"""IT " ""t -rrrrrrrr- -IS EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION WEATHER REPORT Talr tonight anil Wed nesday; colder to night. Calling cards, wed ding stationery, com mercial stationery and Job printing to order at the East Oregontao- COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 22. PENDLETON, OIJEfiON, TUESDAY, JANUAHV 4, 1910. NO. 6789 ' ."7WKg ggg TRUST UNITES i . WITH TRUST! Colossal Merger of Morgan, Ryan and Morton Com oanies Consummated. TRIPLE ALLIANCE HAS CONTROL OP $150,000,000 Merger the largest of ItH Kind In V. S. New Cdrabln0 Will Be Known As Guaranty Trust Company Three Parties Are Big Figures in Financial Circle No President Is Yet Elected Hemphill May Be Namod. New York, Jan. 4. J. Pierpont Morgan, Thomas F. Ryan and Levi P. Morton linked hands In New York yesterday in a trust company merger which unites resources of 115.000.000. It is a triple combination, bringing In the Guarantee Trust company, the Morton Trust company, and the Fifth Avenue Trust company, all of this city, under one head with the title of the Guaranty Trust company. The merger Is perhaps the largest of Its kind in the United States. Di rectors of all three companies met yesterday and Informally approved the terms of the merger, which will be put in more definite form tomor row, when another directors' meeting will be held and the plan ratified by stockholders. A formal vote w'll not be taken until later. Levi P. Morton, president of the Morton Trust company, and of the Fifth Avenue Trust company both known as Morton-Ryan concerns has consented to act as chairman of the board of the merged com panies. No president has been se ' lected. The name of Alexander J. Hemphill, vice president of the Guar anty Trust company, has been men tioned for the position. Terms of Merger Concealed. The Morton Trust company, for merly the banking house of Bliss Morton & Co., was organized in 1899. Thomas F. Ryan Is vice president. Its deposits aggregate more than 145.000.000. Like the Guaranty Trust company, its capital and sur plus are-$2,000,000 each. ; The Fifth Avenue Trust company, founded ten years ago, is one of the I better known uprtown financial Instl- tutlons. With a capital and surplus of $1,000,000 each, It has paid large! dividends. The capital stock of the new company probably will be fixed at $5,000,000, with perhaps a like amount 'for surplus. It Is believed that the merger will Involve the largo stock and cash dividends to the shareholders of the threo companies. The present premises of the Fifth Avenue Trust company will be retain ed as a branch of the combined com panies while the main offices will b? In the financial district. It was rumored that the Morgin interests had acquired the holdings of Thomas F. Ryan In the Morton Trust company, but no statement on this point was obtainable. JOHN I. JR. INSERTS PROBE IN WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC New Yortt, Jan. 4. The Rockefel ler grand Jury of which John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Is foreman, today Is probing tho while slave traffic In New York. OF TO From present Indications there will be few prosecutions In this county as the result of failure of public and pri vate ditch owners to screen their ditches In conformity with the laws of the state. The Byers' mill race, and the Walters' mill race have al ready been screened. The big feed canal of the government project tit Hertnlston Is being screened and th Irrlgon Irrigation company will put In screens Just as soon as they begin taking water out of the river. While these are the principal ditch es which had not already been pro vided with appliances to save tho trout, a largo number of private per sons arc also following the lead of the "big fellows" and Deputy Game and Fish Warden Turner says that his efforts, so far. to find any -ne who Is disregarding the law, havo been without avail. Ho- is still look ing for violators of the law. however, and if any can bo found their cases will be presented to the grand jury which Is now In session, or its succes sor, next week. Tho members of the local anglcH' association are more than delighted OWNERS INSTALL ROCKY MT. RLIZZAKD v EXACTS IIKAVV TOLL Denver. Jun. 4. Eight per sons aro dend, hundreds of cat tle and Bheep have perished, railroad traffic Is demoralized, and wire communication is pros trated as the result of blizzards and rains resulting In floods that swept the Kocky Mountain states for the lust three days. Four men are reported to have been killed near Shenandoah, Colorado, by snow slides. One man and two boys, their names unlearned, were frozen to death In New Mexico near the Colo rado line last evening. At the Iowa mine In this state, a miner was burled beneath a snow ava lanche and his body has not yet been recovered. Reports from all sections of the mountainous states indicate that the storms have boen general and heavy damage caused. NEW YEAR'S DESSERT FATAL TO FEASTERS Sawtelie, Cal., Jan. 4. Four are dead and six are expected to die here today as a result of eating canned peaches at a New Year's celebration at the home of Alphonso Ferrandez. The dead are Mrs. D. G. Valdez, aged 66, of Ocean Park; Frank Garra, aged 13, a grandson of Mrs. Valdez; Mrs. Ferrandez, aged 25 of Sawtelie and Elezabeth Ferrandez, aged 2, a child of Mrs. Ferrandez. Among those not expected to live throughout tho day are Mrs D., H. Reclado, a son In law of Mrs. Valdez, his daughter Virginia and his son Antone, aged 4, Ramona Gurcia aged 12, and G. Reyes aged 68. HEAVY ItAIXS PREVENTED BURYING OF THE DEAD Pomona. Calif., Jan. 4. Because the rains filled the graves nearly as fast as they could be dug, bodies which" were to have been Interred nearly a week ago were not burled until today. During the heavy rain storm just passed over this section, of the state, the bodies of seven persons were held by undertakers on account of the storm. Funeral services were held as usual, but the bodies were kept In the undertaking parlors. Had the rain continued longer, special ar rangements would have been neces sary to store tho bodies. Four bodies were Interred yesterday and three to day. IF MINERS HELP SWITCHMEN SMELTERS WTLL SHUT DOWN Butte, Jan. 4. Upon the decision tonight of Butte miners as to wheth er they will continue to support the striking switchmen hinges the em ployment of twenty thousand men. The Amalgamated Copper company announced today that If the miners vote to continue to lend their aid to the striking switchmen It will close down all its plants in Montana and Wyoming, throwing miners., smelter men and quarrymen out of work. The Great Falls Smeltermen's union whose members have suffered from priva tion due to the shutdown of the Bos ton and Montant smelters, last night voted to. aid the railroads In carrying on the switching In order that tho plant might be reopened. FAMOUS AVIATOR MEETS DEVTII DURING FLIGHT Bordeau. France, January 4. Lon Delegrande, the famous aviator, was killed here today when hts aeroplane collapsed while 'making a flight. The backward man sometimes ex periences trouble In forging ahead. with the results of their ttg.i.itiori and they now believe that last year's ex ceptionally fine fishing will be re peated for a number of years to "onto. They are particularly well pleased with the result, of their efforts to pre vent a repetition of the wholesale de struction of fish on the Knintilla pro ject. Senator Bounv Rentiers Aid. A letter received from Senator Bourne, chairman of the senate com mittee on fisheries, tells of his hav ing taken the matter up with Secre tary vBalllnger and of having been given every assurance that the in take ditches will be properly screen ed In future. ' Ho asks to be kept posted In regard to the matter and de sires to be notified by wire, nt his ex pense. If at any time Immediate ac tion is regarded as necessary. In addition lo the telegram receiv ed from Congressman Ilawlc-y. a let ter hits also been received In which he states that It is the desire of tho department at Washington to protect the trout and lt was . supposed tit Washington that this detail would be attended to without any special order. HASTEN POSTAL BUSINESS FOR 1909 WAS GREATEST Iff HISTORY OF CITY PENDLETON' POSTAL BUSINESS Fort THE PAST YEA It WAS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE CITY. IT SURPASSED BY SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS THE TOTAL BUSINESS FOR 1908 AND '08 WAS A RECORD BREAKER. THE BUSINESS .FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER. JUST CLOSED, WAS THE HEAVIEST OF ANY MONTH IN HISTORY AND THE QUARTER JUST CLOSED WAS LIKEWISE THE BEST QUARTER THE OFFICE HAS EVER KNOWN. ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE POST- OFFICE, AS COMPILED BY HARRY REES, ASSISTANT POST- MASTER, THE BUSINESS BY QUARTERS FOR THE PAST TWO 'YEARS HAS BEEN AS FOLLOWS: , Quarter ending '09 '08 March 31 June 30 Sept. 30 -. Dec. 31 Totals Gain over 'OS .'. $322.00 THE BUSINESS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, JUST CLOSED. REACHED THE SUM OF $3025.24 WHEREAS FOR LAST YEAR THE DECEMBER BUSINESS AMOUNTED TO BUT $2340.91. WHEN THE $20,000 MARK WAS PASSED DURING 1908, THE ADVENT MEANT AN INCREASE OF $100 PER ANNUM IN THE SALARY OF POSTMASTER BROWN. THIS YEAR MR. BROWN GETS NO INCREASE YET HE EXPRESSES GRATIFICATION OVER THE FACT HAT THE RECORD FOR HEAVY BUSINESS DURING DECEMBER SAVED THE DAY FOR HIS OFFICE. UNTIL DECEMBER THE RECORD WAS PRACTICALLY THE SAME AS FOR 1908 BUT THE HEAVY CHRISTMAS BUSINESS RUN THE FIGURES AHEAD OF THE MARK FOR THE PREVIOUS YEAR. . PAISLEY CENTER OF 1 IMMENSE ICE FLOE LAKI COUNTY TOWN MAY BE SWEIT AWAY Oiewaucan Hive on RuniMigc, Car rie Huge li'o Blocks Through Uic Streets WuUr Freezes When It l Reaches Ix'vcl People Have Tn 'en t Highlands. Paisley, Ore.. Jan. 3. (By courier to Lake View, Ore.) Paisley is In imminent danger of destruction by a flood and citizens of that communi ty mave fled to higher ground. The Chewaucan river Is on a rampage carrying huge cakes of ice through the principal 'streets" of the town. The river has spread over the entire valley surrounding Palsiey. congeal ing Into an immense Ice floe. For two miles the channel of the river Is a solid nuiss of ice. Ice Jams have battered clown the bridges connecting Paisley with the outside world. As fast as the rushing water reach es the comparatively level ground It freezes, This has been going on since December 20. The present situation Is without parallel In the town's his tory. The weather here Is exceeding ly changeable, and it is feared a Chi nook wind may come suddenly and convert the hundreds of tons of Ice Into water and cause thousands of dollars worth of damage. CONGRESS DECLARES RECESS IN RESPECT TO M'LAURIN Washington, Jan. 4. Congress convened today after Its two weeks of holiday recess, both houses going Into session exactly at noon. Only a brief session was field In each house on account of the 'death during the Christmas holidays of Senator Mc Laurin of Mississippi. The senate ad journed at 12:09 o'clock. DR. COOK MAY SHOW HIMSELF IN DENMARK Copenhagen. Jan. 4. The an nouncement of Secretary Lonsdale, who bore Dr. Frederick A. Cook's polar data to Copenhagen, that he has been in personal communication with the explorer, has g.ven -rise to the hope that Cook will come to Den mark and appeur personally before the committee that recently rejected J his claims to the polar discovery. RIVER BOAT BLOWS IT KILLING SEVERAL MEN Pittshurg. Jan. 4 Several men are reported to have been killed when a river boat blew up over Beaver, near this city, shortly afternoon today. Will Identify Woman's Body. Santa Monica. Cal . Jan. S. The body of a 'young woman washed ashore yesterday at a point on the Mnlihu ranch. 27 miles north of this city, will be brought here tomorrow an expedition having started for the place totlay. Descriptions of the clothing and general appearance make It quite certain that the body Is that rnf tvilne Borde. the San Luis Obispo school teacher who disappeared from j When searched a complete bur it hotel here on December 14. Iglt'-r's outfit was found upon Kennedy. All Quiet at Barcelona. Madrid, Jan. 3. The governor of linrceiona has telegraphed that abso lute quite prevails at Barcelona and throughout all of Catalonia and that there has been no attempt nt a gen eral strike. Dispatches received from that city Indicate an anarchist. c movement. $5075.94 $4652.96 .... 4597.84 4759.70 '. ... 4561.46 4566.21 .( 6338.97 6273.90 $20,574.21 $20,252.77 ECLIPSES RECORDS l0 BUSINESS TOWERS OVER THAT OF PREVIOUS YEARS IflOtt Plieiiomciiul HcN-cipts Exceeded ". by Thousand Dollars Over Four Thousand listruinent Placed on Record Office Self-supporting. C ... ! ' According to Hie annual report. now . in course of preparation by C ounty Recorder Fred W. Hendlev, the business of his office for the year itftis breaks all former records. The phenomenal receipts of the office for the year 1908 have been exceeded by more than a thousand dollars, while tile number of instruments placed on record mounts into the thousands. Tho total number of instruments uctually placed on file during the year was 4612, while the total receipts of the office amounted to S5.621.5ti. The total receipts for the year 190$ were $4615.30, leaving a balance in favor of the past year of $1,006.25. That this office is more than self-1 supporting is indicated by the fact that while the receipts' amounted to $5,621.55, the salaries only amount ed to $4500, leaving a balance In fa vor of the county of $1,121.55. According to Recorder Hendley, the growth of the business of the office has been steady ever since his en cumbency, but in no one previous ear has there been such a remark able showing over its predecessor. A BURGLAR-BAROX. Robber Killed In Chicago Was Head of House of Ec)ex. Chicago, Jan. 4. It developed to day that Lord Featherstonhaugh, the rightful head of Essex, England, and the house of that name, was shot and killed by a policeman on New Year's morning. Harry D. Featherston, slain while robbing a saloon was no other than the last of that famous line ln England. Mrs. Eliza Featherston haugh, the dead man's mother, and William W. Featherstonhaugh. his uncle, still retain the titled name that Mrs. Featherstonhaugh's father had when he was disinherited for mar riage against the family wisltes. His son changed his name when he be came what the family thought was a professional broker. The first Inti mation of Harry Fetherstonhaugh's alleged criminal record came to the family yesterday at the Inquest over his body. The coroner's Jury com mended Patrolman Maloney for killing the robber-baron. HOLDUP MN CAUGHT BY VICTIMS DURING ROBBKRY Uitkersfield, Cal., Jan. 3. A man giving the name of Hank Kennedy entere 1 a saloon in East Bakersfield at 8:30 last nlpht with a drawn re- ! volver and ordered the five men In the bar room to throw up their hands which they promtly did. While the desperado was abstracting a purse ; from one man's pocket, another of J the victims jumped the hold-up man and the whole five joined In suhdu- ; Ing him. His description has been wired to th principal cities us that of a probably much wanted criminal. Mrs. Anna M. Klnnersley has re turned from The Dalles, where she has been visiting since before Christ mas. She Is spending the winter nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jam-s Cooper of West Alta street. DYNAMITE SHAKE IP WHETS MAN'S APPETITE Medford,, Ore., Jan. 4. After being hurled twenty 'feet 'I through the air by the prema- ture explosion of dynamite on o the Pacific Eastern railroad last evening, John Messlno, a labor- er, awoke this morning in a lo- cal hospital and demanded to know where he was, asked for his pipe and a plate of ham and eggs. The nurse, leaving him for a few minutes was astound- ed on her return to find him standing by the window en- grossed by the street scene be- low. Beyond complaining of a headache, Messino apparently was uninjured though he re- malned unconscious all night. Now he begs to be discharged , and allowed to return to work. THE STONES ACCUSED. In Bloody Murder of Morgan Shlvely t'oroner's Jury Returns Verdict. Los Angeles, Jan. 4. A coroner's Jury In the case of Morgan Shlvely, the Pacific Electric railway conduc tor who was killed early Sunday morning In the home of G. A. Stone, at San Gabriel, rendered a verdict yesterday which Implicated Mr. and Mrs. Stone In the murder. "Death was caused by the severing of the ulna artery in the forearm by a knife wielded by some unknown j troops have been divided evidently person," the verdict says, but this displaying Estrada's determination statement Is followed by a recom- j not to TiBk hlg entire command In a mendatlon that both Stone and his j derive engagement. One division is wife, who are now In the custody of , sajnng up the San Juan river and Sheriff Hammel, with no chanrge : lt , believed the insurgents' com- against them, "be held to the higher mander plans to send this detacfr- ' courts." ment upon the capital by way of Lake Sheriff Hammel and several depu-, Managua. The second rebel force la ties made a searching investigation ; marching by way of .Aceropa. ' To today !n an effort to solve the mys- avoid a ciash with the government tery of the murder by the finger print j troopg jn that vicinity, if such is method. What the result of the in- , Estrada's intention, it will be neces vestigation was the sheriff refused to 8arv that the body maHe , a detour state tonight. ' ! n0rth or south of the city. Estrada Many mysterious circumstances ' now hil8 unaer his command five connected , with the death of Shlvely thousand men. Although many of are still to be cleared up. That all . these are recruits,. the entire force is of. the clothes he wore previous to j t0 be welj equipped and, far su the time when he leaped through the ( perlor ln thls respect to the govern-' " - kitchen window of the Stone home In ment troops. . a nude state were burned In the ' , - Ultnhan -i tt ir.i If! tVia hnllua i a nn a. tablished fact, but the reason for I hnrnln? the earments Is not known. No trace of the weapon used has been found . I destroyed the plant of the American DEATH TURNS ROMANCE ! Bridge company shortly after mid- INTO CRUEL TRAGEDY : nlgnt. The dead are Captain John ; Hennessy, Lieutenant Domlnyk Oden- San Francisco, Jan. 4. A romance eIli ppeman William Foley and came to light today following the pipeman Joseph Sullivan. The four death of Frank M. Jermyn, the scran- men were members of the first corn ton coal baron. Jermyn who died pany to reach the fire. They were yesterday from injuries received when . r.ia lng a stream of water on the walls struck by a street car, has been en- ' of the east wine of the buildtnir when Baped to marr' Mrs. Clara Wads- worth of Oakland for the last four years The wedding was set for Feb- ruary 25. Mrs. Wadsworth is the di vorced wife of Joseph A. Wadsworth, former'.y paying teller, of the Wells Fargo National bank of San Fran cisco. She and Jermyn had planned an automobile party and dinner for an early hour the day the milllonary was struck and fatally injured. She was at Jermyn's bedside when he died. Baseball Heads Meet. New York, Jan. 4 President Thom as J. Lynch, of the National League and John Heydler left New York to day for Cincinnati where they will at tend a meeting of the national base ball commission. President Lynch, and Ban Johnson, the official head of the American league hold the bal ance of power ln the coming com mission election and their choice for president will decide the Issue. . It is expected here that Garry Herrman of Cincinnati will be reelected. Fatal Train Wreck. Bowling Green. Ky.. Jan. 4. Many persons are reported to have been in jured when the Louisville and Nash- vllle railroad southbound passenger train No. 3 collided with the nortli- hound local passenger at Oakland, ten miles north of this city. T SED OF RETRIBUTORY JUSTICE According to reports which are just now becoming public property there was a wholesale poisoning on wood al cohol in this city on Christmas day. The victims, as well as those respon sible for the poisoning have been do ing till In their power to have the mat- ier kept quiet and it is for that reason that the general public is just now be- .-l ining familiar with the details of the affair. As the slory runs, some man who makes Pendleton his headquarter'- shipped In a harrrl of whiskey jttsr before the holidays. The demand for his goods was so strong that he ile- .1 led to ivil-e H co as far -is tiossdili and tor that reason he added liberal ctiantitles of Pendleton's pure water, The result of this treatment was do- IS L Insurgent General Will Not Risk His Ali in One Battle With Government. ADVANCES ON CAPITAL IN TWO DETACHMENTS Revolutionist Commander Plays Or-' tain Game Moves Toward Mana gua by Two Different Route Has Five Thousand Meo Under Hi Command Troops Are Better Equipped Than Government Sol diers Many Recruits in Ranks. Bluefields, Jan. 4. General Estra da is determined not to stake the fate , of his revolutionists upon one battle with the government troops at Ace rapa if the manner of the. advance which he. has begun upon Managua may be taken to indicate his plans. The insurgents are moving towards' the capital by different routes. The iFOUR FIRE LADDIES ' PERISH IX FLAMES ,,,, j Milwaukee, -Jan. 4. Four firemen i lost their lives in a fire that partially it collapsed, burying them beneath -Its reckage. Captain Hennessy's skull Was crushed while the bodies of the other firemen were terribly ground beneath the debris. ENGINE LEAPS TRACKS KILLING HER CONTROLLERS Vallejo. Jan. 4. Engineer Charles Rosani was scalded to) death and Fire man Guy Cameron so badly wounded that he is practically Insane and may I die, when a Southern Pacific engine. oacaing at a nign rate of speed left the rails and toppled Into a ditch three miles north of here today en route to Napa Junction. Rosen i was caught in the cab where boiling water and fire burned him so that his body is unrecognizable. Shoots Enemy; Suicides. Idaho Falls, Idaho, Jan. 3. Dr. J. W. Mercer, a veterinarian. uai shot ; and killed here tonight by W. W. Riley, who then turned the gun upon himself, blowing the top of his head off. The shooting took place ln the rear room of a cafe and was wuhout witnesses. The men had be-. at outs for some time owing to the fact that I Riley's wife had left him and taken ! her residence at the homo of Dr. j Mercer. Dr. Mercer came hre from ' Iowa about 'a year ago. T trimental to the quality of the drink that intoxicates. By the time Christ mas day was reached the stuff neith er resembled ln looks or flavor, to any great extent either Cyrus Noble or Oil Bourbon. The I'legal Impor ter of booze is then sai.Pto have tin j dertaken to tone up the contents of the barrel and secured a quantity of ; wood alcohol for that purpose, I His trade continued to thrive as be- I fore, but before the day was over 1$ I pi rsons are said to have been more J or less badly poisoned. Those who i were satisfied with one drink of the i heme made ware escaped without the services of a physician, but eight of i the victims called In doctors, while j one of the eight was a mighty sick ; man. WARY , t "A el