PAGE roCR. DAILY EAST OREG OX IAN, PEXlLKTON, OREGON, TCESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1009. EIGHT PAGES. DISCREDITING" PINCHOT. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSrArEIL Published Dally, JVeekly and Semi-Weekly. at Pendleton, Oregon, by the BAST ORtXiONlAN 1'lIiUSlllNO CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, one, yeaT. by mall $5.00 Dally, ali months, by mall 2.R0 Dally, three months. bT mall 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall no Dally, one year, by carrier T.50 Dally, atx months, by carrier 3.75 Dally, three months, by carrier .... 1.05 Dally, one month, by carrier 85 Weekly, one year, by mall 1.IMI Weekly, alx months, by mall 75 Weekly, fnr months, by mall 50 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall .... 1.50 Semi-Weekly, alx months. bT mall . . .75 Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall . .60 The Dally East Oregonlan ts kept on ante at the Oreeon News Co., 17 6th street. Portland. Oregon. Chiracs Rnreaa, !00 Security nulldlng. Washington, D. C, Bureau, fiOl Four teenth street, N. W. llember United Press Association, Entered at the postofflre at' Pendleton, ' Oregon, aa aecnnd class mall matter. Telephone fialn 1 4 4 rXAFRAID. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Xo fear have I of what becomes of me AVhen I have passed the Gates of Mystery. At worst It will be' a. dreamless sleep the same Perchance in kind as that ere I became. At best, an heritage of Paradise Whereto the weary spirit may - urlr,e A vision rare, with Heavenly grandeur rife, Wherein are solved ail myster ies of life! And in between? "Tis there in deed I find The truest joys of a believing mind; The Faith within me speaks but of the care And love divine that wait God's children there. John Kendrick Bangs LET T1IK LAW DO IT. It Is not often these days that east ern Oregon has a lynching bee and the details of the affair near Hamil-. ton Saturday made unpleasant read ing. A man named Snyder had shot a sheepherder and the deed roused some Grant county ranchers to take the fellow from a deputy sheriff to whom he had surrendered and t riddle his body fith bullets. Now It Is entirely possible of course that this man Snyder deserved to die and that as quickly as possible. But the manner of his execution Is not creditable to the men who killed him nor to eastern Oregon. It would have been far better had those ranch ers allowed tha sheriff to keep his man and to havt tried him " in the regular manner. Every criminal is entitled to a fair trial before a Jury of disinterested men. It Is the as sumption that the guilty will be proven guilty and punished accord ingly. The law sometimes makes mistakes, It Is true. It will make mistakes so long as the administra tion, of the law rests with human be ings. Then, too, the law sometimes moves slowly all too slow!;"? Yet why should not the law proceed with caution when human life is at stake. It is serious business. People live for "but a brief time at best and they are long time dead. ( With all Its drawbacks the law is far ahead Indeed of mob rule. There l.i nothing so dangerous, so cruel and so unjust as a gang of men that go forth to take the law into their own hands. The lynching near Hamilton, it !t has been correctly reported, is to be deeply regretted for It consti tutes a stain upon Grant county and eastern Oregon. THEY SHOULD ATTEND. On January 8 the annual convention of the school directors of the county Is to be held here and the county superintendent is now urging the proper officials to attend the session. Under the law one man from each district Is required to bo present and his expenses are paid for the day. However the law fixes no penalty for non attendance and as a result It Is practically a matter of honor with the directors. ' But If the directors of this county take the right- view of their duties they will require no great persuasion before attending the coming conven tion. It is a meeting manifestly for their, benefit and for the benefit of the Interests which they as officials teprtsCB. Many should be glad of the opportunity to attend ach meet ings and to learn everything possible along the line of the ouller of direc tors and the general subject of school management If they are not men who want to learn all they reasonably can upon this subject they should re sign and allow their places to b filled by men having the work mors t heart. A correspondent of the Portland Orejronlan at Olympia makes u very feeble and farfetched attempt to dis credit Glfford I'Inchot and the fores try bureau by calling attention to an alleged abuse that Is fostered. by the government. At this time the gov ernment cruises timber lands and when such lands are filed upon by In dividuals an attempt is made to charge something near what the land U really worth. The timber is not given away for a song as It formerly was. But according to the story from Olympia some wise intending purch asers first have the government cruise the land and then they buy it with Northern Pacific scrip. But if such an abuse is underway the fault Is not with the forestry policy, certainly. It Is with the law that permits good timber land to be taken with comparatively valueless scrip. Nor can the evil be charged to the government's policy of cruis ing timber land. Private concerns too have cruised the untaken timber and they know as well as the govern ment men where the good timber Is. What Is to prevent them from cruis ing the land privately and then buy ing it with scrip? Such criticisms as this of Pinchofs work will not do. At least those who are at all informed will not be in fluenced by such stories. The fact that such stories are used by a pa per like the Oregonlan and used plainly for the purpose of discredit ing the chief forester but shows the animosity that certain Interests feci towards Pinchot andthe further fact that those interests are not to be dis suaded from their attack by any con siderations for truth or fairness. FREDERICK REMINGTON. coughs -Kl S3 OF CURES golds THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT Arm 'S ! LUNGS I DR. KING - FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS I PREVENTS PNEUBOHIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my casa incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and 7ell. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! -Trial Bottle Free SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY TAI-LMAN A CO. E A CHRISTMAS VAMPIRE. When Frederick Remington passed away at his home in Connecticutt Sunday there died, a, man who knew the west and who had the skill to "hold the mirror up to nature." The sketches of Remington have long been In popufhr favor and justly too. In his work the artist depleted life on the western ranges as few others. have done. From nctual experience upon the plains Remington, knew many things about western life. He knew how beautiful a water hole In the desert seems to a parched cow puncher or prospector. He knew how a stranger approached a frontier camp at night; how the restless rider of the plains regarded twn mar shals, how the "outlaws" buck find many other things familiar, only to those who have "been there." In his sketches Remington pictured the life jf the west about as it was and as it is yet in some places. His pic tures may be faulty in some particu lars. Other artists pick flaws in them. But they are' lifelike and that is the first requisite. His sketches all show a close sympathy with western ways mil it may be truthfully said that when Remington died the west lost a g od friend. "SWEET INNISFAIXEN." Pendleton's park fund is something that certainly needs fostering. Pen dleton needs some parking improve ments and needs them badly. . The ladies of the library and civic club are doing excellent work towards bringing about this betterment. Fri day night an entertainment will be given at the theater under their aus pices. It will be Bernard Daly's ap pearance in "Sweet Innlsfallen." This play Itself with such a celebrated singer as Daly In the leading role should draw a crowded house. Since the play Is to be given under the auspices of the ladies club and half the net proceeds will go to the park fund the people of Pendleton should turn out enmasse to see trie produc tion. , Let us fill the theatre to "standing room only" for "Sweet Innlsfallen," A fool there was, and he made a gift, (Even ns you or I.) He bought It with taste and care and thrift (For a lady his friends thought rather swift) And when he gave it, the lady sniffed, (Even ns you or I.) Oh, the judgment and taste and time we waste On the gifts at Christmastide; i Which we give to the lady who isn't ! nleased (And now we know she could never be pleased And Tiever be satisfied.) (Even ns you or I.) v, " A fool there was, and he gave " his cheque For n necklace of pearls without a fleck, (And it didn't the least suit the lady's neck) And she never thanked him a single speck! (Even as you or I.) Oh. the chink we lose and the think we lose. On the things we buy with pride, . To give to the lady who. never is pleased (And now we know she can never be pleased And never be satisfied.) The fool was fleeced to his last red cent (Even as you or I.) She threw him aside, when gold was spent, (And nobody cared where the lady went.) And the fool gave way to loud lament, (Even as you or I.) And it wasn't the loss, and it wasn't the dross. The reison that same fool cried: It was coining; to know that she never was pleased (Seeing at last she could never be pleased And never be satisfied.) Carolyn Wells, In Smart Set. As to what constitutes whiskey President Taft has made a decision. But there are some far bigger prob lems confronting his administration and he seems to hesitate about grap pling with 'them. At one time lynch law was appar ently needed In eastern Oregon. At least it was very effective In break ing up certain forms of crime. But it Is not needed now. Found a Way. "True happiness," said the garden philosopher, "consists In doing good to others." "Does It?" dubiously asked the man with the Ingrowing grouch. "It does," replied the philosopher. "Not for rational people," said the grouch. "I sat down with a street car hog today and kept jabbing him with my elbow and stepping on his toes until he wanted to fight. Say, I haven't ' been so happy for six months." "That hat tag says 'Marked Down to $98.' I saw it myself last week for seventy-five." "That is easy to understand." "I can't see why he calls It marked down." "He ha been reading about the tariff lower'ng." A Reliable fATAftl fftllteanwX NOT riALF BAD. Remedy fcV$Gr38iiiBa!in IAS' fs. As a New year's resolution Pendle ton should take oath that during the coming year the old north side cem etery will be properly Improved. It is cold here but think of what they are getting In the east. Still TTungry. "I hit the boss for a raise today." "Did you get it?" "I should say not." "Maybe his breakfast didn't im. wlh him." "I guess It did. for I thought ha was going to eat me uo on toD of It." Don't worry unless you can draw a salary for It. is ,iulck.' abtofh: j. Civet Relief al Once. It clean- es, soot h"f , hl'UlH Ulid JI4tl;c'.:l thO UI9i'.!8"i li.'elu. fcrane rcml'iiif: f;oia i'.ViiiTh mid driven wuy e. Cold in the atorru the Senses of HAY FEVER T;tute and Siinil. Frill ,V) t:U., rtDmg iHts or by mail. In liquid form, 7: -i n!.s. bly Brothers, Cti Wan-Hp Ktieot. i.'aw York. mm FOR SALE 1800 acres all fenced, good 8 room house with basement, 4 brg barns well built, 8 orchards, and other Improve ments. This land lies along the foot hills of the Blue mountains In the Chinook belt where grows the fine bunchgrass, and flows the crystal springs. Owner cut 150 tons of al falfa this year. This is an Ideal stock ranch, 10 miles off a R. R., and can be bought for $12.60 per acre, and ten thousand dollars worth of oattle and horses thrown In, besides 3 good wagons and all the machinery and other stuff on the ranch. I find the bargains, that Is why I sell the goods. B. T. WADE, , Pendleton, Oregon, Mrs. Isaac L. Rice, the talented head of New York's antt-nolse move ment, was describing the nuisance of the London cab whistle. "Every householder, you know," she said, "has a shrill whistle where with he stands on his doorstep and toots and toots until a cab appears. "This during the season, is an in tolerable nuisance. Butlers whistle for cabs till 4 or 5 In the morning. In the West End, with dinners and balls at every house, a continuous whist ling makes sleep ' lmpos'ble till long after daylight. "At a party in the West End a la dy talked to me about city noises. She was inclined to praise the quietude of London nights. " 'Here,' she said, 'It's not half bad, is Iff . " 'Xo,' Mild I; 'It's all bad." " 1 can't talk to you. My time is worth money." , "I'll buy an hour of It." "All r'ght." "Got change for a nickel T" M sJrBisr'.! rati eeting Emergencies For the chilly mornings and evenings of early Fall and Spring or the more bitter days of Win ter in the house, in the bunga low, any place where heat is needed in a hurry, the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) fully meets the emergency never smokes never goes wrong In a class all by itself. Infinite pains have been taken to make it perfect. Automatic Smokeless Device Turn the wick high or low there's no smell the auto matic smokeless device prevents it no smoke either just a steady glowing heat. Requires little care burns nine hours indicator on brass font shows contents at a glance. The ONE PER FECT Oil Heater. Various styles and finishes. - Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not at Youm.Vrlte for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) THE American National 1 Bank Pendleton, Oregon Invites deposits and accounts of those starting in business as well as those already established. Customers, whether in ac tive business r not, will reveive careful and cheerful atten tion and the facilities that a safely conducted and time-tested bank should be able always to afford its patrons whether their balances are large or small. Safe deposit boxes, of con venient sizes, to rent at reasonable rates. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $275,000.00 THE BOWMAN BAR. For Stahl Famous Near Beer , Pints and Qyarts City Near Beer on 'Draught All kinds of Soft Drinks, Cigars, Fruits and Confectionery. MARTIN ANDERSON, Prop. Pneumonia Season Is Hero Better cure that cold before It Is too late. TALLMAN'S P. A 8. cold capsule will knook the worst cold In two days. Maaa factured aad aold only by Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Kaatorn Oregon, Gregg Shorthand Shortest, simplest, best. Take Gregg Shorthand and Mtxlcrn Inductive Bookkeeping at the Pendleton Busi ness College First class instruction. Thorough Co mm e r c 1 a 1 Course obtained In six months. Reduced rates. E. O. MlAPEIt, Prln. WILlIAMvfON HAFFNMCD ENORAVBRJ-PRINTCIM ails if? maui i! VIT DBNVXK, OOhO. The Quell 3 Gus. La Foiintalne, Prop. IHt 25 cent meats In the North-werrt. MrHt-clana Cook and Stirrls. Bhell-flMli In 8eaia. La Fuuutatne Mock. Mala St. Fresh Meat, Poultry Fruit and Produce Delivered to any part of the ctty. Hides, pelta, wool, sacks and second-hand goods bought and sold. Stark &. Lang, Props. Phone Main 4 Off. J10-312 W. Webb 8t. Buy Your Meat OP THE EMPIRE MEAT CO. Phone Main 18. Always fresh and wholesome. I Delivered promptly. X Fresh fish daily, steaks, dops. roasts, sausage, hams, baeon I and lard. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. IPHOKTOUB OBDERS-TOU GET THEM BIGHT I Milne Transfor Phone Main 5 Calls prompdy answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furnture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty.