PAGE FOCR, 1AILY EAST UKEC.OMAX. PEXDLETON. OREGON, WEDXESDAV, JAXUARY J6, 1910. EIGHT PAGER. -- - , AS IKDKPKNDENT NEWSPAPER. Poblfcbed Illy, Weekly and Semi -Weekly, t Pendleton, Oregon, by the VAST OREUOX1AN 1'1'HLISUING CO. 8CBSCBIPTION KATES. tH, ene year, by mall $3.00 Dally, tin months, by mall 2. Ml Daily, three months, by mall 1.23 Dally, one month, by mall 30 Dally, one yar. by carrier T.RO Dally, all montha. by carrier 5.73 Dally, three montha, by carrier .... 1.93 Dally, one month, by carrier 65 Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, sli montha, by mall 73 Weekly fonr montha. by mall ' .SO Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall .... 1.50 fteml-Weekly, all montha. by mall . . .73 eial-Weekly. fonr months, by mall . .50 Tbe Dally East Oregon Ian la kept on aale at tbe Omron Newa Co., l7 6th street, Portland. Oregon. Chlrajro llnreoo, 809 Security Building. Waahlnirton, D. C. Bureau, 501 Four teenth street, N. VT. Member fnlted P- -sa Auutlatlon, Catered at tbe poatot'ioe at Pendleton, Oregon, aa second claaa mall matter. feleahoae Mala 1 THE SECRET. Does the thrush ever wake in his scented brake, -Or the lark In his swaying tree, While the moonlight glints on the golden lake. And the stars on the silver sea? Have the leaves ever rustled and turned and stirred. And whispered and sung to the sleeping bird? The south wind's message has any one heard, v That he whispered to you and me? Can any one tell of the fairies' spell, -As they dance in their gob lin glee? They have woven their witch ery wondrous well, So no other can hear nor see. In the glade, and the shade of the forest old. They drew from the moon all their elfin gold; O, the fairies' charm shall for ever hold Forever for you and me.- . Herbert Hastings Bushnell, In Pacific Monthly. IT MUST 6CCCEED. The work of raising money for the traction system is progressing, but up to this time the movement has not proceeded with the proper force and speed. The members of the com mittee have subscribed liberally to the fund and yesterday some other good subscriptions were added. On the part of local merchants and some property owners creditable enthusi asm Is being shown. But the big property owners, the men who are to be the chief bencficieries of the Improvement if it comes, have thus far remained aloof. Just why these property owners have failed to back tbe traction move the East Oregonian does not know and it is not going to attempt to say at this time. This much Is certain though, he support of this element Is absolutely necessary if the 950,000 is to be raised. Unless the big property owners help out Pendle ton will get no traction line at this time. It may never get one. However the East Oregonian still has faith that the people of this city will not allow this movement to fail. Pendleton cannot afford to let this golden opportunity go by. It means tco much to Pendleton and to the property owners and business men of the city. If there are elements in this city that are not working In accord they must be brought together by concili ation and compromise. If the contract and bond furnished by the Washington-Oregon company are not fully understood they must be made clear. If that contract Is weak In any par ticular it must be strengthened. Per haps the company will be willing to make concessions that will eliminate local opposition to the movement and make the raising of the money an easier task. The traction movement must suc ceed If there Is any power In heaven or upon earth to make it succeed. A STARTLING REPORT. The report of Paul V. Marls, de puty food and dairy commissioner, which was published in this paper yesterday, shows a startling condition of affairs. It is evident that the dair ies In this vicinity are not being con ducted in the best possible manner. The highest scoring dairy In the vi cinity-of Pendleton was given a grade jf only 53 This grade 1 below the minimum set by the city 'of Portland Iii other words the local dairies would be barred entirely from selling milk In Portland did they desire to sell It there. The state of affairs disclosed by Mr. Marls la not to the credit of the local dairymen nor to the credit of Pendleton. If the dairymen have a proper conception of their buslneaa they wish to give the public good service and above everything else fur nish milk that will be free from con tamlnntion. They will make haste to comply with the suggestions made by the deputy dairy commissioner so that when ho comes again to inspect the local dairies lie will find no fault Po much for our erring or negligent dairymen. NVw what of the state food and dairy commissioners office? Why is it that the dairies In this vi cinity have never been inspected be fere? The food and dairy commis sioner's office has been In existence for many years. Is it not strantr that Mr. Maris or some other deputy was not sent here long, long ago to show the dairymen where they were slack and to order them to correct Improper conditions? As a matter of fact the chief sin ner in connection with slack dairy ing In the state of Oregon has been the honorable state food and dairy commissioner himself the gentleman who has been paid a salary to see that the dairying regulations were com plied with. But it now seems that he is upon the penitent's bench and is trying to do his duty. At least he lias a deputy who is bent upon doing his duty. So here's to the good work. Keep it up. LIVE ENUMERATORS NEEDED. It will soon be time for the tak ir.g of the census and some steps should be taken to see that Pendle ton and Umatilla county are given enumerators that will enumerate. It will be to the interest of this city and also of the county to have a full cen sus taken. We do not want enumer ators who will list those who are easy ol access and will let the remainder go. That is the way the national census is often taken, especially when enumerators are paid so much fcr each enumeration. Let us see If live enumerators cannot be secured for this county so that we will get a real count. GOOD WORK. When the managers of the poultry show first formed their association last fall they did not dream of hold ing such a successful fair as the one now underway. They figured that ii they could hold a show and have 300 birds on exhibition they would bt doing well. But at the show room ir. the Smith-Crawford building there are now 600 fowls exhibited. Fur thermore they are nil fine birds, the pick of the chickens of the northwest. The fact that so many good exhib its have been brought to the Pen dleton show speaks well for the man. acement of the enterprise. PAYING THE PENALTY. France is now paying a heavy pen alty for the past neglect of the for ests of that nation. Undoubtedly the heavy floods upon the Seine and the other rivers and which have placed one third of France under water are due largely to deforestation. Timber upon the water sheds has been crim inally wasted in thq past and as a result the storm waters now rush pell melljnto the creeks and rivers causing heavy floods. The damage now being inflicted In Paris and other sections of the republic may be charged ip to neglect of the forests. Tomorrow night the high school de bating season will open in Pendleton and at the same time the honorable James J. Jeffries and the honorable Frank Goteh will give an exhibition at the theatre. Thus will Pendleton cater to both the intellectual taste and to that particular instinct that makes men delight ' in witnessing deeds of physical prowess. The big property owners of Pen dleton are vitally interested in the advancement of the city. If the town goes forward their property will be enhanced in value and their rentals will increase. The heavy property owners should be In the lead of the traction movement. At rfiis lime they are not In the movement at all. The beef trust Is charging too piuch for meat and Is being investi gated by a federal grand Jury. The dairy commissioner says the milk Is not up to the proper standard and the water commissioner fears that Pendleton has been getting water from Wild Horse creek. It Is a rough road we travel. Now is the time for hard and ear nest work on the part of those who want to see Pendleton go forward. Cities must be built; grow unaided. they do not CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . Bear the Signature THE. PLEDGE OK IiOVE. 1 pledged my soul to dwell with Love In the joy of sweet content, In a snow-white cot with blooms above By singing robin and sighing dove Oh, I pledged my soul to dwell with Love, But the tithemen came for rent! And Love had scrip; neither purse nor The tithemcn heard him sigh; But what cared they for his rosy Up For the thrilling touch or u finger tip. Or the linncy-liloom that the brown bees sip, Or the light of a loving eye?. 'Tack and travel!" they cried; and far O'er valleys and plains we went; Hut we saw the light of a beckoning star And the land where the' fairy dwel lings are; Love tossed his curls at the tithemen far And kissed a hand to the rent! Atlanta Constitution. I'HE SPENDTHRIFT. There was love enough twixt you and me To last us a. lifetime through Had we only used it carefully As cunnlpjrer folk might do. But we tossed It there, we tossed it here, With never a thought of wrong; We paid the piper In gold, my dear, For every note of his song. How could it be that our store In creased ? Vet little we guessed, indeed, When we squandered all on a single feast Of the gaunt tomorrow's need. Had we only hoarded In craft and fear. As cunning folk might do, There were more than these broken meats, my dear. To last us a lifetime through. New England Magazine. STIIAXGE STOIIY OP JFSTICE The case of Teelsphore Guerin, which already has attracted consider able public attention, was called for hearing before the court of appeal re ! renMv Guerin is a Canadian who had the misfortune to get caught in Jefferson Ville, Indiana, for the theft of a pair of shoes of the value of $2.75. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and $14 costs, with not less than one.lear and not more than eight years in the penitentiary in addition After sixteen months in Jail. Guerin 1 t-n c ' a.i,1 n nn a1a finl I la a til ...... ,t . was employed Dy ne nepnew oi me warden of the penitentiary. Guerin declares that this-employment brought him in a salary of $4 a week, and that he was told, when he spoke of having for more remunerative fields, that he could either do the work or i be arrested. He wrote to his brother.' in Montreal, and the brother sent him the necessary funds to come to this j city. Shortly after Guerin reached Mun- of breaking his parole He was ta- or Breaking nis paroie e was ta ken before the extradition comma- sioner. and the extradition was grant- ed. It is against this thai he is now appealing to the highest tribunal in the province. Exchange. Lyman J Gage former secretary of the treasury at the age of 73 has married a woman of 37. She will initiate Uncle Lyman into ways of taking care of coin of the realm that' will make him feel like her in financial affairs. A Cleveland doctor lays criminal- ity to poor teeth An aching tooth is certainly not conuucive to goou citizenship. Why, of Course, IT IS POSSIBLE to .strengthen you weak stomach to aid digestion and keep the bowels open but you must take nothing hut HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS The above has been the experience with thousands of others, and you ought to profit by their ' example. Start today and notice the rapid Im provement in your general health. It is for Poor Appetite, Heartburn, Ileuil ache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costlve ncss and Grippe. FOR. SALE Black Percheron Stallion, 8 years old, weight, one ton. Im ported from France, price, $2500. Might consider ood property in exchange. B. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. FOR. SALE The 1S00 acre stock ranch which I advertise, is In 10 miles of a depot. The stock consists ot 90 head of white faced Hereford cattle, 60 head of full blood cows and 40 head of grades. One bull Is valued at $760, and some of the cowa at $500 per head. There Is 1A head of horses, and $100 worth of fine chickens. There la I good wagons and all kinds of farm ma chinery. I WANT TO SAY TO YOC that you do not have to buy the above named property. It la a gift, absolutely free. If you buy the land at $12.50 per acre. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach. Torrid Liver and c KiL?"o1S.fon- Laxative Fruit Syrup ..rM.T.SiglSa A. C. KOEPFEN A BH3. rr thiiiiis est way to bake successfully is b OLYMPIC FLOUR f It is an aid to ratber - tban a test of your ability." u i Mother. Infinite cure is employed in the production of every sack. from selected Northwestern wheat every grain is thoroly cleaned and scoured by the best modern methods that's why Olympic reaches you so clean, so pure, so healthful, so nutri tiousthat s why it makes such good th mgs to eat. Insist upon Olympic were isn't any J us i as good. AT YOUR GROCER'S PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO., DAYTON, WASH. THE SOCIETY OF BREAKERS. The Secret Society of Breakers is a new organization in Atchison. If a woman receives a platter or any oth er breakable article a a gift from a friend and knows that to put It on display, where the donor expected it to be put, its ugliness will make a hp ,,.. , t ,,, , I. ... or BreakerSi nnJ th8 , what follows: A member of the society makes a call on the Inflicted Woman and while there she casually asks to see the woman's china. She Is so Interested ,la 9 j130 painful as Rheumatism, medicines ooatalnlng opiates kn(J vtTVi:ag drugs ire oftes tse'J. Sucb treerment 1 dangerous not ot, beca, ,t :requently CM8M tb8 suflerer Ul bKom, hdd"e" "o ?h; druR habU, D.Jt n;edicine, of this n8tur, re WBV9 jnjurious t0 ,h gygtenl. , Rheumatism Is a diseasA of the blood, and its curs depends entirely upon a thorough purification of . the circulation. As long a? the blood remains ; ituVate1 with uric acid, an Inflammatory condition of the nerves, muscles ! and tendons of the body will exist, and the pains, aches, soreness, and bot, feverish fiesb of Rheumatism will continue. Tiie on ?afe and sure cure for Rheumatism is ?. S.S It 13 nature's remedy for this disease, made entirely f ' the healing, cleansing juice, and extracts of roots, herbs and barks from the natural forests. 7,; way injurious tn the system. At. a Ira, frnm Aninlfia rii uai almA, nf a , , removing tt,e ur.r-ucid from the circulation, it nmkei the blood pure, rich .and heaalthy so that instead of depositing 6harp, uratic Impurities into the muscies. nerves, join" una nones, ( wtn natural, healthful properties advice free to al! who write and request it THE SWIFT Orpheiim Theatre J. P. MEnEIt.VACH, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children' SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Progrum Changes on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's. Dressed Poultry Every Day ,u the EAST END GROCERY PHONE YOUR ORDER OR TELL THE ORDER BOY. Phone Main 536. wtPb jvivi to DRIHQ A lioaltliv youngster likctrnod to eat. The easi to bake good things- y usm a Chosen jATENf In china, she says. She also says she is clumsy and don't like to handle dishes. This clumsiness accounts f-r It when the platter falls to the floor and breaks. It is said of one woman, whose husband got her an ugly lamp shade that she let It fall herself and broke It without sending for one of the S. S. of B. This was a mistake, as her husband will always feel aggrieved at hi r carelessness. Atchison Globe. Some of our congressmen -have m sied their calling. They ought to iii- working- In a salve factory.v i NATURES CUBE FOR RHEUMATISM , l i: . A Ia lUBBl'QWSI ouaumicijr buii purely vegeiaoie, BuU ItIm1 C C O Til it nounsnes ever? portion of the body Book on Rhv::r. at ;3m and an7 medical SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. Prompt Delivery. ONE THING YOtT CAN GAMBLE OX IN PENDLETON Die quality of beef you buy here, whether for roasting, or broiling. We would rather sell you nothing than sell you a poor thing. You might be disappointed momentarily, but would appreciate our desire to give you what you want -Fortunately our fa cilities are such that we are "out of stock" very seldom, no matter what particular meat or cut you have In mind. FRESH FISH EVERY DAY. Central Meat Market 108 H. Alta St. 'Phone Main It Cleanses the system thoroughly and clean sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It Is guaranteed Pneumonia Season ; Islloro Better oure that cold before It Is too late. TAIXMAN'8 F. A S. cold capsula will knock the worst cold in two day. Manu factured and sold enly by Tallman & Co. Leading Druggist of Eastern Oregon. O. M. HEACOCK Eyslht SpedaJM. My Glasses are Guaranteeu to aire you s&tlstactioa or MONEY REFUNDED. I Grind all My Lennea. Any Lens Duplicated In a few Minutes. With WM. E. HANSCOM. Jeweler. The French Restaurant T. D. Swtturlngen, Mgr. Thoroughly renovated First-class rooms In con nection. Private dining parlora; good service and the beet cooks. ItEGl LAR MEALS 2S CTS. How's your coal supply? Getting low? Then you should 'phone Main 17$ and have us fill your bins with Rock Spring Coal, the best quality fuel money will buy. The coal we sell Is CLEAN, free from foreign substances and will pos itively give the greatest number of heat units per pound of any you. can buy. We also carry good dry wood. HENR.Y KOPITTKE hme Main 178. Just Received Carload of Poul try supplies of all kinds COLESWORTHY 127-129 E. Alt WIMIAMJON HAFFNDRCD EN0RAVRR5 PRINTER? THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHOREYOUR OBDERS YOU GET THEMRIOUT I Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck ,v.,. r ing a specialty. i mi m mi mi in urn n i r 1 1 u i mm u nij