1AGX TWO. . DAILY EAST OREGON! AX, I'luSBLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY", JAXUART 3d, 1010. EIGHT PACKS. 'T- FASCINATING LIMP IS LADIES' LATEST FAD JANUARY NEW MODE OF WALKING CAVSED BY NEW DRESS ranee I'lirislennoos llrst to Afftvt Limping stop and Iiontluu Fashionables Will lroluibly Follow Suit. Sale Beginning Wednesday Morning January 26 and Running One Week ending Tuesday eve. Feb. 1 We will give most remarkable clearance prices on all seasonable goods. Except contract goods Overalls and Rubber goods This is the best opportunity you'll have to save money on needed apparel and piece goods shoes millinery etc. Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters at Clearance Prices $1.25 Sweaters will go for T9 2.00 Sweaters will go for SI. 59 1J.00 Sweaters will go for S2.10 $4.00 Sweaters will go for S2.0S $5.50 Sweaters wilr go for 3.75 The very best makes in America, ?eln--Tced wherever needed. Children's Bear Skin Coats $2.75 Bear Skin Coats for S1.98 $3.75 Bear Skin Coats for S2.79 $5.25 Bear Skin Coats for S3.95 $7.50 Bear Skin Coats for , - S54.95 Children's Wash Dresses 75c Wash Dresses go for 47C $1.00 Wash Dresses go for 75tt $2.00 Wash Dresses go for SI. 49 $3.50 Wash Dresses go for S2.G9 Children's Wool Dresses $1.25 Wool Dresses, Clearance price.. g-lc $2.50 Wool Dresses, Clearance price S1.56 $5.00 Wool Dresses, Clearance price S3. 33 $7.50 Wool Dresses, Clearance price S5.00 $9.50 Wool Dresses, Clearance price S6.35 Bovs Clothing and Overcoats must go Every boys' suit and overcoat we havens reduced. We show the most complete line of boys clothing, waists, etc., In Eastern Oregon. Every suit Is double reinforced and guaranteed. $2.25 Boys' Suits and O'coats go for SI. 85 3.50 Boys' Suits and O'coats go for S2.65 $4.50 Boys' Suits and O'coats go for S3.48 $5.00 Boys' Suits and O'coats go for S3.87 $6.50 Boys' Suits and O'coats go for $4.95 $7.50 Boys' Suits and O'coats go for $5.95 $10 Boys' Suits and O'coats go for $6.95 All Boys' Waists and Skirts are reduced 10 per cent, which means a great deal when you stop to think how cheaply they are originally marked. Short Silk Kimonas $3.75 Silk kimonas go for $2.49 $4.25 silk kimonts go for $2.95 $5.50 silk kimonas go for $3.98 Long Silk Kimonas $5.50 Long silk kimonas go for $3.9S $7.60 lonk silk kimonas go for $4.95 $8.00 Long silk kimonas go for $5.65 Women's Tailored Suits Are all grouped into three great lots. lot No. 1 All suits up to $25.00, will go for $9.95 Lot No. 2 All suits up to $35.00 will BO for $13.95 Not Xo. 3 All suits up to $55.00 will SO for $17.95 Don't let this sale pass without taking advantage of it. It means money in your pocket. j Womens Dress Skirts At ridiculously low prices, '2.50 Dress Skirts will go for $4.95 $8.60 Dress Skirts will go for $5.75 $10.00 Dress Skirts will go for ....$6.65 $13.50 Dress Skirts will go for $8.95 Gossard Corsets All broken lots of Gossard Corsets will be sold as follows: $5.00 Corsets will go for $3.35 $8.00 Corsets will go for $5.25 Men's Suits and Over coats at Clearance Prices During this sale all Men's Suits and Overcoats will be reduced. Such makes as Hart, schaffner & Marx, Schloss Bros., Hirsh Wicklre and other good brands are Included at the following prices. $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for... $10.95 $17.50 Suits and Overcoats for... $12.75 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats for.,. $13. 85 $22.50 Suits and Overcoats for... $14.50 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats for... $15.00 $27.50 Suits and Overcoats for... $18.75 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats for. ..$22.85 Why not Reduce the Actual Cost of Living? BY BUTEfa YOUR GROCERIES AT THE NEATEST, CLEANEST. BEST GROCERY DEPARTMENT IN OREGON. PRICES POSITIVELY G TO ARAN TED. Clearance Sale in Shoes adles' $4 and $6 Shoes 82.19 Men's $4 and $5 Shoes $2.65 Marvelous clearance values In fine- foot wear for the family women'a shoe, men's shoes, children's shoes all broken lines and odds and ends being cleaned at very quick selling prices. Look now to your neds. Women's high grade shoes in patent, button or lace, for street or drees wear; dongola kid, for comfort and street wear; gun metal and dull calf leathers for hard usage; good sizes. We will fit you. Val i)oi $3 to $6, Clearance sale price pair S2.19. Man's shoes in patent kid, Kangaroo and all dull leathers; good assortment of sizes and all styles for dress or street wear. None worth less than $3.00 and ranging up to $6.00; clearance sale price pair $2.65' Infants shoes in various styles and qual ities, varying in price up to $1.25 a pair; Clearance Sale price a pair 49 Children's shoes, sizes 5 to 11, values $1.25 to $1.75, clearance Sale price pr. 98 MIescs shoes, values up to $2.00, Clear ance Sale price pair $1.25 Any ladles' felt slipper In the house, a pair 98 The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade London. Will the new feminine limp become fashionable in London? This la the question women are ask ing on learning the statement that up to dutp Parlsiennes have affected fascinating little limp. Most changes of modes necessitate to a certain degree a new manner of walking. The Directoire. gown de manded a slow, gliding step, the wlde beflouneed petticoats of former days caused women to toddle when they held up their skirts. Now comes the limp, which, it appears, is born of the polonaise. "Gowns with (he polonaise or apron skirt have been the rage In Paris," said a representative of a well known East End firm, "and we have brought over models of these gowns to Lon don. They are wide around the feet but are tied tightly below the knees. "The return of the polonaise means many changes as there are so many varieties. Some very short skirts are to be Introduced, as worn In Paris, which reach only to the boot tops and display high-legged colored boots. "The limp Is probably the result of the polonaise, which Is fastened tiKhtly around between the knees and the ankles. "Any attempt to hold up this style of dress would necessitate some kind of eccentricity of walk." A model new evening gown shown in polonaise fashion is quite short In front and with a train at the back., The feet and several inches of stock ing are visible, and the wearer of this gown would cause as much sensa tion as did the manequins who first donned the slashed Directoire gowns in Paris. The limp is a refined form of con tortion which follows on numerous others to which the fashionable wo man has had recently to submit. First, she was allowed to disclose the possession of hips, then hips be came an unacknowledged asset. Then there was the geographical problem of the waist. From the nor mal waist the waistline has been moved to under the arms, the low waist has been obtained, and the no waist fashion also has prevailed. on.- might almost say that the adoption of the now gowns may give a woman the appearance of having two waists, one below the knees in ad dition to the ordinary waist. A Wild Bllz'ard RajruiR. brings clanger, suffering often death to thousands, who take colds. cough3 and la grippe that terror of winter and spring. Its danger signals are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, pain In back of head, and a throat-gripping cough. When grrlp attacks, as you value your life, don't delay getting Dr. King's New Discovery. "One bot tle cured me," writes A. L. Dunn of Pine Valley, Miss., "after being 'laid up three weeks with grip." For sore, lungs, hemorrhages, coughs, colds, whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, Its supreme. 60c and $1 Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. PROTESTS AGAINST SLAVERY ON COCOA PLANTATIONS "Do you know of any woman who ever received any benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound?" If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have bee restored to health by this famous old remedy, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs. During the past 30 years we have published thousands of letters from these grateful women who have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never in all that time have we published a testimonial without the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. I lere is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts, that this is a true arid honest statement of a woman's experi ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write and ask her. New Orleans. La. " I suffered with Inflan- iniution and ulceration for a loner trine, and had (dreadful backaelie ami a weakness. I had beea under the doctors' treatment for six months and they eluimud I must he operated upon. 1 was In !k'1 three welts and could not turn over on either side the pains were so had and I was tut i nervous. . "Then Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- iMimi was reeominenucu to me uy n iici;;iiiMr, . c lrlivrol niwl nniv I nm n. well wimiilll. I nm im iitySjf'Cu pine health and feel like young jr'rt. 1 liav ' " ' ' ' 'recommended the Compound to mv next floor neighbor, and hoite that all suffering women will try it." 31 is. J. Wilson, 40 10 Ulloa St., New Orleans, La. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surety not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Wilson. If the slightest trouble appears which you do not wm lraav derstand, write to Mrs. Pfr.khani at Lynn, itlaxs., tme her advice it is free and always helpful. the commercial center of this great virgin territory of southern Missouri, and for this season was chosen as the place for holding the present big eon- ress. Caught In the Rain then a cold and a cough let it run on get pneumonia or consumption, that's ail. No matter how you get your cough, don't neglect It take Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you'll be over It in no ilme, The sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases In young anw old. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. London. ..m. 26. Sir Thomas Pow ell Buxton, one of the most famous of British reformers, today celebrated his seventy-third birthday by issuing another appeal to Englishmen and Americans on the subject of the con ditions of slavery' tlu- Portuguese cocoa plantations of West Africa. As chairman of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society of England, Sir Thomas has waged un ceasing warfare against those respon sible for cruelties practiced In the Congo and West Africa Although his large income Is ilc from n brewery. Sir Thomas Is also the leader of the temperance forces of ureat wniain. That Sir Thomas Powell Buxton should be prominently identified with ih mnnnirement of the Anti-Slavery society Is wholly in keeping with the traditions of his ramiiy. For his grandfather and namesake, the first baronet, achieved interna tional fame as an abolitionist and succeeded Wllberforce as the cham pion of the slaves In the West In dies, contributing more than any oth er one man to their emancipation. He was associated likewise with his sla-ter-tn-law, Mrs. Fry, In the reform of the prison management, and the In troduction of more humane methods In penal Institutions, wnue anouier movement which he helped to bring to a successful Issue was the doing away with suttee In India that is to say, the time honored practice of burning alive the widows of deceased Hindoos on the latters' funeral pyre. "SHOW ME" STATE WIIX SHOW ITS RESOURCES Veteran Athletes to Meet. Philadelphia, Jan. 26. Old time athl. ies who. in their day. made his tory In the athletic contests and rec ords of the country, will gather about the banquet board tonight at tho an nual dinner of the Veteran Athletic association. Membership in the as sociation is confined to those who were actively identified with athletics prior to the year 1895. The "vets" hold a dinner each winter and an ath letic tournament and reunion csrh summer. FAIR EXCHANGE. Too Much Face You feel as if you had one face too many when you have Neuralgia. Don't you? Save the face, you may need It; but get rid of the Neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Lini ment. Finest thing In the World for rheumatism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all pains. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. ' l ast Pollings in England. London, Jan. 26. With the polling today In the constituencies of Dart ford and Islo of Thanet, the most sen national parliamentary election In England's history came to a close. It Is pointed out as a significant coin cidence that today Is tho anniversary of the fall of the Salisbury ministry In 1SS, A New Back for an Old One How M Can Re TMno in Pendleton. The back aches at times with a dull. Indescribable feeling, making yoa weary and restless; piercing pains shoot across the region of the kidney and again the loins are so lame te stoop is agony. No une to rab o ap ply a plaster to the back In thl con dition. Tou can not reach the caoae. Exchange the bad back for a new and stronger one. Pendleton residents would do well to profit by the follow. Ing example. Mrs. Putnam Teck of Elgin, Ore., says: "I had known of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pill long before I had occasion to use them. When suffer ing from an attack of lame back, ac companied by pains through my kid neys, I procured a box and began their use. If I sat long on one position the pains were always more severe and I experienced a languid, dizzy feeling upon first arising in the morning Doan'i Kidney Pllle banished the backache, regulated the passage of tae kidney secretions and helped me' la every way. I cannot express my grat itude to Doan's Kidney Pills for the benefit they gave me." For sale by all dealers. Price Bt cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for tho United States. , Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Est ray Notice. Strayed from Thompson's ranch en the reservation, one bay mare, about three years old, star in forehead, branded A. V. on left shoulder. Will pay liberal reward for return or in formation leading to the recovery ef above described animal. NATE RAINES, Pendleton. Ore. Making Life Safer. Everywhere life Is being made more safe through the work of Dr. King's New Life Pills in constipation, liver trouble, kidney diseases ind bowel disorders. They're easy, but sure, and perfectly build up the health. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s. Save money by reading today's ada. pir.ER srmrcD in 6 to h pats PA70 OINTM10NT Is guaranteed to cur uu rase of Itching, Blind. Weeding or l'rotria Ing riles In 6 to 14 days or money refold ed. 50c. Girls. Why have your shoe soles nallod on when we sew them on at 66a a pair. No swell dressed man or wo man wants their shoes full of nails. A. EKLUND. De you take the Bast Oregonlaa? Springfield, Mo., Jan. 26. A great exposition, designed to "show" the world the possibilities of tho unde veloped portions of the "show me" state, was opened In Springfield today by the Missouri Land and Industrial congress. Tho exhibition and the program of addresses have been di vided Into sections devoted to mining, agriculture, waterways, live stock, dairying, forestry and conservation, poultry and fruit and good roads and railroads. Governor lladley and doz. ens of other prominent men of the state will address tho congress, wTiich .Antimin throuirh three days. Although Missouri has the fourth largest city in the union, and is one of the few states having three cities of more than 100,000 population, large portions of the state aro prac tically undeveloped. Springfield 1 When Your Head Aches don't take chances with your heart by dosing with headadie cures. It's caused by upset stomach or inactive liver. prrr a t pat orrtcc will settle the stomach and make your liver act with out violence but effectively, it win remove tne cause and cure the headache. Get a 25c. Box mra tin JXn 8 ALE BY A. C. KOEPPEN A BROS.