.i, i-e;d lib-run, uiuauus, FRIDAY, DECEMJIER 31, 1909 EIGHT PAGES. NATURE'S WARNING. We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade 6IDDY OLD GOTHAM READY FOR DEBAUCH AM, NEW YORK WILL JOIN IN ANXFAIi ORGY Hswkers and Hucksters Prepare Peo ple for Wild' Revel Great Amount of Chan so Will De Put In' Channels ..of Circulation Police Not Strict Tonlffht. New York, Dec. 31. AH laws, writ ten and unwritten, sanctioned by leg islatures or the customs of poKte society, will be smashed Into bits to night, when a million or so of New Yorkers Join in the annual New York debauch. Reyel or merry-making are not the words for the festivities nothing short of debauch or orgy will do Justice to New York's welcome to the Infant year. All day long the premonition of what is to come could be found along Broadway. The tin horn speculators were out as usual with their wagon loads of voice ruiners and ear de stroyers, carefully attuned so that no two makes Just the came quality of dissonance. And then there was the "tickler" man, Who, quite ignor ant no doubt of the police commis sioner's edict, distributed at "five per" ' the little bunches of moulty feathers atop of a little bamboo stick. Then there was the confetti man, who In the last few years has become a new figure in the cult of hucksters who get rich on the foolish fancies of others. The revel of New Year's eve has its good uses. It turns loose a large amount of change which is in great demand at present. It has been con servatively estimated that the spirit of exuberance tonight will put into circulation at least $500,000. All the theaters will be crowded, and Into the box offices alone has been turned more than $100,000. Then comes the suppers at the hotels and restaurants, which mean an addition al item of $250,000. Of this amount the Broadway restaurants will get $150,000. Flowers, cabs, tips, favors and music bring up the total to the half million mark. As m the matter of passing upon the legal quality of Sunday amuse ments, the police will have to use their judgment in keeping the exub erance of the New Year's eve revel ers within bounds. The patrolman, in a fatherly manner, will merely look on except where the exhileration ver ges on rowdyism or where some ef fervescent young man attempts to poke a. miniature feather duster, technically known as a "tickler," Into the face of some giddy young mourn er. The Inspectors will be stationed at the various points where New York people are wont to congregate to see the old year out. Singularly enough, m the pest, the greatest trouble in the way of uncontrolled enthusiasm has been found in the shadow of old Trinity church, at the head of Wall street, where the ancient chimes ring out a farewell to the dying year and a greeting to the new. The quiet which reigns about the old edifice has year after year been turned into a bedlam, which can be best describ ed by an adjective derived from the traditional enemy of churches. VtYi nvnters at Hohbach's bakery Poor Appetite indicates weakness of the stom ach nerves which control the desire for food. It is a sure sign that the digestive organ3 need the help of. BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold FxuTwiiar. In boxc 10c and 2 Sc. POOLROOMS AND POOLROOMS. Senator XcLson Gets a Little Informa tion from a '-Bookie." Washington. It seems that Sen ator Nelson of Minnesota, the viking of the senate, celebrated for his w.s dom and hardheadedness, s guileless after all. The fact was disclosed at a meeting of the sub committee of the senate Judiciary, committee held to consid er a bill to prevent the sending of racetrack gambling information by telegraph or telephone. The Norwegian sage sat at the head of the table. Thin, nervous, bearded men who had turned from the pulpit to fight evil hand to hand were grouped opposite him. They led off with voluble denunciations of book makers and poolrooms. "Look here, let's have some ex planation." suddenly spoke up Nelson. "What is a poolroom? How is the business done in a poolroom?" The crowd looked at him, ready to laugh at the Joke, but suddenly real ized that he was In earnest. Smiling at his own Innocence Nelson contin ued: "I never saw a horse race and I want to understand this thing. Why do you rail a man a bookmaker? What does he do? A reformed "bookie," who had join ed the uplift when a track in which ho was interested was put out of bus iness, undertook to explain the mys tery. Unconsciously, nowever, he used some technical terms that left his answers i; little foggy. "How do they bet?" insisted Nel son. "Well, I'm the bookmaker the man who takes the bets and you are the bettor," explained the ex-horseman. "In the first place there are eight horses and I show you their names and the odds. We'll say Lady Lima is, 2 to 1 and you want to bet $5. 1 give you a ticket that says $10 to $5. "Do I bet with you?". "Yes, that's right, I bet with every body," said the bookie. "What if I win?" asked the sen ator. "You get the $10 you won and, in addition, the ' $5 you put up as a stake, is returned." The senator smiled approvingly. "But what if I lose?" he asked, "Then you keep the ticket as a sou venir," was the reply and the senarcr joined In the general merriment. Near the close of the hearing the senator brought up the question aga.n with the observation: "I have he'ird of pool rooms where they play a kird of billiards on a cloth-coverod table, but I would like to know how th? poolrooms you gentlemen refer to o'e conducted." The ex-bookmaker started to an swer, but somebody interrupted and the senator's quest was lost in the dis cussion of another subject. Minstrels Make Hit. Culligan & Hockwald's minstrels made a real hit with the audience at the Pickwick last night, if applause and laughter count fr anything. These negro minstrels have a bunch ol fun in them and they have a way of telling It all so that their audi tor's can't help laughing. The first part Is free from the time-honored, silly "gags," and the second is full of entertaining numbers. One of the best things In the show was Pet Wood's song. "Blame the music." He did it well and got rounds of ap plause. Miss Eva Prince sang "Kiss me right" In a pleasing way, as did Mable Turner In "Nobody knows no body cares." Nat Turner's "I didn't ask" made a hit with the audience. In the olio Arthur L. Prince and his educated hoops are one of the fea tures. Clarence Macklln Is a very ec centric dancer. Should this company ever return they will be greeted with a packed house. Santa Diego Dally News. This attraction is booked to play at the Oregon theatre next Monday, Jan. 3. Program at the Orphcnm Tonight. Music by Orpheum Orchestra, A. H. Johnson, leader. 1. Naila Intermezzo, Dellbea. 2. Overture Semlramlde, Rossini. 3. Picture The Actress and the Child. (Drama.) 4. Picture When Jack Gets His Pay. (Comedy.) t. Picture False Lunatic Com edy.) 8. Picture Adventures of an Emi grant. (Drama.) 7. Picture Cowboys In Argentina. 8. Picture Monkey in Training. (Comedy.) 9. Bone Watermelon Vine. NORTHWEST NOTES Ilrownsvllle (rowing Rapidly.' . Brownsville, Ore. The school cen sus of Brownsville shows a gain during the past year of 69 children, indicat ing gain In population during the year of about 300. Profit in Wallowa Land. Joseph, Ore. Augustus White has si.ld his 800 acre stock ranch in Imnaha park to Joe Shinn of Joseph for $800(1). Mr. White bought this place four years ago for $4500. Rig Fruit Meeting. Natnpa, Idaho. The Idaho horti cultural society will meet here Janu ary 5 for a three day session. A local committee is arranging to provide am ple entertainment. It Is anticipated that it will be a meeting .that will mark a new era in the organization. Waters 1000 Acres. Richland, Wash. The lower-Ytikt-ma Irrigation company hns ' started men laying out a system of laterals to water about 1000 acres of land above the canal. Two pumping plants "will be installed with a lift of between eight and 1G feet. The Lower Ya kima project now embraces about 16, 000 acres. Of this nearly 5000 acres will be in cultivation next spring. Some Heavy Potatoes. Junction City. Ore. Floyd Howard has on display here six potatoes which weigh 16 pounds. One potato weighs five pounds. F. W. Thorn raised about 4000 bushels on his Riverview farm. Thirty potatoes filled a sack which weighed 89 pounds. A dealer purchased three sacks of potatoes from Wm. Michaels and found one that measured 14 inches in length. Big IViine Crop. Vancouver. Wash. It is the opinion of prominent packers that in ClarK county Hiis year over 8.000,000 pounds of prunes have been cured. Much larger quantity has been produced, but many have spoiled owing to a lack of curing facilities to handle the enormous crop. It is difficult, accord ing to ' packers, to make an accurate estimate of the production of the county owing to the fact that some of the fruitgrowers, especially of the Liwis river country, haul to Portland and no record is made in this city. Convicts Do Good Work. Wenatehee, Wash. Forty convicts were brought down from Okanogan, where they have been working at the convict camp on the state road in the Methow valley. The work done by the convicts is reported to Ik first class, and the road is now In fine con dition. Thirty of the convicts wilj)'; Iilier.:;t'd In this city, hs thir - tithe has expired and they are now in the city jail awaiting clothes and money from the warden of the penitentiary. The remaining ten will be taken back to Walla Walla to finish out their time. Xmas shooting Brawl. Eugene, Or. During a drunken brawl shortly after midnight, Am brey Grace, an ageil horsetrader, shot his "partner, Mike Daly, in the left leg with a shotgun, Inflicting a serious wound. Grace and Daly had been drinking heavily all during the pre vious day. A friend whose name Is not learned, went to their house last night and a fight ensueoi ortween the friend and Daly. Grace then took a hand and shot Daly. Grace is in the county jail charged with assault with intent to kill, and Daly is in the hospital. Neither has much recollection of the affair. Plan Big llispital. Medford, Ore. The mother provin cial of Oregon, who Is in charge of all hospitals in the northwest under the management of the Sisters of the Holy Names, is In Medford, for the purpose of meeting local business men and discussing withthem plans for the erection of a $125,000 hospital In this city. For some time the Sisters of the Holy Names have been considering the matter of erecting a hospital In. this city, but this Is the first definite step that has as yet been taken. It is be lieved that the proposition which will be offered by the Sisters will be ac cepted. Business Men Orchard 1st s. Waitsburg, Wash. The organiza tion of the Touchet Valley Apple com pany by prominent business men of Watlsburg, capitalized at $15,000, In- Oregon Theatre Friday, December 31 A. E. FRESH FROM THE LAKES OF KILLARNE Y-HEA R MR. DALY SINO HIS LATEST SONG SUCCESS i'S, NEW SCENERY, NEW SONGS, NEW PLAY. PRESENTED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE CIVIC AND IMPROVE MENT LEAGUE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC PARK FUND Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50. Sale opens Thursday 10 a. m. Pendleton Drug Co. surcs a 40 acre orchard, the largest yet planted here, and marks the first attempt of business men to raise ap ples for market. The company has bought 40 acres. adjoining the Taggard orchard and ground Is being broken. The price paid was $10,000. The re mainder of the capital will bo used In cultivating The tract. Other orchards being planted with in a radius of one mile of Waitsburg are: John Ulizc, 20 acjes; Blue & Cyrus of Covello, 15 acres; Postmaster A S. Dickinson, 10 acres; fieorge Han son, who just purchased a tract from Fiss CablH, 10 acres; P. C. Perkins, 10 acres; A. J. MeCullough, 5 acres. Want Automobile Rond. Aberdeen, Wash. Capitalists of Grays Harbor and Montesano who are backing the proposed electric road that Is supposed to control the roads of the county, say that the road will be pushed through to completion. If the county commissioners nre interfered with by those who hold that the coun ty .should, not give such a franchise, property owners between Montesano and Aberdeen, they declare, stand ready to give the required right of way. Inasmuch as the road Is projected also for the north beach summer re sorts, there is renewed activity among the owners of south beach summer resort property for the pushing of a wagon and automobile road to that section, which lies south of Westport. Nearly all the necessary waivers have been ohtalned. It Is estimated the road .will cost $100,000. SWEET INMSEALLEN" AT THE OREGON TONIGHT Tonight Mr. Bernard Daly, in his new romantic Irish play, "Sweet In nisfallen." will be with us. Mr. Daly is under the management of Mr. A. E. Caldwell, who has arranged with the Civic and Improvement association to give one performance of the su perb combination under their aus pices, i As a star comedian In Irislt drama, j Mr. Daly has no superiors. His voice 1 has all the tender sweetness the sing- ing of Irish ballads require. Fo.r the i past two or three seasons, Mr. Daly has appeared in "Uory of the Hills." j Amy Leslie, that clever woman crlt- I Ic of the Chicago News last season j said of Mr Daly In his appearance In , Chicago: "Down at the Columbu theater Mr. Bernard Daly, a ,clean- ; cut. lithe young man with a lovely falsetto voice, played the blacksmith yesterday so well that It roused a, wonder why he should not be more up toward the Stair house where the Ir'sh comedians thrive best. Mr. Drily " wfscTv 'doesn't "follow' ' in " the mighty footstep of the Immortal Joe. Tie wields the sledge not ns if to the m inner born, but he mnkes his horse-.' shoe all right and sings betimes me lodiously. He has put a song wher ever one might strike the Irish fancy and sings them all nicely. Mr. Daly was originally a yodler, but rushing Into Trish picture play ing, he subdues his yodel gracefully. He triples and doubles, but Instead of the mountain "Hulyahayii," Mr. 1 Daly coos dreamily. He lets well, : can dance, sing and attract and that J means good Irish comedy." 1 This is an unbiased criticism of Mr. Daly's work by one of the best known dramatic newspaper, critics ex- , tant. Amy Leslie of the Chicago News. Mr. Daly has a better vehicle in his new play, "Sweet Innisfallen," for the display of his unquestioned tal- , ent than ever before, and an evening I of genuine dramatic entertainment, j song and sensation is assured. 1 'the Correet Time, to stop a cough or cold is Just as soon as It starts then there will be no danger of pneumonia or consumption. Just a few doses of Ballard's Hore hound Syrup taken at the start will Btop the cough If it has been run ning for sometime the treatment will be longer, but the cure Is sure. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Our store will be closed all day New Years. Ingram's Grocery. 3 1 I Cures Coughs, Colds, v and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption A. C. KOEPPEN A BROS. CALDWELL OFFERS THE BRILLIANT YOUNQ IR 1811 COMEDIAN s BERNARD DALY In His New Recognita and Heed it. Kidney Ills come quietly myste riously, ( But nature always warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. . See If the color Is unhealthy If there are settlings and sediment. Passages trequent, scanty, painful. It's time then to use Doan's Kid ney Pills, To ward off Brlght's disease or diabetes, Doan's have done great work In Pendleton. , C. Beale, S00 Aura street, Pendle ton, Ore., ea-a: "Doan's Kidney Pills gave me freedom some six years ago from kidney trouble and lame ness In my back from which I suf fered for a long while. I was also greatly annoyed by the two frequent passages of the kidney secretions, es pecially during the night when I was forced to arise several times. A short use of Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at The Pendleton Drug Co., relieved me of all these difficulties and at that time, I gave a statement recommending them. Many persons have since called upon me, wishing to know If the endorsement, were true and I have always advised other kid ney sufferers to use Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the Uni ted States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. III CI! SOMETHING NEW IN PEN DLETON. An exclusive plumbing shop carrying a complete lino of bath room accessories. The very best nickel plat ed goods to be found in any large city now to be had right here In Pendleton and at right prices. Only place In the city with a complete up-to-date stock to choose from. We have the following in a great yarlety of styles and sizes: f .TOWEL RACKS. SOAP SI PS, SPONGE HOLDERS, TOIIiLER HOLDERS, ROBE HOLDERS, TOWEL HOLDERS, TOOTH BRISII HOLDERS. TOILET- PAPER HOLDERS. ETC. In fact everything for the bath room, including the tub and plumbing, at BEDDOW ..MILLERS.. Exclusive Pluniliers. 120 W. Court Street. Phone Black 3556 a ( II The French Restaurant T. n. Sweringen. Mgr. Thoroughly renovated First-class rooms in con nection. Prlvute dining parlors; good service and the best cooks. REGVLAR MEALS 25 CTS.. Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Pendleton People Mast BDDDDS'fffflDDffiDD"- P I THEATRE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in tho city. Shows afternoon and eve nings.. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire; change three times each week. Be sure and jee the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. If Your Watch Balks! WE CAN FIX IT . Years of experience allows us to assure work that is PROMPT RIGHT CAREFUL THOROUCH We cordially invite an oppor tunity to prove the above A. L Sclisefer Sdccessi. o L. HUNZ1KER. Pendleton's leading Jeweler. Bring Us Your Poultry and Eggs Ordera promptly any part 6f town. delivered to Chickens, gees , ducks, eggs farm and second-hand bought and sold. turkeys, produce goods Highest cash price paid for hides, pelts and junk. : L K. Gurfright & iiSoiitii Suocessors to Stark & Allen. Phone laln 379. , stops tixm cough tad basis tang THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR Throat in the yellow, paci : A03. Play