EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION WEATHER REPORT Rain tonight and Fri day; warmer tonight brisk to high south erly winds. '3 bali ng cards, fi dlng stationery, c- merclal stationery l Job printing- . to 01 at the East Oregordrin iTl it.,' ...Bsrvwr. VVTi 5 'OUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. C77T OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 22. I'EXDLIOTOJS, OKWiON, TI I V ItSDA V, ,J AX (' A I Y 27, Mill). NO c.;c.9 Wl tUT: ijMj J ' T Si : l IF- eSk. ? . i r I i r X2d - W pjTy L vhtoaMaTror .JESSES Vj . SHOW BROWS AS IT GOES Big Poultry Exhibition Con tinues to Draw ' Record Breaking Crowds. splendid mi'sic is feature or AFFAIR Sixx-tutorx at First Annual Show In crriislii( Diiy hy Day Cockerels Given Away Fjich Evening Excites Interest Cut and Dog I)omi'tinenl Improves Kai-li Ray Kennel Cliih to bo Formed riiie-lnfr of Awards Nearly Completed. PROORAM FOR Till RSRAY EVEXIXG 8. Prof. Frank Carruth, Director. 1. March Itlue Label ... Kiefer 2. Selection from "111 Tro vatorc" Verdi 3. Jolly Follows (by request) ' VollHtcdt 4. Love In Idleness. 5 Evening .Star Wagner Mr. Hays. Intermission, 6. 'War March of the Priests Mendelssohn 7. Apple Rlossoms (Iiy readiest Roberts Pilgrims' Chorus from Tan- hausor Wagner March Crisis Hall The third diiy of the poultry show finds the Interest In the big event undiminished. The rrnwd was so large last night that many were un able tn see all tip! birds, eats and dogs and are On refore taking advan tage of the opportunity offered to view them nealn today. The splen did music hy the orchestra is also proving to be one of the big attrac tions of the event and accord! If to be consensus of opinion the music alone is worth many times the small admission prh'c charged. So far, every afternoon has been larger than the proceeding one and every even ing has been larger than the one be fi re. several times. The value of the chickens given away each evening ,1s also belnif. doubled and from present appearances it will be difficult to acrnmodate the large crowds which will enter the doors during the re malnder of the week. Saturday Is to he the last day of the show and It is expected that the greatest erowd of the week will be present. Two oicker is were given away last evening. One was a standardised Huff Orpington cockerel. It was given by D. C. lirown of this city and was won hy J. W. Sehnofer, residing norttrtvest of town. The oilier was a Puff Itock cockerel, given by Mrs. TS. F. Wllliamss of "The .Maples" poul try farm of Milton and was won by It. :. Ross of llernilstiin. end and third lien; first and third pullet; first and second c ockerel. Matt Musgrove, Milton Second pul let and third cockerel. Rose Comlj Whitei Ix-xliorn. Mrs. J j. (',. Pell, Pendleton. -Firs! cock, first cockerel, first, second and third millet. Rade Brothers. --Second and thin' cock; first, second and third hen. SUrs'e oiuh uiaek Minorcas. Lester Royd, rendu ton. First cock, Recond and third cockerel, first and third hen. first and third pullet. Dr. O. J. Croup, Walla Walla. .Si cond cock, second hen. N. A. Humphrey, I'rndleton. First cockerel and second pullet. Rose Comb Rrowu Leghorns. Ende Protheri, Freev.ater First, second and third pullet, first second and third hen, first second and third cockerel. Single Comb Rrowu Leghorns.- D. C. Ourdane. Heppner First cockerel; first, seeiul and third pul let. Single Comb White Leghorn. Moiinsey Rrothers. Kennewlek. Wash. First and second hen; first cockerel; first cock; first and second pullet. Henry W. Coe, Stanfleld. .Second cockerel and third ben. Line And.-ilusfaiH. Al Fmerson, Heppner. Second cock. A. M. Slocuui, Heppner Third cock; third cockerel; first pullet. Mrs. C. W. Armstrong. Freewater First, second and third hen; first and second cockerel; second and third pullet. Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds. Rade Rrothers. Frewater First, si cond. and third pullet; second hen; second and third cockerel. Columbian Plymouth RoeUs. Karl Williams. Miltm Third cock; first, second and third pullet :. second and third hen; third cockerel and I first pen. " tJolden Sebright Itaiuains. Andy Tavlor, Walla Walla Se. orel and third pullet, second hen. second j cockerel. j Ruff CihIlIii I la ii is. ; Mrs. Hattie IrnUe. i'endU ton j Seeoml cock; second and third pullet. I H. W. Coe. Stntifielif. First pullet, j Mrs. ,c Lowell. Pendleton j Third cock; first, t-econd and third cockerel; second and third Inn. i I '.lack Japanese Raiilaius. ' E FIRE II BAKER Gil? Flames for a Time Thrrvifen Destruct;ori ol Entire Busi- ncss mm is LAID DESOLfiTE Section, :o:'i-:kty loss i;x( i:i;ds I ARII!II MILLION l)()l.l,KS hundred rniliions 1 devastation In Paris aire of president F r'lrn the terrible alone. The Pal-illierr-s is sur- Second Great Rc'gn of Terror in Capital of Care-Free Repi-blic, 1 1 ill" l'.rc:ik Out at Midiiigl:( in Store of liaer Mi rcaiilll, , Co., and uli'k Iv Spreads r.ix store Complelelj l)e-iroi'il Well Cdiii any's Store Also Ritlueed lo Ruips I.os Ap- p.i-o violates SllOO.POl) I'iicno'ii Citizens I'ighf aliuntlv. ilO! SAXDS RRIVKX FROM IIO.MFS RY ORKAT FLOOD ami I I i l ojde Siirferiiig- fruiii Coltl and Hun ger While Rop'iitloxH Riier Conlin ties its Work of .Devastation Houses and Streets I'lideriniiietl by Tin-buleut Waters Soldiers and Firemen Siiuggl,. Desperately Against Oiieoming 'J'ide Scenes of Terror and .Misery. rounded by water and the Palace of F.'ne Art is flooded. The water Is the basement of the city Iial! has almost double, n volume since morning. The building in which the chamber of deputies is located and the world's I'amouH Kiifcl tower, the beautiful Troeadero park are In a murky lake. The Jsle Le St. Louis is almost en tirely submerged and the Halle Aux Pins, the largest wine warehouse in the world is surroundc,) ,y a swirling pool. JOINFD IX DEATH. - Ritker City, ore. .Tan. 27. Fire hicli for a lime threatened t- de Jlrtn tion of the entire business dis i' ei ,.r t.rs city hr"ko cut at inid- lruiit and 1" f o e il w as 1 i.-t i wider 'I -.f ;h,' cgs Is est iiy I llN'i.Mv i -t ;.- eiVi It 1 On. 'in Dr. : V .d'nsi Tin- f.r R.ier c ever ' .anvs. blaxe : btli cl o iiitnd. four hours later town's nio.-t su'istant!al were in lu'ns. 'rle entire 1'iati'il at f "a'l.ioio, whirii is ' ivereil by 'ijf.uranee. The "eis are the We i company. I'aer Merean:ik' company. -".l or 1 !al-(V-, 'hid. f r.fmii. and Fruir c.iiiipar.y. t-' rt e.l in t'ae ha-'-i Paris, nmni' ter ! Ill less i'eali'ul i i i.iiirng Jan. 2 7. With the. ther below freezing point, the re Selne ;s cont nulng on its rogress toward the top of the we!l. and all Paris Is ashiVer Parents Object lo Marriage of Child Sweethearts and they Suicide. Xewton, IoVj, Jan. 27. The Jas per county coroner today received word from Munrue, a village 9 miles from this city that Yernor Parr aged 18, and Lina. Amnnr aged 14, were found sitting side by side with their arms claspe,) about each others life less bodies, in a buggy by the coun try road this afternoon. Lying be neath their feet In the box of the buggy was a tin cup in which were a few drops of a mixture which phy sicians declared to be strychnine. Parr and the little girl were child sweethearts and the theory is advanc ed that they had executed a ghastly suicide .pact beeriuM- tro-ir pai clared they. were too young married. ARNOLD'S WIFE TAKES STAID Testifies She Saw Defendant During Afternoon of Mur der Several Times. ADMITS SHE ACCEPTED $50 OF COURT'S REWARD MOSCT Wife of Accused Murderer Forgets Many Retails But Admits Silo As sNUl m Apprehension of Husband for Money Stipulation Mysterfoaa Third Person projected on the Screen Many Surprises During Day Court Room Crowded to Halla. de- be REAM MAX LFIT RECORD OF HIS OWN DEATH oinp.'.ny and 1 I the blli'din'. Fanned by spread rapid! fo,-e WIS 1 his: S : it. II 0 ( ; l.-'ce f- no. nan. ' i r.' of the w as clis- m.i (s of i Wild the ! a.lpi'niii'f i v.-.-ln the cold and grim with terror habitual freedom from care which i i'i it possible for tin- people at f rst to look upon the rising waters as n spectacle for their entertainment has passed away, and "gay Paris" to day ,. toe in ..st de:-o!ate and grief n of all the large cities in the land detailing evi J that racked his .-ul rcr.ng among the pool is in- j Nicholas Collere-, i omen 'and children, driven ! sr. reVilt AOOXY Although the principal witness for the defendant, the star witness in proving the alibi which is now being outlined to the jury, the wife of the defendant this morning took the star.d and after sweaifnjj that she saw the defendant in the k tchen of tha bote! at Echo on the afternoon of the stri, k .etl 1 .Tie t'-o '. '1 "HI t.-rs. New York, recording his ing every char. murd.-r, and X. Y.. Jan. 27. After own death agonv, not- w t; (Continued on page S.) ' OF HIS WEAVING ' w w e i-i I Tie lUde i-nt" w a - l'1-O! H li'l'C;- ;l sa v ttated 1 pern- I ii fire , omrht i d. So ; of tin i nurli piece PROSIK ITIOX IX REItMANX CASi; AROl'T COX I.I DED Professor I'illKTt Rolh. I V.i niiT Clilef I of Forestry Division of tlelieral Ijiml tirfice Lnst lines;. Worth- ! Ingtoii Re-gins to Tear Ileilos in Fvi-j ele-neo. i Were almost work The Mo on M.r'n t'-ei t c times and !! v. i! mul 1 n"t b the brat that p I out of sight 'nto the air ; fell on a res'Jene'e half a i a.vav and iun'tr-d the roof. Vol- 1 e is etin -irr in ;l tho fl .mes. h fart that the city was saved due to the fact that the roofs of hu'l'hnrs were covered with snow. The five started in the basement of tiio Hair st or? and caught from the; furnace', which :P thought to have ex tdode 1. The goods stored in the has meiit were all ablaze when a pe- I destrian discovered it and gave the a la r m All of I'.nker e'ity was awake last nigid and. the police force and entire force of the slier ff's office were on the scene trying to heild the crowds In check. in his temperature ry pain and spasm weakened body, Dr. the eminent blood en i specialist is dead todav. A weet- hm their c n ap lodgings by the wa-. Collore contraetcil blood poisoning and bitten by the bitter wind, while onei-atine- a o,,.., tr i "k i-.-Her in doorways, and con- j a little scratch upon his band the fa grog., ie in great waiting groups about jtal disease-.spread until it compelled the public buildings that remain com-; him to take to his bed. I ara-.ively safe. Members of - the! . '.. ciiamoi' of deputies, who remained nearly all night in session, made certain or of having same, y(t on san; cither denying having ontradietory statements uv recollection of the cross examination this duty "lay ddiei-s. -ue.l aim. one of the prixes for tonight will be a black Minorca cockerel which will be given by Lester Royd of this city. The list of his winnings appear i below. The other prize will be a buff Orpington cockerel which will he given by J. A. Duke of this city I who is the lamest and oldest breeder I of buff Orpingtons In Ibis vicinity. I Others which will be given away during the week will be a Rarred j Rock cockerel bv D. C. ("lurdane of I Heppner; a Puff Rock cockerel by j R. F. Williams of Milton amf two j Buttings of the famous new breed of ' folumbiii Plymouth Rocks. These j will be given by Mail Williams of; Milton, who is the owner of the only j fleck of Columbia Rocks In the north- j west. Mis birds ore on ixliibillon at j the .-how and can be seen bv all vi- I Irnrs. X j The cat and dog ih pa rtincnts are j growing better daily and the interest j shem n by exhibitors and visitors; makes it certain that the cat and dog j department will be a permanent part eif the annual exhibit in future. A I kennel club will probably be formed.: A list of the exhibitors f eats and j ih gs logi tbiT with the variety and nanus of the dogs will be published tomorrow-. The placing of the awards Is nearly oompleted. The following is a list of the awards not hitherto published: I'.lack l.angslian. Wlndle Pros., Lents., 1st and 2nd cock. 1st. 2nd and .".rd pullet; 1st anil 2nd hen. SIR or Spangled llaniburgs. H. Dickerson, Walla VYalla. First cockerel; 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet and 1st hen. Ruff Orpington Pullet. Windle rtreis., Lents. First, and 2nd. X. A. Humphrey. , 3rd. Illack Orpington. Matt Mosgrove, Milton First cock erel; first, second and third pullet and first pen. While Orpington. L. J. Mclntyre, Milton First, gee- Portland, Jan. 27. Professor Fil- bert Rolh. former chief of the for- ' e'stiy division of the general land of- i f ce will closi; the e-aso of the gov ernment in the Ringer Hermann trial j this iifU'in i Ileney will conclude tlie direct examination of Roth this! afternoon and with the cross exam-' inaliun iniu recall of some of the wit- : ncsscs who have already been on the 1 stand, the prosecution w.U come to' a close by noon tomorrow. Worth- : I ington. even her.. re the- elisc of He- in y's case, lias begun an effort to tear i bobs in the net of circumstantial ev- : ideiice which lleney has been wcav- ! ing about the defendant during the' p - m two weeks of testimony. No one knows how long it will reipiire to put In the defense's case. Documents wli i h were brought Into the court by ; I'lrniaiin's attorneys fill a big trunk! To Rainy, for Charily. New York, Jan. 27. All of the so- j clal leade rs among the Ocrman-Anier- b ans of the metropolis will gather to- nh 'M In the bail room of the Hotel1 A'ler t dance f r the benefit o lapsing. Hundreds of boats in.mnpd "Or- i hv marines lire heitlir .nnl.-.wl In loco ciiai.iauio iiisiuiii.ons. i uiiikui s the re'scue of at fair will lie the twentieth anniver sary of the Cii rman charity will he the first to be held in the As- I Present '-Hie Yoiing Turk. New York. Jan. 27. Rochester will using every means within , witness tonight the first presentation power to alleviate the situation, i of the new musical nl.iv. "Th Vomer gendarmes and firemen, fa-. Turk." in which Max Ror?or , o, st to the point ef faint- i Maud Tt.nimond w t! nr,r,,i. tvi ing, worked today with the vigor of I Xew York engagement will beg'n early e.'-peratlon in their struggle with the next month. rfood. Miles of boulevards were like I . , running stn ams. and water rushing through the cavernous underground j woik threatens hourly to undermine j the foundations of scows of the most notable structures of the city. More than 100. 000 are homeless and desti- tute. The distress is Increasing con- ! stantly and Industrial life Is suspend ed. Hundreds of Millions Damage. J It is estimated today the damage! caused by streets collapsing about the vast subway system alone, aggregates more than a hundred million dollars. Practically half of the city was un der water at noon today, which Is flooding basements and undermining foundations. Runaway sewers place a'most every house in danger of col- ALMOST 10.000 HAS BEEN RAISED ALREADY TRACTIOX ton, the Waldorf-Astorfii having been its homester the last nineteen years. Tip Pae-heio;- Circle or the Cierman I .icdergra nz. .lung Ari"H and the Roe the. veil Itaeln ,rs .-lie in charge of the ball. rescue of residents In the Bercy SCe-tion. This district lino lian hntllv ball, and J underniinbd bv the waters and the streets are continually collapsing. The FI X!) GROWS DESPITE Hi'ttvy Pr)rty Conspicuous Iiy forls I'ndrrway fupiH.rt. "ivn the defense ; guard ng u re fill '. ilerinan is lo go on the stand when the del'cii.e has Ii." inning. Sues Telephone' Company. New York. Jan 27. Telephone subscribers are greatly Interested in a sud set for' hear'ng today In whie'i Thomas Hart asks for $1200 dama g. s bee, use the local company re moved hN telephone and refused fur ther service. The company allege t""at Hart owvs J70.0;i for calls hi ex c -s of a contract number, and sued bim for that amount. Hart retaliated by bilng'ng his $1200 suh au-alust Hi" i o 'o any. roof of a Rllhwnv h.i .. - down dozens of small buddings. i Extremely critical conditions threat- I ening life and- the utter destruction i f properly prevail ln Rcllancourt, I Auteu'l pussy. Javel. Orene'de. Iveryl and I'harent'in. Tile public works j buildings caught fire tenia v and fire-i men slood waist deep in the icy wa e .s fighting the flames with desper ate determination. The German C. tiha.-sy. flooded, b :a iidoiied. Author j' affainst building a i',,1 ,1 strict for f of .(he walls will toves. pri'clpitntina i'aisl luioi'i rni, i nuiiiln r m' Aloiiemrahela si .-s on. Tlie lumber industry pal subjects of I .umbel men !: nrg. Pa., Jan. ef i't nns i ani sei ei a 1 se eii e s. House today tariff, as it is one of lise U-sieill. I. 27. Retail a, to .the met at tile . in annual ' affects the the" prin, i- lta!lin-,.r to Talk. Providence, R. I., Jan. 27 Or. ' act attai'lics to the' address to liver, ,1 here tonight by the lb or1' i ' i 1"'; lai Se and ce-nf" suf:'e ,'e'-ti' f nun the I sane 1 1 b. I'll practically r'ies have issue'el fires in the ar of a col li pset lamps a general agritiou. Typical of the terrible i ll;' of countless of thousands of 'u'e an 1 hungry people driven their homes by the great flood. '11,-e lod-iv found a woman In- ri'om exposure", with five small Dr. R. Alexander Leon Cohen James A. Fee E. J. Murphy W. L. Thompson C. K. Cedesworthy Bond Bros Frank O'Oara Ladnw & Peterson C. W. Phelps J. F. Robinson Will Ingram J. V. Tall man Will Moore E. A Shitlfer V. Strohle Patterson & Humphrey W. ,1. Clarke & Co Total K'i'har l It illingcr. at; 111 Mill! TO CHINA ix)r pi ;-i:atix(; pa ; te ti ry of the Interior, since il Is hoped that he may t ke advantage of the occas on to e x press s 'tne opinions regal' ling eei l-'aciio; ami b'.s follower-'. joint i'n if th Ke'eifiom o and i.'on- . r, .: . in' . is the occasion of Ilai iii: ;it's pi ei-) eel Ive address. Sae raiuinio, e'al - tieorg,- i 'oiniicre. thei grc'itetd hug chaser in the world, liiplo.veil by the hort'cultuinl dipart mcnt of California to scour foreign wilds and wastes in pursuit of pest ih siroyns, will leave next week on oind m r ,ong jaunt. This time Compere goes to China, where ho will search for sonic insect that will show a caiuivcrous spirit when confronted by a nice, juicy, me aly bug. He takes with him some badly Infected growths so that he may eomluit his experiments with them on the other sidei. He hopes to re turn with the. spoils of the chase In July. Compere has been wonelerfully suc cessful In his pursuit of bugs that will eat bugs and has faced all manner of perils In his occupation. -hv Tioiiie'.-si-o Masons. !,'. Tonic, Jin 27 - -Nashville i-. tin; hi ? e'el with Masons today, hun dreds of delegates coming from Vail oyer the state to attend the various tneciiii'-s if Ma.-on'c bodies. The nine-ty-sixih annual grand lodge convcii l eiii is in session today at the Yen dome theater. "The Ncgh-cle'd File-tor." Neev York, J.m. 27. Mr. Louis K. .Anspacke r w ill speak on "The Ne glected Factor" meaning women's right to vote at a meeting of the Eeiual Franchise Society In the Oar den theater this afternoon. Mrs. Henry W. Miller will presld. half irozeii ih ldreii huddled in a pit iable group at the top of Rutte Chau-mi-nt park hill. ITar.hmod battlefield veterans ana hitherto I'.ire-free wo men wept pnld'elv today when e'ein fieiried lo tb, pbiful procession of : r.icu d .".nd half clad nn-n and women ' whi) i-irtii ipate d In the great exo dus from the flooded strii'Ueti district. Cr'PPie S elil illlplOV ised IttCIS of ill car's some drawn by aged men and , ewinicii. loroie d en,, of t'ie most d s ' tre-ssing f, atures of i',e s: , tr.ele T"o' I lov. ing a number of attacks upon ba- keo's and find shops in outlying dis iriets by hunttry nie'ii and women un able to p:.y the suddenly increaseel prices, it i-- expected Ill's aftcrnoein that tlie i..,s i rnuicnt will be forced tei e onfis, at.' the stock of provsoins noe on hind in the sP.r, s and force a ! sj Mom, it ic elist ribution. j When the work of solie-itit ti action fund Nosed !a-t e-v i fund was within $100 or rea : $10. oho m irk. This to in witness admitted that she ac- ,'-i;,!! d ',( of the reward money paid j t-i? county court for the appre j he ns'.on of Arnold. i it was a session full of surprises all iar una. After the woman had given ; her direct testimony. Mr Phylps took I lo r ;'r.r cross examination. T!m and j again he asked her if she did not' I make certain statements to Sheriff Tayi ir or Mr. Gillette or others and time and again she either denied them Pn'i:- b'ankly or had no recollection of them. Mr. Phelps kept piling i jundatiun on foundation for im peachment and she steadily refused to acknowledge making the statement , or declared she did not remember of j making It. Then he sprung the ques- tion if she didn't receive and accept the $ "j 0 - e f the reward money. It waa evide-iit that the witness was adverse ! to the admission but the state had her , recedpt for the same and the admit ted it. It, seems from the line of-question ing tnat this woman, his wife, was one ! of the principals in assisting in the j apprehension of Arnold. It is under- -..ww.'...,.v Jl " 1 ",L B"e save me snenrr some Ol I OSI I IOX verv valliohl., Infnrnntl j i .... ' o' O UU tl. 19 : evident also that she took some yery Owners Are Still I 8ctive, Part 11 in frm the fact that Their vWnex I f- i She accePted 5f the reward mon- . i- ii . m , - ' " euner aenies It now or to I-.nlist Tlieir i has no recollection of it, except that she did take J50. It haa sent the spec tators to wondering what the stat will show on its rebuttal. From the 'lUesiioiis asked the woman by Mr. Phelps, it is very evident that he In- tends to put Sheriff Taylor on the stand to impeach her and in doing so will bring out the whole story of the sear, h for Arnold, the clews given to the sheriff, who gave them and es pecially the part this woman' took in the affair by which she earned or waa entitled to the sum of $50 of the re ward money. This is making the tiial more interesting than ever and unless the defense makes better progress this afternoon than it did this fore noon these surprises will not be sprung before tomorrow. The mysterious third person, the man w ho looks like the defendant, Ar noiel. the man who is about his size, has about the same color of hair, the man who has been seen by reople In an i ahem Echo; th's man Is the most important personage in the cast of char.u t is now . holding the boards at the e mt hous.- in the drama vher-an Arnold is playing the role f !-..' man fighting for his life. All through the case, beginning with the t'hst witness introduce.1 by the state to elclitieatc the movements of I , How It Stands. 1 J. Smith $1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 500 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 100 100 100 100 .$?. t'Oll ; tor t ninu t bine t suite of el. tee t.n-l t .at erty oe ne rs ed up. At this time tip. soliciting, committer o'i ' w ay- and means tlo r support for th' I -'l UxV.y d- -in' i property owners Inter er or not these ei forts none of the' heavy prop f the nily Invi yof shrn-. lip IHl'e-r- i: ar, fimirh'-j of enlisting m v, m out. to g-t t'-.- otc.t. Wioii-. will mee t with t! Echo. 1- i s. r ( thir 1 light ,s tha ur- It hi; reanains to be seen. MIXED MRIHC.E WAR. id nit, Aitiold. in and about the attorneys for the defense e-n project lag on the shifting tip- figure of ibis i.iyster'oiis e rs.'tt. Ho fi ts acr-'ss the spot ehii a swiftness and uncorrafti- is bifflir.g. He- is on the '"Pient ami d -.ippea.es "as as he came. fondant and Paul Lewis oom together that n'ght, rrson asks of a witnew m ---to Did ecru; ' At form v Pete on the stand. Th" witn.-s a i I' lls'y the- d that ,Fo j to GOVERVMEXT'S ILL I! I il) TAPE STAR YE VICTIMS W. been A. Hunt of Walla Walla, has a business visitor here today. Dedicate Now Chapel. Madison, Wis., Jan. 27. Archbish op Messmer and other prominent churchmen participated today in the dedication of tho now St. Paul's chap el at the I'niiers ty of Wisconsin, Paris. Jan. 27. Thousands of fleiod refugees are in actual danger of star vation on account or governmental red tape. Hundreds of half starved victims are standing in line tonight at the public dispensaries and have been waiting all dny vainly for food. Private charities are the only hope of many refugees. It Is estimated this evening the damage will reach five Lo sh Ministers I'rgo Followers Take Mate of Own nae. nde-n. Mixed niarriaires between ', Jews and Christians were denounced I at the conference of Jewish ministers 1 In-Ill in London. The Rev, Morris ' Joseph .said tha every Jew was! bound to set his face against mixed marriages, because it was certain that j Je'w ish parties to such marriages i would eventunlly be lost to Jud;nlsnv! and if they were not. their children ' wouiu ne. .iso a mixed marriage stooel n good chance of being nn un happy one Fri I ste re el I. Fi 1 here li of Salem has been re s-today. nswers. tiny did i'"l V ' ' ' I ;"'. another man. oc cupy that room with them. Is the next eiue-slteii and th-.' witni'-s says no net to his knowledge. Put th-' re nngh: have been u, th rd man occupying the room with them and you not have known it, asks the attorney f.,r the defense, and the witness answers that such n thing- was possible. And this is the mysterious third person, the presumably vanishing vll lian, the- unknown mystery. Like that, the defense kept inter jecting the th;rd person into the ewe. Intimation here and vague questions there anel they continually kept that possibility of a third man before the (Continued on page 8.)