PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OIUMON, THURSDAY, DECKMBER, 30, 100. EIGHT PAGES. Special Reduced Prices for Friday Table Linens and Napkins Radically Reduced x $1.00 BLEACHER TABLE DAMASK, 70 inches wide, extraordinary good value, special . Friday S9 05 BLEACHED SATIX DAMASK TABLE LINEN, 04 inches wide, a big bargain, special Friday ' 58 75? BLEACHED SATIX DAMASK TABLE LINEN, 70 inches wide, this is surely a snap, special Fr'day GSp yd $1.25 BLEACHED SATIX DAMASK TABLE LINEN, full 70 inches wide, a superior grade, special Friday ........ : fc 9S S1.50 HIGH-GBADE IMPORTED SATIX DAMASK table linen, 70 inches wide, special Friday $1.19 $2.25 BLEACHED SATIX DAMASK LINEN TABLE NAPKINS. 5-3 size, guaranteed linen, special Friday. $1.75 doz. $3.00 BLEACHER SATIN LUSTRED LINEN TABLE NAPKINS, pure Irish linen, 3-4 size, special Friday L $2.45 doz. $4.00 BLEACHED SATIN LUSTRED LINEN TABLE NAPKINS, 3-4 size, with neat designs, Friday . $3.45 doz. $5.00 BLEACHED SATIN DAMASK LINEN TABLE NAPKINS. superior quality of Irish manufacture, special Friday $4.45 doz. 27 INCH DOUBLE KNAP HEAVY COTTON VELOURS, iD this seasons prettiest designs and colors, a very serviceable fabric, regular 25c value, special Friday 20 yd 27 INCH FANCY FLEECE FLANNELS, " 'Tl' in a full and complete line of well assorted patterns, the much wanted kind for a pretty Ki mona, regular 20c value, special Friday.--. 12 1 2 yd 27 INCH DOUBLE FACE OUTING FLANNELS, , me in stripes and checks in light, medium anu dark colors, also solid colors in pink, light blue, cream, red and white, regular 12 l-2c value, special Friday 10 yd EXTRA HEAVY BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS for the bath and toilet, sizes 20x40, regular 35c value, special' Friday '. 23 The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. 0. R. & N. PAYS TO JAMES GAYIX HAS IlKEX IX HOSPITAL M MONTHS Yoiiiik Employe IIu1 Piece of IVonrd Thrust Through ltony Company Settles For $6,000 Itesiries Paying for MiHlleul Treatment. A dispatch from Ln. Grande says: 4ns. ' Gavin, nn engineer of the O. li. & X. company, la homo from the hcspitul in Portland v ,rio he has been confined for over a year fol lowing Injuries In nn accident at the stock yards in the western part of town. Just before his relcusc from the hospital the rnllrottd company settled nil claims for damages nrls ing from the accident by the pay ment to Mr. Gavin of the -sum of $G, 000. A further part of the stipula tion is the ngreenont on tne part of the company to pay all the expense incurred for medlenl treatment nnd hospital chart-a during the long per iod of the young engineer's confine ment. Mr. Gavin was the engineer on a train which started out for the west nnd nt the stock yards there was a car which did not "clear" the main line. The engine crashed Into the car and a piece of board s)lit from the side of the car was thrust through the lower portion of th engineer's body. He was removed to the hos pital and has been at the Institution for a period of nearly fourteen months. Although severely crippled Mr. Gavin is able to travel on the streets and he has been' receiving the greet ings of a large number of friends since his return home. Mr. Gavin has been in the employ of the com pany several years and at the time of the accident he. was one of the young est men on the roll of engineers. He Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. john Gavin, of this city: When You Think 0( the pain which mnny women experience with every month it makes the gentleness and kinilneu alwaya associ ated with womanhood seem to be ulmoat a miracle. While in general no woman rebcli against what the re gard as a nuturut necessity there i no woman who would not gladly be free from thin recurring period oi pain. ' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription make weak women strong and tick women well, and tivea them freedom from pain. It establishes regularity, subdue Intlam motion, heals ulceration and cures e male veaknesn, Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, fret. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly conndentiul. Write without feur and without iee to World' Dispensary Med ical Association, K. V. Tierce, M. L)., President, Buffalo, N. Y. If you w.vit a hook that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure them at, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing tnly, and lie wiil send you u free copy of hit great thousand-page illustrated Common Heir a Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covert. In Iwnut'in r clotti-bindiug, 31 stamps. A Splendid Overall for every use. Cut generous ly full. Twq' hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. rwUitf alMm. MURPHY, GRANT SC9. Manufacturers harradn C Minis How One Doctor Successfully Trent u Pneumonia. "In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith of Sanders, Ala., "the only remedy I use for the lungs is Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. While, of course, I would treat other symptoms with different medicines, I have used this remedy many times In my medi cal practice and have yet failed to find a case where it has not controll ed the trouble. I have used it myself ns has also my wife "for coughs and colds repeatedly, and I most willing ly and cheerfully recommend It as superior to any other cough, remedy to my knowledge." For sale by all good dealers. THE HEALING STRENGTH OF MINERAL WATERS In Cases of Dyspcpsln, Rheumatism, Goat and Nervous Breakdown, Is MarveJons. Upon recent investigaion by emi nent physicians, chemists and sci entists it has been demonstrated that natural, earth flowing mineral waters are the most beneficial means for the cure of organic maladies. Paso Robles Hot Springs are at this time the point of interest to most in vestigators, as recent occurrences have attracted the attention of the thinking world to these springs. One of their chief points of inter est to medical men is said to be that which proves that a pre-eminent chemical .action rests in the waters which flow from the earth at Paso Robles, California. Paso Robles Hot Springs is making cures daily of rheumatism, gout, stomach trouble, neurotic disease, kidney trouble and general break down, -which proves almost beyond question to medical men that there Is some quality in these waters superior to any in this country and probably In the world. It is also claimed for Paso Robles that the air conditions are perfect It lies in a small valley protected by mountain ranges; is 720 feet above TVm a s Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Ofer-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Blake Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for much sickness andsuffenng, 1 t if 1.iHnA4 trouble is permitted to I continue, serious re sults are most likely to follow. Your othet organs may need at tention, but your kid neys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, rem can understand how quickly your en- tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. . If vou are sick or " feel badly," begin - . - . . 11 1 tw taking tne great itiuuey icmcupr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will coa vi'nrp vnn of its sreat merit. The mild and immediate effect oi Swamn-Root. the trreat kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It 6tands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven In thousands of the most distress ing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar ciiM. You mav have a sample bottle feweggl by mail tree, also a pampniei leiang yuu tun. iiti.n bow to find ont if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper v,. writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. V. Don't make any mis take, bnt remember the name, Swamp. tj ,l Hon't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root if yon do you will be disappointed. sea level and is not assailed by too much sea moisture or an abnormal temperature from the hot land winds. This air condition is thought by some to have almost as much to do with its cures as the waters them selves. The town, like all health resorts, is filled with boarding houses of all kinds so that every purse will be pleased. There are hotels for the rich, where any luxury may be had. Private baths for exclusive patrons who wish to be to themselves. These springs have been known for centuries, for they were used by the Indian to cure his sick and later the Franciscan fathers performed won derful cures here, but it Is only re cently that the really marvelous pow ers of these waters were made known to the world at large. . Nearly every form of organic trou ble is treated at these hot springs, for the authorities welcome all except those who have tuberculosis or un clean diseases. For the man who suf fers from over-eating or from alco holic excesses there is nothing in the world to equal a week spent at Paso Robles. It straightens him out with a rapidity that is wonderful, and the best recommendation is that they do away with the nerve-craving for stim ulants because of their peculiar sooth ing effects upon the nervous system Truly speaking, the study of Paso Robles Hot Springs is one which Is giving the medical fraternity abroad and at home much interest, and Is probably directing more attention to California than any other ot her nat ural gifts to man. A small book, neatly illustrated, has been recently published by the man agement telling the story of the Hot Springs in a most interesting manner and giving to Wm. McMurray, Gen eral Passenger Agent of the O. R. & N., Portland, Ore., or Dr. F. W. Saw yer, Manager, Paso Robles, Cal. UTAH'S GOVERNOR SAYS NAY TO EIGHT San Francisco. Tex Rickard. who with Jack Gleason, landed the pro posed Jeffries-Johnson fight, is said to be on h's way to this city. Further, it is rumored that Rick ard will, consult with certain local capitalists and sportsmen concerning the big fight, and that If sufficient fi nancial backing la guaranteed, it may be settled definitely and immediate ly that the mill will be pulled off in this city. Governor 'Spry of Utah, according to a dispatch received here today, has Intimated that the fight never will be held in Salt Lake City, which place is reported to have been favored by Rickard. In view of the reported gubernato rial objection, It is hinted that Rick ard will heed the importunit'es of Gleason and settle upon San Francis co. Girls. Why have your shoe sole3 ftalled on when we sew them on at 6Bc a pair. No s,well dressed man or wo man wants their shoes full of nails. A. EKLUND. The East End Grocery Will be closed all day New Years, Jan. 1 Watch For the Order Boys Friday For That Dull Feelinff After Ealln. I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, anJ can testify that they have done ma more, good than any taMets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy, dull feeling after eating. David Free man, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion. They also regulate the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but ost no more. Get a free sample at all good dealers and see what a splendid med icine it is. The Correct Time. to stop a cough or cold is Just as soon as it starts then there will be no danger of pneumonia or consumption. Just a few doses of Ballard's Hore hound Syrup taken at the start will stop the cough If it has been run ning for sometime the treatment will be longer, but the cure Is sure. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Our store will be closed all day New Years. Ingram's Grocery. Wheat hay for 'sale. Phone Nelson, Farmer line 15. Dave The festivities of Monday night were nicely concluded by serving Folger's Golden Gate Coffee. If Your Watch Balks! WE CAN FIX IT Years of experience allows us to assure work that is PROMPT RIGHT CAREFUL THOROUGH We cordially invite an oppor tunity to prove the above A. L. Schaofer Sdccessc. to L. HUNZ1KER. Pendleton's Tcadlng . Jeweler. KNOWN FOR IT'S STRENGTH WHAT IT MEANS A BANK'S CAPITAL Is to protect lis depositors from possible loss, therefore the larger It Is, the greater protection iho depositors have Tliis bank has a Capital of $250,000.00 Surplus and net profits : 175,000.00 Shareholders liability 250,000.00 A total of ..$G75,000.00 This menus that this bank inuwt lose over 2-3 of a million dol lars, borore its depositors could lose a cent. Tills protection Is for you. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pendleton,' Oregon SECURITY The Grand Theatre Pendleton's Home of Amusement Refined Moving Pictures Vaudeville and Musical Comedy Complete Change of Every MONDAY and Programme THURSDAY Admission 15c and 25c Matinees 10c and 15c Rich Men's Gifts Are Poor beside this: 'I want to go on record as saying that I regard Electric Bit ters as one of the greatest gifts that God has made to woman, writes Mrs. O. Rhlnevault of Vestal Center, N. T "I can never forget what It has done for me." This glorious medicine gives a woman Duoyani spins, vigor oi body and Jubilant health. It quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, mel ancholy, headache, backache, faint ing, ailing and sickly. Try them. 60c at Tallman & Co. Encampment Notice. Umatilla Encampment No. 17, I. O. O. F., will hold a social session Thursday night, Dec. 30, 1909. All members and visiting Patriarchs are cordially Invited to attend. W. B. HALE, C. P. Don't Be Hopeless about yourself when you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you've tried lota of things and they failed. Try Ballard's Snow Lin iment it will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Oregon Theatre Friday, December 3 1 A. E. CALDWELL OFFERS THE BRILLIANT Y0UN0 IR ISH COMEDIAN BERNARD DALY In His New Play DDODDSfffflDDffiOD" FRESH FROM THE LAKES OF KILL A RNE Y-UEAR MR. DALY SING HIS LATEST SONG SUCCESSES, NEW. SCENERY, NEW SONGS, NEW PLAY. PRESENTED UNDER THE A USPICES OF THE CIVIC AND IMPROVE MENT LEA GUE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC PARK FUND Prices SJ51.50, $1.00, 75, 50. Sale opens Thursday 10 a. m. Pendleton Drug Co.