EIGUT PAGES. DAILY EAhT OREGONIAN, PENDI.KTON, OREGON, FRIDAV, DECEMBER 81, 1909. PAGB FITS. All This Week You will tind Extra Specials In Every Departments Furs, Silk and Net Waists, Silk Petticoats, Skirts, Ladies and Misses Suits, Coats of every de scription, Silk Waist Patterns, Shoes, Fancy jHosiery, Drawn .Work, Doilies Etc. Everything goes at extraordinary Low Prices before inventory. F.E. Livengood & Go. Agents for Ladies Haf&a Joumal'.Patterns gand Publications LOCALS Silent Auction - at The Gift Room, next. door to Koeppens Drug Store. Eve ry article in the Gi ft Room in cluded in thi s sale, excepting gold band dinner ware, which is sold under a different plan as stated be 1 ow . Everything in new annex will be sold to the highest bidder regardless of co s t --Koeppen gets the first bid, ( whi ch will be one -half the regular price) , and the first bid after that must be aMO per cent, advance above, the half price bid, and after that a bid for aay amount will be allowed. The sal e begins Saturday, Jan. 1st, and continues ten business days, end' ing Wednesday even ing at 5 o c lock , January 12. 1910. Remember this sale will be a gen uine silent auction sale, and means just what it says-- a silent sale" ! none but the person in charge will know who does the bidd ing, but the amount will be placed on a card attached to the different arti cles and a t the close of the sale, Wednesday, January 12th, the bids will be opened by a com mittee of three and the successful ones notified at once. Example of sale plant For instance the regular, price of the article i s -$4.00, Koeppen' b bid would be $2.00: the first bid at a 10 per -oent. ad vance of the half price bid would be $2. 20 , then any amount is allowed. Full particulars at the Gift Room on Saturday at the be ginning of the s pi I e . Be eur e and investigate this plan as you may have the opportunity of buying some article that you wish at about half-price. The sale in- eludes cut glass, hand-painted china, brass goods, jard i ne r e s , umb r e 1 1 a stands, comb and brush sets, mani cure sets, unframed pictures, traveling cases, etc., etc Whi te and Gold Dinner Ware will be on sale on our half giving away plan-, tha t is, we give you half as much free of charge as you buy. For in stance: if you buy $1 . 00 wor th of china at regular price, we. make! you a present of 50c worth of china ab solutely free of charge. We do not think it necessary to ex plain any further, as you undoubtedlv are acquainted with the plan, as we in augurated and con ducted a most suc cessful half giving away plan last spring, and judging by the popularity and amount 'of goods sold unde r this plan, i t certainly must have met. with the approval of the buy ing pub lie. KOEPPENS NEW ANNEX , - The Gift Room, where the best gift articles Pastime pictures pleai all. Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main t. Furnished rooms to rent. S02 Wa tor street. Automobiles for rent it the Pn llton Auto company. For Sale Few tons of Timothy hay. ! Oiegon Lumber Yard. Lenses duplicated In a few minutes Kanscom'i Jewelry store. For rent Furnished rooms, close In. Enquire 711 Cosbl street. Oak wood, the heat giver, good as soal. Oregon Lumber Yard. Good olean coal at the Oregon Lumber Yards. Phone Main 8. Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for 12.60 at Wohlenberg's Dept. Store. Highest price paid for veal at Rey burn's market. Old W. & C. R. depot. For rent; Modern seven room house; North side; inquire 23 Per kins. Miss Phiney, teacher of piano, Is now lotated at 1208 E. Webb. Phone Red 3532. Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham- joolng parlors In connection with the Vogue Millinery. Broken lenses replaced In a few ulnutes at Hanscom's jewel store. We grind any lense. Wanted A good well driller. Ad dress, Sim J. Culley, Weston, Oregon. Salem school teachers will receive a 12 1-2 per cent Increase In salaries next year. Hood' store or orflce room for rent In East Oregonlan building on Main street. 'Inquire at this office. We can grind you a new lens In a few minutes. Bring your broken lense co us. Hanscom's Jewelry store. Phone Main 8 for good dry wood nd coal that ..will burn clean Promptly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard. Wanted, room (at from $20 to $30 per month) or room and hoard (at 150 or $60 per month) with a refined private family by business gentleman. State who composes family. Address Box 28, Post Office. are served for a 1 1 occasions, next door to KOEPPENS. the drug store that serves you best. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Uy mutual consent, the firm for merly existing and known as Baker & Folsom.. doing a general furniture, carpet and undertaking business In the city of Pendleton, has this day been dissolved. John S. Baker will continue' the business at the same old stand in the Smith-Crawford build ing opposite the postofflce, collecting all accounts and paying all bills out standing against the firm. Mr. Baker will continue the busi ness as in the past, handling only the nignet class merchandise Jn the car pet, furniture and undertaking line, and corldally solicits a continuance of the same pleased ' patronage that the old firm enoyed In the past from Its hosts of patrons. , Dated this 31st day of December, 1909. JOHN F. BAKER, RALPH FOLSOM. CHARGES IT IP TO THE FRISCO QUAKE Fort Wayne, Ind. A romance growing out of the San Francisco earthquake disaster of April 18, 1906, will have a fitting ending when Wil liam Campbell, .a young attorney of this city arrives In San Francisco to claim as his bride Miss Gertrude Al brecht, of that city. The marriage will take place next Tuesday. Campbell and Miss Albrecht were students at Stanford university at the time of the earthquake. Although slightly injured when the tremblor partially filled his room in Enelna hnll, the men's dormitory, with bricks from a demolished chimney, he escap ed from the building. With Miss Albrecht, Campbell start ed for San Francisco In an automobile. The car broke down, nnd the couple were compelled to walk the greater part of the distance. Late that even ing they arrived at the home of the girl's mother, Mrs. Lillian Albrecht. It was on this trip that the romance had Its conception. Campbell left Fort Wayne for the Pacific coast today. GIRLS' "RATS" HLAMED AS STUDY HINDRANCE Reading, Ia, Closely following up the order disposing with sauerkraut from the menu of tho noonday lunch os served at the boys' high school, the question of "rats" worn by the Btu dents 'at the girls' high sctuHil in ar ranging their hair came up for con slderatton. Recently some of the Kirls complained to their parents that their Instructors were not thorough enough in their explanation of the lcFsons. Anxious fathers called the attention of the matter to several of the controllers, and they In turn made mention of the matter to Pro fessor Charles S. Foos, superintend ent of public Instruction. After a thorough examination Superintend ent Foos came to the conclusion that the girls themselves were to blame. Girls afe kept busy shifting their rats to keep, them In position, he says, and pay so much attention to' the ar rangement of their hair that they do not hear rhe instruction given them. INGRAM'S GROCERY IN NEW QUARTERS Since the country pulled througn to prosperity, a sane celebralon will, be the proper cut,. ' . Commencing, Monday, January 3, Ingram's Grocery, for 15 years locat ed In the Betz building on Main street, will open In their new, large and more commodious store room In tly I. O. O. F. hall formerly occupied b the men's department of Liven good & Co. This popular grocery Intends han dling only the highest class of staple and fancy groceries, fruits and vege tables and will be In a better position than ever to cater to the particular grocery trade of Pendleton. The phone number will remain the same, Main 37, and to our old friends and patrons who will call and find us missing from the old stand, we re quest that they step Just two doors south where they will find us in our more spacious quarters, bigger, busier and better than ever that's In- grams' tho grocery that tries at all times to give you the best the mar ket affords and cares for your trade. With tho further Information that their store will be closed all day Sat urday, January 1. thanking all for past favors and hoping for a contin uance of the trade during the year Just started that we have, enjoyed from you during the year Just closed, we wish you all a happy and prosper our New Year that's all. NO qUIET TIMES' IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Prices and Quality always bring Results Our shoe business has increased 100 per cent, during December WHY? Reasons Below Little Women's $3.00 patent colt lace shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 6 , Misses' $2.50 patent colt lace Bhoes, sizes 11 1-2 to 2?2.29 Children's $2.00 patent cold lace shoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 11 ?1.79 Misses' $1.75 vici, sizes 11 12 to 2 $1.23 Boys' $2.50 velour calf, sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 $2.19 Youths' $2.00 satin calf, sizes 13 to 2 . $1.69 Women's $3.50 vici patent, one style only $3.15 Women's $3.50 patent colt lace . $3.15 Women's $2.50 vici kid patent tip, button $1.95 Women's vici kid patent tip, lace .- $1.23 WoEiBenEserg EBep'f. Store Better Goods for Less money 2.69 We sTiall soon be In the proper frame of mind to read Brother Rocke feller's maxims on "How to Be Poor and Happy." mwmmmmmsmmmu BIG SHEET AND PILLOW CASE DANCE To Re Given by Pendleton Acrle No. 28. on New Year's Eve, Decem ber 31, 1909. Ten Dollars In Prizes to .Ho Awarded Good Time for Everybody. markedly with Germany's ten dirig ible balloons. The minister of war says dirigibles would be" augmented so that In 1911 Franee would have "a satisfactory fleet." It Is understood that the war de partment Is convinced that the aero plane will be the most serviceable unit In the future and it plans to strengthen the army in that direction more than with dirigible balloons. The Q uelJe! Gus. La Fountains, Prop.v Best 25 cent menls In the Northwest." The fraternal order of Eagles who have always been known for never do ing anything by halves, are to give a grand Bheet and pillow case dance on New Tear's eve, December 31, 1'j09. This will be something new for Pendleton, All Eagles are making a combined effort to make this the howling success of tho season and krow of no better way to spend the Inst few hours of 1909 than by having tho' biggest dance of the year. In order to make the dance more complete the committee has decided that no one without a sheet and pil low case will be permitted to dance until the prizes are awarded. For the best sustained character a cash prize of $S will be given; for the second best, $2.50, and to the most awkward a prize bf $2.50. Admission charges will be as fol lows: $1 per couple; ladies masked free; ladies unmasked, 50c. Th's will be possibly the last danca or the year. Watch for the novel pa rr.de on New Tear's evening at 7 o'clock. Sen Lodge Hall. Clatskan.e, Ore. The new lodge hall Is finished and is the most com plete hall ever built here. The main lodge room Is 40eet square, finished in natural wood. In the rear .are a property room, an anteroom, which Is also fitted up for a kitchen when necessary, lavatory, to'let, etc. A stair hall runs across the back, with both Inside and outside stairways for entrance . and exit. First-class Cooks and Serriee. SheU-flsh la Season. La Founts lno Block, Main St. Calling cards, wedding stationery nnd commercial printing to order, at the East Oregonlan. FRENCH ARMY TO HAVE LARGE AIRSHIP FLEET Paris. The relative practicability j of dirigible balloons and aeroplanes In . war In the future, Is the theme of In- tense discussion following a letter i from Baron d'Estournelles de Con- stant, senator and president of the parliamentary group favoring interna tional arbitration, to General Bruin, minister of war. The letter calls attention to the fact that. France Is far behind other coun tries In the development of military aeronautics. The senator's warning has been taken up by- the National Aerial league, which has pointed out to the aerostatic commission of the chamber the pitiful position of Trance as compared with Germany, France's I solitary "Vllle de Paris" contrasting THE HOUSEWIFE. i la the one who will appreciate fully the quality of OUR coal. The uniform A-l quality of our Rock Springs coal means economy- better heat satisfaction and the mini mum stove trouble. Order your, next supply from us and secure the best. HENR.Y KOPITTKE Phone Main ITS. Oregon Theatre Monday Night, Jan. CULLIGAN & HOCKWALD Real Negro M Nashville Students BAND AND ORCHESTRA. The Strongest Singing and Dancing Show In Aneriea, Prices: 75c50c-25c Pendleton Drug Co, The "Handy Store" FOR Office SuppDies WRITING INKS DRAWING INKS PENS PENCILS STATIONERY LETTER AND BILL FILES MUCILAGE INK ERADICATOR MEMORANDUM BOOKS PAPER CLIPS Anything and everything for the desk and office and the kind you want will be found at NELSON'S Phone. Main 813.