East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 03, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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have altogether too many and will endeavor to close out the entire lot in a grand sale to last this week only, and
at prices that stand unequalled-remarkable in their lowness and within the reach of all.
These sweater coats are all-wool and come in solid colors and plain and fancy weaves.
They have been divided into two lots, as follows
All $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
All $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.50
Remember the Sale is for Just
Pendleton's Leading C 1 o thiers
Washington. -Wanted An Issue.
By thirty or more insurgent members
of the House of Representatives. Is
sue must be squarely upon the rules
and guaranteed not to endanger mem
bers' standing at the White House.
Some sure method of taking the gavel
away from Speaker Cannon preferred.'
Any issue acceptable that will give
the country at large an idea that the
insurgents are fearlessly fighting Czar
rules and a Ciar ruler."
An advertisement like the above
may be inserted in the daily papers
one of these days unless the Insur
gent leaders of the House find the Is-
secure recognition from the powers
controlling that body; and, second,
they may "lose out" with the Presi
dent for opposing legislation that the
administration wants enacted. There
are a lot of postmasters to be ap
pointed this session.
What makes the situation of a good
many insurgents all the - more tick
lish is the fact that their constitu
ents at home demand a fearless atti
tude of them and expect to see their
representatives - personally twist the
tail of power every time they read
the home papers. Many of them were
elected upon an anti-Cannon plat-
sue they are looking for nearer the form and when they come up for re-
House of Representatives than they election next rail, they may have to
have discovered up to date. If they do some strenuous explaining to hold
can find the 'issue, they assert, they their jobs.
can very quickly get enough votes to ' Although the Insurgents have held
overthrow the rules, speaker and all. a number of meetings Blnce their or
"An issue is really all we are wait- ganizatlon under the akainst-the-rules
ing for at present," said Victor Mur- t banner last winter, they have not yet
dock of Kansas, who is the recog- been able to formulate any very de
nized leader of the Insurgent forces; finite plan of campaign. It la prob
"It must be squarely upon the rules able that a number of them will take
or we cannot do business. Some sug- the stump next summer, to assist In
gestlon has been made that we agree ' the primary fights of would-be con
upon the postal savings bank as an gressmen who will promise, if elected,
inviting plank to stand upon, but there ' to strengthen the Insurgent forces. By
Is too much opposition to that scheme so doing, they may add to their ranks
for us to hope to do anything with it. j next session when they think they will
So it looks as though there was noth- j have more of a chance really to do
Ing to do but wait until the rules things.
themselves can be attacked, then to go The one point on which all the in
ahead and overthrow the speaker, .surgents are agreed is that the speak
"As fas as I am personally . con- er has too much power under the
cerned I am against Cannonlsm in present rules. Naturally the element
particular and in general. I intend
to keep on fighting the speaker until
I get him. Some of the other folks,
however, balk at the idea of making
a personal attack on Cannon, so the
best thing we can do Is to wait until
we can all get together."
A Delicate Situation.
The House Insurgents are confront
ed by two dangers while they are en
gaged In their , effort to overthrow
Uncle Joe. In the first place, f they
are not successful they are very like
ly to lose whatever Influence they have
in the House because of inability to
Quality clean perfect
Your grocer will grind it
better it ground at home not
too Hue.
of personalities enters into the fight
when even such an abstract thing as
the rules themselves are being fought,
and so Speaker Cannon Is the storm
center. That Uncle Joe has exercised
the power given htm under the rules,
and right vigorously, is not denied bj
even the most rigid "organization"
adherent. In fact the speaker him
self Is willing enough to say that he
wields the gavel to 'suit himself and
the best Interests of the party as he
sees the best interests to be.
"The moment that the majority ol
the House wants me to step down,
I'll step down." he has said more
than once. "It is ridiculous to say
that the House as a whole, or a ma
jority, is opposed to me. My gavel Is
In my hands only by sufference and
can be taken from them at any mo
ment the majority Indicates the wish."
The supporters of the present rules
assert that the end sought by the in
surgents would be fatal to wise legis
lation. "They want the House run
under the same rules as the Senate,"
said one of the organization support
ers, "but if those rules were In tforce
they would be the first to demand that
they be changed. In the Senate they
have unlimited debate. How much
! businesss, do you suppose, would the
House ever accomplish with every
member able to talk as long as he
chose? Why, we'd never get anything
through and the sessions would last
throughout the years." ,
brlelle, with such an air of being sure
that the supper party was in her par
ticular honor that . Miss Elsie left In
high dungeon.
As both women have a battalion of
adherents, there la a merry war at
Daly's. Meanwhile the bewhlskered
diplomats of the foregn offices are
chuckling and say that King Manuel
certainly has the making of a great
diplomatist if he can make two wo
men In the same company believe he
Ib desperately In love with them.
Only a little cold in the head may
be the beginning of am obstinate case
of nasal catarrh. Drive out the in
uder with Ely's Cream Balm applied
straight to the inflamed stuffed up
alr-pas3ages. Price 80c If you pre
fer to use an atom.iter, ask for Liquid
Cream Balm. It has all the good
qualities of the solid form of this
remedy and will rid yea of catarrh
or hay fever. No cocaine to breed a
dreadful hab't No mercury to dry
out the secretion. Price 75c, with
spraying tube. . All druggists, or
mailed by Ely Bros., 66 Warren
street, New York.
One of the oddest characters on the
stage today is that of Obadlah, the
undertaker's assistant, in Sis Hop
kins, which comes to the Oregon on
Wednesday, January 6. Obadlah is
a clumsy sort of a rustic type whose
one idea in life is to get ready for
prospective victims. He goes about
with a tape measure and dreams of
death and disaster. The gossip
which tells him of the illness of the
oldest inhabitant or the ailments of
the countryside people, brings Joy to
his soul and he keeps track of what
the village physician is doing. He
wears the moat' funereal garments,
and yet he is funny. Not contented
with merely being a general calamity
howler, he prepared the epitaphs for
his neighbors and their recitation is
one of the brightest laughing spots
In the play. Obedlah is one of the
cleverest character studies on the
stage today. This is Miss Melville's
eleventh season as Sis Hopkins, the
odd Posey county girl who wears fun
ny little red celluloid side combs,
gingham pinafore, striped stockings,
the like of which have not been seen
In more than a decade and those
curious panella gaiters Which were
the fashion In the late seventies and
the early eighties. She wears her
hair in two tight little pigtails.
Portland. Delegates from Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana and
Utah will attend the convention of
the Western Retail Lumber Dealers'
association, which .will meet in Port
land February 14, 16 and 16. Lavish
entertainment of the visitors by the
manufacturers of this district will be
a feature of the convention and plans
to give the delegates a good time are
already under way. A committee,
headed by W .B. Mackay, has this
feature In charge. An elaborate ban
quet is on the program' and trips to
the sawmill plants near the city, ex
cursions on the harbor, and probably
a Jaunt to a logging camp in the
timber not far from Portland are
promised. The gathering will be an
important one in lumber circles and
It Is expected 'there will be 400 dele
gates in attendance.
rtauffh. In the Rain
then a cold and a cough let it run
on get pneumonia or consumption.
that's all. No matter how you get
your cough, don't neglect it take
Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you ii
be over It in no time. The sure cure
for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all
pulmonary diseases in young anw old.
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Kansas City, Kan., Jan. 1. By the
annexation today of Argentine this
city Increased Its population, to 111,-
889. Further extension of one mile
west is contemplated and the rooters
say that the population on this side
of the river will soon outnumber that
of the city of the same name on the
Missouri Bide.
London. Two beautiful actress
do not speak as they pass by, owing
to the recent visit of King Manuel of
Portugal. They are Lily Elsie and
Gabrlclle Riy, both beauties playing
in "The Dollar Princess" at Daly's
King Manuel visited Daly's three
times and confessed to his suite his
deepest admiration for Miss Elsie, but
It was not known that the youthful
monarch had also fervent eyes for
the equally and some contend, the
more beautiful Miss Ray of the sauo
company. King Manuel gave a chic
private supper party at whlcn F.IsIm
thought she was the. star, bat who
should appear but the pretty Oa
Forbids Checks Under $1.
Washington, Jan. 1. Charles D.
Norton, acting secretary of the treas
ury, has asked law officers of the
government to give an opinion as to
the construction to be put upon the
provision In the penal code of the
United States, which forbids the is
suance of checks for amounts less
than one dollar. The new. law goes
Into t-ffect today.
Business firms say the new law
wilt mean the substitution of post
age stamps, subsidiary coins and post
office money orders In lieu of the ban
27 Cities Get Near Beer.
Atlanta, Oa., Jan. 1. There are 27
cities in which near beer may be sold
after today under the general act gov
erning traffic in that commodity.
AZO OINTMENT Is gnaranteed to core any
case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Id 6 to 14 days or money rsfood
d. eoe.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent In the East Oregonlan build
ing. Steam heat; electric lights: hot
and cold water: bath. Inquire at
East Oregonlan office.
The auto runs over you and you
die. The aeroplane runs over you
and you don't mind it a bit.
Heartburn and Headache from Stom
ach and Other Distress Is Ended
Forever A Llttlo Diapepsln Now
Will Certainly Make Ton Feel
Fine Before Yon Know It.
Why not get some now this mo
ment', and forever rid yourself of
Htomach trouble and indigestion? A
dieted stomach gets the blues and
grumbles. Give it a good eat, then
take Pape's Diapepsln to start the
digestive Juices working. There will
be no dyspepsia or belching of gas or
eructations of undigested food; no
feeling like a lump of lead in the
stomach or heartburn, sick) headache
and dizziness, and your food will not
ferment and poison your breath with
nauseous odors. .
Pape's Diapepsln costs only 60
cents for a largo case at any drug
store here, and will relieve the most
obstinate case of indigestion and up
set stomach in five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take
gas from the stomach and cleanse the
stomach and intestines, and, besides
one single dose will digest and pre
pare for assimilation Into the blood
all your food the flame as a sound,
healthy stomach would do-it.
When Diapepsln works, your stom
ach rests gots itself in order, cleans
up and then you feel like eating
when you come to the table, and what
you cat will do you good.
Absolute relief from all stomach
misery Is waiting for you as soon as
you decide to take a little Dlapi psin.
Tell your druggist that you want
Pape's Diapepsln, because you want
to become thoroughly, cured this
Remember, If ysttr stomach fuels
out of order and uncomfortable now
you can get relief In frve minutes.
anything you
want in
Reck Springs Coal
Good dry Oak, Black Pine, Yel
low Pine, Fir, Slab Wood
and Split Wood
B. L. Burroughs
Phone Main 6.
Office 607 Main Street, Near
O. n. N. Depot.
Heat or Smoke
Do you want a fuel
to till your home and
lungs with smoke and
nasty odors, . or with
clear heat, as and when
you want it?
Then use gas, the
fuel that answers every
demand made upon it
quickly, conveniently,
cheaply and with cleanliness.
You're Losing
every time you fill that
old stove up with coal
the cost per degree of
warmth from coal is
vastly more than heat
ing with gas, and what
a difference in conven
ience, cleanliness and
results !
It heats perfectly the
cold comers; is cheerful
and clean.
Phone' Main 40 today andendlyour heat and light trouble
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
4 -j
IK f
1 If 9J
: . HOItL'pREtfON:
iPr'iJ!..-. f .T?i'-r,.1 -.i
lAtoatea oh the corner of Seventh and Slnrk streets, extending through
the Mock to Park street, Portland, Oregon. Our new Park Street Annex Is
llie only fireproof hotel building In Oregon. . . i. ; ,
Rates $1 a Day and Up. European