East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 29, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A"5yiy",rt ,-,'"'TiiTairaaay , , ,. . -J-llll -tiuvkw i!
Bleached Pillow Cases
;nade of the Celebrated Pequot Sheeting, torn and hemmed from
tlieir own goods, guaranteed free from sizing, size i."x!3G. This
is without exception the best pillow case made, regular 20e val
ue, after supper '. ; 15
30 inch White India Linen
The very thing for your spring and summer pretty white waists
and dresses, a sheer and beautiful fabric. To not fail to take
advantage of such a bargain, regular 2."c value, after supper 15
36 inch White Lonsdale Cambric
This is the genuine Lonsdale, no iminitation will be substituted
Its the guaranteed kind and warranted to wear. The most ser
viceable Cambric made, for making pretty undergarments, regu
lar ISc value, after supper - 12 1 2c
Heavy Bleached Sheetings
fur double beds, full 0-1 size, made of finest material, free from
sizing. The kind that always gives satisfaction, regular 8$c
value, after supper
Ladies9 Fancy Back Combs
in a full and complete range of styles and pretty handsome de
signs. Makes a presentable hair ornament, regular 75c value,
after supper -
The Peoples Warehouse w,,ere
June Hive of the Lady Macabees
of this city has organized the Busy
Bee Sewing club, which meets at the
homes of the members alternately
the second and fourth Tuesday after- !
noons of each. month. An ladies are
apposed to bring their fancy work.
All Lady Maccabees in the city are
cordially Invited to attend these meet
ings. The object Is to promote so
ciability among the members. In
connection the ladles have taken up
the study of Colonial literature. A
committee of three with Mrs. Ed
- Cross as chairman, being appointed
t each meeting. A very enjoyable
meeting was held last Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Tates In
the west end of the city. Two very
excellent papers on the lives of Capt.
John Smith and Jonathan Edwards
were read by Mrs. W. P. Daniels, Mrs.
Cross followed by reading of gome of
the early poets of America. Dainty
refreshments were served. Visitors
present were: Mrs. Chambers of Ba
ker City, Mrs. Leczer of Echo, Mrs.
Chapman, Mrs. Henry Craig and Mrs.
Light of this city. The next meeting
will he hld In Porret Rorlety Hall on
Court street, Tuesday afternoon, Feb.
- Stk, and will be an open meeting.
Any Lady Maccabee In the city may
attend and bring two friends. The
officers of the club are: President,
Mrs. Ors Hamilton, vice president,
" Mrs. McConnell, secretary and treas-
tirer, Mrs. Ruth Clark.
An Interesting event in Pendleton
hist week and one concerning which
- mention was unintentionally omitted
In the society report of last Saturday
- wa the midwinter graduating exer-
else of the Pendleton high school.
On Friday evening, January SI, six
young ladles were given diplomas
from the high school after having
- completed the four years' course Hi
rca,y Evening Jan. 29th
18 inch Stevens Brown linen Crash
Made of pure flax, tlit) much wanted kind I'm toilet use ;unl roller towels, resjn
lar l."e value, after supper 9
72 in Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen
In loom dice and other beautiful designs of Irish nianufaetiire, the rial import
ed kind, guaranteed all linen, regular $1.25 value, after supper . :. 98f
that Institution. The graduates
were Miss Grace Elizabeth Cole,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Cole,
Miss Margaret I-owell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Lowell. Miss Hazel
Irene Means, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs H. C. Means, Misses Hazel and
Lucile Itader, daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Rader, ana Miss Edna
Francis Slater, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Stater. All of the young
ladles are well known and popular In
Pendleton, especially In younger cir
cles. On their commencement eve
ning they looked pretty In their grad
uating gowns, while the profusion of
flowers and the music added to the
beauty of the occasion. The exercises
were held In the Presbyterian church
and the diplomas were presented by
Dr. C. J. Smith of the school board.
The commencement address was by
the Rev. Raymond C. Brooks of Walla
Walla. The customary orations were
not given by the graduates, but In
stead a very pleasing musical program
was rendered.
The green hill and the shining stream
They are not far away.
Lo! there they stand at your right
If you but look that way.
And yea! the good friends and the
They are not far away,
For all the while they stand
If you but look their way.
The above appropriate verses ap
peared on the menu card of the third
annual banquet of the Sigma Epsllon
Omlcron sorority, given by the alum
ni of that organization, at the home of
Miss Grace Bean, 402 W. Tustin
street, last Tuesday evening. The
young ladles, while enjoying an ela
borate menu, celebrated the reunion
Ladies' White Royal Worcester
The demand for these Corsets are greater than ever. Superior
to all others in every way, particularly in style, fit and quality.
Come in all sizes in long hip low bust and long hip hiuh.bust.
After supper prices are:
$1.00 Value - 69"
S1..-.0 Value : 9Sr
$2.00 Value $1.25
Bags and Purses
made of the very best material and guaranteed
satisfaction. Come in Seal, Morocco, Horn, Aligator and Patent
leather, in light, medium and d;irk colors, including black,
after supper prices are:
Kegular $T.Oii Value J?5.25
Regular !f'..7: Value S7.-1S
Regular .$10.00 Value SS.5S
Regular $l.'.O0 Value $11.75
Ladies' White Elegant Embroidered
Viade of fine material; a large and well assorted line of prettv
styles. They will go quickly; regular 20,. values after supper
15 each.
by many reminiscences. Toasts were
responded to by the Misses ' Edith
Johnson, Laura McKee, Viola Shea,
Evelyn Sommervllle and Ruth Dona
hue. Those who were present for the
occasion were the Misses Lucile Ra
der, Grace Bean, Gladys Hamley,
Grace Flnnell, Hazel . Rader, Laura
McKee, Irene Shea, Gertrude Camp
bell, Edith Slusher Mary Shea, Hazel
Means, Edna Zimmerman, Gertrude
Jordan. Hazel Nolan. Edith Johnson,
Clara Boylen Cronln, Helen Hart,
Iva Hill, Ethel Temple, Irmal Mann,
Nona Johnson, Edna Storle, Winnie
Boylen, Pauline La Fontaine and
Elizabeth Sawtelle. The absent mem
bers were Veva Boothby, Edna
Thompson, Javina Stanfleld, Rae Vo
gel, Eunice Vogel, Una Smith and
Bernice Uuppc.
Perhaps the largest social event of
the week was the affair last evening
at which the Misses Edna Storle and
Elizabeth Sawtelle were hostesses to
over nair a hundred of the young
people of the city at the Storle real
denct-, 301 Cosby street. Progressive
"500" was the principal pastime In
which contest Mr. Glen Sturdlvant
carried off first honors. Another,
novel feature and one that proved
particularly amusing, was the magic
lantern exhibition of the "baby pic
tures of the guests Late In the eve
nlng dainty refreshments were serv
ed. Among those who enjoyed the
young ladles' hospitality were the
Misses Ivy Hill, Norma Alloway, Ida
Cherry, Mildred Magoon, Ina Cherry,
Edith Johnson, Lavelle Florence, Ed
na Zimmerman, Pauline La Fontaine,
Edna Florence, Paralee Halley, Irene
Shea, Laura Wyrick, Nona Johnson,
Mary Shea, Bertha Anger, Genevieve
Clark, Fay Gibson, Georgia Stewart,
Gertrude Jordan, Winnie Boylen, Ger
trude Campbell, Ethel Temple, Irmal
i Mann, Jennie Perry and Hatel Nolan,
u pys to Tra
1 IBMMlMlJal ALa jwmbbmkwjihmbS
iiii.l i he Messrs. Will Il!in.com. Cioorire
I I.a Font. line, Tom Hill, Marshall
: Spoil. Cale Stunllvnnt, Car! Engdalil,
. ;iinn Sturdivant. Max Harper,
GiM.i-y,. .Iranil. Fred Miln Hurry
i Mi Eie n. Jarros Thompson. . Dali!
Chessman. (Veil Cull'. Herbert Tliomp
I sun. Km, st Knight. Hoy skiles, liert
Carnpli-il. John Dickson, Tom Ml
larkiy, l!ro,ko Diekson niel Merle
Mrs J. R. Dickson and Mrs. Jiiiih'.i
A. Fee entertained the members of
the Thursday Afternoon club Thurs
day at the home of Mrs. Dickson. The
following program on Shakespeare In
music, was delightfullv presented:
Piano Selection fri.m M'-rcliant ..f
Venice. Mrs. A. J. Owen.
Shakespeare in .Music. Mrs. Sheri
dan. Discussion, Mrs. Bean.
' I'iano (u) Morris Dance; (b) Shep-
ard's Dance, Henry VIII.. Mrs.
Shakespeare's Fools. Mrs. Smith.
Discussion, Mrs. Taylor.
SonKs (a) Hlow, Blow, Thou Winter
Winds, As You Like It; fb) It Was
a Lover and Ills Lass, As You Like It;
(c) Under the Greenwood Tree, As
You Like It," Mrs. Dickson.
Reading Selection from the Son
nets. Mrs. Halley.
Songs (a) Lawn as White as Driven
Snow, Winter's Talo (Greenkill); (b)
Who Is Silvia? Two Gentlemen of
Verona (Schubert); (c) Over Hill and
Over Dale, M. S. N. D. (Cook), Mrs.
Duet "I Know a Bank," M. S. N.
D. (Horne), Mrs. Dickson and Mrs.
Songs (a) Sigh No More Ladles,
Much Ado; (b) Orpheus and His Lute
(Henry VIII ); (c) Where Daisies
Pled and Violets Blue, Love's Labors
Lost, Mrs. Dickson.
Plane- Hark Hark, the Lark. Cym
bellne, (Sehubert-Llszt), Mrs. Slush
er, Miss Margaret Lowell, daughter of
Judge and Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell,
will leave Monday evening for Forest
Grove, where she will enter the con
servatory of music at Pacific Univer
sity to continue her studies on the vi
olin. Miss Lowell was a member of
the mid-winter graduating class of the
high school, and her many friends
wish her success In her new field.
An nffalr of especial note will be
the banquet next Saturday evening
tendered Mr. Roy Alexander by sev
enteen of his friends about town at
the Pendleton hotel. The occasion
will be of a farewell nature, as the
guest of honor l soon to forsake the
ranks of young celibates to Join the
army of Benedicts. Mr. Alexander
has long been one of the popular
young men of the city, both In busl-
ContlHMd on Page Three.)
A . la. -in Luxury of Office's Smne
liii.if, I'nilairainy; lo MeMerii
Senator. Wllell Vl.slted 1( Kolliill
end Keiuly I'l'lt-iui from Home.
W.i-irnstoii.-- When the sen .uo ef
fiiV I'UiJil incr was it to,l each of the
unjust statesmen was Riven two
i,oni.s. These were fitted Willi' ini
i malioi'any furnitur-j thi'l did
did not cost as much ns -no- ii'.ilit
.iii'li;,. Ivom tlie looks. The f ttti '.l-nt
in'ovided it having lost monev fm tl?c
eioiti'.at. Tlic interior wooownrK
an i the doors arc also of il.irU l'i.""-'n
wne.il as. awcsinie and aristocratic
look iie as malioirany. If. Indcd. thty
a:- iiot inalioK-iny. AiloKethc.i' the
ciiscinlve is an fait and up to snuff.
The visitor enters a room, the oiit
ulth the senator's name on the d uo-,
itiiii f.mi.s a secret i iy ami one or tuo
i I"', 1 : : t '..or!; hanimerinR typevr't
er:'. !lc :;eis the attention ' of the
( -I. !!; asks if the senator Is In. and
is told tliat he is husy.
Senators are always busy. Their
time s occupied by the demands of
friends from home, friends of hills
pen,; :iu ;u congress favorable to cer- '
l i ;i ind'v .duals or corporations, and '
in liictat.ni; reams of letters to ste-
i. ;; a; '.e rs. !
It's the friends from home that
m !a rrass tlOMn. especially some sen-,
a,, is fi'ion the west, where every man j
is as uood as another and they don't
,, u:n. li iti, ceiionony. At home the
.ea '.in : c:t zea walks into the sena
tor's off , e. places his feet on the sen
ator's ib sk and they swit into the
same spittoon.
Tile leading citizen, dressed com
for:a' !mt very plainly, v'sit.- the
capital and after many tribulations
lands in front of the dark and forbid
ding portal bearing the name of his
friend, the senator, on a little brass
i late.
He walks in, expecting to find the
senator in his shirt sleeves, sitting in
a swivel chair such as adorn the best
offices in Kagle block on Main street,
end reading the home paper.
J list. il l. he encounters a, number
of busy young poopb'. one of them
asks tile occasion for his visit.' He
wants to see the senator. The sena
tor Is busy. He waits half an hour.
Th"n he passes into the adjoining
room, tlie private offices, with the
eo.,1. aei using air of a grand Jury.
In.-; nctively the senator knows of
the rl"iy that is liable to he told out
home of his cxclusiveness and the lux
uiy of his surroundings. So he re
grets that liis friend was kept waiting
when he should have been ushered in
at once and does the best he ran, in
a tactful way, to let the vis-tor know
that, despite the luxurious surround
ings, he is the same plain citizen here
.'s at home.
Some of tlie secretaries have or
,b tf 1 that, when a caller who looks
I ke one of the elect from home ar
rives. h- is to be steered in, no mat
ter what i going on in tne private
Members of the; house do not have
similar troubles. In the house office
building each member has only one
room and when the visitor enters he
is in the presence of hia representa
tive. The furniture, too, Is less ex
pensive than that In the senate build-
ins;. I
Cuiieht In t'' Hnln
then a cold and a cough let It run
on get pneumonia or consumption,
that's all. No matter how you get
your cough, don't neglect It take
Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you'll
be over it in no ,'lme. The sure cure
for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all
pulmonary diseases In young anw old.
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
New Ship Commander.
Liverpool,' Jan. 29. Capt. ,V. T.
Turner assumed command of the
Mauretanla with its sailing today. It
Is stated that the Mauretania and the
Lusitania will hereaftor be In charge
of comparatively young men. ,
Read the East Oregonlan every day.
Do You Get Up
With a Lame Back?
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's
Swatnp-Root, the great kidney, liver and
planner remeuy, oe.
!i cause of its remark,
III able health restoring
II properties. Swamp-
U.u.l fttWilla ulmnul
5 every wish in over
M coming rheumatism,
I il ixiin in the back., kid-
I I ..... . t;.., i.i, i.i.
rGsk,)! and every part of the
II -feL: - urinary passage, ii
a. ,wi-&-- corrects inability to
hold water and scaUUiitfpniu in passing,
ir bud effects following use of liquor, wine
sr beer, and overcomes ti.nt nnpleasant
necessity of being voinjielled to go often
Uu-oukU the day, and to get up mauy
times during the niht.
Swamp-Root is not recommended for
everytliiuK but if you have kidney, liver
or bladder trouble, it will be found hist
the remedy you need. It lias been tfior
ougbly tested iu private practice, and lias
proved so successful that a special ar
rangement has been made by which all
readers of this paper, who have not al
ready tried it, may have a sample bottle
sent free by mail, also a book telling
more aliout Swamp-Root, aud how to
unaouiuyou nave k iu
ney or bladder trouble.
When writing men thin
reading this generous
offer in this paper and
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co..
H wmw ibwunp-Hasl.
Binghamton.N.Y. The regular fifty-cent
and one-dollar sue bottles are sold by
all druggists. D6n't make any mistake
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
itmm, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
' '
By the Constant Use of.
Assisted, wheq necessary, by Cuti
cura Ointment. These pure, sweet
and-gentle: emollients preserve,
purify and beautify the skin, scalp,
hair and bands o infants and
children, prevent minor eruptions
becoming chronic, and soothe and
dispel torturing, dislitjurmg rash
es, itchings, irritations and chaf
ings. Peace falls on distracted
households when Cuticura enters.
ihrAvirh'Mjt C.worM. rwit: t.oni. 3T.
ihTl-r4,i 1, ; I- ,t!.. 13. H'11 t It CtatlMM
Anlln: Australia. 11. Inwua A cv. HrHKT: In
l. K. 11. :t. e,iirU(t.T; flil-ia. IIonnKD Pr'ia Co.
I0n1 Mnim, I.M.. T,,kln; ti. Afrlra. I'nnon,
tit. tm. !" . r.R. A r"t'r Ir-i Cima.
orri . P" I'n . 1 illi I'ftlitmVt.i A vi . lu.on.
n!r-eiitlur- .,.. rMrft-fiM.. ?2 pmiisi nf vnlnabla
InfurmaUua ua i.ar ot lb bkio, 6cii at.il Hair,
Tlie r.overiiineiu I'ays Kally .Mall
'lerl. SStKl to Sl'iOil, anil Other
I'.inploves to S'J."0( Anniiallv.
Uncle Sam will hold iprlng exami
nations throughout the country for
railway mail clerks, custom house
clerks, stenographers, bookkeepers,
department clerks and other govern
ment positions. Thousands of ap
pointments will bo made. Any man
or woman over 18. In city or country
can get instruction and free infor
mal on by, writing at once to the Bu
reau of Instruction, Hamlin Building,
Rochester, N. Y.
Cass Matlock, Prop.
antl illustrated song in
tho city.
Shows afternoon nnrl eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entiro
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change threti times
each week. Be sure and
jee the next change.
Adults 10c. Children
under 10 years, 5c.
The Quelle
Ous. Iji Foun talne, Prop.
Best 25 cent meals In the North-
Flrst-oUss Cooks and Bcrrtee.
SheO-flidi In Seasoa.
La Fountain Block, Mala at.
Oxt 8ALK Old newspapers wrap
ped In bundles of 160 each, soluble
for wrapping, putting nnder car
pets, etc. Price lie per bundle,
two tandlea tic. Enquire this oi-