X3GHT PAGES. DAILY KAhT ORKGONTAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 191. PACUB FTYB. I One More Day I of the Greatest Suit and Cape Sale Pendleton Has Ever Known Sale positively ends Saturday night at 9 o'clock Any Suit or Cape in the House, Values up to $40.00 your choice $9.95 Everybody wonders how we can do it. Don't worry about that bat come and pick oat the garment you want. Tomorrow the Last Day. F. E. Livengood & Co. Agents Ladies Home Journal Patterns LOCALS Phone Main 6 for coal. Pastime pictures please all. Coal. Oak wood. Phone Mala 4. Fresh oysters at Hohbach's bakery. Look out for the big "Red Goose. The "Red Goose" has a surprise for you. Plenty of good clean coal at Bur rough.' Phone Maln6. Lenses duplicated in a few minutes. Haaseom's jewelry store. Wanted To buy good second hand iM. Enquire at this office. aoed clean coal at the Oregon Laaaber Yards Phone Main I. Toar or six room furnished house tor rnt. Inquire Mark Moor house. Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for 2.tt at Wohlenberg'a Dept. Store. Highest prloo paid for veal at Rey bum's market. Old W. & C. R. depot. For rent Modem seven room house; North Side; Inquire 121 Per kt. Wore moving pictures shown than any other thestre In the city the fast I me. No coal famine with Burroughs. Phone Main fi a.nil i?M ennri ronl promptly. Wanted Man and wife on ranch, eall at 914 West Court street or phone Uala 111. Miss Phinney. teacher of piano, is aow located at 1208 K. Webb. Phone Red SCSI. Hulrdressing, manicuring and sham pooing parlora in connection with the Vogae Milliner Calling cards, wedding stationery and commercial printing to order, at the East Oregonlan. Broken lenses replaced in a few minute at Hanscom's jewelry store. We grind any lense. Good store or office room for rent in Bast Oregnnlan building on Main street. . Inquire at this office. We tan grind you a new cnse In a few minutes Bring your broken lens to u. Hanscom's Jewelry store. k'hone Main 8 for good dry wood and coal that win burn clean. Prompt ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Tard. For rent Nicely furniHhed eight room house, four blocks from Main street. Inquire (14 West Court street. Notice to Stockmen. I have plenty of alfalfa hay for sale and can make quick delivery. Hay la on 0. R. St N. line. For further particulars, address E. C. Burllngnme, Walla Walla. Wash. Application for Grazing Itirmlts. NOTICE Is hereby given that all applications for permits to graze cat tic, horses, and sheep within the WHITMAN NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1910, must be filed In my office at Sutnpter, Ore gon, on or before February 25, 1910. Full information in regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used In making applica tions will be furnished upon request. HENRY IRELAND, Supervisor. HEREAFTER be prepared for those cold winter blasts when they strike us by coming to KOEPPENS and getting one of those ALCOHOL GAS HEATERS for that bath room and save a plumbers bill. They come In single or double burners and can be changed Into stoves for cooking purposes In the summer time. SEK THEM IN OUR WINDOWS. . Come in and see them demonstrated. K -E'F F E M 9 The Drug Store That Serves You Best ii Do Tou Want to Sell? If you want to sell your business of any kind, or if you want to sell your property, and will make the price right, I want to hear from you. Give description and price. Address J. E. Smith, (13 Chamber of Com merce, Portland, Oregon. New Pictures at tlie Orpheum Today. ! Neel No. 1 Blograph, a high class drama, entitled, "The Rocky Road." ! Reel No. 2 Lubln, two subjects: "Foiled;" "Tho Servant's Revenge." i Reel No. 3 Pathe, two subjects; , "Tramp's Romance;" "Repairing the i House." I Song "Ain't You Coming Back to j Old New Hampshire." i Soni,. line Pictures Ar Iiclng Shown i at the Pastime. "To Save Her Soul" (Blograph) For two days only, Friday and Sat urday, this much-talked of feature film will be run. This blograph sub ject, "To Save Her Soul," the romance of a little choir singer, vividly por trays the lure of the Bohemian life. "The Forgotten Watch" (Vita graph) Very good. "Cook Makes Maderia Sauce" (com edy). "Listen" (comedy).- j "Top-Heavy Mary." I "In a Pickle." I "Till' LAND OF NOD" i AT OREGON TONIGHT After nearly four years of patient waiting, we are at last to see a per formance of that famous musical ex travaganza, "he Land of Nod," at the Oregon theater tonight. Owing to its tremendous popularity in the big metropolitan cities of the east, it has never made what Is termpd a "road tour." We can be assured of getting tho number one company, inasmuch as there has never been a number two company. The principal parts are still being played by the originals. Knox Wils(n the featured comedian, has never missed a performance since thiv beginning, and will appear here tonight in his famous creation of April Fool." The other almost equal ly well known people in the cast are Neil McNeil and Anna McNabb. ( Knox Wilson the original featured comedian, is with the company and will be seen In his famous creation of "April." Two other prominent peo ple In the cast are Neil 'McNeil and Anna McNabb. The advance sale has been the largest this season and ca pacity business Is assured the big company. STATl'K $1000 YEARS OLD Clay Figure of Female Divinity Ing l' in Stone Age Howie. Berlin , The Vosslche Zeltung says that In the course of excavations con ducted by the Museum of Sllcslnn An tiquities at Ottltz, near Ratlbor, a clay figure representing a nude fe male divinity was unearthed In a Stone Age dwelling. Tho figuro is over fOO years old. This figure, though so old, cannot be considered the oldest in the world. Very accurately modeled human fig ures were sculptured or carved by the Egyptians in the remotest antiquity. In the Hqulak Museum, Cairo, there Is a small male statuette In wood, known as the "Village Sheikh." It Is believed to be about 6000 years old. A copy of It Is In the British museum. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Carload of Beef. A carload of fine beef cattle was received this morning by the Central Meat Market. The shipment consists of 25 cows and steers, mostly Here fords and they were purchased of Robert Stanfleld of Stanfield. The beef make an unusually fine lot. Story Hour at Library. Miss MaymeBatterson, librarian, w'll be the story teller at the story hour at 4the public library tomorrow morning. She will tell the story of "Old Man Coyote." Dance at Weston. Johnson's orchestra left this after noon for Weston where they will play for a Knights of Pythias dance. It will be one of the big times of the year for Stevens lodge of Weston. Veteran Is Very Low. Martin Compton, the well known local civil war veteran, is now dan gerously ill and but faint hopes are entertained of his recovery. He has been troubled with paralysis for some time. SUIl in Quarantine. Thomas Hampton, the well known retired farmer, who has been 111 with a slight attack of smallpox, la still In quarantine at his home in North Pendleton, though he has practically recovered from the effects of the dls ease. George Buzan, who has been In quarantine for several daya, is out on the street again. Eleven New Elks. Last night antlers were fitted upon 11 new members of Pendleton lodge H. P. O. E. during a session that was well attended. Those taking the initi atory work were A. L. Schaefer, B. L. Burroughs, A. E. Serum. Dr. L. K. Blakeslee, C. S. Wheeler. Dr. R. E. run go, J. p. Winter, R. M. Mayberry, Ralph G. Hassel, W. B. Glalser and J. L. Vaughan. Judges to Exchange Benches. Circuit Judge H. J. Bean leaves Monday for Condon where he will Bit on the bench for Judge R. R. Butler during the trial of a case In which Butler's name formerly appeared as an attorney. It Is a right of way dam age suit with more than $50,000 at stake. Butler will arrive tomorrow or Sunday from Condon and will occupy Judge Bean's place on the'local bench. Now Traveling Salesman. S. D. Feidler, traveling salesman for the Blake-McFall Paper company, Is In Pendleton today on his first reg ular trip. He is a new man with the company, having arrived from Penn sylvania the first of the year. This city has formerly been covered by Douglass Ball, familiarly known to his scores of friends here as "High ball." due to his perpendicular pro portions. Mr. Feidler is accompanied by his wife and child. Snow Drifted and Melted. The wind of yesterday not only melted the snow but caused It to pile up in great drifts in different parts of the county. Especially did the snow drift In bad shape on the reservation. The growing -wheat was left bare In many places and great drifts almost obstructed the roads. R. Withee of the Pendleton Auto company started out to Thorn Hollow with a load of passengers but found the road so rough that he gave up the trip and the pasengers went on by hack, which required four horses to drat Withee did not get stuck and he made his way back to town without great diffi culty. i)n Long Hike. i Norman R. Grantham who says he was formerly a wireless operator on the Cunard liner, Campalna. is in Pendleton today enroute on foot from ' New York to New York by wav of ! New Orleans. He walking the 10, 000 miles on a J5.000 wages and is to make the trip in 365 days. His con tract specifies that he must enter every town broke and leave it broke. He is supposed to make his expenses by selling cards and doing vaudeville stunts at local theatres. He left New York, Aug. 22. and has therefore been out H4 days. He is 251 miles ahead of his schedule but has lost five days during the past week on account of storms. His only weapon or baggage Is a billiard cue walking stick of reg ular dimensions. TAI-T SUBMITS MORE ADVICE. (Continued from page one. government for disposition, but ex presses his belief that- the federal gov ernment, through ownership, can Im pose restrictions. He recommends that all water sites bo disposed of In such a way as to prevent their union for monopoly, with limitation for the right of use to fifty years with pro visions fixing the renewal terms. He did not touch the question of regu lating rates. He recommends the conservation of soils being carried on by the depart ment of agriculture and crlticizzes the reclamation service, saying that some projects in tho west are likely to fail because of lack of water and that too many projects had been set on foot for the amount of money on hand. Ho says settlers, invited to take up supposedly reclaimed land, now find they have no water. The president then recommended the Issuance of bonds from timu to time, not exceed ing thirty million dollars, to provide for tho completion of these projects. He adds a paragraph on the subject of forests, saying that they are un der tho control of the department of agriculture, and recommends a small appropriation for reforestation, the sale of timber on all Isolated tracts of forest lands, and the disposition of these lands for agricultural entry. Head the East Oregonlan every day. SEA CLAIMS ALL BUT ONE. (Continued from Page One.) glng of the only remaining mast and hope was renewed that the day would witness their rescue, but the fates were opposed and as the minutes grew into hours and signs of the tem pest abating, despair was once more written on the faces of the anxious people ashore. Suddenly one of the six, .weakened by exposure and too numb from cold to longer retain his meagre grasp on life, dropped into the sea. There was not long to wait before another victim of the disaster sur rendered his life and then a third was seen to fall Into the sea. The condition of the lonely trio still left on the wreck by this time must have been pitiful. None realized better than they that life slowly was ebbing away. Aided by long distance glasses through which the, people on shore were watching developments, it ap peared as if the three men had re solved to make a last desperate effort to reach shore. Removing a portion of their clothing so aa not to be en cumbered in their swim for life they Jumped Into the sea. That was the last seen of them alive. Victory was not to be theirs. They had fought a good fight and lost, Just as 27 other of their fellows had done before them. WIFE WENT TO COUNTRY HUSBAND SAID "HOORAY" Chicago, Jan. 14. Declaring her husband "Hoorayed" when she went to the country, Mrs. George H. Bern hammer, wife of aong writer known as George Whiting, the author of last summer's song hit, "My Wife's Gone to the Country," today asked for a warrant for his arrest. Mrs. Bern hammer charged desertion. She said she went to the country last summer for a vacation, leaving a supposedly sorrowing husband behind her. When she returned, she alleges Bernhammer had gone and has not been, beard of since. In discussing the warrant Mrs. Bernhammer said: "George went to some other country with a young woman named Emma. I think they are In New York now." Girls. Why have your shoe soles nailed on when we sew them on at (6c a pair. No swell dressed man er wo man wants their shoes full of nails. A. EKLUND. Card of Thanks. To all friends who so kindly assist ed during the illness and death of my daughter, I wish to express my sin cere thanks. MRS. ELIZA ROUMAGOUX. A Russian editor has died, after forty years spent in the newspaper business in that country. He must hove been prepared for death. The Insurgents would like to place a bushel of fused Cannon crackers In. somebody's Christmas stock ng. INVESTMENTS WILL PAY BIG in Portland residence property Don't Buy CONSULT WITH US It is difficult for any man to make a mis take in selecting a lot in Portland if he will take tha pains to look into the character of the subdivision. No Complicated Problem Our extensive operations in Pacific Coast real estate makes it possible for us to judge conclusively and accurately the near future of Portland's residence property. The Jacobs-Stine Company Largest Realty Operators on the Pacific Coast 146 Fifth Street Portland, Oregon LAST Our Clearance Sale Prices Positively the Lowest of the Year...... Wohlenberg Better Goods Lee Moorhouse, the amateur pho tographer of Pendleton, whose photos of Indians have been widely copied in the pictorial papers 'of the world, is staying at the Imperial. He will remain the balance of the week. Oregonlan. Real Estate DAY OF The McCall Patters Are Here McCil! Piltern No. ?:;) ATTRACTIVE PTXIZZZZ CCV..i French serge in a pretty shade of ashea of rose, with fancy garnet Jewel buttons. Cheviot, cheviot-serge, cash mere, broadcloth and mirror velvet are employed for these dresses. For accuracy of fit and authenticity of style the McCall Patterns are recom mended. For sale at our Pattern Department. THE WOHLENGERG DEPT. STORK Better Goods for Less Money. Dep'b. Store for Less Money. Choice Wheat Farm for Sale. 800 acres 2 miles from Helix; fair Improvements; fine well. Price $5, 000. Leased to 1912. Easy terms. JOHN A. GROSS. 814 Boyer Ave.. Walla Walls, Wash. on a Guess 1 WW nk V' ! ' 111.