jeXriTvrKscflr!' PAGE THREE. DAILY EAST OKI-GOXIAX. PEXDI.ETOX, OREGON'. TCK8IMY. DtX'KMBElt 28, 1909. firiit paoks. NOW FO n A IT O A H FT' T l A A L ,Q JL.IL - - J '.) rsnixW rmrl?jr Y? A PTC No matter how true, could not be understood unless properly shown CON V IWLIlW E1 Jj I 3 up and thoroughly investigated. It is a FACT backed up by one of the largest and most reliable Clothing and Men's Furnishings concerns in Umatilla county that we are heavily ' overstocked and MUST UNLOAD for reasons better known to ourselves. GommeEckg Wednesday M nting, Bee. 29 aid Lfflsfckg Jsisfc Om Week We will prices on Mens Suits and Overcoats that will surpass all competition-prices such as have never before been made in the history of Pendleton's Clothing Stores-prices that should make our clothing practically get up and walk out of our store. All Suits and Overcoats Divided Into Two Lots Take YoiuChoice LOT 1 Comprise suit and overcoat ranging in l-ru-e from $16.50 to $32.50-s,l, famous standard all-wool make as Kirschbauni, "EIT-Kl'F and Calm Liobman-a fin, in fit, workmanship, styl and fabric, as can bo found in thin city. YOfR CHOICE FOR THE NEXT 6 DAY S ,t, from $10-00 to ?15.00 LOT 2 Comprises men's suits and overcoats raiding m pru-t clothing that is stylish, weU made, pretty in pattern and of good serviceable fabrics, such as sells from 25 per cent to 50 percent higher at ,-iher stores-will give you our profits. YOUll CHOICE FOK THE NEXT 6 DAYS . W Mr range of to fit all. You'll be sr.rprise.l at the magnitude of this bargain. ilM -XX to 4. Blues and blacks inclnd.d. N'olhing reservl, no prires eliange.1. Nothing reserved, everything included in these two lots-no prices changed, you select the suit you like and We will fit you out. Remember it starts tomorrow and lasts but six days. Be among the early comers as "the Drice that sells" will be ruling here and the first come, best choice. Where Lower Expense Makes the Prices Lower Main and Webb Streets ; -- . CAT-O-N IN E-TAIM5 IX AFIUCA mill rcmilssnMo In the Prison P-Iscl-ullne of Orangia. Blomenfonteln. Orangla.-Froni , n recent discussion In the house ot as cembly at Bloemfonteln, It appear. fhTt the use of the cat-o-nine tall, .s .till permissible In Orangla for the i ' nrlsnn discipline. In course, of a doDaio on Sir John Frnser movea . it v. ..t ahnnkl prison discipline . "- men "cuts or stroke, with rod cr rime." He referred to lashing with the rnt-a-nlne-talls ns a relic of bar m,h should be abollshod. Mr. A. O. Barlow also pointed out . . ..... tiinn.t.'iiiM was not 1IUU ini- " . . used In the Transvaal, where punish, tnent was by the fod, and proved ef. ., iti,,,nt ipavlnir permanent in 4 ntiornev-ccneral nnld he would not bo justified In accepting the amendment, and It was rej.-n.-u. the 1.111. 11EVISE 1XUVARI PASS vt.'nn follows: "Not to allow pull ing or pushing of the man carrying tho ball In order to prevent mass plays and striking w th the rorco 01 two or three men In a compact body. "To remove the penalty ror an uncompleted forward'pass on the first an A apnnnri down. Let the ball bo brought back to the point from which It was thrown without penalty, 10 encourage open and spectacular play. "To put a penalty on a player for crawling with the ball and to enforce Foley's Orlno Laxative Is best for women and children. Its mild action nnd pleasant taste make It preferable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Cures constipation. Koeppen Bros. Confraternity Sleeting. New York, Dec. 28 Christian edu cation of the young will be discussed by lending Catholic- clergymen and lavmen' durng the sessions of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. U.'pc.rts were presented today .. j .v fo.t i Florida, Educators. Alier exposure, uu.i win:.. , . , a cold coming on. take Foley's Honey De Land, Fla. Dec. 28-Fl oruia and Tar the great throat and lung educators are gathering her m force remedy. ' It stops the cough, relieves today, attracted by the annual s ate the congestion, and expels the cold convention. Public school education from your system. Is mildly laxative, I in all its phases will be discussed by Dofnco mihstitiitps. Koennen Bros. authorities. i Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremont. N. H-, j writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem- edy. It cured nie of a severe case of i kidney troube of several years stand ing. It certainly Is a grand, good medjeine. and I henrtily recommend It " Kicppen Bros. HOLI IXDOOH MEET. Chicago. Coach A. A. Stngg has nppll.-d the knife to the forward pass In tho cause of sano football. The University of Chicago mentor oper ated on thP forward pans rules with it view to lessening the annual toll of football deaths and Injur es, nnd will present tho. results to the notional ex perts at next Tuesday's meet ng of the Intercollegiate Athletic association In New York. Coach Stagg's Idea of football re- Baker City Atlilctlo Club Will Ilnvo Some Spirited Contests. Tho n.-ikor Athletic club has plan ned for a big indoor athletic meet to be held in the club gymnasium at Fourth and Center streets Tuesday evening. Nearly all the club mem bers have ulgnif cd their Intention of entering In the various events and some spirited contests are sure to re sult. There will be the standing and running broad Jump, standing and running high Jump, short distance sprints, relay races and various other stunts that will make the meet inter esting. Baker Herald. , Oregon Theatre Friday, December 3 1 '.!. :. VM.DWEU. OFFERS THE VIU1.E1.XT YOl'XG IltlSlI COMEDIAN BERNARD DALY In His New Play wf lulls! ,,,.,,! r.' UKjS OF KlU. i:XEV-llEAli Mu. DALY SlXi! HIS LATEST SONG SUCCMSl'S, NEW Ce1!mY, A X0S NEW FLAY, FUESEXTED FX PEE THE AFF,VF OF THE FlYW AXD IMPROVE 1 EXT J.EA CUE LOR. Til E HEX EE I T OF THE PUBLIC PARK FUND Prut ?1.50, $1.00, 75S 50. Sain oihus Thursday 10 a. in, lYndlHnu Drug Co. I ! 4' V il ( - ' i