East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 28, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Kin Ths Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
tjnbealtby Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are r
sporrsi ble for much sickness and su Ileri ng.
trouble is permitted to
continue, serious re
sults arc most likely
to follow. Your other
organs may need at
tention, but your kid
neys most, because
they do most and
should liave attention
first. Therefore, when
your kidnevs arc weak or out of order,
ou can understand how quickly your en
tire body is affected and how every organ
seems to fail to do its duty.
If you are sick or " feel badly," bejnn
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con
rince you of its great merit.
The mild and immediate effect oi
Swamp-Root, the great kidney and
bladder remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest because its remarkable
health restoring properties have been
proren in thousands of the most distress
ing cases. If yon need a medicine you
6hoold have the best.
Sold br drucrcists in
fifty-cent and one-dol- f:ru" i53::d
l.ir sizes. ou may r 3
have a sample bottle :!S.2r.5rad
by mail free, also aJSfel
pamphlet tellingj you iiora.oi.--nnp-Ki.
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Bingham ton, N. Y. Don't make any mis
take, but rememoer me name, swamp.
RonL and don't let a dealer sell yon
something in place of Swamp-Root if
yon do you win dc aisappuwicu.
Many Christmas Trees In Evidence-
Two Months Old Baby of BenJ.
Smith Burled Other Notes.
Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illustrated songs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change three times
each week. Be sure and
Bee the next change.
Adults 10c. Children
under 10 years, 5c.
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, Ore., Dec. 27. Christmas
was very much In evidence here. Two
public trees, a dance and numerous
trees In different homes. On Christ
mas eve at the M. E. church the Sun
day school gave an enterta nment and
tree. The program consisted of a
number of selected recitations, songs,
etc., given by the Sunday school chil
dren and a comedy led by Miss Lois
Smith. On Saturday night the Bethel
Sunday school held Its Christmas ser
vices In the I. O. O. F. hall. Here,
too, was a Christmas tree and pleas
ing exercises by the little ones. Mr9.
Fleta Toung also favored the audi
ence with a choice recitation. A
large crowd attended the ball given
by the Echo orchestra on Christmas
eve. Dancing continued until an
early hour.
W. R. Parker, who Is here from
Buhl, has purchased twenty-nine head
of Jersey cows from CP. Bowman,
and will ship them tomorrow to his
home. This is a choice herd of thor
oughbreds, and Mr. Parker cons'ders
himself quit fortunate In securing
A sad funeral occurred here yester
day afternoon, when the two movhs
old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Benj.
Smith was burled. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith live in Hermiston, where their
baby died with pneumonia. The re
mains were brought here by team ror
Mrs. J. A. Gull'ford, the mother of
Jerome Gulliford, left yesterday eve
ning for her home In Pendleton, af
ter a month's visit with her son's fam
ily. She was accompanied by her
grand daughters, the Misses Clephane
and Daphene Gulliford, who will
spend the holidays vls tlng relatives
In Pendleton.
Thomas George of Detroit, Mich.
is here making a midwinter visit with
his son, F. T. George, of the George
& Miller Co.
Louis Scholl, jr., is in Pendleton to
day on business. Before his return
home he will make a visit to his par
ents' home In walla waiia. ,
B. F. McCullough has rented his
alfalfa farm and sold his stock and
farming implements to George
Course. Mr. McCullough will put his
son Carl In school in Portland ror
the remainder of the school yearbut
expects to still make this his home,
having reserved a part of the house
for his own use.
.Mrs. Blanche Brown of Stanfteld,
came up last evening from her home,
returning this morning.
Mr. Wm. NeaL who has been vis
iting with friends the past two weeks
left yesterday for his home at la
Cross Junction, Wash.
Science Discovers That Paso Roblos
Hot Springs Are Really the Marvels
Of Health.
Today the great American and
foreign authorities assert that the fa
mous Paso Robles springs bring forth
the interior of the earth waters which
make cures that medicine and sur
gery do not perform.
Such wonderful results have been
made upon certain diseases by the
Paso Robles Hot Springs that sclen
tisas aro unable to account wholly for
the real reason and to exactly deter
mine what causes the really great
chemical virtues of these waters.
The wonderful waters of Paso
Robles have performed so many
really remarkable cures jf late, up
on persons from all over the world,
to such an extent that medical men
and scientists are making an investi
gation into what really Is the caus of
such chemical purity of water and Its
consequent action upon health.
The waters of Paso Robles are
both hot and cold when they arrive
at the surface of the earth. Here
are mineral mud baths, vapor, steam
and other modes of water treatment.
The only diseases barred at Paso
Robles are tuberculosis and unclean
Cases of chronic stomach trouble,
alcoholism, nervous prostration, espe
cially In women, worn out business
men, rheumatism, gout, kidney ana
other troubles too numerous to men
tion, succumb to these waters as
though they were but a slight indis
position. One may Bpend hours In
the streets of the town listening to
the conxalescents tell of their former
111 health and their cures. Jt sounds
like a romance. Every luxury is nere
for the rich, while those who desire
may bring a tent and camp out In
the delightful meadows or along the
river bank and be treated and cured
at little expense. Boarding houses
and private homes are also open to
health seekers.
The air at Paso Robles Is said to
be the purest of any health resort in
the world, and many claim as much
for It as they do for the waters.
Truly It Is interesting to know Just
what science will determine to be
the solution of the question of Paso
Robles' great cures, and what Its wa
ters can really do.
A small book, neatly illustrated,
has been recenly published by the
management telling the story of the
Hot Springs in a most interesting
manner and gives complete Informa
tion. Send for It, either to Wm. Mc-
Murray, General Passenger Agent of
the O. R. & N., Portland, Ore., or
Dr. F. W. Sawyer, manager, Paso
Itobles, Cal.
Rich Men's Gifts Are Poor
beside this: "I want to go on record
as saving that I regard Electric Bit
ters as one of the greatest gifts that
nod has made to woman, writes Mrs.
O. Rhlnevault of Vestal Center, N. Y.
"I can never forget what H has done
for me." This glorious medicine gives
a woman buoyant spirts, vigor of
body and Jubilant health. It quickly
cures nervousness, sleeplessness, mel
ancholy, headache, backache, faint
ing, ailing and sickly. Try them. 5tc
at Tallman & Co.
Old Fushloned Christmas Dance Giv
en Saturday Night Other Notes, of
(Special Correspondence.)
Adams, Ore., Dec. 27. Mrs. John
Adams nnd daughters. Misses Paulino
and Helen of Walla Walla, came
down to Adams Thursday to spend
Christmas on their ranch south of
Reno Orecn and Frank Krlbs re
turned to their home In Adams Fri
day after visiting f or two weeks In
the valley and in Portland, taking In
the sights.
Dr. Plamondon of Adams reports
the visitation of the stork at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis with
-a good sized Daoy Doy as the result.
Mother and child are doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Roger's went to
Weston Friday to spend Christmas
with friends and relatives in that
Mr. and Mrs. F. Walden went to
Hermiston Friday to spend Christ
mas with his sister, Mrs. H. Englar.
Henry Brurter and F. Whitly and
Mr. and Mrs. F. Reld and Mrs. Plck-
ard and Henry and Violet Burner all J
went to Pendleton Friday.
Mr. E. Merltt and Miss G. Blake
went to Pendleton Friday.
C Owens and Clark Maxle and
Claud Walden, went to Weston to at
tend the Christmas dance.
Mr. and Mrs. MaGee of Pendleton,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Bently for Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Molntlre of
Athena are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Malcom Mclntire of Adams at
dinner Christmas.
A big Christmas dinner was given
at the Adams hotel. The guests pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. B. Boyer and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Derorln
and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mrs. Lula McFall and daughter
Kathleen of Pendleton were the guests
of Mrs. E. C. Bowling of Adams for
Christmas dinner.
Miss Barnes, teacher of the Adams
public school left for her home In
Weston Saturday to spend the holi
Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Lleuallen
of Pilot Rock, came up to Adams
Friday to spend Christmas at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen of Helix were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of
Adams Sunday for dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerton of Athena,
were the guests of P. T. Hale of Ad
ams Sunday.
Mr. Owens, who has been confined
to his home for a few days with a
bad cold, resumed his work again to
day for Uncle Sam as mall carrier
of Adams.
The usual evening services were
held in the Baptist church. Young
peoples' meeting at 6:30, preaching
at 7. Hev. Logan Perlnger filled the
Tom Coffy left Adams Monday ror
Vaklma to visit friends and relatives
for the winter.
Peto Murray went to Pendleton
Is to protect Its dejioNllors from possible loss, therefore the larger
it is, the greater protection the depositors havo.
Tills bank 1ms a
Capital of $250,000.00
Surplus and net profits 175,000.00
Shareholders liability 250,000.00
A total of . ; ......?675,000.00
This means that tills hank must loso over 2-3 of a million dol
lars, before Its depositors could lose a cent. This protection Is for
Pendleton Oregon
Heat or Smoke
. Do
to nil
you want a fuel
to nil your nome ana
lungs with smoke and
nasty odors, or with
clear heat, as and when
you want it?
Then use gas, the
fuel that answers every
demand made upon it
quickly, conveniently,
cheaply and with cleanliness.
You're Losing
every time you fill that
old stove up with coal
the cost per degree of
warmth from coal is
vastly more than heat
ing with gas, and what
a difference in conven
ience, cleanliness and
results 1
It heats perfectly the
cold corners; is cheerful
and clean.
Phone Main 40 today and end your heat and light trouble
Northwestern Gas & Electric Co.
Matlock Building.
If Your Watch
Years of experience allows us
to assure work that is
We cordially invite an oppor
tunity to prove the above
A. L Schaefer
Success.. jo
Pendleton's leading Jeweler.
Weehawken Opposes Merger.
New Tork, Dec. 28. It is likely
thnt tho Drolect to create anotner
metropolis over in Jersey wUl hit a
snag tonight, when the votes cast Dy
the sovereign voters of weenawKen
are counted. It Is proposed to con-
sol date Weehawken. North Bergen,
Union Hill, West Hoboken, West
New York and Guttenburg Into one
municipality, under the name of Hud
son Citv. All of the other towns ap
parently favor the proposition, but
the Weehawkenltes are firm against
It, and local prophets assert that the
project will be defeated 4 to l in
today's elect' on. Weehawken already
has all the modern improvements, hut
roitia of th other towns are not so
fortunate, and it Is feared that tne
Hudson Citv merger would result in
a rnnslderable increase In taxes tor
improving the streets and sewers.
Stunz for 15 Years
by indigestion's pangs try.ng many
doctors and J200 worth of medicine
In vain. G. F. Ayscue of Ingleside. N
C. at last used Dr. King's New Life
Pii; and writes they wholly cured
him Thev euro constipation, bil
iousness, sick headache, stomach, liv
viilnov nnd bowel troubles 25c
at Tallman & Co.
Missouri Teachers Meet.
St. Louis, Dec. 28. Teachers of
Missouri took advantage of the holi
day of their charges to meet in St.
Louis today for the:r annual state
convention. More "than" a thousand
delegates are here. The colored teach
ers of the state will also be in season
during the next three days.
(Special Correspondence.)
Nolin, Dec. 27. School closed here
for a week's vacation after rendering
an appropriate program. - Margaret
Callison. the primary teacher, Is
spending the holidays with relatives
at Helix.
Thomas Kerr and wife of Walla
Walla, spent Xmas with their daugh
ter, Mrs. O. P. Steele, who celebrated
her 33d anniversary which Is on xmas
Joseph Dozler and daughter Mamie
of Pendleton, are visiting the. family
of Ed Dupuls.
Joseph Ashworth went to Pilot
Rock yesterday to visit relatives.
Wm. Slusher camo down from Pen
dleton yesterday on train No. 1.
AI Slusher came down from Pen
dleton today after spending the holi
days wlth his family.
John McClellan spent Christmas
w th Frank Lane and family, who for
merly lived here, hut are now farm
ing near Milton.
Lewis Updike and two of his family
a-.-e confined In St. Anthony's hospital
In Pendleton with typhoid fever, it
Is reported that they are getting along
a well as can be expected
A social hop wa3 given by Joseph
Ashworth Saturday n ght. Everybody
and his best girl attended. Music
was furnished by the Main string
band, which played the old time kind
of music, such as "IrlBh Washerwo
man." "Highland Fling," "Arkansas
Traveler." etc. The ladies brought
Take LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine Tablet.
Druggist rf and money If It falls to cure. B.
V. GKOVE'8 slenntnr Is on each box. 2tlc.
Orheum Theatre
J. P. MEDERNAC II. Proprietor
For Men, Women and Children"!
Your Catarrhal
Instantly Relieved
lust a little Kondon's purest
. . H II .1 ?
Latarrnai jeiiy pincnea irom uic sani
tary tube, snuffed into the nostrils relieves,
soothes and heals the affected membrane,
which, raw or inflamed, brings on catarrhal
cot mlmke thii aromatic anilieptlc. coollor ana
pleasant, porta and tafett remedy ror violent douche,
prays or anuffa, vhirb Irrirate but do not heal. Koodon'a
ii o fwert. dean and pure flat It U even pleatau to tm
Send for tola
i Dyers'
j Best
i Flour
Is made from the choicest wheat that
grows. Good bread is assured when
BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran,
Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon"
today, or aik yonr drurtiit
or doctor. They will recom
mend a 25c or 50c tube be
cause It carer containi no
lurmlul int. and la Kid
u:k;it our potithre guarantee.
Kondou Mfg.
Ulnneapolb. Minn.
Vr3? aTIHrIUin-A
Our New Stock Just Opened
New lino canned, goods new crop nuta end fruits In leason Holi
day candles everything In vegetables.
Dressed poultry, not only Saturdays, but every day.
rhone Main 530.
Prompt Delivery.
i. the one who will appreciate fully
the quality of OUIl coal.
The uniform A-l quality of our
Rock Springs coal means economy
liemr heat fatiKfHction and the mini
mum stove trouble.
Order your next supply from uh and
secure the befit.
. rtion Main 178.
Don't I'.o Hniit-lew
about yourself when your... i,pplel
with rheumatism or stiff joint of
course you've tried lots of things and
they failed. Try Ballard's Enow Lin
i rii-nt it will drive away ail acnes,
pains and stiffness, and leave you aa
well as you ever were. A. C. Koeppen
& IJros.
Frph ovrer?
t HohV.si.-h
Pally East Orgonlan
only ! eenta per
by carrier,
dox'T Girr i:rx powx
V.Vnk mid mNernulB. If Kidney
or hlmldiT troiilile. l"ill !""d l''nH. IHzzt
nes Nnrvousnens,. I'ulus In tne bn k. ud
ipel 'tir'd all ovr. K't a pai kon of Motlinr
;rny'M At STItAl.IAN -I.KAr. he plensnnt
lierb ciire. It never falls. We nave many
tphtitnonlnls from t'rnteful peoi.ie who liave
used this wonderful remedy. As n regu
lator It bas no ejual. Ahk ror Mother
:r' Aiirrnllnti l.enf St Drncclsts or
nent by mail for r0 rts. Sample
Addresa, The Mother Gray to.,
X. Y.
Le Roy,
all the necessary vianda for midnight j
lunch wh'ch helped to make the af
fair all the more enjoyable. During
the midnight Intermission some beau
tiful ballads were rendered by Messrs.
Joe Ashworth, Edgar Welch and Tra-
cv MeMnerry.
The crowd departed at 3 o'clock
for their respective homes to dream
of the most enjoyable affair of the
The Correct Time.
to stop a cough r cold is Just ns soon
as.it starts then there will be no
danger of pneumonia or consumption.
Just a few doses of Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup taken at the start will
Btop the cough If It has been run
ning for sometime the treatment will
be longer, but the cure Is 'sure. A. C.
Koeppen & Tiros.
liitr tiunic at Hie Pastime Show To-
A big fat turkey will be given away
at the rastime tonight, which prom
ises some amusement In ndition to the
regular program. Mr. Matlock is al
ways in the lead with something new
to please his pat.onn.
There is some strong courting going
on In a certain home in Pendleton. A
lovely young lady will soon be mak
Ino- the mornlne coffee for two. Of
course she will use Folger's Oolden
A lazy man leaves his glasses
home when looking for work.
When You BUILD,
Build to STAY!
Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks
are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more,
substantial and far more comfortable in
either cold or warm weather,
5?V .
' :'tk Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda
tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone
See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks
before you build your home.
I will furnish your estimates for anv class of
work on application.
Contractor and Builder
Cor.'Railroad arad Willow Sts. Pendleton. Or?