PAOB TWO. DAILY EAST ORBGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 8. ltlO. EIGHT PAGES. 01 U. WILL A Record Breaker Sale of Blankets iVofe fie Reduced Prices Below ' Double cotton blankets, fleeced on both sides, of the well known Ashland brand, regular S5c value, special 69 Large double face heavy fleece cotton blankets, full 10-4 sire an extraordinary good value, regular $1 valuer 79 Heavy double cotton blankets, reversible fleece, extra largo full 11-4, of the well known Enfield brand, a superior quality, regular $1.25 value 08 Extra heavy weight double cotton blankets of the well known Freeland brand, guaranteed standard goods, comes in white, tan and gray, regular $1.50 value $1.19 The celebrated Woolnap double blanket, heavy weight, soft and fluffy, full 11-4 in size, very serviceable and an ornament to any bed, regular $4.00 value $2.95 ."' Iligh grade California doublo bJankets, made of California's Ut wool and largest in size, come in solid red with black bor der, regular $8.50 value . : $6.48 Full size comforts for double beds, made of choice fabrics with pretty patterns, guaranteed to give satisfaction, regular $2.00 valne $1.58 Silkoline Comforters with a lustrous finish, fflled with snow white fleece cotton, such values as these are scarce, regular $2.75 values :.. $1.98 Handsome Comforters, come in high colors, satin finish, ex tra quality withdowne effect, full size for double beds, regular $5.00 value . $3.98 Men s Heavy Work Gloves For Cold Weather We are showing a very complete line of winter gloves sheep lined, wool lined, fur lined, fire and water proof, don't get hard when you get them wet. Mittens of all descriptions. The kind you need for this extreme weather. Thev 25c up to $2.50 Men's Winter Underwear Reduc'd All our winter underwear is greatly reduced in price right now when you need it the most. 50c Underwear will go for 43 75c Underwear will go for : 59 $1.00 Underwear will go for $1.25 Underwear will go for $1.50 Underwear will go for $2.00 Underwear will go for .. $2.50 Underwear will go for .. 83 $1.08 $1.23 $1.69 $1.98 Great reduction of Furs of all kinds $3.50 Furs will go for $6.75 Furs will go for $8.50 Furs will go for $10.00 Furs will go for $12.00 Furs will go for $15.00 Furs will go for $20.00 Furs will go for $27.50 Furs will go for $28.50 Furs will go for $1.75 $3.95 $4.75 $5.75 . $7.75 $8.75 ... 11.25 $16.50 $17.50 SHOE DEPARTMENT See our women's $3.50 shoes in patent, kid and gun metal leathers, button, lace or blucher. These shoes are made expressly for us and are the best $3.50 shoe made. They look like most $4.00 shoes. Come in and see them. THE PEOPLES WAREHUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothesfor Men, Wooltex Suits for Women. DECLARES WOMEN CAN VOTE IN 1113 STATE THINKS LEGISLATURE CAN CONFER SUFFRAGE RIGHTS Revest Supreme Court Decision Is Held Up By Attorney As Grounds for IUs Conviction Claims Similar Construction of Constitution Wonld FaTor Woman Suffrage. Cochran case, women have a right to demand the ballot This appears In a stronger light when we remember that it does ex pressly prohibit the legislature from conferring the right of suffrage upon certain classes and does not mention women as one of those classes. In the light of the Cochran decision, the constitution says certain persons shall have the right to vote at all elections and that the legislature shall not confer the right of suffrage on cer tain classes,1 and consequently it must be held that the legislature has pow er to confer that privilege on all ex cept the prohibited classes." Salem. "The decision of the su preme court In the case of the State vs. Sara Cochran, I am firmly convinced, will result in giving the women of this state the right of suf- frage 'declare a prominent attor ney. "The court lays down the rule In the Cochran case, that because the constitution does not expressly pro hibit an increase in the number of supreme court Justices from three to five, or some other number, the leg islature has the constitutional author ity to pass an act authorizing the In crease. "Now, take section two of article two of the constitution of Oregon, dealing with the qualifications of elec tors. It says: 'In all elections not otherwise provided for by the con stitution, every white male citizen of the United States of the age of 21 years and upwards who shall have re sided In the state during the six months Immediately preceding such election; and every white male of foreign birth of the age of 21 years and upward, who shall have resided in this state during the six months Immediately preceding such election and shall have declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States one year preceding such eleC' tlon, conforming to the laws of the United States on the subject of nat arallzatlon, shall be entitled to vote at all elections authorized by law.' "These sections say who shall vote, but as they do not specifically set forth who shall not vote, except as above noted, and it seems to me that milder the construction placed upon the constitution by the court In the A Wild Blizzard Raging. brings danger, suffering often death to thousands, who take colds, coughs and la grippe that terror of winter and spring. Its danger signals are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, pain In back of head, and a throat-gripping cough. When grip attacks, as you value your life, don't delay getting Dr. King's New Discovery. "One bot tle cured me," writes A. L. Dunn of Pine Valley, Miss., "after being Maid up three weeks with grip." For sore, lungs, hemorrhages, coughs, colds, whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, its supreme. 50c and II. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. WU1 Break Up Cold In Twenty-Four Honrs and Cure Any Cough. That la Curable. Th. following mixture is often pre arlbed and la highly recommended tar coughs, colds and other throat and bronchia trouble; Mix two ounces Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, and eight ounces of pure Whisky. These can bought in any good drug store and aailr. mixed together in a large not tie. The genuine Virgin Oil of Pine eomtound pure Is prepared only In th laboratories of the Leach Chem leal Co.. Cincinnati, and put np for dispensing in hair-onnee viais. Washington and Dr. A. D. Melvin, chief of the bureau of animal 'indus try, will be present as will Tilso Dr. McCIure, veterinarian from Pendle ton. On January S will be held the meet ing of the school trustees of the county. This meeting was called by County Superintendent Miss Carleton for the purpose of discussing matters troubling the different directors of the county and Improvements needed In the different districts. The meeting of the Idaho Dairy men's association will be held Janu ary 10 and 11 and will be attended by prominent dairymen from all over Idaho. Many ..valuable discussions will be carried on respecting the best methods of taking care of the cow and the dairy farm. IN'ii.l thi- Hps. i iri-Boniiin $100 Reward, $100. Tbe readers of this paper will tx pleased to learn that there la at leaat one dreaded disease mat science has been able to cure la all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hull s Catarrh Cure Is the only positive enre now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure taken internally, acting directly npon tbe blood and mucous surface of the sys tern, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and glvlag tbe patient strength by building np the constitution and assist In nature In doing Its' work. The pro prietors have so much faith in Its curative Powers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : r. i CHENEY a CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, 76e. Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpa tlon. In Texas they are labeled "Texas democrats." Do they suffer- any change when they hang up at'a ho tel In Arkansas? FOUR TRAINS WILL MAKE EVERT POINT IN OREGON Will Bo Operated in Conjunction With O. A. C. Will Carry Agricultural and Stock Exhibits Lecturee W1U Be Given on Farming Subjects. According to plans now In course of formation, the O. R. A N. Is to run a demonstration train through eastern Oregon this year. Reports from Portland any the two Harrlman lines In this state are arranging to send out four demonstrations and one or the- other of these will visit practical ly every point in Oregon along the lines of the Southern Pacific, r R. & N. and their branches, where farm ing is carried on to any considerable extent. This will be the second train this kind to visit Umatilla county, but this will probably be a much more elabo rate affair than the first one. As heretofore, the trains will be op erated In conjunction with the Ore gon Agricultural college. The two trains on the Southern Pa cific will cover points In the Willam ette valley and southern Oregon, and the O. R. & N. trains will visit points in northern Oregon and southeastern Washington. It is probable that the trains will carry livestock, poultry, horticultural. agricultural and dairy products. These will include modern machinery for dairying, dry farming and care of or chards, modern poultry houses and pens, high class specimens of dairy and beef cattle, hogs and pure-bred poultry, supplied by the agricultural college. Free distribution of seeds recommended for scrtaln localities by the scientists who will accompany the train is also a matter under consideration. The usual course of lectures on ag ronomy, stock raising, fruit growing, poultry husbandry and the like will be delivered by Instructors from the Agricultural college. The Itineraries, train equipment and program of lectures will be announc ed definitely within a few weeks. "SIS HOPKINS" WILL BE SEEN 1TERE AGAIN The story of "Sis Hopkins," that delightful play of Indiana country life, with Its scenes Inid In Posey county, at the old Pa Hopkins' home, is one of unusual subtle pathos. Be ing intimately associated wtth the love of "Sis." the odd little country girl. It hns an addod charm and the tale Is told In a most natural and un conventional manner. Miss Rose Melville, who plays the part of "S s." originated the character and has made of It one of the classics of the stage. Her unassuming acceptance of the love of a man, whose deceit is appar ent to every one but tho girl, Ir pa thetic; yet when she awakens to his duplicity, the punishment she metes out to him Is swift and sure. Miss Melville is surrounded this season by a company which surpasses In Indi vidual ability any supporting organ ization which she has previously had. "Sis" Hopkins" comns to the Ore gon on Wednesday. January 5. Making Life Safer. Everywhere life Is being made more safe through the work of Dr. King's New Life Pills In constipation, liver trouble, kidney diseases and bowel disorders. They're easy, but ure, and perfectly build up the health. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s. A bout between Dave Deshler and Young Donohue for the lightweight championship of New England Is ex pected to be arranged soon. DECLARES AMERICAN ANCESTRY WAS DUTCn Philadelphia.. Declaring that the real forefathers of our country were the Dutch, the Rev. James Ramsey Swain, pastor of the Woodland Pres byterian church, delivered the third of a series of lectures on "Great scenes In Presbyterian History." He said the Pilgrims lived in Holland for a long period of time, and learn ed many of the Dutch ways before coming to America. "New York, the empire state of the union was settled and made famous by the Dutch," said Mr. Swain, "and the three oldest schools, also the old est church in our country, were built by them. "During the Hollanders' struggle for religious Independence, at the time of the reformation, Charles 1 was on the throne. Later William the Silent was crowned, and he became the religious champion of the people. He has been truly called 'the father of modern politics,' for, crafty and courrageous In war he was also a great statesman, and drew up a declaration of Independence, similar to our own, which was adopted later by the Dutch people." IDAHO WOOLG ROWERS PLAN STATE MEETING Caldwell, Idaho. The first days of January will be full of interesting event for Caldwell. January 4 the meeting of the Idaho Wool Growers' association will open. At this meet ing the railroad rate question, the grazing situation and the minimum speed limit will be discussed. As sistant District Forester Potter of OREGON THEATRE, T7 ..WEDNESDAY.. JJgUfii 1 1th Season "THERE AINT NO SENSE IN DOI.V NUTIIIN FOR NOBODY WHAT NEVER DONE NUTTON' FOR YOU." SIS nOPKINS. J. R. STIRLING PRESENTS THE ARTISTIC COMEDIENNE 1 1th Season HOSE MELVILLE IV THE CHARACTERISTIC PLAY A Play of Purpose. THE PASTORAL COMEDY HIT. A Plot of Sense. A Happy Ending of Fun and Earnest. CAREFULLY SELECTED COMPANY. NEW MUSIC. NEW SPECI. f ALTIE8. NEW AND SPECIAL SCENERY. SEE THE FAMOUS "SNAKENTTNE DANCE." Entire Lower Floor $ 1 .00. Balcony 75c. Gal. 50c. Boxes $1.50. Pendleton Drug Co. If Your Watch Balks! WE CAN FIX IT Years of experience allows ua to assure work that is PROMPT RIGHT CAREFUL THOROUGH We cordially Invite an oppor tunity to prove the above A. L. Schaofor Ssooessc.' to L HUNZ1KKR. Pen (Be ton's leading Jeweler. Bring Us Your Poultry and Eggs Orders promptly delivered to any part of town. Chickens, gees', turkeys, ducks, eggs farm produoe and second-hand goods bought and sold. Highest cash price paid for hides, pelts and Junk. L K. Curt right fi uSoniai Successors to Stark A Allen. Phone Wain 179. 1 THEATRE Cass Matlock, Prop, BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in tho city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and lee tho next change. "'BBnnnajaBBiBBBBBf. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. WILMAMJON HAFFNFRCD fcNOKAVERg-PRlWTER? I THE HOUSEWIFE. is the one who will appreciate fully the quality of OUR coal. The uniform A.1 I -- wa Rock Springs coal means economy better heat satisfaction and the mini mum stove trouble. Order your nest aunnw fn. ... r r - ... iw wara eoure the best HENRY KOPITTKKj fhoo Main 17S.