4 BIOHT PAGES. daily rMtt atitaastw, j'kndm.tov, onr.r.o.y. thvusdAY, a ascau' i, io. PACK roviu " J' sciwC- - AN tXnin'KNINCNT NKWSl'Al'EK. Pvbllabed I wily. Meekly aud Seuil Weekly, at IVndlelon. Uregon. ti.v the KAST OHKiiOMAN l'tllLlSULNO CO. sniscKirnoN rates. Pally, one year, by tuall Dally, kx nionihs. by oiall ........ Dally, three months, by mall Dally, one month, by mall Pally, one year, by carrier Dally, alx months, by carrier Dally, three months, by carrier .... Dally, one monh. by carrier ...... Weekly, one joar. by mall Weekly, alx months, by mall Weeklr four months, by mall Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall ... Hem I Weekly, alt months, by mall . Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall $.Y O r t' s. 1. 00 .50 .25 .50 50 75 1)5 5 50 .75 .50 1.50 .7i) .50 Tbe Dally East Oreponlan la kept on sale at the OregoD Neva Co., T Oth street, Portland. Oregon. Chicago llureaa, D09 Security Building. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth street, N. W. Member Cnlted P-?s Association. Entered at the poatoifloe at Pendleton, Oregon, a aecond class mall matter. - telephone Main - - - - MARE THIS VOI R CREED. To be earnest; to be strong To make light the way with song; Slow to anger; quick to praise; Walking steadfast through the days, Firm of purpose, sure of soul, Pressing onward to the goal. Upright, even, undismayed, Sure, serene and unafraid. To be patient; to be kind; To be purposeful, and find Sweetness all along the way; Loth to judge, but firm to say Truth with unrelenting tongue; By no evil veered or swung From the right; and to endure Hopeful, helpful, clean and pure. To be gentle; to forgive; True to life and glad to live. To be watchful and to be Rich with boundless charity; To be humble in success. Strong of heart in bitterness. Tender, gracious, thoughtful, good, In our man and womanhood. To be smiling; to be glad For the yesterdays we've had; To be grateful all the way For the beauties of today; To be hopeful and to see. In the days that are to be. Bigger, better, broader things. Robes of purple, crowns of kings. Selected. of ns needed by nilllmen seeking to meet the actual demand for lumber. What Is true of timber la also true id' coal and of water powerj. Trust ownership has resulted In the gobbling up of these resources for a mere song. The policy has made million aires out of a few people and at the expense of the general public. After Requiring the resources the syndicates ?it back and sny the public may go hang, they will develop their property when they see fit to do so. This trust -ownership policy, rather than the conservation policy. Is blocking the development of the west. Clifford Plnchofs policy looks to the real development of the country's re sources to development in behalf of all the people, not In the interest of the timber barons, the coal barons and the water power barons. This is hy the coal thieves and the timber thieves and monopolistic Interests In general hate him and exult in his re moval. This is why corporation or gans like the Portland Oregonlan, denounce him, lie about him and re fer to him in ribald, scurrilous terms. Thev would like to see Pinchot "nailed to the cross" and they Imagine because a flabby-minded president ruled against him he is down and out. They will find differently before the fight Is over. AX IDAHO VIEW. The liberal minded press of the country is with the "insurgent" ele ment in congress and In this the press is but reflecting the sentiment of the public. A significant utterance Is that of the Boise Statesman, a paper that is noted for its partyism and conser vative views. Speaking upon the congressional situation a few days ago the Statesman said: "As to the so-called insurgents, the situation warrants careful handling from a party standpoint. "Wnshintrton may not know it, but the people are in no condition to be trifled with." The Idaho Statesman should know because Idaho has . a "progressive" senator In Borah and a "regular" in Heyburn. The East Oregonlan would like to make a bet that among the people of Idaho Borah has three friends where, Heyburn has one and also that Borah will be a senator from Idaho long after Heyburn fiaa gone into political seclusion. for thfir. industry. Intelligence fa'nd frugality, while abroad' their enter--prise and Industry have become a proverb. The successful expression of these qualities in action has been duo very largely to the astute . business methods and wise political policies of the late King Leopold. Early In his reign he fixed upon the foreign policy of England ns the model for Belgium, and thereupon began to urge the ideas of colonization and the extension of trade. He actively ad vocated a strong navy and a merchant marine, ami personally urged and ar ranged for the distribution of samples of Belgian manufactures to all parts of the world. At his Instigation Bel gian enterprise in the shape of cap ital for investment and commerce generally spread over the globe. Bel gian money and Belgian engineers built railroads. In China, bridges in Egypt anil aqueduct In Australia. The trade of Antwerp extended to the uttermost parts of the earth. Leo pold improved and extended tho Bel gian railroad system. He also made many improvement beautifying and modernizing the capital, Brussels, as well as the city of Liege, and Improv ing the ports of Ostend and Antwerp. He took an active Interest In tho working classes, and contributed gen erouHly to charities and public en terprises. In general, It may be said, he exercised his functions as king in a scrupulously constitutional manner. He was never known to interfer In International affairs, although he was an authority on international matters. During his youth he traveled exten sively, and so extensive was his knowledge of world politics, and so clear his Judgment, that his personal weekly letter to Queen Victoria (even though the good queen seldom re plied) had at times considerable in fluence upon the foreign policies of the British government. From "Bel gium and the New Regime," in the American Review of Reviews for January. Silence I The instini t uf modesty natorat to every woman is often a jre it hindrance .t the cure or womanly diseases. Women shrink Irom the personnl questions of the IocmI physician winch sce;si indelicate. The thought of examination is ab horrent to them, and o they endure in tilenoe a condition el tlieaie which mrely projresses Irom bad to worte It hss been Dr. Pierce's pririleje to cure a treat many women who have tound a rcfre lor modesty in i"s oi'rVr ot FCH consult' tton by letter. H.'l correspondence Is kel.i at sacredly confidential, addres Dr. I!. V. fierce, iuildlo, X. V. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restares and regulates Ihe womuitiv function!, abolishes pain and builds up and puts the fir:.lin! touch of health on every weak wuman tvho gives ii a fair trial. s ' Mxkss Weak Women Strong, Hick Women Well. Too can't p!T.n to accept u srrrrt nostrum a substitute for this nun-jie"Mi!!c iniicine op inon composition. i -I some turn In the proceedings, he looked1 up quickly, that people were able to see that tho eyes in the pa tient face were steady and of a pe culiar brightness., "A military court does not pro nounce sentence at the end of the cne, and when Ferrer" was taken out from court, no word of death had been spoken. But ho knew, and the others knew, that he went forth doomed."' jutrt as a patient an exceedingly woebegone- expression on hl counten ance was approached by an attend ant. " 'Whom, m'sleu.' inquired the at tendant, with the most sympathetic of inflections in his voicts 'whom hall I hare the misery of announc ing to M. le Docteur?" Llpplncott's. Pneumonia Season Is Here Better euM that cold before it is too late. TALLMAX'S T. A 8. cold eapsuU will knock the worst cold In two daye. Manu factured and sold only by Tallman Co. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregon. ' i "That the-French are the politest people on earth," says a New Yorker,' who spends a: bit of his time in Paris, j "I have always been convinced, and a recent Incident in a Parisian dent ist's office accorded me additional confirmation of that belief. "I entered the dentist's anteroom The Washington Herald Intimates that the "growler" hasn't left Geor gia. And yet, Georgia has been rush ing; him. The first cannon to be cast In one piece was made by an English Iron master In 154J. Self-respect Is the pivot upon which clvllzatlon turns. I)ll NOT KFXXHiVIZE THEM. IT MEANS DEVELOPMENT. DEVEMP THIS IXDISTUY. ' "Conservation" on the Pinchot plan, means, in effect, that there Is to be no further practical use or develop ment of the natural resources of the Western country", says the Portland Oregonlan. "The policy of the Unit ed States will be to sit tight and heavy on the 'natural resources.' " . Such a He as this could be told only by one in dense ignorance of the facts or else by one who for selfish reasons . I a I res to obscure the truth. The statement being 'made by the Ore gonian it Is a fair assumption that the editorial opinion of that paper has been Influenced by the fact that the paper's chief owner, Henry I Plttock, Is himself interested In "ac- quiring" Alaska coal. At least he has been so charged and the Oregonian has never denied the accusation. But It is ridiculous for the Oregon lan to contend that the conservation policy, advocated by Pinchot. will ' block the development of the west. The conservation policy calls for the development of the natural resources of the country, but for development In the interests of the public rather than in the Interests of the timber, coal or water power trusts. With the conservation policy fully In force there should be and would be more development than there is at present or ever has been. Take for instance in the matter of timber. What has the policy of trust ownership brought about. At this time most all the timber, outside or the forest reserves. Is owned by timber syndicate. This timber is not being used. It Is "bottled up" and laid away for future use. The tim ber concerns manufacture only such lumber as is actually needed and they are careful not to overstock the mar ket for fear of hurting prices. They are able to control the situation for they own the timber. Now If the conservation policy were p force the government would be in control and there would be no cor rer. The e-overnment would sell standing timber to those desiring to manufacture it Into lumber. It would sell on such terms that mill men would make a fair and reasonable profit upon their Investment In ma chlnery and upon the work they do. That is all mill men are entitled to make. The timber itself was the gift of Got to the people of the Unit - ed States. It should never have gone Into nrlvate ownership. At least it ' should never have been thrown away aa it was by the government. It should have been beld and disposed The northwest continues to import much ham, bacon nnd lard from Chi cago and other middle west points, despite the fact that such products may be manufactured right at home. At this time some northwest hogs are shipped east, manufactured into bacon and lard and then shipped back to the northwest, retail trade. It is an absurd situation and one that should be improved just as soon as possible. The northwest is surely able to raise enough hogs for its own use and it should be able to convert them into the finished product without shippng them east. The present situ ation is a reflection upon the enter prise of the people of the west. The northwest should develop its pack ing Industry. Not long ago Jean und Edourd de I'.eszke sat down at the piano and began to sing soon after taking up quarters at a hotel in Paris. They had hardly gotten started when a lnnrt hammering broke out on the wall between them and the room ad- Joining. They thought the noise would stop, and at first paid no attention, but when it became louder than ever thev paused to consider the matter. When they stopped the hammering stopped, and when they began again the noise began. "They are making repairs on some thing." Jean said. "I'll ask at the office if these can't be done some other time." When he gyt down to the desk an American was standing there who had been trying to talk KVonrh hut had become so excited that he was speaking English without a breiiK. "It's an outrage; thee fellows have been bellowing for an hour," he said. "I'll change my hotel. I've already broken the tongs on tho wall, and I'll break the shovel and poker, too. be fore I'll be so Imposed upon." When it was pointed out to him On the reg ister by the clerk that it was the De Reszkes the American changed his manner to one of dejection. "And to think that I've paid all kinds of money over in America to hear those chaps sing," he said. MOTHER'S FHIEfl A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Baby's coming will be a time of rejoicing, and not of ap prehension and fear, if Mother's Friend ts used by the expec Unt mother in preparation of the event. This is not a medi cine to be taken internally, bnt a liniment to De appuea xo ine body, -to assist natnre in the necessary physical changes: of the system. Moth er's Triend is composed of oils and medicines which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, render the ligaments supple and elastic, aids in the expanding of the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens an the membranes and tisanes. It lessen the pain and danger at the crisis, and assures future health to the mother- Mother's Friend is sold at drug, stores. Write for our free book, containing Taluable information for expectant Mothers. THE BRADFIEKD CQ.rA TLANTA, GA. O. M. HEACOCK Eye-sight SpecsaMat. My Glasses are Ouarantenu to give you satisfaction or MONEY REFUNDED. I Grind all My Lenses. Any Lena Duplicated In a Few Hinutea. With WM. B. HANSCOM. Jcwete. Ii. " " l "WAITING." That it is necessary to go away fromhome to "learn the news" is at tested by the following from the Lew- Iston Teller: "The new motor cars of the O. R. & N. are proving such a success especially one running be tween Walla Walla and Pendleton that the company is now planning to place an additional car in service on that branch." This is something new indeed. There is no motor car ser vice between Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Such a service has been prom ised several different times. But to use a 'phone expression, we are still "waiting." A Portland reporter attended a ban quet given by the -ministerial associ ation and lost his overcoat. Yet some people say ministers are not practi cal. THE FEKREIt TRIAL, Writing in the' January McClure's of the Ferrer Trial, Perceval Gibbon says: "The whole thing was stage man aged like a drama, and its end was not lews certain and foreseen. , "Thev brought Ferrer in and placed him at the bar of the court, with a j sentry beside him; and the spectators rustled and fidgeted to see him close nt hand. Under their curious eyes the doomed man shrank and was un easy. People saw him with astonish ment. He had the manner and all tne outward look of an elderly clerk or a country schoolmaster, of anything subordinate and plodding and unin spired. He was middle-aged and ot the middle-aged and of the middle stature, with a round, dull face, anu a short, pointed gray oearu. o.c. was nothing to distinguish him from thousands of men in Spain today, in whom the national character 'or re serve and lncuriousness are exagger ated to a sort of atrophy of the fac ulties. He showed no trace or mai fi.nn.ncv anil nower that had made him the enemy of the government, and sustained blm through years or war against bureaucracy and clericalism in Catalonia. It was only when, at KNOWN FOR IT'S STRENGTH WHAT IT MEANS A BANK'S CAPITAL. Is to protect Jut depositors from possible loss, therefore Uh karger it Is, the greater protection the depositors have. This bank bus a Capital of $230,000.00 Surplus and net profits 175,000.00 Shareholders liability 250,000.00 A total of - - ..$675,000.00 ..o .t thia tinnfe imiMt Inse over 2- of a minion del- I llir. Ilirai". . - Inr. before Its deKsltors could lose a cent. Tills protection M for vor. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendletm, Oregon SECURITY The French Restaurant T. B. Sweartngen, Mgr. Thoroughly renovated First-claas rooms In con nection. Private dining parlors; good service and the best cooks. REGULAR MEALS 2ft OT8. 1 II Coal supply running low?' Tfcmi make a. note of OUR 'iilita auabr. Main 178, and call CentnU for that number when you want yor bins filled quickly with Hock Spring, the finest quality ooal obtainable. Promptness and fair prices cotabla ed with Rock Spring A-l quality, win enable us to keep your trade If you'll but try us. rrrry mm nr "voea. HENR.Y KOPITTKE thooe Main ITS. With all its wealth Umatilla county should be out of debt. It should have some money in the bank and in cidentally should be drawing inter est upon the same. The sleighing has been fine; but ,v, Ahinnnk will, be eood for chil blains. Pendleton wants electric lints and all of them it -can get. Bring them on. Every hero has hiB day." Not long ago it was Ty Cobb, and Hans Wagner, now it Is Curtlss and raui- han. LEOPOLD AS A RULER. Of Leopold II. as a constitutional ii. ia hut r raise can be writ- ten. By his able management of Wa countrv'a affairs he placed that com- .i ... in.nllon.nt ctat On a paniufci; -- .i... t - domestic Droaperity and yiftltV V. B ' - " of world-wide Importance. In their own country the Belgians are noted The Quelle r Ouh. X l-Xiiintalne. ITp. Itont 25 cent mals In the Nortli-went. Flrt-clasa Cooks and ServUe. Shell-fish In Season. La Fountains Block, Malsr M. FOR. SALE Careful Dressers uppreoiate the assistance our clean ing and' pressing work is to them tn the euro of their wardrobe. Your suit or overcoat here to be ul iatu. condition for use will prova it tu von ut small cost. Pendleton Dy Works 2U6 V4 E. Alta St. Phone Maine 169. t Chickens Tonics tbat make them. lay Alfalfa Meal. Bonis Shell and Grit, Insect Dertroyea. Co like y New Line I COLESWORTHY 127-129 E..At 4aa4ee4 ino ncrea all fenced, good 8 room house with basement, 4 big barns well hunt a orchards, and other improve nn.ni. This land lies along the foot hills of the Blue mountains. In the ckinnni, holt where erows the fine hnnnhirrass and flows the .. crystal .n rtti-nor rut ISO tons or ai falfa this year. This Is an Ideal stock ranch, 10 miles or a depot, ana can be bought for $12.60 per acre, and ten thousand dollars worth of cattle and horses thrown in, besiaes 3 good wagonb and all the machinery and other stuff on the ranoh. I find the bargains, that is why I sell the goods. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Oregon. Heat or Smoke Which? Do you want a fuel to fill your home and lungs with smoke and nasty odors, or with clear heat, as and when you want it? Then use gas, the fuel that answers every demand made upon it quickly, conveniently, cheaply and with cleanliness. You're Losing Money every time you nil that old stove up with coal the cost per degree of warmth from coal ia vastly more than heat ing with gas, and what a difference in conven ience, . cleanliness and results 1 It heats perfectly the cold corners; is cheerful and clean. WILLIAMJDN HAFFNDRCD ENGRAVER? rRlNTERt 7 DBNVElf COLO HT7 JOTMiK Phone Main 40 today andendyour heat and light trouble Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. Matlock Building. THC PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHOIETOUR ORDERS YOU GET THEM RIGHT Milne Transfer. Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer- ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty.