IP1- EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKEGONl.W. I'KM'I.KIi IV Hi I . V '1'lllUSDAY, JANL'AKY 27, HMO. PAGE SIX. t 1 ! my is Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost cvervnne knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the ".rod kidney, liver and 1,1.1, MIT K-11IVUT, 17V- cause of its remark able health restoriug !l properties. Swamp 1 .. Root fulfills almo-st f?. every wish in over '""1 c.vnoi.. rheumatism. , pain ill the back, ki.l itevs, liver, Madder ' a :t.'l every part of the uriiuiry passuce. It corrects inability to hold water an 1 scal.nn,'paiii in passingit. erb.i lc iTeots follow i.i ;; eof liquor, vint wbeer, iu:.l overeovu t'....t unpleasant mvessilv of K compelled to i;o oftcu tliioii.t.' :;e .'.ay. :. i t yet up many time dtiriiv; the tii:"ht. Swamp-Root is not recommended for rvrythi-.iv; but it" vo.i h. ve kiiliiey, liver or bladder '..outdo, it will be found just the romiMv von need. It lias been tlior cnlil v tested in. private pr.ietieo. and Las prove.1 so succ-es.sfr.1 that a s'pccial ar rangement has been made by which nil readers of this paper, w ho have rot al ready tried it, mav have u sample bottle sent free bv tiui'l. also a bock telling more about Sw-.imp-Root. and how to lindout it" yon have kid- . 'i. hot or bladder trouble. SrrrJ When wntui'tuentioti f XP&l -".."r.T;"-;! ro.ulni;. this generous i :;;'::;:;; -j offer in t'.iis paper ami '; ;- j send vonr address to -.iy fJ.- Pr. Kilmer & Co.. h. ........,-k-Wnghamton. N. Y. The retml.ir iifty-eent nnd one-dollar size lottles are sold by all drutttiists. Dont make any mistake but reiiiember the name, Swamp-Root, Pr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the tub drees, Binghamtoa, T. Y.,on every bottle. Can You Draw a Goose? I I Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en Tprtnininc for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each we'k. Viq sure and ;or the rK'xt fhanire. Adult? r.ndf 10c. r 10 Children vears, 5c. Or V s J' r V, V - V. " X-S" fei ..),n m ri-m.6.iii. mil " .Ji'ii.iinTilJtfr" YOUR LAI BACK WILL FEEL FINE KIDNPIY TUOl'ULK DEI) KOIt TEN DM "ION IXLKS Sexaio from First Act of the Massive Scenic Production of Goorse Ifcirr .Me ul lieoii' at tlu OriTjin Thcalp r, TiK-sday. 'lU'vcrly." lira mat oil l'Vbi'iinry 1. ffimi the N'mcl, "Vi'MtI f '(in-.l.irU" FASHION IJnTFn I1Y CATIIE1UXE TAYZAXT. New York, Jan. 26. The Christmas holidays had no sooner closed than the dry goods merchants becran dis playing the earlier consignments of i linen and cotton dress goods, and dur- ! ing the past w eek one of the Rreadway ; houses made a special fi-aturp of such fabrics, to which they pave up for ex- I hibition purposes a whole s-'cti.in of ! their first floor. It was. bitterly cold outside, hut I ' found many women in heavy furs at i the exhibit giving their orders they rassca irom aisle to ais.e, f.r it is con- sklered none too e:aly to buy cotton i or linen gowns for next sca,son. The : prudent woman knows there is thrift and convenience in this early huyins; . she remembers that there is but a ; week or more before the spring s, - ; ng must begin, anil she knows that 1 the choicest designs must be secured", now. i My f.rst stop was made before a table on which was displayed a heavy cotton fabric in a coarse canvass weave in uneven threuas" like those in the pongees. It was beautifully mer cerized, shown In many delicate col ors and Intended to serve in the place of linens for suits, coats and the heavier whole-piece costume of early j summer. .Thirty-six inches wide they are. sold at forty-eight cent3 a yard and would make up satisfactorily in j one of the new Russian blouse de- . signs. Close beside tile canvass weaves were some excellent examples of Him- j alaya cloth and a design for this ma- material once known under this name. The new goods' has more body, it is supple and comes in nearly even" design used for silk variety. Cotton bengaline, . cotton repps, a mercerized ottoman, crepon and num berless other goods that are woven t resemble the silk and the woolen goods are offered the buyer with pri ces that range from 23 cents up. Perhaps there is no summer gown that is so satisfactory or serves so i many purposes as the linen frock or costume suit. " A Kreneh linen costing Mi cents a yard and thirty-s x inches wid was a particularly fine example oi' the new linens,' which are xcep- ti .naby ewrfanil finely woven with. a soft supp e f ni-li. A display "f the new linen costumes shows them larg"-1 ly made up of embroidered part. I such as t.ie fr 'lit or hide panels, the I fronts of the co il, garnitures for the j waist: an 1 for the dressy oo-umies Very little of tile plain linen ,s used, i Wide bands of the plain material are 1 u--e.l r.s a frame work for the setting in of those, beautifully decorated pieces. Poine of these gowns or cos tumes ceiiio as do the lingerie robes ;;! f r putting together. The conservative woman w II no doubt prefer buying her linen and em broidery separately, as a bitter quali ty can thus be secured for the same price, and such women are not fond of so much over-elaboration. The offerings in embroidered trimmings Is very large and some wonderful combi nations ot embroidery and lace are shown this spring. In the semi-made robes of lingerie j linens, organdies and muslins, there i are hundreds of beautiful patterns; ! one of the favorites is that of colored embroidery upon a white ground, and some very beautiful effects are thus 20 C011IMI1 WILL 111-: HELD AT r. of . i liit. it vi : GUI "AT fi icn.l!. Vo,-H.' I-Vbrna unique He ha: sail Is: i 'i i" ' e ivi'i:i'--o '.vim: or Vj l S IS COMING i i ;m the ee.tr in' lit- "Ton t ' Tit' w a v t. d.ai. i a. p the .11 the r most stage. t h oi- Mauy lYominent Speakers Will )is ciiss Leading Questions of Sta'e Annual Ew-nt Intt'iiiratcil by I nl ersUy. t'lliversity of Orrirun. Kip-'epe The s- i m! ;i ! mi l 'omtii oi a eal; h con '' : noo. a movement started hint year on Hi,, senii-centenn'al of the vtdinls- hc II t .urv I 'A lip 111 1 1. !. Ml I IV tafln 1 ti'i a o Vi inrn m - Yr a ttiultlno ,i.momi, - t. .o iZtA 1 gained. A number are made with early wear in the South. The shade used was biscuit color, trimmed with embroidered black bands. The skirt was of the seven gored variety. Six tucks decorated the bottom of the skirt, above which were two bands of borders and a hemstitched hem In the i c olor of the embroidery. ! fine of the buyers of our largest j New- Vork houses assures me that the i linen gown will be as much In evl i dence this summer ng in the past, that I , . . I . . i iiunn , ,.11 l.. Inpffnlw ueotl the black embroidery. The coats, of ' "" "" , ... i, ir,o. on the street, that the white linen wid the Russian blouse order with its long I .,,..! i j 1 Oe COllSHteteu IIIU IIJCSMCI ttnu niTin i on' those ticcasions when the colored linen would be out of place. At least skirt portion, was also decorated with a band, which followed the lower nl rr ?J ,1 .1 ,,r, V, a TicrVl a i fl A tl H rO!in " "1" " ,vi .l 11... , lr,o. In The sleeves were of the ' ,i,h I errecc. I lie the neck. usual blouse variety, cuffs of the? banding, company the costume black straw trimmed finished The hat to ac was a large with a hugo wing held In place by a jet buckle. My second halt was made among some English novelties for which no special name seems to have been found; they closely resemble some of the wool mixture, having self-colored silk designs, which in the case of the cotton goods are done in mercerized threads. Here was found a cotton crepo in an attractive apricot shade, a voile in blue that would make up well for a. country dance next sum mer. Tin; ins,., pattern still obtains among the organdies. There were sonic love ly dressed patterns shown in both the French an the domestic orgatnli's. and or. it was on" cover-d with tiny p:n dots over-tripped with a silk line. A i ornndy in white would be cb'o d uiih tin green net border that woven with it. Th. 'no a ve French "i cents, while The QuzU e Gun. La Fouolahie, Prop. awr ItoM 25 cent mwili" In the Northwest. Flrnt-claMB Cooks Stieil-flHb In and Snrvlm. Season. . g indii y cost about those of domestic ive;i f nil nfo front i 20 cents upward. I For tile semi-tailored dres.-i ' ar.- tile cotton popiin". crash, I pongees. The new crash wca in effect cars-, but trenu !y supple and n r zed rinii-h. They j su i' s ale! e. .ats for j We;, r ;,t tiie s, ;ii:if. i rig and ntin-r sucn m:iti'!:;!l. proad.-e to lo-.vi ig from the numbers for e;i 1 1 v fUintnf r t hey pretty gowns. .?'! of the designs to be loiind among the batiste might have been copied from those worn by our grand m itiiers. but .ire dainty, recalling the scent of rose leaves, old gardens and swim t lavender buds. The cotton or mercerized 'foulards which copy so well the real material was not. to be confounded with the La Fountain Block, Mala K. TOjiC BALK Old newspaper wrap ped In bundle of ISO each, lulUbl tor wrapping, putting under car pU, etc. Price lto per bundle, two bundle Mr. Enqulr thl 01- there cotton s are in reality are ex soft with a mer- ,- will be Useful In traveling, or for Linen hopsack- loosely woven have a large fol- .ffered and uitXo very white serge suit will eome to the fore in a few weeks first for those who are fortunate enough to be able to go "south" a term that covers a vast territory. Perhaps the populari ty of the white serge is owing to Its usefulness to the traveler or woman of affairs, a it clings easily and al- ways looks well. I have been asked if braiding will ! be used this season. Whi'.e the I amount of braiding has been lessened 1 the rat tail braiding Is very fashion- able and is particularly effective when 1 applied to net or canvass-meshed j goods. ' A letter from Paris gives us the i name of some of the new colors. ! pain brules (burnt thread), prune do j monsieur, a purple naving a dash of i blue mousse, which is a little darker i than the ordinary cream shade? Sa.f i H-. nt and eannollo. when it has more ', of brown than ellow in it; linen jtilbui Fleu de nuit, blue black, n shade our grcatlgrandmothei s were i fond of; and ardoise, a new- slate col or. The new patterns in Scotch ging hams and the zephyrs show a variety , of designs and will make up well n 1 to all sorts of utility gown.st For chil i dren's clothes their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. s,i,:i oi Origi'ti .nto tee union, wi in-ld at the I'niversity of Oregon Feb ruary 1-1 and 12. Prominent men from various parts of Oregon and from the faculty of the university will be speakers on the oceas'on, an ' til ' -tlbji'l ts for dlscuss irll will be llie leading problems no v." before the si. no. The sessions last year were pron 'tinc- ed most prof '.table hv all present, and ! til's plan to unite science ottd tilt , arts of practical life in Oregon ;is recognized as one of greatest promise ' for tile best upbuilding of the state. I The complete program wiil be an- I nounced In a few days. Oregon's state university Is the pio neer among the state universities in this country in inaugurating a plan certain to be of highest Importance to both the people as a whole and the work of the university. The subjects discussed. this year will be the follow ing: Economic A forestry policy for the state of Oregon. Procedure for the earliest and longest utilization of the water re sources of Oregon. Program for bringing the Willam ette valley under Irrigation. Social and Governmental Im provement of the Conditions of Coun try Life In Oregon. Organization and agencies for se curing publicity In the public affairs of Oregon. Educational Invlgoration of moral education in the common schools of Oregon. In weeks ago, I interview wa "11m I l.k, IV tied M ' 111... "Well. to find en else bctt. ! .-tout t' tl quit th would I thing i b- "V 01 Wl I'' I ttO -V CCl hi foil,,... .t. .iied riivr an 'vi th. 1 w 1 Wli " Kind 1 r I'd St lg' ver I m.k hini-e'f has 111 li s c t'zen , to tile st I'-c i hi'.erna ; ; hi .1 for c a Kngland country by the i. ! of : ml of iz. in. a few g interesting I mm him: animal." re - bearl after It id a chance i ke anything u Met into a in it till you III lll lgenient ,in.; me imy- Ont. vf Order KltliW-ys Are IleRiiInlfd ami Illmliler Misery VahU A Few )os,.s ,,r pape's I Hurt it lc Will Make Your Kidneys Act Fine and Cur All I'rlnary Disorders, Tin. most effective and- harnilosa wuy to cure backache and regulate ' out of order kidneys or .end bladder trouble, Is to take several doses of l'ape's LHuretlc. you will dlst'nctly feel that your kidneys and urinary organs aro bc- i lug cleaned, healed and vitalized, and all 'the miserable symptoms, such as backache, lnaduehe, nervousness, rlicumithin and darting pains, In flamed or swollen eyelids, Irritability, sleepier: ncss or suppressed, painful or frequent urination (espeendy at night and other distress, ' leaving af ter (taking Iho first few doses. The moment you suspect any kidney or urinary disorder, or rheumatism, ii. gin Ink ng this harmless prepara tion as directed, with the knowledge that there is no other medicine, at on; i, rice, made anywhere else In the world, which will effect so thorough in,l prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist ran supply. Your physician, pharmacist, bunker ', or any mercantile agency will tell you ' that Pape, Thompson & Papc, of Cin cinnati, Is a largo and responsible ; medicine concern, thoroughly worthy ; of your confidence. Don't be miserable or worried an- ' other moment with a lame back or clogged. Inactive kidneys or blndder. 1 misery. All this goes after you start tnklne Pane's Diuretic, and In a davs vou feel and know ll kidney, liver and urin:ry system are healthy, clean and normal, and all danger passed. Accept only Pape's Diuretic titty cent treatment from nny drug store anywhere In the world. I few your l:,cl nske.l. that par t vervv h. Yes. 1 1 l.i 1 1 a i ho y lion a n't you ?' .v . s pr. lid ole 1 o g 1 SO 1 It : pr i most tors. W c-ii'' I 1 il i on itr. el." . . ecniS ill .i purls iilastii.n ill four 1 1 . 1 r 1 1 . 1 1 .1 . ll :h: eht a 1 f the 1 1. I've been a ; 1 ,! of tiling oi,. meiiager'e. I lb s country I ;' pantomime y.el i the "b. aid h's I'.llke lu mg hi A Wretched Mistake, to endure the Itching, painful distress of piles. There's no need to. Listen: "I suffere much from piles," writes Will A. Marsh of Siler City, N. C "till I got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon cured." Burns, boils, ulcers, fever sores, eczema, Cuts chapped hands, chllbralns, vanish be fore It. 25c at Tallman & Co 's .ed animal parts in London. There's a great deal more or tins son m innm over there than here. I think it's easier to be a legitimate actor." "Hoa- do you get to know your part?" "O, I Just fill In and make the most of every opportunity. I seldom know iut how I am going to act un til the f rst nighl. Eviri at dress re hearsals I do very little of the busi ness. I like to surprise the mnna- glTS. "Sometimes I nearly rare the chil dren to death." grinned "Mr. Hear." "Thev think 1 11 going to eat em up, and you should hear them howl. ! others call me Teddy in the middle of i I 'KP A UTM KN'T OF TIIF. IXTEHIOR, VA'AsdllNi'iTON. January 8, 1910. PIT LIC NOTICE. 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 of the Ueclamatlon Act of June 17. i:-fi2 Ct'J Stat.. USS) public notice was Klven on December 27, r07, of the furnishing of water from the rmntllla project. Oregon. for lands In T. 4 X.. U. 2S E., W. M.. with other lands, and setting forth the conditions and charges therefor. 2. In said notice it was provided that homestead entries accompanied by applications for water rights might be made under the provisions of, the Reclamation Act for the farm unit shown upon the farm unit plats for the above described townships. ap proved December 23, 1!07. by the Secretary of the Interior, and cm fllo In the b'wal land office at I-.Orande. I iregon. I .1. For certain farm units In Sec tions 2 and 3 of said township, as j hereinafter listed, homestead entries 'accompanied bv applications for wa ter rights for the total Irrigable areas thereof, have been filed and ncccpted In the local land office. 4. During the Irrigation seasons i 1008 nnd 130!i only portions of the hie areas within the said farm 'units could be Irrigated from the pro I ir.ei ivnirtn ns then constructed, the i acreage within such fore I came irf,p!,be of irrigation .n ' I of hit Ift so 1 1 ked i t.ie r"i.l self; o i p fr m get , and growling ictors are as . ot. as are the h lk. fperri.'l! He ll '" I ak- , ir" mopped ! skin on the fact i at. I'm fnrm units thus and upon whir the first Installment of the charges for building, operation nnd mainten ance became due on 1908, being as follows: T. 4 N. It 28 E.. W. M. NE'A Section 3, Farm December 1, acres. NW'4 acre. NVV acres. NW'4 ar res. ' NW,'4 acres. NK'4 ncrcs. NEK acre. NEK a performance One night u man had ncrcs. ir, brine his I'ttie boy behind the I NE'i scenes to prove that I was not real , would tiot cut him. us a goat; Hut the bear s not hair as ; the lion." j Section 2. Section 2, Section 2, Section 2. Section 2. Section 2, Section 2. Section 2. Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Fnlt W. Fnit D. Fnlt C. Fnit C, Fnit H. Fnit T., Fnlt r. Fnlt 'i-r. I 4 11 ( 2 1 Fnit It. 4 and busin crazy as SIAM AIDS LONDON'S POOIL Caught In the Italn then a cold and a cough let It run i on get pneumonia or consumption. ! -h.i;"s all No mailer how you get i your cough, don't, neglect It take - Mallard's Horchound Syrup and you'll : he over It in no ,ime. The sure cure tor coughs, colds, bronchitis and all j pulmonary diseases in young anw old I A. C. Kocppen & Bros. Tl'lrly Dollars from 'Ilentlion Coun try to Feed Christian England." London. News of the dire poverty of London's lower classes has reached even far away Slam, whence a dona tion has been received by the vlcar of one "f the poorest parishes of Sontli wai'k. This unique gift. which amounted to about J30. was sent by a llihle class in Bangkok, Slam, for the relief of the deslltute unemployed or the parish The vicar distributed among IHO men. .-ll fathers of families, who wore un.-" .: yed nnd practically starving Thi itev. Ilcnry Pitt, the vlcar. In announcing the receipt of the dona tion expressed shame "that money should eome from heathen Slum to feed the starving poor of the capital of Christian England." acres. r,. Notice Is hereby given that the farm unit plats have been amended to show the total Irrigable acrehges of these farm units, that water will be furnWhed under the provisions of the Reclamation Act In the Irrigation season or isiu lor ine remaining i , l. Iiiirn I lint there H lit fast mi .it,...,,., unit ..i n,'i. Iiiim lieu aide '" '"iri- i i. .,n i... ...... u mi,i Hint Is I'.ititnli. lliiil subject ,,, i. I- tin. ,i.,iv aasltivfl mi r ,,n: of the nubile notice of Deeeinhef known in llie medlcii! frnmvidiy. ii'tirrV , ., - 0 7 . and public notices and or t..'lni! K ceiislHntlmud rllsnasc. roiinlres " 1 ,Iora nmendntorv thereof or supple ""H""t .1 tre;iiii....t, '"" ! ..,.Mtnry the reto, except that the first 11....... .C ' n l,.,r,.a fixf lolilfl- llll' yi'M,., .oe, j T.'T.l. tlllTi'llV ciestreyinc in(l Mewnnl. Stoil rendrrs of this imi.-r will "ei.ie.-M i the rein, and .ire'Ba.'e i that said remaining portions Mian tie to all the terms and eondltl- Whcn Rubbers Become Necesstiry Anel your "hoei pinch, shake Into your shoes .Vilen s Foot Ease, the siuiseptlc pow der for the feet. It cures pslnrtil, swollen, BtnnrtiiiK. aweathiR feet, and takes the sting out or torn and bunions. In' the thing for Mttnt leather shoes, clanrlng parties and I'.ir Itreaklng In New shemi. Many peo ple cannot wear heavy stockings comfort ably without shaking Allen's Foot-Ease Into (tic ahoea. Bold everywhere, 25c. Hample rtiW,. AddrcM, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Koy, N. Y. Don't oooept "V ioM. Prize Shooting. First prize, 3D-30 Remington auto matic. Second prize-, 22 Marlln repeating rifle. . Third prize, box of 60, 19c cigars. The contest Is now on at the Pas time shooting gallery, Jas. H. Estes, Prop. Saved nt Dentil's Door. The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayers, of Tran sit Bridge, N. Y-, when his life was wonderfully saved. "I was In nvlread ful condition," he writes, "my skin was almost yellow; eyes sunken tongue coated -.emaciated from losing 40 pounds, growing weaker dally. Virulent liver trouble pulling me down to death In spite of doctors. j Then that matchless medicine. Elec tric Bitters cured me. I regained the 40 pounds lost and now am well ' and strong." For all stomach, liver I and kidney troubles they're supreme. ! 50c at Tallman 4 Co.'s. tH tit lll K. tie f , nt 0 .In 1 1 on ci the iIIspiisc. nn. I glvlint in- pniient Hir.-ngni hv iiiill.llni; lip I lie .(itintli iilt.in and mbkihI la: 'ii.tni... lit lining i's' work. Tim pro .rli'tors r-ave n in u- it filth In It rtirniivi. IK.wi.iH thai they errer (hie Iliin.lrc'l Ii.il Irirs for any int..- tlin t It folia to cute. s,-n.l for list nt liKtlmmilniii A.lilr.'HH : V. J riUCNMY A 'fl, Toledo, O Sold bv In nggNls, 7rc. Tnke ilrtlls Family I'llls r.r iiinsth.a Hon I Flrny Notice. Strayed from Thompson's ranch on the reservation, one bay mare, about three years old, tar In forehead, branded A. V. on left shoulder. Will pay liberal reward for return or In formation leading to the recovery of above described animal. NATF RAINES. Pendleton. Ore. Ing, operation and maintenance, rnr said remaining portions of Irrigable lands shall become due December 1, 1010. R. A. B ALLlN't '. F.U. Secretary of the ...Interior. NOT1C1 OF BIDS FOR SWEEPING. STREET Girls. Why have your shoe soles nailed on when we sew them on at 66c a pair. No swell dressed man or wo man wants their shoes. full of nails. A. EKLTTND. ( Oregonlan offlcs, Too Miu-li Fuce You feci ns If you had one face too many when you have Neuralgia. Don't you? Save the face, you may need it; but get rid of the Neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Lini ment. Finest thing in the world for rheumatism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Notice Is hereby given that b.ds will be received by the common coun cil of the city of Pendleton up to Feb. runry 2, 1910, at 5 o'clock p. tn., for the cleaning of the paved portions of the streets of the city of Pendleton for a. term of one year, said bids to Include . sweeping, hosing, hauling away refuse, and sprinkling before j sweeping and keeping drainage sys tem open unu in kociu uruei , mo i iij to furnish sprinkler. All bids to be sealed and to be filed with the. city recorder of the city of Pendleton, on or before February 2, 1910, nt I o'rlock p. m. The common council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated nt Pendleton, Oregon, this 20th day of January, 19t0. THOS. FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. . - : v. i,ni,uitrAniiliiff rAntnR for rent In the East Oregonlan build- I . For Sale Piano bond good for ing. Steam h at; electric light,; hot $91.00 on a piano at Eiler. Piano and cold water; bath. Imu're at East House. Address Amy Hopkins, Wes- icon, urc.f cmv i. ,." Tlio Knwl Orcgonlnn Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people aprcclMe It and allow It by their liberal patronage. . It Is j the advertising medium .of the urctloa