pack Eioirr. DAILY EAST OKE(IMAS, FKNOLKTO.N, OltEUON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1910. E1UIIT PAGES. inventory Sa8e on Groceries For 1 0 days we will offer everything in our store at 4 0 per cent off LIVING MADE CHEAPER FOB YOU BY It AD- 1X0 AT THE Standard Grocery Co. 214-216 East Court St. Leading Grocers. stnl largo enough for pony. Shetland HIGH SCHOOL TEAIVI I.OCAT. TOSSEKS YYOIXD VINDICATE LOST HONORS Walla Waiht Ilish Defeated rondlcton In Gnnlen City, Rut Roys Rnve Great Hopes of Retaliation Friday Xijrht When They Meet Tlieir Ri vals on Tlieir Own Floor. The hiRh school basket tossers are putting in some hard practlc? In pre paring for their return frame with WalTa Walla high on Friday of this week. The Walla Wa'.la team has al ready defeated the local team on their home floor by a small marsin and the locals are determined to w ipe out th'.s defeat on Friday evening. Walla Walla has one of the strongest teams in the Inland empire and this was proven by defeating Whitman college. Pendleton undoubtedly has the fastest team in eastern Oregon and have lost to no high school except the Walla j Walla team and they hope to regain 1 their lost laurels. It might be remembered that last year Walla Walla defeated the locals in Walla Walla by an overwhelming score, but when the return game was played in Pendleton, the locals won in one of the fastest games ever played in this city. Coach Brown sees no rea son why this should not be repeated as Pendleton has a much stronger team than last year. In fact the team is exactly the same as last year with the one exception and the play ers are now experienced and work to gether like machinery. The lack of an individual star proves the good team work of the quintet. Pendleton has not a one man team as many schools and -can win games with three of the regular play ers out of the game. This was shown last Friday night when Columbia Col lege Junior of Milton was defeated by a laree score with the absence of Captaia McDill. Dudle Devlne and Nnt Kimbtll. The lineup for Friday evening will not be known until the whistle blows as there Is keen rivalry for every po sition on the team and some of the regulars are liable to get beat out. The beginning of the new semester marked a great burst of enthusiasm and spirit at the high school and every night from twenty to twenty five men are working out In suits. Captain McDill will probably play center, but he Is getting some good practice in playing against such tall men as Bean. Fee and Straughn. There are two sets of guards, between which there is little choice, but Devlne and C. Jordan have considerable advan tage over A. Jordan and Boylen on account of weight and long experience. The team is' particularly strong in for wards with Rader, Sturdivant, Kim hall and Bowman. The high school has a strong or ganized second team and will take on the academy second team, Athena, Echo and Rermlston high schools be fore the season Is over. Regardless of the many attractions of the week the basketball game in the high school gym is sure to get its rhare of the crowd on Friday jjlght for this game will undoubtedly be the best of the season. CATS AND PUPS VIE WITH EACH OTHER MANY ADMIRE ANIMAL PART OF HEN SHOW Extatie Expressions Inspired by Sijjht of Animated lills of White Ex hibits of Cuts nnd Dogs Much Bet ter Today. Portland Hardwood Floor Co- Largest stock of Oak. Maple, lleocli. Birch. Maliogmmy nnil Wnlnm FLOORING in the Pacific Northwest. Manufac turers of Parquetry Flooring. We have a large force of Expert Me chanics and are in a position to give estimates of finished floor work. We also use sanding and scraping ma chines for surfacing dance halls and skating rink floors. We sell wax brushes, furniture rests and glass sliding shoes. Write or call at 280 Yamhill Si. Portland Ore. "Isn't he cute?" "Oh, how cunning this is!" "This one Is too sweet for any thing!" I These and thousands of other sim ilar feminine expressions were heard last night in the crowd which throng ed about the cat exhibit at the poul try show and threatened to blockade the passageway. - Similar expressions were heard when the exhibit of dogs was reach ed. Cute little fluffy balls of white in the shape of Pomeranian puppies and other little balls of white and tan in the shape of fox terrier puppies scrambled for high honors in the pop ularity class, while the older dogs al so came In for their share of atten tion. The exhibit in this department was greatly strengthened last evening by the arrival from Milton of Matt Mosgrove and his dogs. The exhibit of both cats and dogs was better this afternoon than yes terday and will be still better this eve ning. There are new cats of all kinds and colors and dogs of all sizes and shapes. Some of them occupy the least possible amount of space while there Is at least one which rerquires a WKII WOVEN ABOUT ARNOLD. (Continued from Page One.) lar gold pleco and a big roll of green backs. Tills Morning'!) Session. This morning's session was devoted by the state to tracing the defendant's movement while In Echo on the day of and a few days prior Jo the mur der. And It was in this testimony that defense got in their first licks. Mr. Gillette who runs a hotel nt Echo testified that the defendant nnd tho murdered man hnd registered nt his hotel and occupied the same room. The register was Introduced In evi dence showing their signature. It was also shown by the register through the attorneys for the de fense that two other men, one named Paul Lewis and one named Louis Ryan registered at the hotel about the samc'tlme nnd that on one niglit the defendant nnd Paul Lewis occu pied a room together. Some pyrotechnics were set off just about here. It seems that some one had cut one of the important names out of tho register. Mr. Phelps demanded that the defendant's at torneys produce this slip. The de fense came back with the statement that they didn't have the slip but that the prosecution hnd it had they demanded the prosecution to produce it. Mr. Phelps called Mr. Gillette to the stand and he testified that Attor neys Peterson nnd Watts came down there one day and were looking over the. register and asked permission to cut this slip out and he said he didn't care, and just then he was called to dinner and went away leaving Peter son and Watts in possession of the register. Hotel'cierk Testifies. Another thread of two was put In to the web of circumstantial evidence against the defendant. McCloud, the night clerk at the Gillette hotel testi fied that on the night of the day the murder Is alleged to have taken place the I'efemlant came Into the hotel .-bout three o'c'ock in the morning and registered. He had been there the night before with "the murdered man and they had occupied the same rcorn. On this particular occasion the clerk told the defendant he could have the same renim he nnd the other man had had the night before and he said the defendant remarked' to the effect. 'My friend has not come in yet but he will be In pretty soon." Mrs. Longneck of Echo, was the last witness before noon. She sild that on the day of the alleged murder she was (aklng a horse back ride In the rftcrnoon and she saw the defend ant ride a horse from Barker's livery lir.rn over to the hotel Echo, and then Inter she saw the defendant on the sMtio horse and another man on a sor rel horse riding out past the mill race r.n the road toward the government reservoir. Defendant to Take Stand. Attorney Peterson In making his opening statement to the jury de clared that the defendant himself was going to take the stand and tell all ho knew about the, case. It is freely predicted in court circles that If he does there will be some surprises. Just, what use the defense Intends to attempt to make out of the fact that there were two other men at the hotel at the same time the defend ant and Rabeal were there is not known, unless it Is to substantiate the defendant's story as told to Barker that he got the horses for two other men and not for himself. But many are wondering where the defendant i;? going to show that he turned the horses over to the other two men if he was seen riding one of the horses out on the road toward the govern ment reservoir. The case continues to draw a crowd ed house. A large number of people from Echo are In court and many ot them are witnesses. It Is expected that the case will go to the jury some time tomorrow un less the argument of counsel are too long. The evidence will probably he in by noon tomorrow. PERSONAL MENTION C. W. DeGraw of Weston, Is regis tered here today. P. C. Hunter has been among those in town today from Echo. ' James P. Neal is now visiting in the city. He came down last evonlng. A. McDonald of tho Oregon Agri culturalist, of Portland, Is here today. Matt Mosgrove, well known mer chant of Milton, has been In tho city today. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Torham of Her miston, has been visiting In the city today. Joe Bailey, well known resident of the Echo country, is now in the city upon a short visit. M. D. Reed, O. R. & N. engineer, and whose home Is at Umatilla, left for that place this morning after a short visit here. Mrs. F. S. Foss, one of the largest breeders of barred Plymouth Hock chickens in the inland empire, is here to attend tho poultry show. O. K. Durrant of the firm of Doug lass & Durrant of -Walla. Walla, Is here to attend the poultry show and will remain th rest of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen of Pilot Rock, came in last evening to attend the poultry show and have spent the most of the day Inside tho big show room. J. E. Windle of Lents, Oregon, and one of the leading breeders of stand ardised poultry in the northwest, is here-to attend the poultry show with a long string of birds. Mrs. B. F. Williams, of "The Maples" poultry farm, came down Inst evening from her home in Mil ton and will remain until after the close of the poultry shmv. William Hill of Heppner who car ried off his share of prizes on White Plymouth rocks, came over last even ing to attend the show and will re main during the rest of the week. C. F. Williams, ed'.-or of the North west Poultry Journal, published at s.ilem and the leading poultry jour nal in thv northwest, arrived this morn. .is to attend the big show and will remain all week. If. Dickinson, secretary of the Wal la Walla poultry show nnd a mem ber of the firm of Dickinson & Levy, poultry breeders. Is here to care for a string of 133 birds, many of which are owned by himself or his firm. Re placements in the needs of UNDERWEAR Get an extra pair of drawers or a .shirt or a union garment just to finish the season. We have them in plenty and there are none better. Busy Boston Store DANCINO A FEATURE OF "SCNXY SOUTH MINSTRELS" There is Only One "Brmo Qvsnine" That is Laxative Brohao Qzsimne USCD THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD III ONE DAY. AUnana f-t'l nomn T Sfi CT lor tins m -nature on evry box. ac. BJ tfrt JLOTri??Si,lt - -war- FARMERS' UNION OF HOI.RMAN WILL MEET Holdrnan, Jan. 25 (East Orego nian) Through your columns I would like to mention the Holdrnan local Farmers' Union will meet at the usual place the first Saturday of Feb ruary, at 1 o'clock sharp, for the transaction of such business as may come before tho meeting. .t"fter that has adjourned I would like to call -to order a. good roads meeting to get the expression of the people of the Hold man road district In regard to put ting the roads out of the canyons. I want every man in the d strlct to be there and have his say and say It. After the good roads meeting Is over there will be a program follow ed by supper, which every one Is in vited to take part In, especially the program. Come one, come all, that want good roads. Let your wants be known. Then I will know what Is expected. Tours, E. C. JOHNSON. Much Joy was occasioned In the ranks of the "Sunny South Minstrels" yesterday when they wero Informed that Mr. Mc'Lennon, the popular trav eling man hnd agreed to act as inter locutor In the coming show and to al so nssist In the direction of the re hearsals. S'nce the withdrawal of Mr. from that position, owing to the sad news of the death of his brother, the pseudo-darkies who hold down tho end positions have been without an oss'stant In their funmak Ing. irhwevcr, that vacancy has now been filled and Mrs. Crayne Is Indeed fortunate in securing such an able man as Mr. M'lcnnnn. He has had n great amount of expericutr during the last ten years, and his first re hearsal with the boys last night proved that he has lost none of his old abil ity. Not the least Important among the features of the performance will be the dancing In connection with the songs. Several of the young ladies and gentlemen In the cast have been In close communion with the muse Terpsichore for the past two weks. and as a result they have something entirely new in the line of fancy step ping to show the connoiseurs of danc ing. The "Woodpeckers' Waltz" and "The Dance of the Dublin Daisies," will bo two of the distinctive airy maneuvers which with the songs they accompany, will prove applause pro ducers, and the shindigs of tho dingy end men will be prizewinners, also. Then there will bo the old fashioned country square, dances and tho com petition cuke walk of the "coons" and "conesses" In the last half of the evening's entertainment, which will savor much of the original old plan tation pastimes. Altogether there will be enough fun, wholesome enjoyment and thorough amusement In the two and a half hours of tho performance to revive the spirits of n prospective stlif'de. WORTH KNOWING. "JOYRIDERS" TRY TO KILL MAN WITH AtTOMOBII.K Tn coma. Jan. 26. Despite a syste matic search, the police have not se cured a clue to the identity of the drunken "joy riders" who early yes terday tried to murder John Menar. a laborer, after they h.-ul accidentally knocked him down. Menar declares the driver then deliberately forced the wheels of the big automobile back and forth over his prostrate body twice despite his pleadings for mer ry. Then believing hint dead .they f-peil away, leaving him lying in the muddy street. Snow Blockade Broken. Cheyenne, Wwo.. Jan. 26. The central Wyoming snow blockade was broken last night when Casper citi zens dug out a train whu-h was the first to reach Lander In 11 days. Three snow plows were disabled nnd drifts were higher than The train carried 300 sacks of mall, two cars of express and many passengers. Stock near Lander Is suffering from lack of feed, and the second train In carried sufficient feed to save many head of cattle and sheep. Simple Rentedv Hint Any One Ua Pre-pnre at Rome. Most people are more or less sub ject to coughs and colds. A simple remedy that will break up a cold quickly and cure any cough that Is curable Is made by mixing two oune- ' es of Glycerine, a half ounce of Vir gin Oil of Pine-compound and eight ounces of rure Whisky. You can get these in any good drug store and easily mix them in a large boule. The mixture Is highly recommended by the Leneh Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, who prepare the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure for dispensing. Careful Dressers Si npreriiite the assistance our clean ing and pressing work Is to them In the care of their wardrobe. Your suit- or overcoat here t b put into condition for use, will proTt i: to you at small cost. Pendleton Dya Works 206 Vi E. Alta St. Phone Maine 1. in n i i ii inn in ii'i i imiirr i m n rm rir-ntTirn I i "' THE Under t.he Old Management. G R H N D I'KMH. ETON'S RIG, POPUI.Ut VAl DI.VII.I.E l MOTION PICTURE THEVriil . 4Ilili-t lass Vaudeville nets each jirforiiiuiif, with entire a rliunge of program Iwliv eiieli week Alon. it Tliur-slay. u Johnson's Umir-Plecc Orchestra, Eci-j PelTormnnre. Motion Pictures Change Three Times I-.ach Week. Matinee Every Saturday and Sunday Afternoon. THIRD ICTIM OF lild LANDSLIDE IS FOUND T'.utte, Mont., Jan. 21 The third body, that of an unidentified foreign er, was removed today from a mass of earth, snow, Ice, boulders and trees that slid across the Great Northern tracks near High Gate in Northern Monlnna yesterday. The slide v.a the greatest In the history of the road. Crews are endeavoring to clear tli line to relieve the tied up traffic. NEW YORK WORLD WILL NOT FAC E LIBEL CHARGE ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN xc15e. Doors Open at 7 p. m. ;w York, Jan. 26. Judge Charles M. Hough,- in the United States dis trict court today Issued an order quashing the indictment charging criminal libel against the Press Pub lishing company, publishers of the New York World, in connection with the purchime of the Panama canal. COMPLETE UR-TO-RATE RETURNS OF ELECTION London. Jan. 26. Complete returns of yesterday's parliamentary elections show the strength of tho contending parties to date to be as follows: Con servatives 254, liberals 233, Irish na tionalists 72, laborltes 37. But fif teen seats remain to be filled this week. Sixteen Years in Irlson. Toronto. Sixteen years In prison for pocket-picking, besides many short Jail terms for minor offences, Is the record of Jessie Thompson, perhaps the most notorious woman thief in the world. The woman has Just been re turned to Jail for three months, after conviction of pocket picking. Sleeplessness results in debility, lack of energy, makes you despondent and nervous. Xo won der, when yott think liow your nerve force has been taxed beyond its limit, you have worried until your digestion h ruined and your whole system has be come deranged. These arc times when the overwrought system needs assiat- nnre. Du 3 Pure Mail Whiskey will bring you re freshing sleep, and jou will become full of energy and vital ity. Jt cures nerv ousness and indiges tion, gives power to the brant, strength and elasticity to mus cles and richness to the Wood. If you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the plow of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly in stnail doses according to directions. It tones and strengthens the heart action and gives vigor to the entire system. It (s recognized as a family medicine every where. It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly chil dren. It is a promoter of health and longevity. All druggists, grocers and dealers or direct, $1.00 a large bottle. Refuse sub stitutes and imitations, they are injuri ous. Send for free medical booklet con taining testimonials and rare common etise rules for health, and free advice. Putty Malt WbUkcy Co., RofbMUr, N. Y. The "Handy Store" FOR Office S&spp9ies WRITIXG INKS DRAWING INKS PENS I'KXCILS STATIONERY LETTER AND RILL FILES MUCILAGE INK ERADJCATOR MEMORANDUM ROOKS PAPER CLIPS Anythinir and everything for the desk and office and the kind you want will be found at NELSON'S Phono Main 513. . I HERE'S A PROPOSITION rOH A GOOD HOMR ON EASY" l'AYMENTS. Jin!)f) cash or $550 cash and 86 monthly payments of 113.21 each or J3&0 cash and 100 monthly payments of J 14.80 each, or ttlO ":isu ami 120 monthly payments of J18.21 etch. MARK MOORHOUSE (& CO. I el. Main 83. 120 K. Court Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is assuied when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts. Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. 0 Z Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon Z