DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON', OltEGON, THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1909 , EIGHT PAGES. EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAfeT OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER: SO, 1909. PAGE FIVE. page rocn. ; ' -- - ' I rpO the good people near and far who have made Pendleton their Base of Supplies this year, we, the Merchants of Pendleton, rise to make our best bow. You've given us a splendid business during the year just closing and we thank you for it. We have appreciated highly your valuable trade, be it little or lot, and now. as the grand old year elapses into mere memory we want to take off our hats to you and speak a most cordial Thank You. Your generous response to our invitation for your business has a two fold significance: Your coming showed your confidence in us. Your buying proved your confidence in our goods and craftmanship. . This section is on the eve of the greatest prosperity-period in its history. No theorizing nor guess-work. The only thing the folks have to do now is to gather their gains, be they large or small and spend the money. The chary, wary period is on the wane. The day of confidence has dawned. Its brightness is upon us. The golden stream has been a mere trickle, lost now and then among the Hills of Hardtimes. But it is gathering volume, and its pleasant waters already lave the commercial shores with reviving tonic in their touch. Growing, broadening, deepening, not many days hence, the stream will be a mighty, rushing River, the waters whereof shall make glad the hearts of all the people and bring joy to the battalions of business. It's coming there's no way to stop it. Pendleton will be right there, getting her share. Pendleton has never halted at the hehest of Hardtimes. The tighter the times, the more vigorous and splendid her efforts. No idle leaning on her oars for Pendleton. No resting on her laurelsshe knows she can't rest on them and keep them fresh. She hustles while she waits. She has caught the first gleams of the Sun o out on the Hilltops of Hope. Prosperity, because she's up early and We known the stubborn facts That's Pendleton, and Pendleton is our town, V, We propose to strengthen every day Pendleton's already established claims as the Market-place of Eastern Oregon. ! We are not romancers nor sentimentalists, for all we talk about hilltops of hope and things like that. of business. We know that Pendleton need not expect your trade unless she deserves it. We' know that we can not expect you to swell our volume; of sales unless we can sell you the goods that satisfy. There isn't a town in the country that calls on her merchants for money and service oftener than Pendleton, All the time something going on. Altruism alert. Generosity put to proof. Loyalty in the limelight. The Pendleton Spirit strenuously on the job. Which is strictly as it should be. And there isn't a town on earth where the merchants respond as they do in Pendleton., They never deny claims. She counts on gen erous co-operation, and she gets it. It is the biggest secret of Pendleton's marvelous and manifold I successes. We know that the commercial surpremacy of Pendleton means that we must adsolutely leave competition in the shade. Pendleton must stand forth to (he world as the Town-Afraid-of -Nothing. Industriously and commercially, she's there.now. We, her business men. stand together to keep her there for all time to come. We want you all to join with us and boost Pendleton, her cli mate, her fine schools, her progressive spirit, her products, her goods, her facilities for shopping, to boost your own home town and bring the buyers of this and adjoining counties flocking for Pendle ton wares. We want to blaze the way for a bigger, busier ancf better Pendleton by saturating the Inland Empire with the story of our factory, foundry, shop or store. We already have the eyes of Eastern Oregon turned on Pendleton, the ' ear of the Inland Empire attent upon Pendleton's message, the money-bags of the surrounding country open for Pendleton goods-help us to extend our field. We have the stuff, no matter what -shoe strings or combined harvesters -and you know it is the stuff. v Team-work is the- thing. The star pitcher may be all right in his place but if he hasn't the other eight with him, he is liable to be knocked out of the box. We want you to join us we need you you need us. There is a whole lot of lost motion in disconnected efforta dab here and there makes no particular impression. But a strong, unit ed front, and a loud, insistent chorus does the business. . ..... Let's do it for Pendleton the town in which we live. We have the goods, you need them. You need us and we need you. The problem of Supply and Demand is as old as the World, but we are chiefly concerned with its' here-and-no w aspects. We've solved it for the year that's closing. With your help, we'll solve it even better for the one that's coming. Thank you kindly, ladies and gentlemen. Our season's greet ngs, to you and yours and our good wishes. May you live long and prosper. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Where it pays to trade. WORKINGMENS CLOTHING CO., Lower expense makes our prices lower. TAYLOR HARDWARE CO., Dependable hardware. THE BOSTON STORE, Where you trade to save. LIVENGOOD & CO., Agents Ladies Home Journal Patterns. WOHLENBERG DEPT. STORE, Better goods for less money. BOND BROTHERS, Pendleton's Leading Clothiers. ALEXANDER DEPT. STORE, The progressive store, V.-STROBLE, Cheapest place in city for household goods. J. E. BEAM, Cigars, Tobacco, Smokers Supplies. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., Abstracts of title, insurance, real estate. '. KL BURROUGHS, ' Fuel and Ice. . INGRAMS GROCERY, Everything that's good to eat. R. M. SAWTELLE, Practical jeweler. INDOOR RIFLE RANGE, W. W. Yeager, Prop. CLARK'S GROCERY, Wholesale and retail. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, Caterers to the home cook. i PENDLETON LUMBER YARDS Ben F. Hill, Manager A. L. SCIIAEFER, Experienced jeweler. PENDLETON DRUG CO., The mark of quality. EILERS PIANO nOUSE, Busiest, Biggest, Best. J. L. V AUG HAN, " Electrical supplies. GRAY BROTHERS, The leading grocers. THE WONDER STORE, Despain & Bonney. , . y KM PI RE MEAT CO., Schwarz & Greulicli. J. F. KENLEY, Practical watchmaker. PIONEER CIGAR FACTORY, Jns. A. Devlin, Prop. TALLMAN & CO., Lending Druggists. CAMPBELL MILLINERY, Oldest established millinery. THE QUELLE RESTAURANT, Gns. La Fountaine, Prop. NELSON'S "IIANDY STORE," C. E. Nelson, Prop. "KOEPPENS" The drug store that serves you best. V C. Koeppen & Bros.' "WIO"! WM. E. HANSCOM, Pendleton's leading jeweler. E. J. MURPHY, ' Paints, wall paper and glass. THE IIAMLEY-McFATRIDGE CO., Saddles nnd Harness. NISSEN IMPLEMENT CO., By John Nissen, Manager, i THE VOGUE MILLINERY, Idleman & Hilleary. DR. L. D. IDLEMAN, Modern Dentistry. LA DOW & PETERSON, Independent hardware men. W. J. CLARKE t CO., The modern hardware store. , PFNDLETOX CASH MARKET, Tullis & Ramsdell.' THE LYMAN MARKET, C. B. Lyman, Prop. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY, J. F. Robinson, Prop. OREGON BAKERY AND GROCERY, C. Rohrman, Prop. THE STANDARD GROCERY, "Good to eats" for the table. OWL TEA HOUSE. W. A. Snedeker, Prop. FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE, Stationery, Books, etc. II. J. KEOGH, s General electrician signs a specialty. SHARON & EDDINGS, Plumbing, new and second-hand dealers. ELLIOTT'S RESTAURANT, "Like boarding at home." BEDDOW & MILLER, Plumbing, gas and steam fitting exclusively. J. IL CHILDRETII & CO., Horse-shoeing, blacksmithing, wagon making. OREGON LUMBER YARD, Lumber, sash, doors and fuel. EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Publishers and printers.