HIGUT PAGES. I1AII JT KA(T OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNES lY, JANUARY 2fl, 1910. PAGE FIVE. ',1 Pretty Black Silk . Dresses and Shirt Waists just in by Express A now lot, first of tho season to come yesterday and they are beauties. Call and see them. Black Silk Waists open front and back. About one dozen Fancies in the lot. One Piece Dresses in guaranteed Taffeta. Very pretty styles, and very reas onable. Also a new shipment of extra largo sizes in Black Taffeta Petticoats F. E. Livengood & Co. Ladies Homo Journal Patterns for February and Spring Quarterly Style Books now on sale. I LOCALS Phone Main for eo&l. Pastime pictures please aU. Ingram's grocery, tel. Main ST. Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main 4. Freeh, oysters at Hohbach's bakery. Plenty of good clean coal at Bur roughs.' Phone Main 5. Lenses duplicated In a few" minutes. Hanscom's jewelry store. Coal I Coal! For sale by Penland Proa Phone Black 3391. deed clean coal at the Oregon Lumber Yards. Phone Main t. Pour or sis room furnished house tor rent Inquire Mark Moorhouse. Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for II. SO at Wohlenberg'a Dept. Store. Wanted Boarders by week, day or month. Inquire 412 West Bluff street. Highest price paid for veal at Rey burn's market. Old W. & C. R. depot. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre in the city the Pastime. No coal famiae with Burroughs. Phone Main 6 and get good coal promptly Wanted Man and wife on ranch, call at 914 West Court street or phone Main 111. Ualrdregalng, manicuring and sham pooing parlors in connection with the Vogue Millinery. The Jacobs-Stlne Co.'s contract is more favorable to the buyer than any we have ever seen. Broken lenses replaced in a few rnlBtites at Hanscom's jewelry store. We grind any lense. - Wanted, position on ranch by mother and son. Inquire 418 Lincoln stret or phone Bluck 3651. Good store or office room for rent In East Oregonlan building on Main street. Inquire at this office. We can grind you a new icnse In a lew minutes. Bring your broken lens to us. Hanscom's Jewelry store. Phone Main 8 for gfiod dry wood and coal that will burn clean. Prompt ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard. For Rent Nlcidy furnished eight room house, four blocks from Main street. Inquire 014 West Court street. Freish every day at Ingram's gro oery cabbage, cauliflower, greea peppers, cucumbers, artichoke, celery, figs, dates and fine eating or cooking apples. Phona Main 17. Fresh line received dnily of nice eating and cooking ripples, celery, cauliflower, nrtlchoke, cucumbers. Also fresh line of figs, dates, cocoa niitn and grapes. Ingram's grocery, prone Main 37. For the benefit of many anxious fans, who are continually compelled to listen to the remark "Can Jeffries come back?" let it be said that it nev er was proved that Jeffries was gone, so tho anxiety of his coming back should not hold the center of the stage. The term "come back" can not be applied to him. Many sport critics compare Jeffries' career to some of the ex-champions that met with defeat and after cer tain lapse secured a return match nnd always met with the second de feat. In this way the argument is brought about Terry McGovern and Young Corbett, George Dixon and among the heavyweights Corbett's match with Fltzslmmons, his matches with' Jeffries and Bob Fitzslmmons' two battles with Jeffries. "This Is all wrong," said a well posted sporting authority yesterday. The same comparison cannot be ap plied to this case, for the simple rea son that Jeffries never was defeated, but simply retired for the lack of suitable opponents. Jeffries' abso lute good faith with the public Is al so worthy of mention, and right here let It be said that at different times when promoters and managers came to Jeffries with offers for fights, the big fellow turned them down and gave as liinTeuson that it would be nothing short of bunk to hand the public such a fight, and he refused to be a party of such schemes. All kinds of guar antees and picture money were offer ed him to re-enter the ring with one of them for his opponent. He seldom gave answer to these offers only with a grunt and unmlstakeable scowl. To a Coffroth, Glenson or a pro moter of equal standing he would only repeat that he was through with the ling game. And his refusal to flKht Bill Squires, with whom he was offered 130,000 for his end, win, lose or draw, cannot be said to be insufficient. Newsy Notes of Pendleton "Clileken" Hooks at Library. .Chicken fanciers will probably be interested In knowing that the public library has George C. Watson's "Farm Poultry; a popular sketch of domestic fowls for the farmer and amateur." Store Opens Later. It. Alexander, proprietor of the Alexander department store, announc ed this morning that from this date until March first, his store would open at 7:30 instead of at 7 o'clock as at present. Squire hcccluiiun Very III. Squire Beechman. son of Mrs. n. F. Colesworthy Is now lying very ill at the Colesworthy home on the high school hill and some fears are enter tained for his recovery. He is sur- fering from Brlght's disease. Bankruptcy Case is On. The bankruptcy case of Mitchell & Itouth has been up today before Judge Thomas Fltz Gerald, referee In bank ruptcy. The bankrupts were former ly in the mercantile business at Free- water. Laying New Floor. - At the Taylor hardware company's store carpenters have been at work today, and alBO last night. Installing a new floor, to replace t.e one that has been In use for many years. When torn up the old floor was found to have been worn almost through. To Spokane via. Umutillu. - The O. R. & X. Company is still operating its Pendleton-Spokane passenger service via Umatilla and from Indications at present the ser vice will continue around by way of Umatilla for at least three weeks. It is understood that length of time will be needed to make repairs on the1 Washington division. The local ser vice between Walla Walla and Pen dleton Is in regular operation. For Commercial Club President. With the Commercial association election of officers now but a few days distant Interest in that event is be coming aroused and candidates for the presidency are being much rdis cussed. For president of the associ ation friends of W. I Thompson are warmly supporting that gentleman ; and it Is evident that his candidacy has much backing. However, ac cording to Mr. Thompson he is mak ing no fight for the office. Another prospective president Is Attorney J. P. Winter, the present vice president of the association. POULTRY SHOW BREAKS RECORD (Continued from page 1.) Nyr a question of coming HACK WITH JIM JEFFItlES James J. Jeffries, the world's unde feated heavyweight champion, along with Frank Gotch. the champion wrestler of the world, nnd a company of high grade vaudeville artists, all under the personal management of H. H. Frazee, will bo seen In this city at the Oregon theater next Thursday. This will give tho , local public a chance to see for themselves. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Program at Orphcum Today. 1 "A Corner In Wheat (Bio graph). A picture that should Inter est the people In and around Pendle ton. Showing the great wheat king burled in his elovator of wheat and the poor fighting for bread on account of the double advance price of wheat. Also the farmer toiling from morning till night., 2 "Bad Bargain." (Pathe). 3 "Marvelous Garlands" (Pathe.) 4 Daughter of Poverty (Gaumout) r "When the Sheep are In the Fold." Tho Pastime Today's 'liang Pic tures of Quality. "The Highlander's Defiance" (Se lig). Just another of those great Se llg war pictures. "Alderman Kratitz's Picnic" (Se ligl. The best lnugh film produced In Years. "Cupid and the Motor Boat" (Vita graph). A fascinating drama of love and bravery enacted on the shores of Long Island Sound. "Jack's Birthday" (Essany). Furi ously funny. "The Policeman's Revolver." Com edy. One sot Travelogues. One Illustrated song. Head Advisor Is Coming. ' T. Clinton Veale, head advisor for the order of Woodmen of the World, is t8 pay an official visit to Pendle ton camp W. O. W next Monday everting and his coming is awaited with much interest. The position of head advistor is second only to that of head consul, which is now filled hy I. I. Boak. Accordingly the com ing of Head Adviser Veale to Pen dleton will be an event In Woodmen circles. At this time the local axmen are preparing to give the visiting offi cial a reception in keeping with his high position. A social session will be held Monday evening and incident to the same a banquet will be served. ' Little Tot Makes Ixng Trip. Trainmen on No. 2 last evening told of a passenger on the train yesterday, scarcely out of swaddling clothes, and yet unaccompanied by parent, rela tive or friend. This juvenile traveler was put aboard the train at Portland by her mother, with Instructions to the conductor to drop her off at Echo. Tho little girl, who gave her name as Paulino Ella Almstead, her homo as Vancouver, Wash., and her age as 6 years, immediately ensconced herself In a seat, and throughout the long Journey was the object of much at tention from train crew and passen gers alike, who were all quite won by her self possession. She was put off at Echo, where she was met by her grandmother. The trainmen are very gratified to think that the mother had enough confidence in them to trust tho little girl entirely to them for a disance of 216 miles Sl'MM I'RS AX1 UNHOLZ FIGHT TAJIK HATTI.K Svdnev. Australia. Jan. 26. John- nv summers, the Knclish lightweight and Roudolf "Boer" Unholz met In a n-entv round bout here today. The Fir.i. ii'iia niii'tliitii. lmt Hiinctuciilnr fioin the standpoint of the spectators and resulted in a draw. Summers' ipeed dazzled Unholy, all through the ficht. He danced around the Boer, who was constantly on the aggressive but was unable to connect right hard. Neither contestant was badly used up hen the nflalr was over. LOVELY WATFR WE ARE HAVING NOW Yes, Not! Germ Proof Fulper Filters But It is different at Koeppena, for they use and have for sale those which removes every particle of that dirty substance and makes your drinking water pure and clear as crystal. We are demonstrat ing them In one of our windows so come and see. PRICKS $4.25 to $14.00 DELIVERED. The Drug Store That Serves You Best Available Grain Supply. New York. Jan. 26. Special cable ml toleumnhie communications re ceived by Bradstreets show the fol lowing changes In available supplies ;n compared with previous account: Available supplies: Wheat United States, east of Rock ies, increased 43,000 bushels; Canada, Increased 448,000 bushels. Total. United States and Canada, Increased 497,000 bushels Afloat ; for and In Europe, unchanged. Total American and European supply, increased, 497, 000 bushels. Violent Qiinke Reported. Paris. Jan. 26. A violent earth shock !s reported to have occurred today ut Ruelle In the department of Charente. Some insignia to tell a married wo man from a single one Is demanded by a dress reformist. There ought to be no great amount of trouble pick ing out the married ones that wear the trousers and those who don't are so meek that they are easily discernible. hen, first and second and third cock erel. . J. E. Duke, Pendleton Third hen. Wm. Pardy, Perry, Wash. Second cock. G. E. Allen, Milton Third cock. Red Caps. W. A. Humphrey, Pendleton First and second cock, third hen. Mnslo Praised by All,;, The big orchestra under (the direc tion of Frank D. Carruth, rendered some of as fine orchestra music as .Pendleton has ever heard, last eve ning. The large audience demanded several encores and each number was greeted with long applause. Noth ing but words of highest praise was ing.but words of highest praise was heard concerning this feature of the great show. Pcrfymnel of Orchestra. The personnel of the new big Pen dleton orchestra furnishing music for the poultry show under the director ship of Prof. Frank Carruth: Wm. Godecke, O. M. Heacock and Prof. Carruth, vlollnsj Miss Young, 'cello; J. S. McConnell, double bass; Mrs. Wm. Humphrey, pianpj'H. R. Barks, clarionet; Ralph Folsom and Dr. Elmer Hill, cornets; Clyde Ches shlre and Frank Hayes, trombones; R. W. Fletcher, trap drums. Program for Wednesday Evening. 1. March Egypta Billings 2. Selection from "The Highway man" DeKoven 3. Waltz Under. Southern Skies Carlton 4. March Pentificale Gounod 6. Cornet Solo Mr. Folsom Warren INTERMISSION. 6. March Charlatan Sousa 7. Apple Blossoms Roberts 8. Bell Solo The Whistler and his Dog Pry or Mr. Fletcher. 9. Serenade Cupid's Dream Dehrue 10. March The Man Behind .the Gun Sousa PARISIANS RATTLE WITH FLOOD (Continued from page one. which the people depend for the pre paration of their food, and for light during the night as well as during many dark hours of the present dark days. An enormous trunk of the sewer broke at Clichy today setting loose the vast flood of vile sewage, which has turned the national road Into a filthy canal. Entire city trunk sewer system Is in grave danger of collapse. The basement of the city hall this afternoon contained eight feet of wa ter. Although men are working vali antly with pumps the flood beneath the building is rapidly rising and much apprehension Is felt for the safety of the walls. Authorities declare a fur ther rise of two feet will force the waters to the Pantheon in the Boricy quarters in east Paris. The water stands five feet deep in the Conti nental hotel. The flood will reach its highest point tomorrow morning according to hydrometic estimates Then the dan ger of the city will be most critical. At noon the Seine at Pont Royal reg istered twenty eight feet. This Is nine teen feet, eight inches above the nor mal level. The greatest immediate danger will lie In further breaks of the retaining wall along the river. The great embankment in many places has crumbled before the rising waters. OREGON THEATRE, SATUR- ami DAY fllCHT, JANUARY t9.il THE THEATRICAL TREAT OF THE SEASON. MUSIC MIRTH DANCING SINGLVG nomnray So&otlhi Trio " n n GIVEN BY LOCAL- TALENT CNDEIl THE DIRECTORSHIP OF MRS. ANNA Z. CRAYNE. Af BIG, BRIGHT and BEAMING STARS Af r V"Eight Agony, ExterminatingEnd Men"" V AN AVALANCHE OF FUN, FRIVOLITY, MUSIC AND STERLING ENJOYMENT CONDENSED INTO A TWO HOUR AND THIRTY MINUTE EVENINGS ENTERTAINMENT. The Best In Umatilla County VOCAL SOLOS, MONOLOGUE ARTISTS, QUARTETTE NUMBERS. DANCING STUNTS, AND SPECIALTIES GALORJL SEATS ON SALE AT PENDLETON DRUG CO. "BEVERLY" SUCCESSOR TO "PRISONER OF ZENDA" On February 1 an opportunity will be offered at the Oregon theater to witness what, is said by the dramatic critics to be the most charming ro mantic play since "The Princess of Zenda," Anthony Hope's thrilling ro mance was given to the stage. The attraction is Robert M. Baker's dra matization of George Barr McCutch eon's delightful romantic novel, "Bev erly of Graustark," and according to all who have had the pleasure of wit nessing the performance, is by far the strongest and best play of any of the dramatized novels which have been produced in recent years. The pro duction is under the personal direction of A. O. Dolamater and William Nor ris, who for a number of years have been prominently Identified with lead ing Broadway successes. Notice Farmers Union. There will be a meeting of the Farmers Union In Helix, Oregon, on Friday, Jan. 28, for the purpose' of discussing the grain bag, twine, ware house and telephone system questions. The managers of the Pacific States Telephone Co. will be present and all members are requested to attend. C. C. CONNER. Too many officeholders are afflict ed with political spinal meningitis. Mrs. Annie Besant says the com ing man will be seven feet tall. Here Is one woman, at least, who places man in his proper station, above woman. Our First Annual Muslin UNDERWEAR Sale now in progress offers to yea rare bargains in the finest gar ments at a great saving in price. Vohlenberg Dep't. Store Better goods for less money. Weak? Tired? Run-down? . These conditions come from overwork, a weak slomach, overtaxed nerves or feeble blood. When you fcul "all in" hard!;- sble to drag about, no energy, i -j ambition, easily exhausted and can't sleep take Cholc Wheat Farm for Sale. 800 acres z miles from Helix; fair improvements; fine well. Price $60. 814 Boyer Ave.. Walla Walla, Wash. 000. Leased to 1912. Easy terms. JOHN A. GROSS, Read thp Er Orprcimin and note what a difference they make in your condition. The stomach is the first to feel the good effects. Food tastes good, the digestion is strengthened; n-iH M!c wo:'- r-rv'-.rly, tbe blood is cleansed, and the nerves rested, ihe viioie system responds to the tonic action of Beecham's Pills. Soon there is the buoyant feeling of returning health, Fresh Strength and New Life Boxes lCc and 25c, with full direction. SEATS NOW SELLING AT THE PENDLETON DRUG CO., FOR THE JiffriesGtcls Combination of Worlds Champions at the OREGON THE A T R E Ttarsiay Jan 27 O THE COMPANY INCLUDES J. J. JEFFRIES, FRANK GOTCH, 1H. ROLLER, JACK M COIUUCK, JIM ASHRELL, SAM RERGKR. FARMER BURNS, JOHN HERM ANSON AND AN OLIO OF inGH CLASS GYMNASTIC VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTIES, AS FOLLOWS: THE GIiOCKERS Premium Acrobat. CHAS. AND ANNA LOCKON Funin a Gynuuisiuni. FIIANKL The World Champion Rag Puncher. And Other Big Features. FRANK GOTCH, Uio World's Champion Wrestler Will Meot Motannlc, the Local Indian Wrestler. J. J. JEFFRIES Will give an Exhibition of Ball Tossing and Shadow Iloxtng, Finishing with a Four Round Contest With Sam Borger. Seat Sale Now On. Prices 75c--$l$1.50--$2.00 Tho Company Will Arrive on n SixxHnl Train From La Grande, Thursday Evening.