East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 31, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    ' " X -'AllTiJ',.
page: six.
fhe Big Real Sate Now On
T? T7
i 7
1 i
i 1
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But They Can't. Meet Our Prices on Men's Suits and Overcoats
flVlWIMPIlVIf I? A ,TTPQ No matter ow true could not be understood unless properly shown
KjKJFi V llHM ffAtrl O up and thoroughIy investigated. It is a FACT backed up by one of
the largest and most reliable Clothing and Men's Furnishings concerns in Umatilla county that we are heavily
overstocked and MUST UNLOAD for reasons better known to ourselves.
It .Commenced Wednesday Morning, Dec, 29
Einids Tuesday -Night Jail. 4
We will mke prices on Men's Suits and Overcoats surpassing all competition prices such as have never before
been made in the history of Pendleton's Clothing Stores prices that should make .
our clothing practically get up and walk out of our store.
All Suits and Overcoats Divided Into Two Lots Take Your Choice
Compriaos suits and overcoats ranging in price from $16.50 to $32.50 such famous
standard all-wool makes as Kirschbaum, "EFF-EFF and Cahn Liebman as fine in fit,
workmanship, styl and fabric, as can be found in this city.
Sizes 33 to 46. Blues and blacks includul. Nothing reserved, no prices changed.
Comprises men's suits and overcoats ranging in price from $10.00 to $15.00
clothing that is stylish, well made, pretty in pattern and of good serviceable fabrics, such as
sells from 25 per cent to 50 per cent higher at other stores will give you our profits.
Wide range of sizes to fit all. You'll be suq)risel at the magnitude of this bargain.
Nothing reserved, everything included in these two lots no prices changed, you select the suit you like and we
will fit you out. Remember it started Wednesday and lasts but six days. Be among the early comers
as "the price that sells" will be ruling here and the first come, best choice.
Main and Webb Streets
Where Lower Expense Makes the Prices Lower
- -' " ' 1 . . . .
- - I
lion Pablo Ocampo do Leon Given
Reerraioii on His Homecoming: and
'Teat Native Ui An Oratorical
Washington. With the assistance
. translator and native typesetters,
the Hon. Pablo Ocampo de Leon, ror
mer resident Commissioner of the
Philippine Inlands in the United
.States, has succeeded in pulling off
one of the most flowery orations that
ever came out of the east.
The wpcech was delivered at a
"popular banquet" given In honor of
Ocampo on his return from the Uni
ted States by members, of the various
political parties at Manila. Several
hundred copies of the speech have
Just arrived In Washington, address
ed to official friends and acquaint
ances of the Filipino statesman.
The oration wan delivered by Ocam
po in his native language, was then
translated Into English, and printed
by Filipino workmen who understood
no English. This sounds Impossible,
but as a matter of fact, practically all
the typesetting in English, done In
the Philippines is the work of natives
who know no English.
This-is one of the literary gems
u-ith which thn Hon. Pablo is cred
ited in the translation which has
reached America:
"In the Improbable case of hav
ing been successful in my mission in
America T TVnillrl V. nerhaDS. that
this outburst of enthusiasm, a mag-
pificent man testation of esteem, is
something I ke a corollary of a duty
fully fulfilled. But since I cannot
pride myself of anything that I can
claim I have done In favor of the
country, and reading between the
Unfa I in thin ereat Conjunction
of sympathies which, without any j
false modesty on my pan, couirun ,
with the humbleness or my personal
ity, a sincere expression of welcome,
generously extended to me by a bril
liant group of notable compatriots.
Therefore, unable to framo an ade
quate form of expressing myself, I
beg of you to accept, concisely, with
out the gracefulness or a fine speech,
the testimony of my most profound
thankfu!ne, for the distinguished
honor you bestow upon me an honor
which, in no way, I do deserve."
The Hon. Pablo is an enthusiast on
the tiUbjcct of ultimate Philippine in
dependence, and that was the theme
of his speech. His conclusion via
the translator was as follows:
"This belief moves me to say that,
despite the fact that I have traveled
already through the boundaries of
the ocean of life, and taking advan
tage of this solemn occasion, without
ambiguities and round-about phrases,
I entertain a sincere and ardent hope
of yet being a witness of the redemp
tion of the Philippine islands, before
my wife and children stamp upon my
motionless forehead the sweet and
last osculation of peace."
Alone In a Saw Mill at Midnight,
unmindful of dampness, drafts,
storms or cold. W. J. Atkins worked
08 nighj watchjjiajij at Banner
Springs, Tenn. Such exposure gave
him a severe cold that settled on hta
lungs. At last he had to give up
work. He tried many remedies but
all failed till he used Dr. King's New
Discovery. "After using one bottle,"
he writes, "I want back to work as
well as ever." Severe colds, stubborn
coughs, inflamed throats and sore
lungs, hemorrhages, croup and
whooping cough get quick relief and
prompt cure from this glorious med
icine. 60c and $1. Trial bottle free,
guaranteed by Tallman & Co.
New York. During the new year
1910 will be celebrated the centenary
anniversaries of many Americans who
achieved eminence In various lines.
Notable among them was a group of
clergymen Including John McCloskey
of New York, first American cardi
nal; M. J. Spaulding, archbishop of
Halllmore; those three eminent lights
of the Unitarian church.' Theodore
Parker, William Henry Channlng and
James Freeman Clarke; William E.
PlnVnpv Mathnw SimDson. D. S.
Doggett and O. M. Randall, Protest
ant blsnops; Elinu uurrui, me
Learned Blacksmith;" Asa Gray,
botanist; Casslus M. Clary and Robert
Toombs, statesmen; Horatio Seymour,
political leader; John O, Gilbert, ac
tor, and P. T. Barnum, showman.
London. A Russian cavalry officer
has accomplished a remarkable ride
of HBO miles from RIepen, In the
government of Plotzk, to St. Peters
He covered an average of nearly
forty-four miles dally, and In the lost
two days rode eighty and fifty-six
miles, respectively. His horse was
about twenty years old. The officer
lost six pounds in weight and the
horse forty-five.
looking one's Rest.
It's a woman's delight to look her
best but pimples, skin eruptions, sores
and bolls rob life of Joy. Listen!
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them;
makes the skin Boft and velvety. It
glorifies the face. Cures pimples, sore
eyes, cold sores, cracked Hps, chap
ped hands. Try It. Infallible for
piles. 26c at Tallman & Co.
Why have your shoe soles palled
on when we sew them on at ic a
pair. No swell dressed man or wo
man wants their shoes full of mills.
a' iu . KLUND
Heat or Smoke
vnii want
to fill your home
to nil your nome ana
Iunas with smoke and
nasty odors, or with
clear heat, as and when
you want it?
Then use gas. the
fuel that answers every
demand made upon it
quickly, conveniently,
cheaply and with cleanliness.
You're Losing
every time you fill that
old stove up with coal
the cost per degree of
warmth from coal is
vastly more than heat
ing with gas, and what
a difference in conven
ience, cleanliness and
results !
It heats perfectly the
cold corners; is cheerful
and clean. '
Phone Main 40 today andend your heat and light trouble
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.