p.u.e nu n. DAILY EMSft OtVLGGSLiX. PESDlETOX onmrtX. till HsTHY. .I.VVf:'.KY if, 1910. EIGHT PACKS. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. I'ab! tilled Dully, Weekly and Semi-Weekly, t Pendleton. Orepon, by tbe CAST OKBtiOMAX l'l. HUSHING CO. SIBSCRIITIOX RATKS. lily. one year, by mill S5.0A Dally, elx months, by mall 2. (SO !a!ly. three months, by mall 1.25 Dally, one mouth, by mail 50 ally, one year, by carrier 7.50 ally. alx months, by carrier 3.75 Pally, three months, by carrier .... 1.93 Pally, cue month, by carrier 65 Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, six months, by mall 75 Weekly four months, by mall 60 tool-Weekly, one year, by mall .... 1.50 Semi Weekly, six months, by mall .. .75 fteml-Weekly. four months, by mall . .50 The Dally Eatt Oregonlan la kept on aale at the Oreiton News Co., 17 6th street, Portland. Ureton. Chicago Bnreaa, 0 Secnrtty Itulldlng. Washington, P. C. teenth street, X. W. Bureau, 501 Four- Member fnlted Association, Entered at the poetow'ic at Pendleton, Oregon, second class mall matter. Otophone Mala 1 - - MOSSOMS OX T1IE niOW. Longin' for a sky o' blue and blossoms on the blow; To see a violet again I'd shovel tons of snow! And any mockingbird I'd praise. And take his note for thirty days. Longin' for a glimpse o' green for grasses cool and deep. The hum of bees a-wanderin' where roses are to reap. Just let a bird's song southward float, I bet you I'll endorse each note! Atlanta Constitution. UP TO PROPERTY OWNERS. d'.eton. It is a time for everything in the way of personal, political or business prejudice to bo thrown aside. Those things are unworthy at such a time as this. It Is up to the leaders to forget everything of this nntunr. It Is sometimes hard to lay aside animosities It Is true. But they ti.ust go. They must be cast aside tem porarily at least for the sake of the People of Pendleton. There are many people here who will be affected by the outcome of the traction move ment, yet -they have no active part in the work being done. There arc small homeowners, widows, children, old men and others whose welfare Is involved in the movement that Is underway. These people are relying upon the leaders to handle the trac tion problem and to handle it right. If the leaders allow personal ani mosities or prejudices to deter them from their duty in any way they will be- untrue to this trust. Get together gentlemen, lay all your personal differences and preju dices aside and handle this propo sition like men. 1 At this time the success of the traction movement is squarely up to tbe principal property owners of the city. Whether or not Pendleton !s to secure traction accommodations and thus get in line to grow into a real city and remain one is for the property owners of the city to say. Thus far the support given the traction movement has come from members of the soliciting committee and from merchants and property owners with moderate holdings. Under the circumstances a remark able showing has been made. Al ready $10,000 has been secured de spite the lack of assistance from the "chief beneficiaries." j But of course the committeemen, the merchants and small property owners are not going to put up the entire $50,000. Perhaps not even the major portion of that amount. These people could not finance the proposition alone even if they -desired to do so. It would not be right for them to do it. It is up to the frig property owners, to the men .vho own the choice business blocks, the big acreage tracts and rows of rented houses to ret behind the move. They are the men who are really vitally interested in the success of the trac tion movement. If we get traction accommo'lntions rind new electrical power Pendleton cannot help growing and we will have a general uplift. Renltv values will advance and theA property owners will be directly bene fitted. At this time the property owners are doing nothing towards aiding the traction movement. Many of them are not even taking an intelligent in terest in the matter but choose to treat the whole affair in a scoffing manner. This is not right In any etne of the word. The people who are working for the traction system are doing so from the best and most patriotic motives. They are trying to aid the town and Incidentally the men who own property here. They are justly entitled to the cordial sup port and co-operation of the prop erty owners and especially of the beavy and influential owners. These big owners should get Into the har ness and work with the committee In financing the proposition. They hould help work out the problems In connection with the move. If there are things that are not right then help straighten them out. It Is up to you Mr. Big Property Owner to get busy. RESPONSIBILITY INVOLVED. WATCH THE LIST. Keep your eyes upon the traction subscription list, citizens of Pendle ton. That is an interesting list and it is well that you should watch It. There are some mighty good names upon that list already and there are others that will be placed there later. The subscription list represents men and business houses of this city that have faih in Pendleton and faith in their ability to make this a better town. These people are willing to use their money and their influence towards bringing about the upbuild ing of this little city. The men who have subscribed to the traction fund have not done so merely for selfish reasons. They are not only working for themselves when they work to build up the town. They are also working for your Interests. Show your appreciation of their efforts and if it is in your power to do so return the favor. Above everything else watch the list as new names are ad ded from day to day. Keep familiar with the names that go upon it. Ton will want to make use of that infor mation at some time in the future, if not at the present time. WHY THEY GROW. THE WIND. The wind that made the meadows dance1 Came whi.sfling through the glade. And nil the little birch trees laughed And twingled in the shade. He tossed a red loaf in my hair. Caressed each slim young tree And left the garden all agog With g;!y expectancy. Today the wind came back ugaiu, He marched like man at war. And dust and leaves and frightened birds Came hurrying before. He tramped the meadows underfoot. He whipped the trees to shreds, And, oh, the havoc that he wrought Among my garden beds! Next time the wind comes whistling by. So airily polite, I'll run and tell my lady trees To bimi their tresses tight. I'll send a warning to the brook, I'll bid the rain crow shout. And every garden sentinel Shall hang storm signals out. Margaret Lee Ashley. HOW HE fityr EVEN. A traveling man who stutters spent all afternoon in 'trying to sell a grouchy business man a bill of goods and was not successful. As the salesman was locking up his grip the grouch was Impolite enough to observe in the presence of his clerks: "You must find that impediment In your speech very Inconvenient." "Oh. n-no." replied the salesman. "Every one has his -peculiarity. S-stammering is mine. Whnt's yours ?" "I'm not aware that I have any," replied the merchant. "D-do you stir y-your coffee with your r-right hand?" asked the sales man. "Why, yes. of course." replied the merchant. W-well." went on the salesman, "t-that's your p-peeuliarity. Most people rise a t-teaspoon. FRl'fi.VI. FARE. People who are well informed say that the growth that has been made in the past few years by Walla Wal la. Eugene, Salem and some other northwest towns has been due more than anything else to the establish ment of traction lines. This is es pecially the case where as at Walla Walla, Eugene and Salem outside dis tricts have been brought to the very doors of those towns through the building of interurban lines. Now Pendleton has a mammoth tributary territory that must be linked to this city of Pendleton is to remain the commercial metropolis of eastern Oregon. The time for starting this line of work is at hand. Take hold and help make the traction move ment succeed. - "So you're on a diet, are you?" "Yes, my doctor has limited me to a few of the coarsest,, and simplest , kinds of food." "It's about noon. Won't you go in and have lunch with, me?" "It's very kind of you to Invite me. I should enjoy it." "Very well. We'll go into the grill room." After they had secured seats In a cozy corner the host asked:, "Won't you look over the bill of fare find see whether there is any thing on it that you can eat?" "Thanksi" said ' the man who was dieting. "I th:nk I'll have an oyster cocktail to begin with and some chicken okra. Let's see? I guess I'll not eat any fish yes, I believe I will. too. The broiled black bass will do very well. In addition to that I'll have some of the roast turkey, some New York sa'.ad, and oh. well, never mind the dessert now, I'll decide on that later." PANTOMIMES HOLD SWAY. WHITE WASHERS." The investigation of the Eallinger Pinchot controversy has started with U R. Glavis as the first witness. If all reports are true Mr. Glavis should b able to give the committee some very important Information. But the make-up of the committee does not indicate it iB looking for mucn real r.formation. It is a whitewashing rigade rather than an ' investlgat- ng committee. London. Pantomimes are in full swing in England. From Land's. End to John-o'-Groats the round-limbed "principal boy." the masculine old la dy technically known as the "dame," and the red nosed comedian who is baron, king or -magician, according to the inspiration or story, hold unques tioned sway and draw hundreds f thousands to the playhouse nightly. The production or an English panto mime is a curious thing. Th' oracle against whom there is no appeal is the costume designer. He is the auto crat of the theater, iong oeiore u una of the "book" is written he is called in to consult with the mana ger, and it is he who suggests the sub ject of the big scenes. Then the au thor and scene painter are called in The first has to make a plot so that it will give prominence to the coslu nier's Ideas: the second is told to paint his scene in a subdued key, so that the dresses will be all the more brill iant bv contrast. The end of it all Is the same old glitter, the same old howling company of "ecstatically happy" artists and the same old howl ing success. The beef trust nd if the move hould have an effect. As a matter of fact if the consumers of any par- rular line can but be brought to Uher and induced to act In unison they can make most any kind of a trust turn flip flops in rapid succes sion. The way to reach any sort of hog is through his stomach. TJoon the men who are the prin cipal factors in the traction move ment there rests a heavy responsi bility. The members of the solicit tag committee and the property owners whose support Is desired are dealing with a matter that Is of vital Importance to this city and Its In habitants. The future of Pendleton the manner In which the traction movement handled. Since this la the case it Incumbent vpon all to act with civic .iti.n, mnA with an eye to but -one thing the success of the traction THE WAY TO DO IT. is being boycotted is but continued it Reliable Haii.edy FOR Fly's Grp R'tai eCp CGl.L' a "i J r In order to secure the fund that is teeded for the traction system iur- tlier solicitors are needed ana a thorough, systematic canvass should be made. Incidentally there should be a committee of Five Thousand to riad the subscription list three times a day and note who are the workers and who are the drones In the Pen dleton hive. With a murder trial, a poultry show, ... . , . , inn a debate, a cnampionsnip puBowot exhibition and a few other things go ing on here at one and the same time Pendleton is not so dull. Every rural line built Into the city aids the city. May there be many more of them. Pendleton needs that traction sys tem and is going to get it. has Invented 1 quKi-.ly sKcrbed. itvcs Kertei at tare. It clean-' s(.""l- I 0t, - T; r-. iih mm jiroieiOH P'.yKJl-l-"'-v: tilt! uiS'-iised li"in- brane re-iiiui:,' from C.ti:irru iiu'l ilrivf away at.'uiii ui tlmilei.'l iui' iy. .: the Menses of i.t te ;.ml !:i;e. ru.i jll Hi. at Diiii.-ts or ty ti ...ujuii! Cnum Balm t-r v in lao-i-i.. rs7-j u. Jiv lirotliurs, ."'. '.Vui-reii Street, ev Yor ff n .fa BBS ALCOHOL 3 PEH t'VN P ANegetaUcPrrparalidnrcrAs similatinSiteFoodandfofjtiia Ungtlir Stomatiis andBovvdsnf 1 1& For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the g Signature of Promotes Di'Spslionf hf f rfa. ness and RestXontaliis neillter Opiuni.Morphine norNiiicraLi NOT NARCOTIC. Jbr$rifafJlktMUZffICBEl fluwtn ShJ 4wM IhmStti- Apctfeci Remedy forCtmsfl(a- tion sour lomacn.uiaruuu WorrasforrvulsionsJcvmsu ness andLossoF Sleep. Facsimile Signature sf NEW "YORK. m 'v.A A .IfV ll Pneumonia Season Is Here Better cure it Is too late. that cold before TALLMAN'S F. A & cold capsuls will knock the worst cold in two days. Manu factured and sold only by Tallman & C o. Leading Druggists of Oregon. ' Eastern PSSff Guaranteed under thKooIM II m iuaranleed. under the roods Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years tmk otx-mua aoHMMV. mm vara tnr. O. M. HEACOCK Eye-sight BpedalM. My Glasses are Goaranteou to glTe you satisfaction or MONEY RCFO'DEX. I Grind all My Lenses. Any Lens Duplicated In Few Minutes. With WM. K. HAN8COM. Jewetef. KNOWN FOR IT'S STRENGTH j WHAT IT MEANS A BANK'S CAPITAL I to protect its depositors trow possible !, therefore the larger It Is, the greater promotion the depositors huvo. This bank has n Capita of $250,000.00 Sni-pius :ui! net profits- - 175,000.00' Sluirclir.itlers. liuhility - - 250,000.00' A torn I of Ibis li.r. Ii Mil'. ?G75,000.00 hsiih jwnt lose over 2-3 of a piUUon Uol- TIiI.m prottMlloii la for menu- Hint ll i-f ! iw depositors cmliJ lose a cent FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Per.dleLon, Oregon SECURITY f The French Restaurant T. B. Swarlngca, Mgr. Thoroughly renevated First-class rooms la con nection. Private dining parlars; good service and the beat cooks. KEGrLAn MKALS 25 CTS. faMi: '"!v'. i1 - l r.a tit fl j)uiuiuimij for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fljr. iKUtSltkl'M. MURPHY, GRANT & CO. alaaulactursft Mmma Wtitit tMlnMill. l.f rt llf How's your coal supply? Getting low? Then you should 'phone Main 173 ami have us fill your bins with Rock Spring Conl, the best. iiinllty fael money will buy. The roal we sell Is- CLEAN, tree from foreign substances and will pos itively give the greatest namber of heat units per pound of any you can buy. We also carry good dry wood. , HENR.Y KOPITTKE I'li'Mie Mulu 17A. FOR. SALE Black Peroheron Stallion, g years old, weight, one ton. Im ported from France, srice, 250. Might consider good property in exchange. H. T. WADE. Pendlaton, Ore. GrpSieuni J. r. ME1JEHNAC II. Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SKE PUOvJHAM IN TODAY'S VAPIHI. Program Changes on Sundays, Tiirwlny's and Friday's. I Just Received- Carload of Poul- t try supplies of ii i i ail Kinds : I I COLESWOR.THY j 127-129 t. Alt FOR. SALE The 1800 acre stock ranch which I advertise. Is in 10 miles of a depot. The stock consists of 90 head of white faced Hereford cattle, 60 head of full blood cows and 40 head of grades. One bull is valued at 1760, and some of the cows at $500 per head. There Is 10 head of horses, and $100 worth of fine chickens. There Is 3 good wagons and all kinds of farm ma chinery. . I WANT TO SAY TO YOO that you do rot have to buy the above named property, It Is a gift, absolutely free, If you buy the land at $11.60 per acre. E. T. WADE, Dresseo Poultry Every Day it the EAST END GROCERY PHONE VOClt OIIDKK OK TMI.I. THE ORPETt HOY. Phone Main 5.18. Prompt Delivery. WILlIAMfON HAFFNDR CD BNORAVBRJPRlNTBRf ONE THING YOU CAN UAMBTiE OV IN PENDLETON the quality of beef .you buy here, whether for roasting, or broiling. We would rather sell you nothing than sell you a poor thing. You might he disappointed momentarily, but would appreciate our desire to give you what you want. Fortunntely our fa cilities are such that we are "out of vtock" very seldom, no matter what particular meat or cut you have In mind. FKESH FISH EVEKY DAK. Central Meat Market 108 H. Alta St 'Phont Main II a nun THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. FHOIETOUR ORDERS YOU 6ET THEM B1IW I Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck V .., ing a specialty. A. Spokane man lemon-cucumber. .,...mnr an the welfare of Pen Pendleton, Ore.