East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 11, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    jaUMT PAGES.
Newsv Notes
of Pendleton
A Marrlitec License.
A marriage license was issued this
morning to Marcellus A. Bryson and
Ella Bonewltz, both of Weston.
Two Big Days
Only Four Dais lore
Tomorrow will S. Third
Any Ladies' or
fi Misses' Suit
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Pastime pictures pleas all.
Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main 4.
rreah oysters at Hohbach's bakery.
Coal! Coal! Phone Penland Brop.,
Black 3391.
Lenses duplicated In a few minutes
ilajiscom's Jewelry store.
Wanted To buy good second hand
Enquire at this office.
Ctobd clean coal at the Oregon
Lumber Yards Phone Main I.'
Four or six room furnished house
for rent. Inquire Mark Moorhouse.
Boys' Goodyear Wolt Shoes for
92. SO at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store.
Highest price paid for veal at Rey
burn's market. Old W. & C. R. depot.
For rent Modern seven room
boune; North Ride; Inquire 113 Per
More moving pictures shown than
any other theptre In the city the
Wanted Man and wife on ranch,
call at 914 West Court street or phone
Main IK.
Miss Phinney. teacher of piano. Is
now located at 1208 E. Webb. Phone
Red 3632.
HalrdrcsMlnir. manicuring and sham
pooing parlors In connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
Calling cards, wedding stationery
and commercial printing to order, at
th East Oreconlan.
Broken lenses replaced In a few
minutes at Hanscom'a jewelry store
We grind any lenso.
Good store or office room for real
In East Oregonlan building on Main
street. Inquire at this offlee.
We can grind you a new lenne In a
few minutes. Bring your broken lens
to us. Hanscom's Jewelry store.
Phone Main 8 for good dry wood
and coal that will burn clean. Prompt
ly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard.
Mir rent Nicely furnished elgkt
room houne, four blocks from Main
street. Inquire (14 West Court
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot
and cold water; bath. Inquire at East
Oregonlan office.
Ooldfields, Nev. Jan. 11. More
thnn five million dollars wn divided
among the stockholders of the Gold
field Consolidated Mines company
during the fiscal year ending Octo
ber 31, 1909, according to the annual
report of Manager Mackenzie, made
Public today. Besides these five mil
lions In dividends, $3,900,000 remains
undivided In the company's treasury
For the first time in the history of
the company, an estimate of the re
serves was actually exposed In the
mnnnger's report. It Is stated that
ore estimated at 800.000 tons Is In
sight at the time the report was
made. This Is a sufficient supply to
run the Consolidated mill to its full
capacity for three years.
The Silent Auction
, Closes Tomorrow
IE PR? E fiP
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
in the House
kith m ik mil j u. u j u mtnn
Fred Smith's house was robbed the
other night. The burglar was on to
his Job. He nipped a can of Fol
ger'a Golden Gate Coffee, which made
Fred pretty sore.
Notice to Stockmen.
I have plenty of alfalfa hav for sale
! and can make quick delivery. Hay
! la on O. R. & N. line. For further
I particulars, address E. C. Burllngame,
Walla Walla. Wash.
j Choice Wheat Farm for Bale.
I 800 acres 2 miles from Helix; fair
I Improvements; fine well. Price $50,-
! 000. Leased to 1912. Easy terms.
i 814 Boyer Ave , Walla Walla. Wash.
To Sell Michigan Road.
! Chicago, Jan. 11 The Wisconsin &
Michigan railroad, owned by John R.
j Walsh and other Chlcngoans, is
I scheduled to be sold today for taxes
! by the Michigan officials. The taxes
duo aggregate about 345,000.
The Wisconsin & Michigan operates
I lines between Iron Mountain and
Peclitigu, a distance of sixty-five
i miies, between Everett and Walton,
! twenty-two miles.
Memorial for McCurren.
. New York, Jan, 11. The first
meeting of the new democratic county
; committee in Brooklyn, to be held to
j day, win take the form of a memorial
service to the late Senator McCarren,
i the democratic boss of the big bor-
J Illinois Master Rakers.
Peoria. 111.. Jan. 11. Master bak
i ers of Illinois convened here today
1 for an annual session of three days.
KJcliHlag Resumes.
I Berlin, Jan. 11. After the uhij.U
J holiday vacation, the Reichstag re
' sumed Its session today.
Chicnpo. Rev. Frank Gunsaulus,
In an afternoon sermon on "Christ
mas Thought" at the Central Y. M.
C. A. scored those who doubt the
"The fault .with our Christian life
Is that we do not make the Bible a
living truth," he said. "Therein Is Its
greatest value. The Bible as a teach
er of historical truth Is one of the
greatest things In our life, and as a
teacher of the living truth it Is even
"The light which lifts the burden
of the soul will not be found in the
high-wnys and byways of human en
deavor. The ordinary, everyday
thought is found there. The truths
o' modern science come from there.
The great truths of. life, though, come
to us silently and unostentatiously.
"If they who scoff at the Bible and
the miracles It relates will leave open
a door to their hearts, be it ever so
humble, truth will find them and their
burdens will be made light."
Calling cards, wedding stationery
and commercial printing to order, at
the East Oregonlan.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot
and cold water; bath. Inquire at
Kart Oregonlan.
Ilridgo Curix-nliTH Here.
A crew of O. R. & N. bridge car
penters are upending a few days In
this city, looking after the bridges In
the vicinity of Pendleton. Those In
the crew are B. N. Dethridge, James
Jensen, Carl Ford and Carl Outlay.
I'ormT Pendleton Kerfldents.
E. E. Purrlngton and wife, former
ly engaged In the millinery business
here, but now engaged In the lumber
business In Burns, are here for a visit
at the home of Judge and Mrs. S. A.
Loweil and Mr. and Mrs. Will Mc
Klnney. Knights Installed Officers.
Last night the semi-annual Instal
lation of officers' was held by Damon
Lodge No. 4, J. R. Raley, local dep
uty serving ns Installing officers. W.
I. Gadwa Is the new chancellor com
mander of Damon lodge. Next Mon
day night the local Knights of Pyth
ias will receive an official call from
Grand Vice Chancellor Yoran of Eu
gene. Grand Jury Still in Session.
Though the old erand lurv nut In
a full week, it seems that It left some
thing for the new grand Jury to In
vestigate. The seven men drawn vn.
terday have been in session ever since.
Among the witnesses appearing be
fore them today were Harry Huber,
Robert Chapman and Frank Sample,
from the South Fork of the Walla
Walla river, in the very northeastern
corner of the county.
Washington. As a Business Insti
tution, the Postoffice Department, next
to the United States treasury, is the
greatest in the government. Accord
ing to figures submitted by Charles
P. CJranfleld. First Assistant Post-
i master General, for the fiscal year
i-iiuci junr au, una, m nis annual
report, the gross revenue of the pos
tal service reached the enormous- to
tal of $203,562,383, an Increase of
$12,083,720 or 6.31 per cent, over the
preceding year.
There were 60.144- postofflces In
operation on June 30, 1909. During
the year 1626 postmasters were ap
pointed by Presidential offices. At
fourth-class offices 9161 postmasters
were appointed.
Concerning the routine of his bu
reau. Mr. Grandfield says:
"The retention of fourth-class post
masters during satisfactory service,
has became the established practice
of the department, and the policy of
recommending the reappointment ot
Presidential postmasters who have
proved efficient has been followed
consistently, with highly beneficial
"It Is recommended that the law be
so amended as to provide for the ad-
vancement of an office of the fourth
j class to the Presidential class when
ever the compensation of the post
master amount to $100 and the
gross annual receipts to, $1900 for
fo"ur successive quarters."
Mr. Grandfield makes a strong ar
gument In favor of 30 days' annual
leave of "clerks and. carriers in first
class and second-class offices.
t tenuis. A nrominent railroad
executive officer In touch with large
financial Interests controlling tne se
curities of the leading southwestern
railroads, at the Hotel Jefferson ut
tered the keynote of a movement for
reforming the purchasing department
of all large eastern, western ana
southern railways. He said:
"Business Becured by questionaoie
methods has ruined many brilliant
men and the whole system of placing
orders for materials and supplies must
be changed. Investors' fiscal agents
demand that contracts hereaner oe
awarded on quality, not on friend
ship. "The railway supply agent, witn nis
seductive wiles, Including wine sup
pers, automobile rides and carousals
at country clubs, appealing to the
weaker side of executive officers, lur
ing him to forget home, family, hon
or and decency, will no longer be
welcomed at railroads' general of
War AgaliKst Pernicious Traffic in
Women Is Being Waged.
Chicago. The warfare against the
traffic in women, "the white slave
trade," begun n Chicago about a year
ago, carried into many state legisla
tures and now Into congress by Presi
dent Taft's message and the Mann
bill, has spread to France. Reports
from Paris to the Women's World,
which set the fight going by publish
ing a series of articles by United
States District Attorney Sims. Assist
ant United State's Attorney Roe and
others, say that "Le Matin" editorially
declares that the revelations made In
tho United States of tho nefarious ex
porting from France Is a national dis
grace. Tho paper appeals to the gov
ernment to commence Immediately
pourparlers with Washington for the
suppression of the traffic. The paper
Insists that France In reality is the
most decent country on the globe,
and one where homo life and virtue
are most- beautifully exemplified, yet
abroad, and especially In America,
scandalous French HUrature is circu
lated and tho extent of the monstrous
white slave trade has given her the
reputation of being the center of de
pravity. The Matin adds: "The gov
ernment must intervene. It is a
question of humanity and national
Premium List Booklets Ready for
Distribution Indications Point to
Greatest Poultry Exhibit Ever Held
in Eastern Oregon,
The premium list booklets are now
ready for distribution to poultrymen
and all arrangements have been com
pleted for eastern Oregon's great
poultry show which is to be held In
this city, January 25, 26 and 27. The
lists can be had at the office of the
East Oregonlan or by application to
the ecretary, E. F. Averlll.
. Among the things which' Is making
this show attractive to o.wners of
Standard bred poultry Is the list of
valuable prize and the handsome
cups which are being offered by three
of Pendleton's stores and the two
banks. The Ffrst National bank Is of
fering a $25 silver cup for the best
pen of Barred Plymouth Rocks cup
to be won three times.
The Hanscom Jewelry store is of
fering a $25 silver cup for the best
pen of Plymouth Rocks, other than
barred cup to be won three times.
The Sawtelle Jewelry store is offer
ing a $25 cup to the best pen of Buff
Orpingtons, cup to be won three
The American National bank Is of
fering a $26 silver cup for the best
pen of Minorcas, cup to be won three
The Koeppen Drug company is of
fering a $10 cup. for the best pen of
Leghorns, cup to be won once.
Other cups to be offered will be
for the beBt pen of Orpington's other
than buff, the best, pen of Wyan
dottes, the best pen of Hamburgs and
the best pen of chickens in the Asia
tic class.
The total value of all prizes offered
w ill be more than $500. All the entry
fees are to be given back In premiums
and there will be a large number of
specials and cash prlzzes in addition
to these and the cups.
The secretary is receiving inquiries
daily from breeders all over the in
land empire and some from western
Oregon and some from Idaho. The
distant breeders who wil be here are
among the leaders in the northwest
and they are coming with the expec
tation of meeting many intending pur
chasers of stock and eggs as well as
with the expectation of winning some
of the valuable prizes.
. Fifty Years in One Pulpit.
Hartford, Conn., Jan. 11. Members
of the South Congregational Church
are today celebrating the golden an
niversary of the installation of the
Rev Edwin Pond Parker, D. D., as
pastor. Dr. Parker Is one of the most
famous of the Congregational minis
ters of the county, and a member of
the Yale corporation.
The day when the young cleric was
Inducted to pastoral relations Is so
far in the past that but a few who
were present are now living, but Dr.
Parker still enjoys the gifts of years
and the respect of his parishioners.
Brazilian scientists have succeeded
in developing a new variety of coffee,
with unusually large fine berries
whlc ripens early.
Program at the Orplieum Today.
Reel No. 1. CUeban Five sub
jects: From tho Fighting Top of a
Battleship in action; Forella, the
Bandit's daughter.
Reel No. 2 (Pathe) One subject,
1000 feet long, "The Love Token."
Reel No. 3 (Lubin) One subject,
980 feet long, "Three Fingered Jack."
Song Won't you Come Over to
My House."
Program changes Sunday. Tuesday
and Friday.
The dramatic version, in five acts,
of Sir Gilbert Parker's popular tale,
"The Right of Way," will be present
ed at the Oregon theater on Monday
night. January 17.
In dramatizing "The Right of Way"
Eugene Presbrey has contrived a sc
ries of dramatic scenes that are full
of color and human interest, and
that reproduce the unusual !roH-es-
tions, Walls, Fences and
; See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks "
Derore you build your home.
'. 1 will furnish your estimates for anv class of
work on application.
Contractor and Builder
Cor.Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore
Clearance Sale Prices
Look to your future needs and avail
yourself of the splendid savings these
extraordinary reductions offer.
The Sale Positively Ends
Next Saturday Evening
Wohlenberg Dep'L. Store
Better Goods for Less Money.
siveness of the book.
You may remember the plot: Chas.
Steele, a wealthy and brilliant lawyer,
has entered into a marriage of con
venience with a woman who loves an
other man. The realization of It has
turned him into an infidel and cynic.
His influence corrupts others; he
himself dissipates; at length he de
termines to end everything; visits a
notorious haunt of lumbermen, picks
a quarrel and Is pitched for dead in
to the river. Rescued thence by one
Joe Portugais, whom though "guilty
as hell," he has Just successfully de
fended from a charge of murder, he
lives for three years in the man's hut;
Not only is Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but
the comfort and healthful condition its nse produces makes it
of inestimable value to every expectant mother. Mother's
Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by tiie strain
on the different ligaments, overcomes nausea by coimteraction, prevents back
ache and .numbness of limbs, soothes the inflammation of the breast glands, and
in every way aids in preserving the health and comfort of prospective mothers.
Mother's Friend is a liniment for external massage, which by lubricating and
expanding the different muscles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the system
for baby's coming without danger to the mother. Mother's Friend is sold at
drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers.
TEe "Handy Store"
Office Supplies
Anything and everything for the desk and office and the kind
you want will be found at
Phone Main 513.
When You BUILD,
Build to STAY!
Re-enforced concrete and 'concrete blocks
are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more
substantial and far more comfortable in
either cold or warm weather.
Concrete stands unsurpassed fori Basements. Founda
Curbing. It looks better
physically well, but with hi mind a
blank. Meanwhile, he has fallen la
love with Rosalie, a village girl, while
his wife, supposing him dead, has
married his rival. An operation re
stores his memory, and the past with
a:i its horrors surges back into hU
life. He has despised life, courted
death, learned to love and now has
to face duty. '
Why have your shoe sole nailed
on when we sew them on at (Be a
pair. No swell dressed man or wo
man wants their shoes full of naite.
and lasts'Jonger than stone
' honor."