East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 13, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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T7T7 ffrc
Remember Your Choice of Any Suit or Overcoat in Our Store for $ 1 5.00
A strand line of $1 5.00 to $20. suits and overcoats for only $10.00 and all sweater coats going in 2 lots-$2.1 5 $3.1 5
Be sure and Come In Before 'Saturday, January 15
Country Praying Tor Chinook Ex
perience With "Go-Devil" Other
bakers and candy makers. A letter
was read to the convention from Mrs.
Emma Smith Devoe, of Seattle, en
closing the following resolution:
"Resolved that the federation pledge
itself to the enfranchisement of wo
men." Following a number of speech
es favoring such action, the conven
tion adopted the resolution unani
mously. The boom was launched yes
terday of President C. It. Case of Se
attle, for congress, and is meeting
with great favor.
(Special Correspondence.)
McKay, Ore.. Jan. 10. The stock
men are anxiously looking for a Chi
nook. Almost all entered the winter
short of feed. This is the third snow
an.l it hanes on very persistently.
Still we cannot complain as the ther- j
mometer registered 3 above zero at
the postoffice. 6 above at Hilldale and
9 below at Pendleton. Whew!!!
Wildcat BilU is with us again. He
U- now Joe Rothlin's right hower. -
Geo Haw visited McKay on the way
to his ranch. His horses were In pas
ture when the snow came and he was
compelled to "leave his happy home"
in Pendleton and gather them up.
Pick Adams. Frank Hubbard. John
oni will Wvnn due the county "go-
devil" out of the -snow and dragged j
it along the grade near tne nign
bridge. It seemed to worn niceij
through the snow and left a clear
road, but that night the wind blew
Jos. Hubbard attended the school
clerk's convention last week.
Lost, strayed or stolen, one lone
bachelor. When last seen waa on the
way toward Elgin where he pretend
ed to have a lady love. Ten dollars
reward will be paid any yung lady
who will lasso him and tie with a
matrimonial knot..
. For Indigestion and all stomach
troubles take Foley's Orlno Laxative.
It is the natural remedy for indiges
tion, dyspepsia, heartburn. bad
breath, sick headache, torpid liver,
biliousness and habitual constipation.
Foley's Orino Laxative sweetens the
stomach and breath, and tones up the
entire alimentary system. Koeppen
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure
any case of kidney or bladder trou
ble that Is hot btyond the reach of
medicine. It invigorates the entire
system and strengthens thi kidne.V3
So they eliminate the Iniqui ties from
the blood. . Backache, rheumatism, :
kidney and bladder troubles are all ;
cured by this great medicine. Com- j
menee taking at oiv-e an.l avoid;
Bright's Disease and D n!ei.-s. Koep- i
pen Bros.
that E. E. Rillins and R. C. Callahan,
who cla'.m to Tiave some interest In
the lands of the Greeley ranch near
this city and in other realty, have no
right or title to the property. Black
burn cites that the will left by Gree
ley has not been proved nor admitted
to probate. He is the special admin
istrator of the estate.
It is a dangerous thing to take a
cough medicine containing opiates
that merely stifle your cough Instead
of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar
loosens and cures the cough and ex
pels the poisonous germs, thus pre
venting pneumonia and consumption
Refuse substitutes and take only the
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In the
yellow package. Koeppen Bros.
Suit Drought by Maxwell Land & Ir
ritation Company Decided in Fa
vor of Defendant Similar Con
templated Suits Will Not Uc
Oil Humors Are Failure.
New York. Oil burning locomotives
are mure or less of a failure, accord
In;; t the New York Central railroad
which after a season's trial, has elceit-
An important decision was ren
dered yesterday by Judge Bean which
may be far reaching In Its effects. It
was rendered in the case of the Max
well Ijind & Irrigation company
against L. W. Furnas. The decision
Raley was the attorney for the de
fense. .
If von hnVA anv frnuhlA with vnni
stomach you should take Chamber
lain's btomach and Liver Tablets.
Mr. J. P. Klote of Ednla. Mo., says:
"I have used a great many different
medicines for stomach trouble, but
find Chamberlain's Stnmneh nnd Liv
er Tablets more beneficial than any
omer remeuy l ever usea. or sale
by all good dealers.
Race Problem Robs Vi.
Denver, Jan.. 13. United States
army officers are likely to face the
race problem as the result of the ex
amination for appointees to West
Point academy that is now In pro
gress at Fort Logan. N. R. Smith,
a negro of Cheyenne, Is likely to qual
ify as a successful candidate, having
obtained a percentage of 91 In his
preliminary examination. It has been
several years, It Is said, since a negro
student received an nppointment to
West Point.
. Fever Borcn.
' Fevr sores and old chronic sore
should not be healed entirely, but
should be kept In healthy condition.
This can be done by applying Cham
berlain's Salve. This salve has
superior for this purpose. It is 1h
motjt excellent for chapped hands,
sore nipples, burns and diseases ot
the skin. For sale by all good deal
Airship Line Founded.
Munish. The Parseval Airship
company, with a capital of 125,000,
has Just been founded here by the
Bavarian Automobile Club and the
German Touring club. It Is propos
ed to Issue a programme of fixed
flights for long distances next year,
and passengers will be enabled te
allglut or to Join the airships at Ober
ammergau while -the Passion Play
being acted there.
Hoqulam, Wash., Jan. 12 Today's
session of the Washington state fed
eration of labor was "devoted almost
entirely to addresses. Mrs. Dr.' John
son's address in which she advocated
ihi nepf ssitv of organizing woman's
trade unions throughout the state was
enthusiastically received. Organizer
Ross, of the bakers union, advocated
the appointment of an inspector for
t -. -y . s 'i- " - -. : . -. .
I IB 1
Came Near Choking to Deulh.
A little boy, the son of Chris. D.
Peterson, a well known renldent of
the village of Jacksonville, Iowa,
had a sudden and violent attack of
croup. Much thick stringy phlegm
came up after giving Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Mr. Peterson says:
"I think he would have choked to
death had we not given him this
remedy." For sale by all good dealers.
A Sprained. Ankle.
As a rule a man will feol well sat
Ibfied If he can hobble around on
crutches In two or three weeks after
spraialng his ankle, und It Is oftwn
two or three months before he is ful
ly recovered. ' This Is an unnecessary
loss of time, as by applying Cham
berlain's Liniment, as directed, a
cure may us a rule be effected In hw"
than one week's time, and In many
cases "Within three days. Sold by all
good dealers.
The "Red Ooose" has a surprise or
IirigoiB SaBe
Fight Oiieiis on IVlate.
Santa Rosa. Publ c Administrator
Frank L. Blackburn has taken a hand
in the litigation which the estate of
the late Horace St. !a r Greeley, a
pioneer hotel man of San Francisco
and a well known rancher of this
county is involved. In a suit com
menced today in the superior court
Blackburn asks the court to decree
ed in favor of coal as the economical
"The conditions in Mexico and the
'southwest .of this country are entirely
different." explained Howard Inger-
! soli, assistant to the general manager
I of the Central lines, today. 'Our ex
periments show that the oil will not
j run properly In cold weather, which
nectssitates changing back to coal for
the v'nter months."
Until science discovered a way to construct the Automatic
Smokeless Device, and make it completely-dependable, all ou
heaters had one common great fault smoke.
With the advent of the Automatic Smokeless Device, and its
practical application to the rcnir rr.Ti.T
Oil -Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)' .
the smoke problem was successfully
The Perfection Oil Heater is the
only heater equipped with this
Smokeless Device
which insures a steady, full-glowing heat,
with the wick turned up as higli as it will
go, without a shred of smoke. Reverse the
motion, turn the wick down there's no odor.
The smokeless device automatically locks
and prevents the upward movement of the
wick beyond the proper erasure. That
is the secret. This spl-:trd"J result gives
leadership to the Perfection.
want when vou want it and
Z OU UldJ ii'Jn ""'- ' J '
where you want it without the annoyance of smoke or ouor.
Brass fon: holds 4 quarts of oil, which permits a glowing heat for 9 hours.
Brass wick tube damper top cool handle. Cleaned in a minute.
The Perftttion is beautifully finished in Nickel or Japan.
Ertry Del Eerrlirre. If Not At Yourf, Write for De-criptive Circular
to the Nrt Agency of the
L f
SI 00 Reward. $100.
The renders of this paper will he 'A
learn that there Is t least on dresdefl
,Mpime mat selnnee tins wen ' Vr.
In sll Us stage", and that Is Catarrh. Hall
,,ta"rl Cre Is the only positive cmj no.
k own to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
Z a ennstltntlnnnl .lUea, r-nr- -rnnstltntlmial
treatment.- la I . Catarrh
Cnre taken Internally. rtlnK dlrwtly npn
iho blnn.1 nnd miirona gtirfnerti
"m. therehy destroying the f"'1"""" 'f
ne .Hseaae. and slvlns the patient "tremrtn
t,y h.illtllng np the conatlt.itlon and MBlst
in- nature In doing Its' work. The pro
i iel"?a have bo muoh faith In Its """"
,ners that they offer One Hundred Dol
an case that It falls to enre. Send
for II t of teatlmonlnls.
Address: CflENKY & CO., Toledo. O.
iild bv rinicixlsts. 75c.
Take nntri i Family IMIls for constlpa
tLn in favor of the defendant."
Thls case is the one which was I
tried before Judge ' Bean during
Christmas week, the whole of that
time being consumed wltn the Intro
duction of the evidence and the ar
guments of the attorneys. The sum
of $19,200 was at stake but In additi
on, to this It is said that there arc a
number of cases exactly similar
which the Maxwell company had con
templated bringing but which will now
be dropped. All of the Intended de
fendants were homesteaders on the
Umatilla project.
The suit was brougnt ny me mji
M.i.ll nnmrmnv to com Del the payment
of J19.200 alleged to be due for the
payment of water rights, In accord-onr-o
with contracts entered into be
tween Mr. Furnas and the company.
It was the contention of the de
fendant that the Maxwell company
had transferred all its water rights
to the government and that It had
nothing to -give In exchange for the
$19,200 demanded. This contention
was upheld by Judge Bean and was
the basis of his decision which dis
missed the case against Furnas.
The company will be compelled to
Iy i -osts of the suit. Col. J. H.
At The
John llagen Place
Seven miles north of Pendleton on
Tuesday, Febuary I st
at 1 0 o'clock a. m. I will sell the follow
ing described property.
Hums Gets Decision.
! Oakland. Cal., Jan. 13. Jack Burns
the ."alines heavyweight, was given
MI.e decision over Tom O'Ncll of Chi
cago last night in their ten rounri
' bout O'Ncll was floored In the third
i round and Bvrns could have ended
I the fight with a knockout In the sev
enth. He Played with his man all
lth way Burns will next fight a
I'eturn match with "Cunboat" Smith
! in San FranclRCO. ,
Only a Httl oold In the head may
theybeg nnlng of an obstinate case
of nasal catarrh. Drive out the In
vader with Ely's Cream Balm applied
.,,. Inflamed stuffed up
" ph . 50 cents. If you
prefer to use an atomizer, ak for
Liouid Cream Balm. It ha- all the
good qualities of the solid form of
This remedy and will rid you of ca
arrh or hay feWr. No cocaine to
breed a dreadful habit. No mercury
to dry out the secretion. Price 76c
with spraying tube. All druggist or
mailed by Ely Bros., 68 Warren street
Mho-nn Iu in the Stomach in Fine
Sliapo In Five Minutes,
w v-mir Htnmach Is continually kick
ing up a disturbance; you feel bloat-'
ed and distressed; If you oeicn
and sour food Into the mouth, then
you need Ml-o-na Stomach Tablets.
Ml-o-na stomach tablets give In
stant relief, of course, but they do
more; they drive out the poisonous
gases tha cause fermentation of food
and thoroughly clean, renovate and
...-h ih. otnmach so It can read
ily digest food' without artlclflal aid.
Ml-o-na stomacn taoiem
anteed to cure Indigestion, acute or
chronic, or money back. This means
that nervous, dizziness and biliousness
will disappear. Druggists everywhere
and Tallman & Co. sell Ml-o-na for
60 cent. . ...
"I was under the care, of four dif
m . j t H.iHnir nine months
and was cured of dyspepsia by Ml-o- .
na." Mr. josepn "i"""'"-;
Fountain street, Fall Ww, Mm.
Booth's Pills- for constipation 25c,
1(5 head work horses,
3 buggy horses.
1 Colt,
4 Threc-botlom plows,
1 Two-bottom plow,
1 Walking plow,
3 Drills,
Working and driving hurneeB and many other ar
ticles too numerous to mention.
3 Harrows,
2 Water Tanks,
2 Fanning mills,
1 Wagons,
1 Cook house nnd wagon
1 Cart,
1 Blacksmith outfit,
All sums under $10.00 cash; over $10, approved bankable
notes dated to October 1, 1910, and bearing 8 prr cent interest
will be acceptexl.
B. E. Anderson, Prop.
f .
Col. Wm. F. Yohnka, Auctioneer.
New Work.