East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 03, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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FAGS nvst
Ladies9 Suits, Coats
and Skirts
at a great Jan, Sacrifice
Every garment in the hdiise
must now be closed out
regardless of all former
No charges for alterations
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Agents for Ladies Home Journal Patterns
and Publications
Two Marriage Licenses. ,
Marriage licenses have been Issued
to Ralph C. Walden and Millie Birch
field, both of this county and to James
W. Trouper of Whitman county,
Washington and Miss Estella Ad
kins of this county.
Silent Auction
at The Gift t
Boom, next door to
Koeppene Drug
Eve ry article in
the Gift Room in
o 1 uded in this
sale, excepting
gold band dinner
ware, which is sold
under a different
plan as stated be
1 ow.
Everything in
new annex will be
sold to the highest
bidder regardless
of cost --Koeppen
gets the first bid,
( whi ch will be one
half the regular
price), and the
first bid after
.that must be a 10
per cent advance
above the half
price bid, and
after that a b i d
for any amount will
be al lowed.
The sale, begins
Saturday, Jan. 1st,
and continues ten
business days, end
ing Wednesday even
ing at 5 o'clock ,
January 12 . 1910.
Remember th i s
Bale will be a gen
uine silent auction
sale, and means
just what it say 8 - -
' a silent sale'';
none but the person
in charge will know
who does the bidd
ing, but the amount
will be pi aced on a
oard attached to
the di f f erent arti
cles and at the
close of the sale,
Wednesday, January
12th, the bids will
be opened by a com
mittee of three and
the successful ones
not i f i ed at once . -
Example of sale
p 1 ant
For instance the
regular pr ice of
the article is
$4.00, Koeppen's
bid would be $2.00i
the first bid at a
10 per cent . ad
vance of the half
price bid would be
$2. 20 , then any
amount is allowed.
Full particulars
at the Gift Room on
Saturday at the be
ginning : of the
sale. Be sure and
investigate this
plan as you may have
the opportunity of
buying some article
that you wish at
about half-price.
The sal e in
cludes out glass,
hand-painted china,
brass goods, jard
ineres, umbrella
stands, comb and
brush sets, mani
cure sets, uaframed
pictures, traveling
cases, etc., etc.
White and Gold
Dinner Ware will be
on sale on our half
giving away plan-,
that is, we give,
you half as much
free of charge as -
you buy. lor in
stance; if you buy
$1.00 worth of
china at regular
price, we make you
a present of 50c
worth of china ab
solutely free of
charge .
We do not think
it necessary to ex
plain any further,
as you undoubtedly
are acquainted with
the plan, as we in
augurated and con
ducted, a most suc
cessful half giving
away plan last
spring, and judging
by the popularity
and. amount of goods
sold under this1
plan,. it certainly
must have met with
the approval of- the
buying publ i c.
ANNEX, The Gift
Room, where the
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Will Live in Town.
Rev. J. M. Cornellson and family
are moving Into room IS of the East
Oregonlan building and will remain
In town during the winter months so
as to permit the little girls to attend
the Field school. Mr. Cornellson is
missionary In charge of the Tutuilla
Presbyterian tnlsslon.
Victim of Typhoid.
Miss Blanche Roumagoux, the 12-
yearo'ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank R. Roumagoux, died this mor
ning at the home of her parents In
West Pendleton. Death was due to
typhoid fever. The deceased had
lived In this city all her life. The
funeral services will be conducted by
Father Durgen at St. Mary's Catholic
church tomorrow morning at 9:30.
best gift a rtioles
are served for a 1 1
occasions , next
door to KOEPPENS,
the drug store that
se rv es you best.
Hy mutual consent, the firm for
merly existing and known as Baker
& Folsom, doing a general furniture,
carpet and undertaking business In
the city of Pendleton, has this day
been dissolved. John S. Baker will
continue the business at the same old
stand in the bmtth-Crawford build
ing opposite the postoffice, collecting
all accounts and paying ail bills out
standing against the firm.
Mr. Baker will continue the busi
ness as in the past, handling only the
highest class merchandise In the car
pet, furniture and undertaking line,
and corldally solicits a continuance
of the same pleased patronage that
the old firm enoyed in the part from
its hosts of patrons.
Dated this 31st day of December,
1909. JOHN S. BAKER.
Schools IU umlng Work.
Work in all the local public schools
was resumed this morning after the
holiday vacation which began De
cember 21. The work at the Pendle
ton academy will not be resumed un
til tomorrow morning. Work at the
St. Joseph's academy was resumed
this morning, while the Pendleton
business college also reopened this
Will Caleton Dies.
Will Caleton. a resident of Califor
nia, died this morning at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. McRae In
North Pendleton, after a brief Ill
ness with pneumonia. His relatives
all live in California. These have
been notified and pending information
from them the body is being held at
the Baker undertaking parlor. He
was 33 years of age. but little is known
of his life.
Wool Growers Leave Wednesday.
The special train which Is to carry
the Oregon delegates to the National
Wool Growers' convention In Ogden
will pass through Pendleton Wednes
day morning between 4 and 6 o'clock
as one section of No. 10. The con
vention is to be held in Ogden, Jan
uary 6, 7 and 8 and a. strenuous ef
fort Is to be put forth to bring the
next annual meeting to Portland. For
that reason the delegation from this
state will be larger and more enthu
siastic than usual.
Miss Ph'.ney, teacher of plane, la
now located at 1108 E. Webb. Phone
Red 3582.
Boxing Tomorrow Evening.
Another boxing exhibition will be
conducted tomorrow evening In the
Oregon theater under the auspices of
the Pendleton Amateur Athletic club.
While the principal eve'nt will be the
bout between Louis Long and Billy
Butts, "much Interest Is being mani
fested In the match between Orvllle
Coffman, former chief of police, and
Al Richardson, the colored champion
of this city. There will also be a
number of other preliminary, events
Debates Begin Jnnnary M.
On the evening of January 14 the
preliminary debating for the state
high school league will be started
and that evening Pendleton high
school will have two teams on the
rostrum. One team will debate with
the Athena high school in this city,
while the other team will go to-Weston
to debate the Weston high school.
The subject for debate Is "Resolved,
that life Imprisonment, with restric
tive power of pardon, should be sub
stituted for capital punishment with
in the state of Oregon."
Alexander Gets Jewel.
At the session of Damon lodge No.
4, Knights of Pythias, to be. held this
evening an unusual ceremony will be
held. It will be the presentation of
a veteran's Jewel to R. Alexander,
past chancellor and the only member
of the local lodge entitled to the hon
or that Is to be conferred upon him.
Mr. Alexander Is entitled to the Jew
el by virtue of the fact that he has
been nn active member of Damon
lodge No. 4 for 25 continuous years.
At the session tonight the Jewel will
he presented Past Chancellor Alex
ander and following the ceremony
pome refreshments will be served.
Our First Big Annual
Clearance M
Boy Received Broken Arm.
Floyd Perham, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Perham, Is now nursing a
broken arm which he received on
Butter creek. New Year's day. At
the time young Perham, who Is IS
years of age, was visiting his friend,
Dale Hlnkle, at the Hlnkle ranch
near the mouth of Butter creek. Dur
ing the day the lads started riding.
Just as they mounted young Perham's
horse started and as tho boy had not
gotten his foot In the stirrup he fell
underneath the animal. The horse
stepped on his left arm and broke
the bone between the wrist and el
bow. The injured boy was taken to
the Hinkle home and a physician
summoned from Hermlston to care
for him. He is- now at his home on
West Court street.
French Degree Carries Plumed Cap,
and Suit With Green Palms.
Paris. The Academy of Moral and
Political Sciences recently elected
Theodore Roosevelt to a foreign as
sociate membership. With this hon
or he will be 'entitled, when deliver
ing lectures at the Sorbonne, to wear
the plumed rnp of an academician,
tho pearl-handled sword und a suit
rmhroldered with green palms.
Asks Prayers for Icopokl. .
Brussels, Jan. 2. The archbishop
of Mcchlen has Issued a charge Invit
ing prayers for the late King Leopold
who, says the archbishop, "by his re
ligious marriage and eminently
Christian death merits the prayer
pf ull good Belgians and Cathsltcs.
C 1
Prices on
Ti 1 J
Prices on
Is Now in Full Swing
Every article in the house at reduced prices
Contract Goods Alone Excepted
Bed Spreads
To the working people,those with a limited amount of
money to spend, and those who deem it their duty to save,
we extend a most hearty invitation to come here and par
take of the most radical reductions. Remember every
article in the house at a reduction, and the sale ends Jan
uary 15.
Look elsewhere if you will, before buying here .but be
sure-absolutely sure-of looking here before you buy
TJoOiBenuDergi GBepf t. SHoire
Better Goods for Less money
Pastime pictures pleas all.
Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main i.
Automobiles for vent at the Pea
lleton Auto company.
For Sale Few tons of Timothy hay.
Oiegon Lumber Yard.
Lenses duplicated in a few minutes
Hanscom's Jewelry store.
For rent Furnished rooms, close
In. Enquire 711 Cosbl street
Oak wood, the heat giver, good as
'oal. Oregon Lumber Yard.
Good clean coal at the Oregon
Lumber Yards, Phone Main 8.
Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoe for
(2.60 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store.
Highest price paid for veal at Rey-'
burn's market. Old W. & C. R. depot.
For rent Modern seven room
house; North side; Inquire 228 Per
kias. Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham
pooing parlors In connection with the
Vogue Millinery.
Broken lenses replaced In a few
minutes at Hanscom's Jewel store.
We grind any lense.
Salem school teachers will receive
a 12 1-2 per cent Increase In salaries
next year.
Uood store or orflce room for renl
In East Oregonlan building on Main
street. Inquire at this office.
We can grind "yojj a new lens In a
few minutes. Bring your broken lense
to us. Hanscom's Jewelry store.
Phone Main 8 fox good dry wood
and coal thai will burn clean.
Promptly delivered. Oregon Lumber
Wanted, room (at from $20 to $30
per. month) or room and hoard (at
$E0 or $80 per month) with a refined
private family by business gentleman.
State who composes family. Address,
Box 28, Post Office.
Aged Pedestrian to Make Transcon
tinental Journey.
New York, Jan. 2. Edward Pay
son Weston, veteran pedestrian, an
nounced today that he will make one
more transcontinental walk, and that
he will get from ocean to ocean In
100 days.
Weston will start from Los Angeles
at 4 o'clock the afternoon of Feb
ruary 1 and will be due In New York
May 28. His hike from New York
to San Francisco early last summer
took him 105 days but on that Jour
ney he encountered a long series of
storms and unusually hot weather. If
conditions iwe favorable this spring
he Is sure that he can cross the
United States In 100 days.
Little Sailor Defies Samuel Gompers
in a Labor Meeting,
New York. When Samuel Gomp
ers appeared at Cooper Union to pre
side over the mass meeting of the
International Seamen's unon, after
making a speech he put to the house
a set of resolutions which declared
that seamen were slaves- Up Jump
ed a small and limber sailor from the
middle of the house, hurdled what
feet and knees were In his way,
sprang into the isle and shook his fist
at Gompers.
"I protest " he shouted, and kept
right on down, the aisle toward the
"Stop right there!" shouted Gomp
ers, angr'ly. "Don't you come an
other step!"
"I protest" said the little sailor,
still coming. "You and your dirty
gang have no right to set up to rep
resent the. seamen!"
"Stop! stop!" cried Gompers.
"Stop, I tell you! If you come an
other step I'll have the police put
you out!"
"And this Is your bloody free
speech, Is It?" the sailor shot out right
under Gompers" nose. "Here I am
and here I squat!"
And he dropped down Into a front
row seat and glared bravely at the
ng tated labor leader.
Gompers hesitated a moment and
then called for three cheers for the
International Union. The crowd yell
ed and the little sailor waited until
the noise died away. Then he bowed
scornfully. Back in the house the
husky policemen laughed among
. Mr. Gompers didn't get to the meet
ing on the dot. He said he. had to
wait until he was sure the suprome
court wouldn't care, and then he
caught a tra-'n and an automobile al
the depot, and there "he was. He said
that sailors were at the mercy of the
hounds of the government and he
thought It was about time that work-"
ingmen got together and throttled the
It is no wonder, he said, that the
American merchant marine couldn't
get young Americans to man vessel.
Conditions were so horrible, said he,
with a stamp of his foot and a whack
of h'.s hand, that the boys of Ameri
ca refuse to go to sea. For that rea
son, too. It was difficult to get sail
ors for the United States navy.
"Why, if conditions are not chang
ed on the great !".hes pretty soon,"
shouted Mr. Gompers, "Japs and Chi
namen and other kinds of pigtails
will be manning fresh water vessels."
San Francisco, Cai, January 3.
Bailey and Austin made their first
t appearance tonight at - the Garrick
theater as the stars of the musical
comedy. "The Top of the World." be
fore an audience that Jammed the
theater and scored one of the great
est triumphs ever accorded a visiting
attraction. They were recalled again
and again and were obliged to re
spond in speeches. "The Top of the
World" is one of the best musical
comedies that has been seen in this
city in many a day. Novelties follow
one another In rapid succession. Tms
piece Is a rapid fire hit all through.
Bailey and Austin have a clever com
pany and one of the largest, prettiest,
classiest choruses seen here In many
seasons. The production is most lav
ish 'and sparkles with a brightness
that that Is positively refreshing for
an eastern production.
Attention KnlglilM.
nnmon Lodtre. No. 4. Knights of
Pythias will work in the third rank
this evening also P. C. R. Alexander
will bo presented with veteran's Jewel.
All Knights please attend. Refresh
ments will be served.
R. E. TAR BET, C. C.
R. W. FLETCHER. K. R. S. .
Whv k.v. vnn. .hn. anl n&tld
on when we sew them on at 65c a
pair. No swell dressed man or wo
man wants their shoes full of nails.
New Transcontinental Train.
Chicago, Jan. S. The Santa Fe has
put on a new transcontinental train
for fast through service.
Dressed Poultry Every Day
ac the
Phone your prdcr of tell the order bov.
Phone Maui 538.
Prompt DeUTery.
TiTe "Handy Store"
Office Supplies
Anything and everything for the desk and office and the kind
yon want will be found at
Phone Main 513.