mhii. DAILY EAST OREGONIAV, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 3,' 110. EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEV8PArKB. Patllshed Dally, Weekly and Semi Weekly, t Pendleton, Oregon, by the CAST OREGON IAN 1'UIILISHINQ CO. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. "Kelly, ana year, by mall $5.00 Helly, els nentha. by mall 2.B0 Dally, three months, by mall 1-25 Dally, od month, by mall -&0 Dally, one year, by carrier T.BO Dally, alx montha, by carrier ........ J To Dally, three monthi, by carrier .... 1.B5 Dally, one month, by carrier -5 Weekly, one year, by mall l jO Weekly, alx montha. by mall TS Weeklr. four montha, by mall .00 Semi- Weekly, one year, by mall .... 150 eal-Weeklv, alx months, by mall . . .75 eml-Weekly, fonr montha, by mall . .50 Tfce Dally Gait Oregonlan la kept on sale t the Ore iron Newa Co.. 1T 6th atreet, Portland. Oreron. Chicago Boreas, 609 Seeurlty Building. WaahlnKtoo, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth atreet. N. W. Member United Frees Aemclatloo, Catered at the poatofflce c Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 THIS IS PEACE. e This la neace To conquer love or seir ana lust of life; To tear deep rooted passions from the breast; To still the inward strife; To lay up lasting treasure. Of perfect service rendered, du ties done In charity, soft speech and stain less days. These riches shall not fade away in life Xor any death dispraise. Sir Edward Arnold 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AMi MVST CXITE. Once more the East Oregonlan -wants to urge united and aggressive action on the part of local people when the movement is started to raise the $50,000 for the traction system. At best It will require some little "work to raise this amount. It Is "therefore important that all work to gether and that no unnecessary ob stacles be allowed in the path of the movement.- The starting of a movement of this sort is"much like the launching of a hip. It Is doubtful if ever a vessel was built that entirely suited all its builders. There are always work men who would change the craft in time particulars could they have their way. Yet when the day for the launching arrives they ajl gladly join . forces and send the great ship down the ways with flags fluttering and bands playing. During the past few weeks the local -committee and the representatives of the Washington-Oregon company have been conferring regarding the -establishment of a traction system in "Pendleton with interurban connec tions. At last a contract has been drafted and agreed upon. It now but "lacks the formal signatures to make It effective. It Is inevitable that this contract will be criticised. There are people who will pick flaws in it. Some will criticise it from the best of motives, others because they are unreasonably prejudiced against the enterprise or because they are personally interested In blocking the company's plans. But the contract was not drafted merely to suit the people of Pendle ton. It must also please the direc tors of the traction company for they are to put up most of the money for the improvement. The representa tives of the company claim that the agreement Is as liberal in Its condl tlcns as they can make it and still conform to -business principles. The contract specifies that six miles of traction line must be built within this cltv and vicinity within a year and a park established.. The road must be electrified within two years time. A minimum of $200,000 is to be expended in Pendleton and vicln ily. "She interurban connections are to be made within a reasonable time. The company gives a guaranty "bend to fulfill its contract or to re iund to local people their money or -else give them Its equivalent In pro perty. This seems entirely fair to the local people. According to the traction men it is a far more liberal offer than such companies usually give. This Is doubtless true. The essential thing at this time Is . for local people to get behind the movement to raise the necessary, am- ount. Whether the contract is en tlrely acceptable to everybody In every particular does not matter. The com. mittee has secured the best terms pos slble for Pendleton of this you may rest assured. They did their work to the best of their ability and the . ship Is now ready for launching. '"WORLD-WIDE COXSEKVATIOX. Soon civilization will assemble at m,. TTama a.nd take account of its myriad resources, their status of de pletion, their possibilities, n the Kf manner in which to conserve them and in discussing this gather ing the Atlanta Constitution said: . "One by ono the large nations have been interested In the Roosevelt pro paganda, until Its promoters begin to sense the consummation of their plans so carefully projected. "There Is something tremendous and, dramatic in the spectacle of the entire world sitting down to a calm discussion of those assets upon which the perpetuity of all races and the destiny of mankind everywhere de pend. "In a way, the fact that such a gathering is possible Is an encourag ing tribute to the lessening of Inter national antagonism, and the nearer approach of that day when the uni versal brotherhood will begin to leave the realm of mythology for the more altruistic one of actuality. "In the practical field, also, the de velopment is of inestimable value and significance. "The resources upon which wealth Is builded and peoples maintained are not Inexhaustible. That ancient fal lacy has been long since exploded, not only in this country, but as well throughout civilization. "Mineral wealth must,' of course, be the first factor to disappear with out hope of rehabilitation, save In the discovery of new deposits, and even this source must ultimately be exhausted. "The forests we can preserve, In a measure, by scientific methods, and by the enactment and enforcement of laws that substitute economy for wasteful and selfish extravagance. At the last analysis, it Is the soil upon which men of all .colors .and creeds and races and ages must de pend for sustenance and the larger terms of prosperity. "Happily, science has kept pace with the centuries, and provided us with means to reclaim tired acres and to Increase the yield of bearing acres, while insuring the future fer tility of both classes. "So that even .on that distant day when all the available acreage. shall be levied upon to feed and clothe the children of men, we will be enabled to secure from them a return incom parably greater and more certain than under our existing short-shlghted pro cedure. It Is interesting, if unprofitable, to speculate upon the consequences had this world-conservation movement reached militant proportions earlier ih history say, about the middle ages. "Mankind has been woefully lavish with Its goods. Had greater econ omy and more system been practiced, there Is no telling how much poverty ow much misery and how much political demoralization might have been averted. For at the basis of all political problems, and of all "reforms" that stir men's minds and hearts, is the Imple factor of sustenance." city election the people Indicated satisfaction with the present officers and especially with the mayor. The weather man was correct when he forecasted a cold wave. Nineteen Ten is young but vigor ous. . The man of the hour the plumber. Somewhere the sun Is shining. Look out for frostbite. A FOIJiETTE OX ALDIUCH. Senator La Follette says of Aldrlcli In Everybody's Magazine: "Aldrtch has never been a student. He has but a superficial understand ing of any of the great subjects upon which he has spoken the final word in legislation for a quarter of a cen tury. Under the system which con trols comnv'ttee appointments and committee concession in the senate, he has long been absolute dictator. He was not appointed or chosen up on any basis of ability or merit "In his reign, until recently, there has been little or no Independence of party. He achieved ha position by senatorial rotation a-nd succession. He has formed the committees advanced or suppressed legislation at will. He has never been obliged to give rea sons. He issues orders. Such power begets abject servitude, and has given us a one-man senate. "For the first time, at the spec'nl session, Aldrlch found a number of strong men within his party who would not take orders. They de manded a revision that would estab lish rates upon the basis of the dif ference in the cost of production be tween domestic and fore gn manufac tures. They called upon Aldrich for the facts upon which the duties had been "fixed In the bill as reported from his committee. Aldrich would not furnish the facts. He has never framed a tariff bill upon any economic princi ple. Again and again he asserted that the rate In question was based on the difference In the cost of production. When pressed for facta he would state that he had taken the statement of the manufacturer that the rate fixed in the bill 'was necessary,' and that he had 'no reason to doubt the word of nn American manufacturer.' It soon became manifest that he had no conception of the cost of production or the obligation of congress to es tablish tariff rates upon that basis. That his dictum should not be accept ed without question filled him with amazement, then with wrath and dis gust. . "His position became mora and more embarrassing as the debate pro gressed, and he would abRent him self from the floor, taking refuge in his committee room, to escape the. hu miliation of a constant exiiibltlon of willful Ignorance or worse. With him would go Senators HnlcC Lodge, and, as a rule, all ' other majority members of the committee, except Senator Smoot. The .Utah senator. with stolid courage, stood his ground, and furnished the best reasons i he could for the bad work of the com mittee. They were always poor reas ons, and often fooliHh reasons, but Smoot commanded a certain measure of respect for his willingness to stand under fire." Bright and Steady n Jgagfo Lamp A bright" and steady light dependi upon the construction of the lamp. . The best skill has put forth its best effort in perfecting the Rayo Lamp. Ai the air is fed to the flame o does the light burn. The easy-flowing current of air through the air-tube of the -Rayo Lamp secures a uniform light, with never a flicker or flare. The ideal family lamp. Made of brass through out and beautifully nickeled. . The Rayo Js a low-priced lamp, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. Once -a. Rayo user, always one Krtrr Dealer Everywhere. If Not at Yonrt, Write (or Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency oi the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) from left to right his cash balanced exactly, but when he counted It back again a shortage of 160 was shown. He consumed two hours In. his vain endeavor to find out what was the matter, and finally was . obliged to call on the manager for assistance. The manager himself had no better success. Agin and again he counted the bills, always with the same result one time the cash balanced and the next the shortage was developed. Fi nally each bill was examined separ ately, both obverse and reverse, whereupon the mystified men discov ered the cause of their trouble. One of the bills had the design of $50 on the reverse. It further appeared that the clerk had received the bill as $100. Communication with the treasury department was had and it was found that that department had a record of the bill. It was discovered In 1890 that one sheet of bank notes printed for a national bank of Kansas City had been reversed In the press. One plate bore the obverse of a $60 bill at the top anj. the obverse of a $100 bill at the bottom. The other plate bore tho reverse of the two notes. Af ter each had been printed It was laid aside to dry before being run through for the obverse printing. In some way the pressman had turned one sheet upside down, with the result that two misprinted bills came forth one with a $60 obverse and $100 reverse, the other with a $100 obverse and a $60 reverse. The cashier of the bank was the first to become aware of the error. He found that something was wrong after he had paid out the note with the $60 face and the $100 back by coming across the one with the $100 face and the $50 back. The note held by the cashier was returned to the treasury and destroyed, a perfect note being issued In Its stead. Chi cago Tribune. A Novelty. "What I want," said the theatrical manager, "is a genuine novelty." "Something realistic?" asked the playwright. "Yes; but I don't want any real pugilists, or real naval dlsasteds, or real live stock, or real battles In it." The playwright looked wearily thoughtful, and, after a pause, In quired: "How would It do to spring something on tho public with real ac tors In It?" Taftor If the ballot wpre given to women the republican party would have a cinch. . Byron Yes? Tafter All women want " protection. A BANK NOTE MISTAKK. USE PFTVD LETOX GOODS. One of the most effective ways for local people to build up the indus tries of this city is by buying local goods In preference to others when ever such is possible. Pendleton Is considerable of a man facturing town Just as It is. The city has two flouring mills, a woolen mill, scouring mill, planing mill, Ice ant, creamery, cigar factory, draper factory, show case factory, saddle and harness factories, printing estab lishments and many lesser Industries. Now anything that tends to aid any of these establishments also aids Pendleton. The greater the business of these concerns the better It Is for all. Local people should pull to gether at all times in this matter. We want to make Pendleton a manu facturing center and if the right sort of work Is done this can be accom plished. The first step consists In the use of local goods by local people. Rarely do Imperfect or misprinted bank notes evade the .vigilance of Uncle Sam's inspectors In the bureau of engraving and printing. Perhaps the most extraordinary misprint that ever slipped through was a $50 na tional bank . note. This, It appears, actually found Its way into circulation. The manner of its discovery was odd. A clerk In a western hotel, in making up his accounts one day, found a discrepancy he could not ex plain. He placed the pile of bills at his left hand, and as he counted each one, turned the note over and uepos- Ited It on a pile at his right. He found that when he counted A VALUABLE LINE. The purchase by the Interstate tel ephone company of the business of the Eastern Oregon company, famll iarly called the Butter creey company seems significant. The lines of the Eastern Oregon company exten.l through the west end of the county It Is a section that has been noted In the past for its Jack rabbits ana big sagebrush. But the west end la now blooming with life. There are already four good little towns In that section and the country Is being rapidly developed. In the course of time there will be a heavy population In the territory now served by the company that has Just been purchased. When that day comes the property of the 'phone company will be greatly enhanced.. The Interstate company is to be congratulated upon securing such a property. You Can Solve the "weak Ktomuoh proMom" very quickly and satisfactorily if you will give tho Hlttein a fair trial, and the sooner you start the better it will be for you. . HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS has a record of cures extending back over 56 years, so that yon are not ex perimenting when taking It. You. 1 1 find it splendid in case of Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Costlveness, ami Grippe. Be sure to get a free copy of our 1910 Almniiiic from your drug gist or Dealer. FOR SALE 1800 acres all fenced, good S room house with basement, 4 big barns well built, 3 orchards, and other improve ments. This land Ilea along the foot hills of the Blue mountains In the' Chinook belt where grows the- fine bunchgrass, and flows the crystal springs. Owner cut 160 tons of al falfa this year. This Is an Ideal stock ranch, 10 miles off a R. R., and can be bought for $12.60 per acre. and ten thousand dollars worth of cattle and horses, thrown In, besides 3 good wagons and all the machinery and other stuff on the ranch. I find the bargains, that Is why I sell the goods. B. T. WADB, Pendleton. Oregc Mayor Murphy Is now engaged in serving his second term as the head of the city government and if ru mor are correct there will be little change In officialdom. But this Is alright. By their votes at the recent HERE'S A PROPOSITION FOIt A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. $1360 cash or $560 cash and 86 monthly payments of $13.11 each of $360 cash and 100 monthly payments of $14. 80 each, or $860 cash and 120 monthly payments of $13.21 each. MARK MOORHOUSE (8b CO. Tel. Main 83. 120 E. Court Pneumonia Season Is Hero Better cure that cold before It Is too late. TALLMAN'8 P. A & cold capsula will knook the worst cold In two days. Maaa faotured and aold only by Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Baatecn Oregon. O. M. HEACOCK Eye-right Specialist, T: ar I My Q lasses are Guaranteed to aire you satisfaction er MONEY REFUNDED. " I Grind all Mr Lenses. Any Leas Duplicated in a Few Minutes. ' With WM. Ev HAN8COM. Jeweler. THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon Invites deposits and accounts of those starting in business us well as those already established. Customers, whether in ac tive business or not, will reveive careful and cheerful atten tion and the facilities that a safely conducted and time-testod bank should be able always to afford its patrons whether their balances are large or small. Safe deposit boxes, of con venient sizes, to rent at reasonable rates. f Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $275,000.00 Gregg Shorthand Shortest, simplest, heat. Take Gregg Shorthand and Modern Inductive Bookkeeping at the , Pendleton Busi ness College First class matructlon. Thorough Comm e r c I a I Course obtained in sis montha. Reduced rates. t E. O. DltAPEi Prtn. UHCKeiaS Tonics that make them lay. Alfalfa MeaL Bone, Shell and Grit, Insect Destroyer. Conkey New Line COLESWOfcTHY Oroheum Theatre J. P. MEDERNAO II, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION . PICTURES For Men, Women and Children' SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Dyers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread is assured when BYERS BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley Jalways on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon . i Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach. Tornid Liver and c :n?"ostiSion-. Laxative Fruit Syrup dbihq Cleanses the systea thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It in guaranteed 127-129 E. Alt 4AAAAAAAAAAaaaaUAaA4a4aAAi WWVWWW W"WWWW W WW W WW W W WW WWW Fresh Meat, Poultry Fruit and Produce Delivered to any part of te city. Hides, pelts, wool, sacks aa4 seoond-hand goods bought an sold. Stark & Long, Props. Phone Main 407. Sia-811 W. Wfcbs 8U Buy Your Meat OP THE EMPIRE MEAT CO. Phone Main 18. Always fresh and wholesome. Delivered promptly. Fraah fish dally, steaks, chops, roasts, aauftge, haraa, bason and lard. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHORETOUR ORDERS YOU 8ETTHEMRI6HT Hilno Transfer Phone (kins Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer' ring. Piano and Fumtuse moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty.