East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 26, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Appointments will brin rue to this
vicinity for a few days during the
latter part of January or the first o:
February, and 1 wo;:U be glad to meet
aJ have a talk with anyone inter
ested ill the specialty of designing the
lamiscano effect of small residential
properties, r.mpm; in i::e from a 30
foot lot to five or ten acres.
Condi::-.".: at each place are differ
ent n'ld it i- my method to have the
ov.T.er's personality show in the con
struction of the landscape effect, by
carrying1 out as far as possible, itt :
practical way, the owner's ideas.
The winter landscape is of vast im
portance and should be ir--t as effec
tive as that of the blooming season.
Where the property owner has hveri
n the grounds tor some time all that
usually needed is a rearrangement
of the plants and shrubs already prow
jug. When the property is new, a big
saving may be made by taking advan
tage of my experience. If von have r
pood general plan to work from, every
dollar that is spent will do ii work
tr.ward bringing about the desired ef
fect, but without a plan and with nr
technical knowledge of plants, there i
bound to be w.-.te the same that yo;
would experience in trying to build a
house without plans.
The cost of my designs is small,
varying with the im-ortance of tki
plans. In mo.-t cases the owner i:
saved more than the original cost tin
first season.
I will gladly give advice free oi
charge and there will be no obligation
to retain my services. In order to
wake sure of an appointment, write
me at once.
HUGH BRYAN, Lnd?cape Architect
214 Beech SUrct, Po.tlacd, Oreson
tZ unnot wnn-ctM with narserlel, lecd hotuu en
llcriiti and hT norlui"
Can You
Draw a
Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illustrated songs
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
AVxf to French Rmtaurant
Entire change three times
each week. Be sure and
'.(a- the iK'.'ct change.
Adults. 1V;. Children
titi'l'T 10 vears, Tie.
Washington, Jan. 24. The first
definite outline of the governmental
policy to be followed In the Improve
ment of the rivers and harbors of the
United States was lndlented today
when the National Waterways com
mission, created March 3 of last year,
presented Its preliminary report to
congress. Wlttl tne report is a dis
cussion of the policy the commission
recommends for dealing with the wa
ter power situation, and It is under
stood to express the latest views of
the administration on this mooted
question, a rosition somewhat differ
ent from that taken by President Tart
in his conservation message.
A severe denunciation of the stifl
ing of water transportation by rail
roads through reduced rates and the
purchase of competing water routes,
is made by the commission. To the
plea that the improvement of water
ways reduces rntcs by rail even if the
waterways are not used, the commis
sion says:
Xot the KlglH Way With Kallroiuls.
"The commission, while fully rec
ognizing this fact, cannot indorse it
as a desirable policy. It rests in the
first place upon the transparent fal
lacy that the railroads constitute an
entrenched and uncontrollable mo
nopoly which cannot be .reached by
leg.slation or other orderly and legal
As a remedy for this condition, the
commission recommends that when a
railroad rate is once reduced to meet
water commission, it cannot be rais
ed unless, after a hearing by the in
terstate commerce commission, it
should be found that the proposed
new rate rests on changed conditions
other than the elimination of water
The proposition to give the Inter
state commerce commission the pow
er to f x minimum rates below which
the railroad cannot go was condemned
by the commission, but the majority
of the commission recommended that
"The chair will ask that the gentle
mnn from Vermont take the chair."
Foster, however, was absent. "Is the
gentleman from Now York in the
chamber?". No answer, for Malby
was also away.
Away up In front, right under the
' gazo of the speaker, In one of the
most prominent seats In the chamber,
of acquir.ng land and the lmmcnso ( wa8 Murdock, who has fought the
cost of construction and the commis- speaker and his rules hammer and
slon recommends that natural wator- j tongs.
ways be used wherever available. Tne chair will ask the gentleman
The commission condemns the con- ! from Kansas" and from the mcm
structlon of any projects not author- j bers - aons tho front tier of sent
came the cry, "Murdock, Murdock "
but the speaker calmly, amid a roar
of laughter, added:
"The gentleman from Kansas, Mr.
Campbell, to take the chair."
izcd by the army engineers and de
fends the army corps as tho best
ava hible force for the work.
"The commission would recom
mend," says the report, "that here-
uiier ine general poucy ue adopted or
providing for tho early completion of ,
any and all projects which are un- MAUTIX I1ESTOX IS
dertaken and that only such number I STAR AMOXG STARS
of projects should be commenced as j
will be appropriated for and complet-I New York. An all-American foot
ed within a reasonable time." I ba" team Pll'ked from the stars who
The continuing contract system, ' hnve graced tho gridiron In tho Inst
which Is declared to have been aban- ; 20 'wrs, has been compiled by YValt
doned by the house rivers and har- pr Camp. Ted Coy and I Tarn Hon
bora committee this year, is recom- ' Fish' optalns at Tale and Harvard
mended h ghly by tbo. commission. I last Fal1- are tn0 only Payers of last
Whero private Interests are served Sl nson to get places among the old-
by tho Improvement of streams
through the reclamation of adjacent
lands and where the Improvements
are wholly lntra-state it is recom
mended that the state and the private
interests served pay a part of the ex
pense of the work. To this end the
commission wants a uniform rule es
tablished for tho division of the cost
of such work.
' Government Activity Tempered.
"The commission is unwilling to
recommend the -policy of government
construction of docks and wharves,"
says the report, and adds:
"If improvements should be con
sidered desirable where the number
of waterfront owners Is small, it is
advisable that a Condition -be careful-
time stars,
Here Is Mr. Camp's all-star eleven:
Ends Hlnkley, Yalo, and Shevlin,
Tackles Fish. Harvard, and De
Witt, Princeton.
Guards Heffelfinger, Tale and
Hare, Pennsylvania.
Center Schultz, Michigan.
Quarterback Eekersall, Chicago.
Halfbacks Weeks, Columbia, and
Heston, Michigan.
Fullback Coy, Tale.
The Heston picked as halfback Is
Martin Heston. a native of Grants
Pass, Ore. Without a bit of football
training here he went to Michigan in
the fall of 1901 and made the var
sity his first year. "Hurry Up" Tost
ly imposed to the effect that wharf- has always contended that he was tho
age facilities shall be made available greatest football player, all things
to the public generally and that char- considered, that ever put on a suit,
ges for the same shall be submitted , He Is making his home In Detroit now.
to the secretary of war for his ap-
Proval. ; CAVAD V WII.T, GFT
"The comm'ssion strongly recom-j GOLD STANDARD COIN'S
mends the greatest care in tho cm-
servatinn of water power for the use
the power be given when the rate cut- ( of the people," says the report, and it
ting is for the purpose of destroying j tuks the ground that federal super
water competition. j vision over water power Is evidently
Canal Construction OpiKisexl. i legal in most cases.
The tick of reliable stat. sties on j .funics River Veto Sustained. i
water transportation and condition of j Wheiv the land adjacent to streams
government reports, termed chaotic, j , m entirely with n a state, is own
are condemned and it is recommend- j ed by the federal government. It is
ed that a uniform system of collect- j declared that the government has th'
ing statistics be enforced. ! Wght to impost; conditions for the use
The construction of canals is not i of the power sites. The government
encouraged because of the expense ! 1ms no right to interfere with water
. i powers where the land and the water
in non-navigable streams are owned
by private persons or states, the re
port says, in sj far, as is necessary to
protect navigation in all streams.
1'he (jiustion of water power devel-
prd from navigable streams which
was brought up in the famous James
river dam veto message of President
Roosevelt, is gone into at length and
Ottawa, Ont. Provision for Cana
dian gold coinage is contained in a
resolution which W. S. Fielding. Min
ister of finance, gives notice he will
present next Friday It says:
"Resolved, That the standard for
gold coins of the currency of Canada
shall be such that, of 100 parts by
wriuht. ;" shall bo of fine gold and
1"0 of alloy and that the standard for
silver coin shall be such that, of 1000
parts by weight, !21 shall be of fine
silver and 75 of alloy, that the stand
aril we glit of gold coin for the de
nomination of J 1 0 In the currency of
Canada shall be 511 grains and the
standard weight for a silver coin of
the denomination of 50 cents shall be
10 grains, and for other gold coins
and silver coins at proportionate rates,
respectively that the m'nister of fi
nance be authorized to Issue, out of
the consolidated revenue of tho fund
In Case of Accident
You should have a bottle ot pure oM
whiskey in the bouw.
One you cun rely upon.
That you know is right.
Such a one is CYHUS NOBLE; lor the
first time in H years now Bold direct to you.
4 quart bottle, packed in plain catea J m AA
all charge! prepaid lo th. $ B
nearest railroad exprcn office for , f,
No danger of refilled bottles when yon buy
from us.
No danger of some cheap worthless substi
tute being pulmed oil on you.
We have been the distributers o( this famous
brand, selling wholesale only, or 4-1 years.
Pure old honest whiskey aged m wood.
Every bottle guaranteed.
nisnuARS act.vts
EtfthUnl PjM 105-10; Seem) St . PalUd, Oko
W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., riUrJ Ori Ci
'..ti pica I.d.1 4 90 lo. hli pltM wl mt at m. miw,
ptrpud. fear. ,o.rt. ILNIJlM CYRUS NOBI C.
Nut 1
P O AuUvu .
Closing Out Sale
Commenced ith Rush
Terrific Price Reduction Brings Eager
Crowd oi Shrewd Buyers to Eilers
Piano House.
Five Minutes After Taking a Utile
Diapepsin Your Stomach Will Feci
Firm AgJiin 'Fat Your Favorite
Foods Without Fear of Distress.
Every year regularly more than a
million stomach sufferers in the Uni
ted States, England and Canada take
Pape's Diapepsin and realize not, only
Immediate but last ing relief.
This harmless preparation will di
gest anything you eat and overcome
a sour, gassy or our of order stom
ach five minutes afterwards.
If your meals- on't fit comfortably,
or what you eat lays like a lump of
lead in your stomach, or if you have
heartburn, that is a sign of indiges
tion. Get from your pharmacist a 50-cent.
case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a
dose just as soon as you can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid,
no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling in the Stomach,
nausea, debilitating headaches, dizzi
ness or intestinal griping. This will
all go and besides there will be no
sour food left over In the stomach to
poison your breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure
for out of ord-r stomachs, because It
takes hold of your food and digests
it just the same ;is if your stomach
wasn't there.
P.elief in five minutes from all
stomach m'sery is waiting for you
at any drugstore.
These large 50-cent cases contain
more than sufficient to thoroughly
euro almost : ny case of dyspepsia. In
digestion ' r any other tomai h disorder.
it is declared that there Is ample eon- ; .such sums as may be necessary for the
stitutlonal authority for tho sale of J purchase of bullion In order to pro
the water power developed on navi- j vide supplies of coins for the pur
gable streams, the toll to go Into the pose of public service; that thij cost
river improvement funds. There is 0f purchases, incident to the carrying
authority, also, says the report, to reg- ' out 0f the provisions of any act found-
ulate the charges for power furnished
from these streams.
N'ew York. Men of the middle west
are the true Americans, according to
Senator Clapp of Minnesota, who was
in New York recently on a flying vis
it from Washington.
"N'ew England," said the senator,
"has its interests centered in manu
factures, New York In finance, Penn
sylvania In coal, the far west In lum
ber. They are all more or less pro
vincial. But the middle west Is not
bound, by any silly accentuated local
interests, and Is better qualified to
get a perspective of the country's
"That is why the protest against un
due privilege and unjust protection
started with us. We insurgents in
the republican party do not rail at
fortune, but merely insist that all
shall be equal before the law ami that
nn advnntnee shall be given to the
man with the genius for acquisition."
ed upon these resolutions be paid out
of the consolidated revenue fund.
SI00 Itownrd, I00.
Th rpRripm of this pnppr will be pleased
to learn that there Is nt least one dreaded
disease Hint arlenre tins been able to cure
In all Its stneea. and that la Catarrh. Hall't
Catarrh Cure la the onJy positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Ca'arrh
being a constitutional dleae. requires a
constitutional treatment, Unll'i Catarrh
Cnre taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and tnurnna inrfnrea of the ay
tern, thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient strength
t'T building np the eonatltntlnn and assist
Ink nature In doing its' work. The pro
prletora have so much faith In Its cnratlre
nowera that they offer One Hundred Dol
lara for any cne that It falls to cnre. Send
for list of testimonials.
Address :
P. J CriKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 7Sc.
Take Haifa Family l'llla for rnnatlpi
Moo. 1
Washington. Speaker Cannon and
Representative Murdock of Kansas,
one of the "insurgent" leaders, fig
ured in a little incident Monday that
convulsed the house. The house wn
resolving Itself into a comm'tteo of
tile wliole to consider the agricultural
bill. Mini the suffiker cast his eye
, bout to f : tii! some one to preside.
North Yakima, Wash. Rev. . Mor
ton I... Rose, who went to Pendleton,
Ore., with Brewer Sehlodfelt, to In
vestigate first hand the results of
prohibition in' the Oregon town, has
Just returned home and says that the
reports circulated by the "wets" prior
to tho recent local option campaign
here were grossly exaggerated. The
visit of tho minister and the brewer
was the result of a discussion on elec
tion day. i
"alihig cards, wedding stationery
Hid commercial printing to order, at
the Mast Oregonian.
mil ii,-azarwv-;?nwestgrrTLJWy
- Si
Gna. V Foiintalne, Prop.
Hct 25 cent meals In the North-nftrt.
Flrnt-clahs Cooks and fferrlae.
hell-flfcb In Season.
La Fountains Block, Mala St.
Daily Eat Orronlan try carrier,
only It eenta rxw weak.
" " t ' " I
r " e ' j
i i . J -ft i i 5 1 j " u , . 1 i d H
'',- K . ' ' Y'rw'V'x
10 . Y i t . , ' Wl i
Ttiisday nioiniiiir at EILERS PIANO HOUSE ronunvnccd
ll'o irrcaU'st. sale of liih-frrnde I'iatis cvi r lidil in this or any otlmr
ciiy. Greatest, boennse of lite liijih clianicter of tlic l'iaiiop, and
Hie l't'dicnlously low jriccs, tit wliicli tJioy art- oficrod.
licforc tlio doors opened for lntsincs.-, sltrtnvd buyers eajrer 4o
Vftire ibe rare values had gathered, and by noon n nuinber of fine,
sweet toned Pianos had been selected.
The reason for such drastic price cutt.ing is simply this: We
had "decided to confine ourselves strictly to wholesaling in this lo
cality. Just now we are in a fix. Our new Six-story wholesale
Warehouse and Factory in Portland, which was to have I teen com
pleted January first, has been delayed by the incessant rains. Our
Heating Plant has not yet arrived on account of railroad strikes.
Tn addition part of our Christmas stock of Pianos, which has been
delayed by the strikes, now comes rolling into Portland. We can
not accommodate the Pianos which we now have there, let alone
our Pendleton stock, so we decided to close out our stock here re
gardless of the sacrifice. If'we get cost, or near it, we will ! satis
fied. "Under present conditions, profit is out of nil question.
JUST READ THESE PRICKS. $-'14, -$210, and even as low
a? $198, now secures choice of several well known New York makes
in fancy Oak, figured Mahogany, or in elcgan-t Walnut case. The
nperb $400, $!.r.0, and $47.r values go now at $274, $20.r., and
$."t07. The verv fanciest $.100 and $.ri"i( Pianos are now marked
il $.'51 mid $D!t7. Remember your choice is not con fined to several
unknown makes, but included are such world famous makes as Kim
ball, Chicago's greatest Piano; the l'ster, Philadelphia's splendid
product; Starr, ITobart M. Cable, Whitney, Clarendon and cvfn
the glorious ('bickering, the most costly Piano made. Romemlter
each and every instrument is strictly brand new, ibe very latest
style, and the Eilers ironi-bid guarantee accompanies each instru
ment sold. "Money Rack" if not exactly as represented in every
particular, protects your purchase in every way.
At the trcniedoiis reductions quoted, these Pianos should go for
cash, but in order to dispose of this splendid stock in a very short
time, terms have been made exceedingly low. Bring in a few dol
lars as first payment, and we will arrange ihc balance to suit your
v We will even accept lenns as low as $1.2, $10, $8, yes, even $6
monthly on some styles. Remember ibis sale is now in progress
ihe Pianos are here- prices are lower than ever quoted be fore k ami
llip'c are sure to be many homes anxious to secure, one of these
splendid instruments at such terrific reductions. Pc on hand right
away, today, if possible, for best choice.
Scdio from Third Act of George Parr MoOitHioon's "Ilcvcrly," the Sqnel to "fJranstark," at tho Oregon
Ttw-atcr, Tuetalny February I.
Diar.orcliabilit VIll
813 Main St., Pendleton, Oregon