .1. S. Landers at her home, 115
Long street. The hostess had deco
rated the rooms with the class colors,
rurplp and white, and the color
scheme was carried throughout nl' "f
tho arrangements. Violets in profu
sion wore scattered about the table. '
Unique fachet place cards designated
tho places. The young ladies who
were the recipients of the,, stton-
Backache and All Distress from Out-of-order
Kidneys Vanish A Few
Iincm of Pnisr-V Diuretic Will Make
Vmir Kidney Act Fine and t'uro
All t'rlnury Trouble.
If you take several doses of Pape's
Diuretic, all backache and distress
from out of order kidneys or bladder
trouble will vanish, and you will feel
Lame back, painful stitches, rheu
matism, nervous headache, dlzz,noss.
Irritability, sleeplessness, inflamed or
swnolen eyelids, wornout, sick feeling
ntifl other symptoms of sluggish. In
active kidneys disappear.
Uncontrollable, smarting, frequent
Initiation (especially at night) ami
nil bladder misery ends.
This unusual preparation goes at
once to the disordered kidneys, blad
der and iirinaiv spstem and distrib
utes Its healing, cleansing and vital
izing Influence directly upon the or
gans and glands affected, and com
pletes the cure before you realize It.
The moment you suspect any kid
ney or urinary disorder or feel rheu
matism pains. b gin taking this harm
less medicine, with the knowledge
that there is no other remedy at any
price, made .anywhere else In the
world which will effect so thorough
and prompt a cure as a fifty-cent
treatment of Tape's Diuretic. , which
any druggist can supply.
Your physician, pharmacist, bank
er or any mercantile agency will tell
you that Tape, Thompson & Pnpe, of
Cincinnati, Is a large and responsi
ble medicine concern, thoroughly
worthy of your confidence
Only curative results can eotne
from taking Pape's Diuretic, and a
few days' treatment means clean, ac
tive, healthy kldnep's, bladder and
urinary organs and no backache.
Accept only Papo's Diuretic fifty
cent treatment any drug store any
where In the world i
tlons Wre the Misses Hazle Means,
Lucllo Rader, Edna Slater, Hazel Ra
dcr, Margaret Lowell and Grace Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schlfflor were
n a surprise by their neighbors
on the North side and the members
of the Jolly 600 club last Saturday
evening, January 22. The occasion
was the celebration of their wooden
wedding anniversary. A very pleas
ant evening was spent playing pro
gressive BOO, after which light re
freshments were -served with the
guests as hosts and the hosts as
guests. Those present were Messrs
and Mosdamos Frank Neagle, Garry
Taylor, Wm. Humphrey, Kenneth
McRae, Lee Drake and E. A. Schiff
ler. Cards have been received by Pen
dleton people announcing the wed
ding of Miss Verna Pauline Abbot of
Walla Walla, and Mr. Roy Frederick
Alexander of this city at the home of
the bride's parents, Mn and Mrs. J.
If. Abbot. Tuesday evening. Febru
ary 8. Immediately following the
marriage ceremony a reception will
be tendered the guests In the drawing
Mrs. Bethcne Virginia Crayne
Claxon, of Walla Walla, daughter of
Mrs. Anna 7.. Crayne, dean of women
at the Pendleton Academy, arrived
In the city last evening and will take
a leading part In the local talent pro
duction. "Sunny South Minstrels" this
evening. Mrs. f'faxon is a talented
soloist, having spent three years in
Europe studying music.
Mrs. V.. P. Marshall entertained the
Tlridec club of which she Is a mem
ber Wednesday afternoon. The niem
1 rs of the Tuesdav afternoon Fridge
rlub were guests of the occasion. The
tub prize was won bv Mrs. Richard
Vnvhorrv Vr. Harry Roes was
;tvnrdrd the iruest' prize.
A pleasant dancing party was given
in 'be armory Wodncsdav cvcn'ng
under the auspices of company L
Many young people of the high school
set were In attendance and likiwlse
some of the younger married people
of the city.
Today Is McKinley Day, and
all loyal republicans were are aware
of the fact appeared on the streets
bedecked with a red carnation which
is emblematic of the day
Cards are out announcing the wed
il ng of Miss Tiurn Latourollo and
Mr. Ijorcnzn Monti rasti II; at 9 o'clock
Monday morning. February 7, at the
Catholic church.
Mrs. Anna Shea and family,, who
have been residing for a, number of
years on Turner street near St. An
thony's hospital, have moved to 624
College street.
Prof. J. F. Keefe of Weston, is In
the city and will be one of tin' prin
cipal entertainers In the amateur en
tertnlnment at the Oregon theatre
this evening.
Mrs K. P. Marshall entertained a
few friends this afternoon at her
home. 123 North Main street. ''500"
was tho principal form of entertain
ment, Miss Berth Alexander spent Tues
day In Walla Walla the guest of Miss
Verna Abbott, who Is soon to become
the bride of Mr. Roy Alexander.
Mr. s. u. Oldaker was one of the
Hermfston contingent who came to
Pendleton Thursday evening to wit
ness the nthletic exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Marsh of Walla
Walla stopped off yesterday in Pen
dleton en route home from their
moneymoon trip In Idaho.
Dr. V.. A. Vnughnu has returned
from Portland, where he went to wit
ness the appearance of Florence Itoh
erts and David Wnrfield.
' Misses Stella and . I.ulil l.ioiiallen.
daughters of T. .1 l.leuiillen, the prom
inent I'matilla wheat grower, visited
In the city Thursday.
Mr. W. .1. r.owniiin, the popular
traveling man. who was formerly
connected with the Taylor Hardware
Co.. Is In the city.
Mr. Max Ttnnmelster Is spending the
week end In Walla Wnlln. and will
witness the production of "Tn Haytl"
while there. -
The fiorman Ladles' club met at the
home of Mrs. J. Mumm on Lewis
street, Thursday afternoon, January
Miss Olive Jones Is confined to her
home on the North side with a lame
foot as the result of a slight accident.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McManus of
Pilot Rock, wore visitors In town on
Krldny, taking In the poultry show.
Mrs. T. A. Llouallen of Adams, vls-
Ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Ferguson in this city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Montgomery are
home from a visit in Portland, where
they Httenik-d the auto show.
Miss Bertha Alexander wus hostess
this afternoon to a numhHof friends
nt her home on Water street.
Dr. E. R Waffle. of the Dos
Chutes valley, visited over Sunday
with Pendleton relatives.
Mrs. George Hansell of Athena, was
the guest of her cousin Mrs. II. S.
Purroughs on Thursday.
Mr. James Thompson Is back In
Pendleton after an extended visit
through Alberta.
Mr. Row W. Rltner and Mr. H. Col
lins are among Pendleton visitors In
the metropolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen returned
Thursday evening from a weeks vis
It In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Kelts of Pi
lot Rock were In Pendleton Thursday.
Col. and Mrs. It. G. Newport wers
up from Hermlston Thursday.
Mr. Edgar W. Smith was In yes
terday from his ranch.
Mr. Roy Alexander visited in Walla
Walla during the. week.
Mr. R. Alexander Is making a short
visit In Walla Walla.
Mrs. E. R. Swinburne Is the guest
of Portland friends.
Mrs. Nell Redfleld Is in Portland
on a business trip.
Mrs. Lee Moorhouse Is absent upon
a visit to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hickok of Port
land, were the guests of friends in
the city Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirkley anil son
Phil, will return to Pendleton next
week to reside. They have been In
Portland during the past two months.
Mr. and Mrs Albee gave a wh'.st
party last Tuesday evening and a
host of friends were present, Mr.
D. II. B.iyno receiving the prize which
was a handsome hand-painted dish.
Mr. M. L. Richardson received the
booby prize, which we 'have not been
hie to find a name for as yet. Thu
main feature among the various games
that were played was when our city
tfinsorlal artist, Lou's Bohiens. was
made to smile. After a bounteous sup
per was served the participants ex
tended their vote of thanks to the
host and hostess and adjourned,
everyone 'reporting an enjoyable eve
ning. Those present were Mrs. D. T.
Payne, M. I,. Morrison, S. E. Starr.
W. H. Morrison. Cook. Montgomery,
Miss Montgomery, Miss Post. Miss
Alma Hutchison: Messrs. Haytie, Starr,
M. L. Morrison. La Buddo, Hutchison.
Chas. Albi e. Tom Cook. R. School,
W. H. Morrison, Louis Behrons. Sev
eral others were invited but owing to
different circumstances wore unable
to attend.
iki:m ix pi:ox.c;i:
Los Angeles
this city are
. "Half the firemen in
In peonage to loan
Thisf startling statement was made
at. the meeting of the fire committee
hy Chief Pips. A committee to inves
tigate the situation and provide a rem
edy was at once appointed.
"If the committee so empowers us"
said Committee Chairman Hawley.
! "we can free the firemen from this
j downright peonage. The loan sharks
lean ho given a choice to allow their
! victims to settle on a fair interest per
cent basis. If they refuse to do so.
' then each fireman can declare himself
, a bankrupt. I know of a fireman
who originally borrowed $410, hut
now owes $600 after paying Interest
for six years,
"The evil effects of these Mood-
suckers on the department can easily
he inferred. No man oppressed by
debt Is in a fit mental state for work."
$100 Howard. S100.
The readers of this paper will he plesl
to learn that there Is nt least one dreaded
(ilsenne mat science linn been able to cur
In all lt atages, and that Is Catarrh, flall'i
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now
Known to the meilli-al fraternity, t'a'arrh
bolng a constitutional disease, requires a
rnnHtltutlonnl trentment, Mall's Catarrh
Cure tnken Internally, anting directly upon
the blond and mucous surfaces of the aya
tern, thereby destroying the foundation of
Itlie disease, and clvinc the patient ntreiiKth
, by building up the must It tit Inn and assist
lint nature In dnlnn Its' work. The pro
j primers have ao much faith In Its curative
i powers that they offer One Hundred Hot
i lnrn for any case that It falls to cure. Sn(l
fur list of testimonials
j Address :
I F. J CUENKT & CO.. Toledo, O
I Suld by iru?i:lst. 7.V
Take Hall's Family I'llla for oonatlea
I (iriirio Harr MeCunolioon's "Hcvcrlj"
I In the real of romantic drama this
season, there Is no production more
elaborate and picturesque than that
of '"Beverly"' which will ho seen here
Tuesday. Foh. let.
Tho scenes of George Bnrr McCut
clicon's court romance as' dramatized
Iy Robert M. Baker, all transpire
within or in the neighborhood of the
mythical kingdom of Ornustark at a
time when that country Is on the verge
of war with a neighboring principal
ity. The scenery has been constructed
and painted In a realistic manner, the
work having been divided among ac
knowledged experts In their particu
lar field.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the EaRt Oregonlnn build
ing, steam heat; electric lights: hot
nnd cold water; bath. Inquire at East
Oregonlnn office.
Save money by reading today's ads.
Chu rches
I'.aplist ( Iiiii-cIi.
Baptist Ohueh. E Alta and John
son streets. At the morning service
at II o'clock, Rev. W. f Merritt, na
tional field secretary for the -.Sunday
School association will preach. The
overling service will be a Joint meet
ing of the churches at the M. E.
church. Mr. Merritt will speak. B.
Y. P. I', at 6:3(1. Bible school at
'.f.i'i. All Invited to these services.
Church of the Redeemer.
Sunday school will be at 10 a. m.
There will be no service In the morn
ing as the rector will hold service in
All Saints church, Weston. He will
return to Pendleton for divine service
at 7:30 p. m. All aro cordially In
vited. Charles Quinney, rector.
Flr.st Methodist.
Rev. N. Evans" theme at the First
Methodist Episcopal church will be,
"Suppressed Lives." Preaching, 11
a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Ep
worth league, 6:30 p. m. Strangers
are Invited to worship with us. j
Christian Science.
Christian Science services at 11 1
o'ejock Sundays. Subject, "Love." !
Sunday school at 10 o'clock: Wednes- '
day evening meetings at 8 o'clock
Reading room open dally except on
Sunday, from 2 to 4 in the afternoon.
All are welcome. Corner E. Webb and
Johnson streets.
Clilnk" Weds Indian Girl.
Sacramento. William Charles Wah
Koe, a California-born Chinaman, 26
years old, was married to Sadie Le-
ona, years of age, the daughter of
a full-blooded Digger Indian woman
and a white miner.
The girl is fair skinned, conceal
ing her Indian blood, so affidavits
were made establishing her parentage
In order to permit the county clerk
to Issue the license, as not conflicting
with the state law which prohibits
white persons marrying a Chinese.
The couple will live in Jackson, Am
ador county.
Choice Wheat Farm for Sale.
800 acres z miles from Helix; fair
Improvements; fine well. Price S5P.
814 Boyer Ave.. JTalla Walla, Wash.
000. Leased to 1912. Easy terms. "
Xotico to the Public.
n and after the frrst of February I
1, 1910. all milk retailed by me will
be ten cents per quart, straight, T. J. i
('honey, prop. "Jersey Dairy."
Coos county has J122.19S.1S to
s;m nd on her roads and bridges dur
ing the year 1910. The plan Is to.be
g'n at the county line and build a
permanent road t.S Myrtle Point.
Come and see the exhibit of Red
Ooose drawings at tho Peoples Ware
house. i f
Water and
Umatilla Scr!
mix it together ami it will make you rich.
Listen. Wo will furnissh you a complete pumping plant fvi
$o00. Compare your laml at present, with the increased value
of, and extra producing power after irrigation the price of
the plant then seems small, doesn't it?
We Sold More Power Last Year Than Any
Retail Firm in the Northwest
Call at our office and we will SHOW you and be sure and get
our prices before buying. ' , ,
Our Spray Outfits are Most Effective see them
We are agents for gasoline engines, electric motor pumps,
electricity producing power and power for ALL PURPOSES.
Call, phone or write.
Nissen Implement Company
Pcndletati'8 Progressive Power and Pump People.
Heat or Smoke
Do'you want a fuel
to fill your home and
lungs with smoke and
nasty odors, or with
clear heat, as and when
you want it?
Then use gas, the
fuel that answers every
demand made upon it
quickly, conveniently,
cheaply and with clean
liness. j
Phone iVlain 40 today andendjyour heat and light trouble
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
Matlock Building.
Every Member of the Family
Wastes Money, If Not an
Ad. Reader
The household question--the insistent
question everywhere the question
which is oftener in human minds than
any other whatever, is; "What will it
Where to get to best advantage
when can it be 'afforded" all of these
questions, and many more, cluster
around the main one "What will it
It's the question of questions and
it is the question that gives to the ads.
half of their importance. No one, un
less an ad. reader, ever knows much
about the answer to it.
You're Losing
every time you fill that
old stove up with coal
the cosi per degree of
warmth from coal is
vasdy more than heat
ing with gas, and what
a difference in conven-
cleanliness and
s i
It heats perfectly the
cold corners; is cheerful
and clean.