EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 30, J909. " : "" PAGE THREE. ii inii iimmimbsmiiu imniiri wirr UIET T OUR oi l ie i :i;s r XI) iuiu.i.ak HIDING IV A DARN Taken lo Walla Walla Revivul MeclliiKrt Holding In lrenl).v(-rinn Church School MuUe Mlwral Do nation to Orphan. NO 6 SMES IN DEPARTMENT All This Week You will find Extra Specials In Every Department Furs, Silk and Net Waists, Silk Petticoats, Skirts, Ladies and Misses Suits, Coats of every de scription, Silk Waist Patterns, Shoes, Fancy .Hosiery, Drawn Work, Doilies Etc. Everything goes at extraordinary Low Prices before inventory. F. E. Livengood & Co. Agents for Ladies Home JoumaljPatterns land Publications' LOCALS 1 Pastime pictures please all. Coal. Oak wood. Phone Main 8. Famished rooms to rent. 102 Wa ter street Automobiles for rent at the Pen dleton Auto company. For Sale Few tons ef Timothy hay. Oregon Lumber Yard. Lenses duplicated In a few minutes Hanscom't Jewelry store. Oak wood, the heat river, good as coal. Oregon Lumber Yard. Good clean coal at the Oregon Lumber Yards. Phone Main 8. Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes for fl.Se at Wohlenbergs Dept. Store. Highest price paid for veal at Rey burn's market. Old W. & C. R. depot. For rent Modern seven room house; North side; Inquire 223 Per kins. Halrdresslng, manicuring and sham pooing parlors In connection with the Vogue Millinery. Broken lenses replaced In a few minutes at Hanscom's Jewel store. We grind any lenae. Wanted A good well driller. Ad dress, Sim J. Culley. Weston. Oregon. Salem school teachers will receive a 11 1-2 per cent Increase In salaries next year. Wanted Nicely furnished room. Stam or furnace neat Address, P. O. Bex 26. ttood store or office room for rem In East Oregonlan building on Vain street Inquire at this office. Found Gentlemen's purse contain ing small change. Owner may have same by calling at this office. We ran grind you a new lens In a few minutes. Bring your broken lense to us. Hanscom's Jewelry store. Phone Main 8 for good dry wood and coal that will burn clean. Promptly delivered. Oregon Lumber Yard. Wanted, room (at from 120 to 130 per month) or room and hoard (at 850 or 80 per month) with a refined private family by business gentleman. State who composes family. Address, Box 28, PoBt Office. "SWEET IXXISFALLEX" IS ROMANTIC IRISH PLAY Foley's Orlno Laxative Is best for women and children. Its mild action and pleasant taste make it preferable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Cures constipation. Koepppn Tiros. At our local theater on tomorrow evening for the benefit of the public park fund the Civic association will present Mr. Bernard Daly In his new romantic Irish play, "Sweet Innls fallen" Mr. Daly will appear direct ly under their auspices and this vig orous organization and Its many friends will see to It that Mr. Daly, Tils new play and his company re ceive a hearty welcome' by an over flowing house. The story of the play, Is, as may be surmised, one of Irish romance; tho scenes ore picturesque to a hlg'n degree and represent love and mon ey, laughter and tears, villlany and constancy, and wit and sour. The ti tle Is derived from the locality of its action. The story is developed on the, Island of "Innlsfallen" In the Lakes of Klllarney. In the four acts arc shown tho beautiful home of the Moore's "Falr lnwn." "Tho Fairies' Glen." "The Ruined Abbey," and Mrs. O'Malley's Tavern on the road to the village of "Innlsfallen." Nothing could be more picturesque and pleasing to the senses than the stage pictures pre sented in Mr. Daly's new play. Mr. Daly sings six beautiful numbers most of them new. One In particular will ever remain new to an Irish heart, "The Wearing of the Green." and Mr. Daly renders It with a touch of emotion in his soft tenor voice that gives it Its full meaning. "The Sweet Rose of Klllarney," "Sweet In nlsfallen," "The Call of the Wind," "Sweet Eyes of Irish Blue." and his "Hide and Seek," acting song with little Molly, tho child, touches the heart of all who love children. The production is new and fresh; no old and delapldated scenery. Tho pro duction Is under tho direction of A. E. Caldwell, onv of the most experi enced managers in the business. Our local Civic and Improvement league under whose auspices it is pre sented, have an attraction worthy of their order and should make a united effort to pack the theater to its ca pacity tomorrow evening. O. M. HEACOCK 1 Eye-sight Specialist. g ,a .-. .,',. -'a nuT-.vJ My Glass, s are Guaranteed to give: S' you satisfaction or money 1:1:1 r.i)i:i. p I Grind nil :y J.i ns. :, Any Lens Juf U.-ated In u Few Minut.-s. V. i ll -2 WM. I!, li V M'OM. .f.iuel.T. 'i Hcxnmothlcnrtetranilne. The above Is the name of a Ger man chemical, which Is one of the many valuable Ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamcthylonetet ramlne Is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and nntlseptice for the urine. Tako Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a serious malady. Koeppen Bros. ! (Special Correspondence.) Kreewater, Dec. 29. The Orescent drug stoic was robbed on Monday night and the robber made his escape and It was supposed he was In hid ing somewhere In Kreewater or Mil ton. Marshal I'ropeck assisted the Walla Walla officers in the search, which was finally rewarded by their finding their man in Van Slyke's barn hiding in the hay. He was brought out of his retreat and taken to Walla Walla. Revival meetings commenced In the Presbyterian church on Monday eve ning. They are conducted under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal churches of MiltoiT and Sunny-side, whose pastors, Revs. Bird and Crooks are assisted by the Rev. Mr. Sanders of Walla Walla. The attendance Is first class, much Interest being man ifested. Player meetings are held In the afternoon. The 'public schools of Milton and Freewater sent a good substantial Christmas gift to the orphans' home In Portland. Besides $30.20 In cash they sent three boxes of clothing, four boxes of apples, three sacks of flour, two sacks of potatoes and a sack of pumpkins and carrots. The chil dren who took a wonderful Interest In the work were ably assisted by the teachers, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sanderson are spending the remaining days of 1909 In Waltsburg, the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Charles MacOaughey. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bean and daughter, Dealtry. who have been spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sanderson, re turned to their home in Tekoa, Wash., yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Harvey Miller, pastor of the Ingle chapel Congregational church, Is holding a week of prayer which will be followed by revival meetings. The V. B. church at Vincent began special services this week, conducted by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Pershall. A Policeman's Testimony. J. N. Paterson, night policeman of Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least half, a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world." Koeppen Bros. Prices and Quality always bring Results Our shoe business has increased 100 per cent, during December Reasons Below Little Women's $3.00 patent colt lace shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 6 $2.69 blisses' $2.50 patent colt lace shoes, sizes 11 1-2 to 2 $2.29 Children's $2.00 patent cold lace shoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 11 $1.79 Misses' $1.75 vici, sizes 11 1-2 to 2 ?1.23 Boys' $2.50 velour calf, sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 S2.19 Youths' $2.00 satin calf, sizes 13 to 2, $1.69 Women's $3.50 vici patent, one style only $3.15 Women's $3.50 patent colt lace $3.15 Women's $2.50 vici kid patent tip, button $1.95 Women's vici kid patent tip, lace $1.23 lnJoGiDenlbeiig GBep't- Store Better Goods for Less money NEWS NOTES OF HELIX MASOl ERADE DANTE PLAX- NEI TOR EYE OF XEW YEARS Masonic Lodge Holds Annual Public Installation or Officers Other Brief Xotcs of Interest. eiiiurli of the Hrdecfliior. Owing to the entertainment to be Riven uhder the auspices of the ladies of the Civic cluli at the opera house I'll New YearV. I've, tin- midnight ser vice will not tako place. j I'ul y's Honey nnd Tar is tho b"st I and safest rough remedy for chil '.,");. At the first symptoms 'of n j i- d l. ivc ::s directed, and word off dancer of croup, bronchitis, soro i throat, cold in the head and stuffy i breathing. Ii brlnps comfort and ea;-c to tho little ones. Contains no i -...ii. .. er ',thcr harmful drug.. Keep ! x.w v. en h !.! and refuse subitti- K. :'. . n t'.ros. oieegon hanks are ix healthy condition' Portland. Oregon banks show a remarkably healthy condition, ac cording to the report of State Bank Exeminer Steel. Assets and liabili ties of the private and national banks of the state at the clpse of business on November 16 are compared w th the same statistics on November 27. 1908, much to the disadvantage of the earlier date. An Increase of 21 per cent In loans and discounts and Individual deposits is shown for the current year Individual deposits in banks have Increased $16,103,678 over last year, certainly a strong ev dence of the prosperity of the state. A gain of more than $21. 000,000 in resourc es of the banks In a single year is a striking proof of the advance Ore gon has made during the past twelve month. This s partly due to the marketing of a large lumber cut but the high prices at which the agri cultural staples were marketed had an wen stronger effect on the fig ures. There has also been a great amount of money brought Into Ore gon during the past year by new set tlers. This has gone Into farm lands, t mber and city property. Railroad activity now go ng forward in the slato will undoubtedly hate a strong effect in bringing the coming yeur's showing up to an' even higher level than that disclosed in the latest re port. After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley'? Honey and Tar. the great throat and lung remedy. It stops the cough, relieves the congestion, and expels the cold from your system Is mildly laxative. Hofuse substitutes. Koeppen Uros. (Special Correspondence.) Helix, Ore.. Dec. 29. The Helix Malice club has issued invitations for a masquerade dance to be given here Friday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. Prizes will be given for the best sus tained. character and also for the best waltzers. Monday evening the Masonic lodge held a public Installation and the fol lowing officers were installed. J. S. Norvell, W. M.;' E. L. Norvell, 8. W.; E. J. Saunders, J. W.; M. L. Smith, treasurer; D. L. Behrens. sec retary; F. Peterson, tyler. After the Installation a banquet was given at tne hotel. Mr. and Mrs. E. Doerlng are in town this evening on their way home from a visit to their daughter of Ad ams. Mr M. L. Morrison is confined at his home with a severe cold. Dr. Griswold has been spending the past week at Abulia, where his son John Is confined to his bed with ty phoid pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. George Knight accom panied by their daughter, Myrtle, and Miss Isaacs, spent Sunday In Helix to the great Joy of Vm. Isaacs. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith have been here visiting friends for the past few days. Miss Nellie Mulkey, who is visiting, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Doerlng. will re turn to her home in the Willamette valley Saturday. Mr. Otto Lahudde. who has been spending tne holidays with his parents nt Wallula. returned Monday by way of Hermiston. The. Misses Ezilda Scott and Alma Hutchinson are spending the holidays with friends at Hermiston. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease ttiat science has been able to core In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrb Cure is the only positive cure now koown to the medical fraternity. Catarrb being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrb Cure taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the lyi tern, thereby destroying the foundation ot the disease, and glvlag tbe patient strength by hulldlng up tbe constitution and assist ing nature In doing its' work. The pro prietors bare so much faltb In Its curative powers that tbey offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that It fall to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address : P. J CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists. 75c. Take nail's Family Pills for constipation. Fine Shot Gun. A fine hammerless shot gun is the prize this, week at the Indoor Rifle Range. Shooters can shoot either off hand or with rest. He Quelle Gus. La Fountains, Prop. Best 25 cent meals in tbe North-west. First-class Cooks and Serrlee. Shell -fish In Season. La Pountalne . Block, Mala St. CalUng cards, wedding stationery and commercial printing to order, at the East Oregonlan. 1 all day New T.EAITI TYING t HIES I1Y ROSE Cll.Tl'KK 1' .rUnli.l ---lvrone In Povi-nii.l seems to 'he ni.'in! Ing roses and to a i' greater or less extent the same is (probably true of other cities of the j siate where the rose att ains pev:'ee j t on. . Never bof-r..- h::s there -U- :t 1 s:u li a prevalent !!.. of l..ni:.fy!i.': I (.;i;,.tt !, ii -,v tm.I !.. cu; per: !.-t j toe m ,,-,.(;v n by th !.. i in alt Mrs S. Joyce. Claremont, N. II , : writes: "About a year ago I bought , two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem-j edy. It cured me of a severe case of j kidney troube of several years stand- j Ing. It certainly is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommrn.l it " Kieppen Bros. j Oregon Theatre 5 Monday Night, Jan. . 2) CCLLIGAX & HOCKAVALD Real IMegro instrelS' M and Nashville Students HAND AND ORCHESTRA. The strongest SinCiiy and Daiictii Show in America. Prices: 75c 50c 25c Pendleton Drug Co. I .0