rAGK DAILY PAST ORKOONIAN. PENDLETON, OKEUO.N. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1910. EIUIIT PAGES. OF THE BIG SUIT AND OVERCOAT SALE JUST ME MORE AY 1 OF THE BIG SUIT AND OVERCOAT SALE . - it Remember Your Choice of Any Suit or Overcoat in Our Store for $15.00 A grand line of $1 5.00 to $20. suits and overcoats for only $10.00 and all sweater coats going in 2 lots-$2.1 5 $3 J 5 Be sure and Come In Before Saturday, January 15 "A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED" BOND BROTHERS PENDLETON'S LEADING CLOTHIERS 10 Cotton Crop Is Short. Washington. The cotton crop year of 1909 Is said to be the small est since 1S99, according to a state ment of W. H. Hunter of Dallas, Tex as, expert of the Department of Agri culture. It is due, he said to the weevil in Louisiana and in portions of Arkansas and Mississippi and to the extreme dry weather In Texas. The boll weevil, he declared, would cause a remarkable redistribution of the production of cotton, first in large areas. Look out for the big "Red Goose.' SORK THROAT. and Catarrh Minntes. I Odds. Coughs, ("roup Rolii'viM in Tim ta your throat sore? Rreathe Hyomel. Have you catarrh? Prv,tha Hyomel. Have you a cough? Breathe Hyomel. Have you a cold? Breathe Hyomel. Hynmei is the best remedy for all nose, throat and lung troubles. It does not contain any cocaine or mor phine and all that is necessary Is to breathe It through the little black pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit A complete outfit costs only at druggists everywhere and at Tallman & Co.'s, and Hyomei is guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, eore throat and bronchitis or money back. A Hyomel Inhaler can be ob tained from druggists for only 50 cents. Sample of Hyomel and book let free. Address Booth's Hyomel Co, Buffalo, N. T. LOCAL ANGLERS ARE STILL ON WARPATH ENGINEER, NEWEIX ROUSES IRE BY CONTRADICTION'S Telia Secretary Balllnger that Pen dleton Fishermen Exaggerated Re port of Destruction of Trout and That the Feed Canal Was Screened Affidavits Will Be Sent to Washington. That the Umatilla County Anglers' association will have some further ef fort to make before the destruction of trout on the Umatilla reclamation projpet is completely stopped is in dicated by late letters which have been received by Attorney Charles H. Carter from Penator Chamberlain, by President G. I. Li Drw from Secre tary of the Interior Ballinger and by Secretary C. K. Cranston, from Con gressman "W. R. Ellis. It seems that when the complaint of the local anglers reached Wash ington that orders were Immediately Issued to Engineer Newell in charge of the project to properly screen the feed canal. Then, according to re cent letters from Washington, Engi neer Newell repnrted back to his su periors In Washington, that the ca nal was screened and had been, that the reports of the amount of fish de stroyed were greatly exaggerated and that there are nine other ditches not screened and which must destroy more i fish than the government ditch. Veracity of Anglers In Question. The members of the local anglers' association are therefore not very well pleased that the truth of their state ments has been contradicted and affi davits are now being prepared In sub stantiation of their allegations and these will be forwarded to Washing ton to contradict the reports of Engl- i neer Newell. They say they are not going out after the scalp of the engi neer who la proving himself such an enemy to the fishing Interests, but that if he chooses deliberately to risk his official head that they are not to blame. They are working in the in terest of good fishing and they pro- pose to see that Mr. Newell, or his successor. Is compelled to conforYn to the requirements of the state law. Statements Regarded As Absurd. His explanation of the presence of the fish in the reservoir and on the fields is evidently that they made their way into the reservoir when small enough to pass through a half Inch sccreen and in the few months that they were in there, grew to be from 10 to 20 inches long. This explana tion is declared by the fishermen to be no more absurd than the excuse that the government should not be compelled to screen because private ditch owners may not have screened. They say the government should be the very last to point to any one else as an excuse for its failure to oney the law. They also cite the fact that when when the ditch wall gave way last spring that hundreds of fine trout were found in it. These full sized trout went directly from the river In to the ditch for the reason that trout get back Into the fed canal and that 1 1 Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat 1 V and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption A. C. KOKIM'F.N & IViKS.. THE ORIQNAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR in the YELLOW PACI 'OH Just Good Enough to Be Dangerous? If poor advertising mediums were ENTIRELY worthless, they would not be dangerous! For they could not, then, make any appeal what ever to sensible advertisers. But an advertising medium which has a LIT TLE MERIT is, like "a little knowledge," a "dangerous thing." Some business men there are, always, whofor considerations of "cheap ness," etc., will either rely upon such mediums wholly, or give them an absurdly large part in their advertising Campaigns. i- A ; j - iiM t ''! rail i ' ifi S i : 'V! ft a z JiiJ v J' ' .: I SlOrt lteard. $100. The rnadeni of thii paper will ht pleamd to Irarn that there Is at least on dreaded trllsraHe u.at crlenee haa been able to riir , In all ltd slaitcH. and that la Catarrh. Hall's aiarrh Cure la the only pimltlve cure now ; known to the uieillcal fratvrulty. Catarrk I IwIiik a cenHtltiitlmiHl ilUeanp. rennlrva a ! constitutional treatment. Hall'a Catarrk lire tnaen lnternall': acting dlrctl unua the blood and miicuna iirfacr ot the aya lein thereby deMtroylnu tb foundation of the dlaeaap, and glvlag the atl(nt atrenrtk by building np the comtltution and aaalat lok nniur In doing lt- work. The uro prletora hare bo much faith. In Ita curatlT power, that they offer One Hundred Uol lara for any raae that It fa I la to curt. Hen tor list nf testimonial!. AdUreait : HoM h.V C"RN" CO.. Toledo. . Hold by PriisjrlntB, 75P, Take 1 1 n I In h amis. pin. rn - . - .... v.. Vl'IIVICpS tlCJD . Sviie ;n Sir (;illi'rt l'nikcr'ji (iivu ( I'luy, "Tlio niKit of Way," )rc(in. fpiiilay. .lamiury 17. ut Uie once in the r- servi'ir . they cniil'l iim hfve In riuijil ui'i'V tluin ii few A ffi'lavlts :ir.' Iji wliiel! will phiiw i : i . 1 1 si!.ly f. e, llllllot pi ell .11 tile Weeks. in prep.'ireil the fee, I eiiiiiil iei ;l rep tllilt the 1 fi.-'!i were iliere fire rteil liy Km -eptirts nf tile nut ex ixwr li"t "nine eiiisliler:il)!t letter fniin inelu'llng a il liv li ni trnin I i!l. WilH ll: H'Teel Killeep ei-, (U'Htruetiiin nf nte'l nml t Ji.tt other ilitehes nut serelieil. The f 1 1 1 1 w : 1 1 u is till Senator Chaniberliiin. rojiy i if :i letter rceelv Secr'tury ll.illiimr r: ('IiiiiiiImtIiiIii'h Letter. I'liit il Suites Senate. Washington, I. .".. December HI. Cliatles H. Carter. K.. Aiiieriiiiii Nutionni Hunk Itiiililinir, Pendleton. Oretron. My Iear Sir: With further reference to your let- ; ter of Hi" ICth instant, the .eeretary of tile inP i inr ailvises nie today that j he him Investigated the matter of the alleged destruction of Ash In- con nect ion with the government feed ca nal In I'mntllla county, Oregon, against which 1 have heretofore pro tested, and 'he- suites as follows: "f ripluints of thin kind have been received and report conditions ha.s 'm en obtained from the field. "I am Informed that a half-Inch screen wan provided for the feed ca nal over a year ag. and efforts were made to maintain this, but the J amount of leaves and other trash I 4 traveling In the water was so great I that It clogged the screen to stieh an extent that it was Impractlen hie to keep it open and the safety of the ca nal was threatened by overflowing above the screen. For this reason It wiih removed and a screen of a dif ferent pattern, more easily cleaned, but containing half Inch openings, was provided at the beginning of the present season and has been since maintained. "I am advised that the amount of fish destroyed Is not as' great as re ported, and that the cause of com plaint has been removed. I am In formed also that there are nine other ditches of considerable size, besides a number of smaller ones, taking wa ter from the Umatilla river, and so far oh this office l advised, none nf these 4ltches maintain fish screens and have not been required to do so, although any fish passing through r'lesi. ii tciv must of course pass out ill" n the land anil die T'.ie aggre gate ilest ruction by the other ditches tmist lie greatly -In excess of timt over the g:.vc; anient ditch, not only on ac (. iini of their greater number but 11 1111 in- fact that many of them carry water for a much longer period, t u . - t prior appropriation. "I will have careful Inspection made of the liead.works of the Umatilla ford canal and .( proper provision Is 1 not now made to prevent the entrance of fish the appropriate parties will ' he instructed to make such a pro vision Immediately. I sincerely trust that the "Inspec tion" which the secretary says ho wlil cause to be made will result In some action on the part of the Interior de i parttnent looking to relieve the con i diUons which now exist and about 1 wliich you complain. Advise mo if I can be of further ', service to you. Yours very truly. (. W. CHAMBERLAIN. Wanted: Philanthropist. Xew York. The Yerkes art treas ures, comprising one of tho largest private collections In the world, will e lost to the people of this city, If some philanthropist does not conn forward at the eleventh hour to pre vent It falling under the auctioneer's hammer. Unless the collection ts bought by a private deuler, tho en tire lot of paintings, tapestries and rugs probably will be sold In Marck. PUTS AN END TO imh;i:stio, g.vs and iieakt- HUKN (HI IV FIVE M IN Cms The hie "lied Goose' here. Wait for it. will soon be A l.lttle Iiarxln Now Will Makn Your Out of Order Stomach Frfi Fine IHgetits All Your Food, leaving Nothing to Ferment and Sour. Every family here ought to keep some. Uinpepnin In the house as any one of you may have, an attack of in digestion or Ftomach trouble at any tmo day or night This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a distressed, out of order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead In your stomach, or if you have heart burn, that Is a ulgn of Indigestion. Ask your pharmacist for a 60-cent case of Papo's Dlapepsln and take a little Just as soon as you can There will bo no bout risings, no belching of undigested food mlxod with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullncen or heavy feeling In the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no soar food left over In tho stomach to poi son your breath with nauseous odors. I'apo's Dia pepsin Is a certain cure for out of order stomachs, because It prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests It Just the same as If your stomach wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all stomach misery Is at any drug store, waiting for you. These large to cent cases contain moro than sufficient to cure almost any chronic case of dyspepsia. Indi gestion or any other stomach trouble. I Onheum Theatre I J. P. MEDKRXAC II. Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children" t SEE PRfHJIlAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. t Byers Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is assured when EWERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolted Barley Jalwnys on hand. 3 Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon"