EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEVSPAPRn Fabltahed Dally. Weekly and Semi-Weekly, v rMuieioo, viregon, iy toe AST ORKUOMAN PUUL1SUINQ OO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ucHy. one year, by mall Dally, tlx months, by mall lly, three months. bv mail Dally, one month, by mall Pally, one year, by carrier JJlly. six month, by carrier pally, three months, bv currier .... pally, one month, by carrier weekly, one year, by mnir Weekly, alx months, by mall Weekl fAjir months, by mall 8eml-Weekly, one year, by mail .... eml-Veekly, sli tnoaths, by mall . . Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall . 13.00 2.50 1.2.1 .no T.,n S.75 i.o.-. .60 1.50 .75 .50 1.511 .75 .50 The Dally East Oreponlan Is kept on sale at the Orepon News Co., 1,7 6th street. Chios co Itureau, S09 Security RuIldlnR. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 001 Four teenth street, K. W. Member United Press Association, Entered at the postoffloe at rendleton, Oregon, aa ecnnl class mall matter. Telephone .. Main 1 t !T. '4 When the morn wakes overcast And the loneliness is vast. Make the best of it. If the birds refuse to sing, If the bells of joy won't ring. Make the best of everything. Make the best of it. THE I1KST OF IT. . " Nature has her crying spells, Joy can't always ring its bells, Make the best of it. Make the best of daily life When despondency is rife; Good will come out of the strife Make the best of it. Hearts must know their'share of pain, Life must know a little rain. Make the best of it. Make the best of every day; Future morns won't be so gTay Fight the gloom that clouds your way. You'll get the best of it. Boston Herald. about conditions here and the dlffer eent localities. "Today that man mot the writer and disclosed the frightful condition of affairs. Ho said one man would tell hiru that n certain locality was ideal; that the land was good, water plentiful and conditions first class. Then he would mention the same lo cality to another Individual and It would receive a thorough knocking and drubbing, causing the prospec tive buyer to feel amazed. Another native will add his mite to the knock ing whicil makes the new comer lose interest in the lnnd and he casts his eyes around for another location. It is found and the same program fol lows. The stranger said ho had no idea how long this would last if a man continued to pick out different lands, hut he was satisfied that there were enough knockers here to continue the matter indefinitely." This habit of knocking the other fellow's proposition in hopes of do ing something for yourself is not straight, clean business in the realty line or in any other line. It is a re prehensible practice. If your own proposition is not sufficiently strong upon its own merits don't try to irengthen your case by libelling your competition. That is not honorable. Besides when realty men follow such tactics they serve to create general distrust among the intending purchas ers. It drives people out or tne coun try. The same thing is true to an ex tent at least when this knocking hab it is followed by those in mercantile lines. If you have the habit break it up. CLOIUXDA. II ALLEY'S COMET. PRESIDENT KERR'S WORK. In his address last evening Presi dent Kerr told of the rapid growth of the Oregon Agricultural College dur ing the past few years. The insti tution has gone to the front until it now ranks .as one of the three great schools of the kind in the United States. It is surpassed only by the splendid agricultural colleges of Iowa and Michigan. O. A. C. is the leading agricultural college of the west and its natural field is such that it will hold lt3 enviable position: However, the satisfactory progress the school has made during the past three years has been due very largely to the administration of President Kerr. When Dr. Kerr was called to the presidency of O. A. C. he saw the reat cossibilities of the school and began at once to lay broad plans for the future. Immediately the institu tion took new life in all departments and the growth and general advance ment since the arrival of President Kerr has been truly remarkable. Dr. Kerr is one of the new school of col lege presidents. As well as being an educator he is also a strong, capable bisiness manager. He- has need o uch ability because he has control of property valued at over a million dol lars, has a faculty of nearly 100 mem. hers to direct and is also at the head of the important experimental work .iif t nnderwav throughout the state. The average man has no realiza tion of the fact but the president of the agricultural college has about the most responsible position In the tne The work he has to do is of the utmost Importance to the mater ial welfare of Oregon. It Is the aim of the agricultural college to fit its students for practical participation in industrial and commercial life and It does this. There are 10,000 O. A. C. graduates and former students scattered about the state and nation. They are en gaged In all manners of work ranging from truck gardening to the manage ment of great industrial enterprises There Is one O. A. C. man upon the supreme bench of Oregon, while an other distinguished graduate, William T. Herrin. has become a leading counsel for the Rarrlman railway sys tern. The army of O. A. C. graduates offers testimony to the work the school has done In the past and Is al so an Index to what may be expected of the future with the school under the administration of such men President Kerr. Some people have been blaming Haliey's comet for tru severe weather jtliat has prevailed all over the coun try this winter. Whether or not this blame is well placed the East Ore gonian is not saying. It is certain, however, that at this time the fam ous comet is arousing much interest. "From now on reports. to the ef-fi-ct that Halley's cornet has been seen bv other than professional as tronomers will become more fre quent," says the Christian . Science Monitor. "It was picked out by a nine-inch telescope in New England a few nights aso. According to Flam- mt'.rion it is traveling toward us ot the rate of 120.000 miles an hour, so that while through the ordinary glass it rrtHy appear to be little more than a .liscoloration for some time to ci mo, it will grow perceptibly larger week by week until the field glass and the oriera class and, finally, the un aided eye will he able to locate and to holii it. According to present calcu lations, the comet will be in perihelion i.. April. In May it will be a con spicuous object, and it will continue as the greatest public spectacle of th period for some weeks. "Recently It has been thought pos sible that the earth might be brush- Clorlnda, In the meeting house Tho worthy parson prays, And goodly thanks he gives for these Most prosperous of dnys. Your stately parents on their ways Besought you not to stay, But hasten with your meed of praise On this Thanksgiving day. . Clorinda, oh, I watch you go In flowered satin dressed; : You wear my heart upon your sleeve That all the town may jest. And when you kneel among the rest , . Give thanks for this, . I say: You've not the grief that 'tears my brenst On this Thanksgiving day. Clorinda of the rose red Hps That laugh me into scorn, Must I alone mid happy fom Be saddest of men born? Ah, give me, sweet, this gracious morn, The word I needs must pray. And grant unto a swain forlorn A real Thanksgiving day. Theodosia. Garrison. COLLEGE WOMEX IX HOMES. The liead of Btyn Mawr college is a profound, sincere and brilliant wo man. Recently she has taken up the charge that tho college-trained wo man is unfitted for domestic life-, Her inquiries have convinced her that 30 per cent of college women do their own housework; that though they marry later In life, they marry moce wisely; that they have an average of three and six-tenths children, as against the noncoliqge women's three and five tenths. Said the Spectator of 200 years ago: "As our English women excel those of all nations in beauty, they should endeavor to outshine them in all oth er accomplishments proper to the sex and to distinguish themselves as ten der mothers and faithful wives rath er than as furious partlzans. Female virtues are of a domestic turn." Nobody doubts that the home and the small child's care will always fall to the woman. She. is the more directly responsible for the succeed ing generation. What Is receiving heavy blows at present is the tradi tional and stereotyped idea that knowledge and intellectual training are Joss suitable to these hizh tasks than are frivolity and Ignorance Colliers, I P-STATE MORSE TRADING. A correspondent of the Journal who attended the horse traders' conven tion at Monterey on Saturday says it wan a great event. The supply of trading stock was large and in good condition. Each trader was nt his best. Horses changed hands often some of them at frequent intervals. The star feature of the day was the freou'oney" with which a certain horse described as a "iuiet animal, warrant ed not to kick" and whk-h was locat ed "in the pasture" on a certain farm was swapped off. Sometimes "the horse in the pasture" brought its swapper "sjh.1 boot:" then perhaps the new owner soon "caught on" and whs glad to give a few dollars to induce some friend to become the owner of the animal. After the con vention ii lji turned the man to whom the "horse in the pasture" fell in tho final deal of the day went to the pas ture on his way home and found that hi.-i now possession had been dead for several days. Corning Journal. The Sewing Lig mm makes the long evening brilliant with its steady white light for sewing or reading. Made of brass, nickel plated and equipped with the latest im proved central draft burner. The Rayo is a low-priced lamp, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. Once a Rayo user, always one ; Eery Prater Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write far Descriptive Circular to ttte Nearest Agency of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) ' "That'stright; rail and carry on be cause I spend an evening at the club. I don't expect to be able to make you see what attracts a man to a club." "No. you don't make me see it, but you make mo smell it, all right." "I am astonished that no more has been discovered atibout the Congo than has appeared." "Why are you astonished T" "Because It Is a case there of rub ber everywhere." M net Get the Choice Oranges of Our 5,000 Groves We pick, pack and ship GO $ of the California Orange crop. These are of varying grades. The choicest selections I 1 I .1 10 I . ,t I 1 I T are packed under tne ounkist laDei. to the finest oranges you must insist on fruit that is wrapped in tissue paper with the word "Sunkist" printed thereon. "Sunkist" Navel Oranges Arc Seedless They are delightfully sweet, juicy and dbcrless. They are firm, thin skinned and deep tinted. "Sunkist" oranges and lcmon9 are picked by gloved hands, wrapped in "Sunkist" tissue paper, packed carcfullj so as to eliminate chances of becoming bruised or soft. No bruised fruit or fruit that falls to the ground 13 put in a "Sunkist" wrapper. Look for "Sunkist" on the wrapper. Ask your dealer for oranges and lemins with "Sunkist" label on thb tissue paper vrapper. Oranges mu! lemons without "Sun kist" wrappers are not "Sunkist" brand. Be sure you get oranges a;id lemons in their original "Sunkist" wrappers. Free: Rogers' Orange Spoon To make it doublv intcrcsiini: for you to insist on "'Sun kist" in the original wrappers either oranges or lemons we will give you a beautiful Rogers' Orange Spoon. Just r.end uu twelve wrappers and six 2c stamps for postage, packing, etc., and we will send the spoon by return -i . .o i . i t mail. Oct a Co7.c:i ounxisi ana sena today for your first spoon. Address California Fruit Growers Exchange (4) 34 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. I 4 7 Pneumonia Season Is Hero Better cure It Is too late. that cold before TALLYMAN'S P. & S. cold capsuls will knock the worst cold In two days. Manu factured and sold only by Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of " Oregon. Eastern O. M. HEACOCK Eye-sight Speclnllst. My Glasses are Guaranteed to give you satisfaction or MONEY REFUNDED. I Grind all My Lenses. . Any Lens Duplicated In a Feir" Minutes. With WM. E. HAXSCOM. Jeweler. TTir: EASIEST WAY. 1 by the tail of this visitor, anu as tronomers have hastened to assure us that even if this should happen It probably cause us not the slightest In- nnvenience. But later calculation pree that at its nearest approach it ill be many millions of miles out ot the earth's path and far beyond any possibility of exerting an Inflvence of any kind upon this planet. Since Professor Max Wolf of Hei- deIberg t'niversity caught his first glimpse of the returning comet, on Sept. 11, last, a vast amount of mat ter has' been written concerning it. hut it Is remarkable how little real knowledge we possess regarding it. beyond that of a purely historical character. Whether with improved astronomical instruments we shall learn much more about it, or about comets in general, during this visit, remains to be seen. It will naturally be subjected while visible to constant and close scrutiny, for we shall not lave another opportunity to gaze up on it until 1985. And since comets have a way of breaking up and dis appearing altogether, we may not have an opportunity of seeing it then." BREAK THIS PRACTICE. In the following the Baker City Herald calls attention to a practice that is aH too common in this county as well as In Baker county. A stranger arrived In Baker City ereral days ago for the purpose of nurchasinr a tract of land. Being unfamiliar with the country he nat orally looked around and talked with mvam whom he chanced to meet. A company of select colored artists ere rendering a version of "Othello." The scene between the Moor and Dcsdemona had been reached wherein Othello demands the handkerchief which he has given to his wife as a wedding amulet. "Desdemona," he cried, "fetch me it han'kerchief!" But the doomed lady only babbled of Cassio. and her llego lord shouted anain: 'I nut fo' de second time to git mo dat hun'dkerchief!" Still the fair one parried the Issue with talk of Casslo, and the lordly Othello, thoroughly Incensed, bel- owed: Woman, fo de third and las' time I tell you to git me dat han'dkerchief. Away! And as he was just about to open his mouth u.galn, a big, leathery lunged patron in the top gallery shouted down at him: "Fo' de Land's sake, nigger, why don' you wipe yo' nose on yo sleeve an' let de show go on?" Judge's Li brary. Tonight many local people vill close the old year by attending the Bernard Daly performance for the benefit of the city park fund. It is a good cause and everybody should be there. Fur thermore the ladies are managing the affair. Now some one is going to climb Mt. MeKlnlev bv means of a balloon, This is assuredly a hot air arrange ment. Pendleton property owners and bus lness men should take a resolution to secure a traction system. It must be had. Happy New Year. "I am afraid of pain, and that Is why I should not like to bv the war den of a Jail." "Why not?" "Because a Jail warden 13 bound to have a felon always on his hands.' In case of another blow, Cook should be where he can get Copen hagen courtplaster. L -i a . if a IMP Catarrhal Deafness Avoided and Cured Gregg Shorthand Shortest, simplest, best Take Grcjrg Shorthand anil Modern Inductive Bookkeeping at tho Pendleton Busi ness College First class instruction. Thoroush Commercial Course obtained In six months. Reduced rates. E. O. DRAPER, Prli. Prove this to yourself by writing us tH day for a free sample, postpaid, of thia permanent, safe and speedy cur& arc-): matic, soothing, Healing, ur asit your favorite Druzeist for Liberal Free Sample Especially valuable In aural affections of children mild, pure, and sanitary. Specially recommended by physicians for children with cold in the bead, which so often brings on chronic nasal catarrh. Contains no harm ful drugs. Sold only In sanitary, convenient tubes and rpfnmmpflfipn hv over 85.000 drueeists In 25c and 50c tubes. If vours hasn't Kondon's a 26c or 50c tube will be sent you postpaid on receipt of price, or absolutely free sample by Kondon Mia. Company. Minneapolis, Minn. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitraiiiimniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniui Chickens Tonics that make tlx-m lay. Alfalfa Meal. Bono, Shell am Grit, Inneet Destroyer. Conkey Now Line COLESWOR.TIJY 127-129 E. Alt? Give a calf plenty of rope and he will tangle .your legs. ' E77 no CELEBRATED yfei W STOMACH U" BITTERS There. Is nothing will v e nsslst- ?rt quicker in cases of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Costlveness, Colds, Gripi anil Malaria ' i than tho Hit ters. Try .a bottle; also get a free oopy of our 1910 almanac. FOR SALE 1800 acres all fenced, good t room house with basement, 4 bhj barns well built, I orchards, and other Improve ments. This land lies along the foot hills of the Blue mountains In the Chinook belt where grows the fine buachgrass, and flows the crystal springs. Owner cut ISO tons of al falfa this year. This Is an ideal stock ranoh, 10 miles off a R. R., and can be bought for tl.60 per acre, ana ten thousand dollars worth of cattle and horses thrown in, besides t good wagons and all the machinery and other stuff on the ranch. I find the bargains, that Is why I sell the goods. B. T. WADE, . v I Pradlaton, Oregon, THE . I American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon 'Invites depoehs and accounts of those starting in business as well as those already established. Customers, whether in ac tive business or not, will reveive careful and cheerful atten tion and the facilities that a safely conducted and time-tested banlc should be able always to afford its patrons whether their balances are large or small. . Safe deposit boxes, of eoni venient sizes, to rent .at reasonable rates. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $275,000.00 THE COLUMBIA BAR FOR STAHL FAMOUS NEAR BEER. rints and 4yarts CITY NEAR BEER ON DRAUGHT ' All kind of Soft Drinks and Cigars Hot Lunch in Connection HERMAN PETERS, Proprietor Fresh Meat, Poultry Fruit and Produce Delivered to any part of the city. Hides, pelts, wool, sacks and seoond-hand goods bought and sold. Stark & Lang, Props. Phone Main 407. 110-SXa "W. Wabb St, Buy Your Meat OP TUB EMPIRE MEAT CO. PboM Main 18. Always fresh and wholesome. ' Delivered promptly. Fresh fish dally, steaks, chops, roasts, sausage, hams, bacon and lard. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHONETOUR ORDERS YOU GET THEM RIGKT r.lilno Transfor PhoneUsinS Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty.