EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1909. PACK SEV1CN. SURVEY OF WEEK'S LIVES! T RECORDS ESTABLISHED IN PORTLAND STOCKYARDS Advance to $8.85 With Two ales at Tliat Figure Steers Sell at $4.80 eukl Cows Move Around $3.75 Price of Sheep Advances 25c. Portland Union Stockyards, Dec. 2. Christmas week, 1908, will be noticeable In the hostory of the Port land livestock market as a week of exceptionally High prices and a do snand that overshadowed anything shown In any previous year for the same period. Making of now high records for livestock 'Is getting to be somewhat I an old story, but to those that stp, the story cannot be repeated too often. While only two sales of hogs were Made at $8.86, still It established an entirely new high record for the pres ent movement. Naturally the swlno that received this price were of fancy quality, still for less favorable qual ity a slightly lower price was eaaly obtained. This was during the fore part of the week. As Christmas day approached, the market became rather dull and life less with signs of sogginess and some ales were made at a decline of 10c from former quotations. This was to be expected naturally as a result of the holiday. This, however, iu only for ordinary stuff. The great strength, displayed just previous to this Is what surprised the trade most for Christmas week is as a rule, a very dull- and unfavorable trading period, so far as the Interests of shippers are concerned. However, the old timers stay away from such a nuirket at these periods Kumt Market AdvaiH-CH to $I.B. An advance of a nlrklo during the wwik carried the steer market to a high record at 14 80 and gave ship pers udd'tlonal Information as to the rrowlng Importance of the Portland livestock market. Market for steers remained In good condition all week, although naturally the tone was not so active as during the previous six days when killers were making their preparations for the Christmas trade. .There was only a small number of cattle In the yards dur ng the week, a mere 291 head compared with 2350 last week. 1016 the previous week and 2172 head month ago for the naste period. Cows commanded the same sort of attention from killers early In the wrx-k as did the steers and for these an advance of 15c over the previous week's price put the market to $3.85. Khc Receipt Are Light. With only a small number of sheep offering In the Rtm-kdalo yards dur ing the week, the market was lifted !5r all around and at the close of the week stood 'n a very healthy position with Indications of a betterment of the trading tone after the holidays have pas-d into history. Run of sheep and lambs for the week was 647 head compared with IM2 head last week. 2S4S the pre vious week and 1013 head a month SCO for a like rerlod. Last week's arrivals of livestock compare with the same period In re cent years as follows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1909 10 291 647 1908 828 823 2029 1907 388 250 190 409 4 234 1905 228 151 A year ago for the per'od compar ed to the past week, livestock was firm but dull In all linen with prac tically no change in the prices. The following Is the general range of livestock values In the yards: Cattle Best steers, weighing 1200 pounds. $4.75tf4.80: medium steers, $4.50; best cows. $$ 75 40 3.85; fancy heifers, $3.75 & 3 85: medium cows. $3.50; poor cows. $22.60: bulls. $2 2.76; stngs, $2.5003. Hogs Rest east of tho mounta ns, $8.75fi8.88: fancy. $85; Blockers, $; pigs, $6 &1. Sheep Rest wethers. 5.2o 'U 5.60 ; ordinary, $5; spring lambs, $6; straight ewes. $4.76: mixed lots. $4.75 05. Calves Best, $5.255 60; ordi nary, $304.60. TKAR 10 HAS IlKEN . ft R EAT ONE IXR "IRYS." Chicago. "The year 1909 breaks all records as a 12 month period of antl-alchollc reform." Is the opening line of a statement Issued tonight by Chairman Charles R. Jones, at na tional prohibition headquarters, which Is to be read Sunday In Chi cago churches. The statement was Issued in reply to claims of a reac tion by liquor interests. It says: "In addition to gains in thousands of cities throughout America, the twolfth world's congress against al .xhniinn held iln London, revealed a unity that promises greater progress j for the ensuing year. mere launched during the year an Inter national prohibition confederation embracing representatives of move ments In a score of nations. In the United States ex'sts a strong trend .rn-,i nhotltlon of the liquor traffic. Despite claims of a reaction made by the liquor press, the records show that In no 12 months during the past 50 years has there gathered such a pro gressive force or been such a sub stantial gain for national prohlbl- tion. The chief handicaps to the en forcement of prohibition are the need of federal protection of dry territory against interstate liquor traffic and the treacherous alliance with the out lawed liquor traffic of politicians and party machines unfriendly to prohibi tion. "Last November the prohibition party polled an. Increased vote In every utate, except Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsyl v,nia Vehrnska. and Indiana. As a result, the party 1 going Into the CALIFORNIA IN WINTER Is the place to visit Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, de lightful, climate, make this favorite section the Nation's most popular winter retreat. You can see this section at ita best via the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Shasta Route AND "ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS" Sourthern Pacific Company Up-to-date trains, first class in every respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. $55.00 SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATE OF PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES AND RETURN With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the Northwest, with liberal stop , overs in each direction and long limit. Inter esting and attractive literature on the various Winter Resorts of California can be had on ap plication to any S. P. or O. R. & N. Agent, or from ' ' General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. WANTED. ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mat order business at borne. No can vasslng. Be your own bos. Send fo free booklet. Tell how. Heacoca 2703, Lockport, N. T. WANTED Position aa cook for fam ily or hoasework. P. O. Box 411. congressional campaign of 1910 with vigorous agltat'on and organization in many sections of the country." Rl SHINft WORK ON NEW YORK CANAL Rolse, Idaho. The freezing weath er has not placed a damper on the work of cementing the New York ca nal, which Is being done by the rec lamation service. Several hundred men are still employed and are finding an average of 100 running feet daily of tho big d'tch. A novel plan for continuing the work despite the elements of the weather, was arranged and a large canvas was secured which complete ly covers a section of the canal and extends down to the bottom at either end, keeping out the cold air. Several stoves have been put up In side of the mammoth tent and the tempera ture Is maintained to such a degree that the cement works nicely. The camp has to be moved every night, but notwithstanding this obstacle, the work Is progressing nicely and the work will probably be completed by the first of the year.' NO WAREHOUSES FOR ROOZE IN PRY COUNTIES Seattle. Brewers are prohibited from maintaining warehouses In dry units, for the distribution of their pro. ducts, according to a ruling by Attor ney General Bell of Washington. This is a reversal of his former construc tion of the local optli n law. The lat est opinion was given on a question submitted by Stevens county, which recently voted to abolish saloons. As common carriers are forbidden from carrying liquors Into dry territory, It Is further held that a warehouse may deliver what stock It has on hand, but Is unable to replace Its stock. The defeat of the local option forces In Walla Wallu Is the first Important re versal they have met. To date, they have won In 35 special elections and met defeat in 19, In this stnte. OPIUM SMOKING IS BEING SUPPRESSED Peking. Reports which have been received ot the Rritlsh legation In Pe king regarding the suppression of opium smok ng show that consldern bio progress hns been made In tho northern provinces and In Yunnan and Kkangtung. Some little progress has been made In the central provlnc es, while very littlo has been done In Szechaun, Kwelchau nnd Shensl. Search for Missing Man's Fortune Sacramento, Cal. Information Is being sought by relatives concern'ng a Russlrin named Von Kemrumfer, who came to this state In the '40s, and who was believed to have accu mulated a largo fortune. A letter ad dressed to Gov. Gillette from t he Russian consulate at San Francisco contained the request. Nothing is definitely known of tho missing man but the opinion ! held that he had a large mine. HERE'S A ; PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. $1360 cash or 1550 cash and 85 monthly payments of . 113.21 each or 1350 cash and 100 monthly payments of $14-80 each, or $360 cash and 120 monthly payments of $13.21 wtk, MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Tel. Main 83. 120 E. Court California fJlid-Uinlor Excursion Walla Walla TO Lbs Angeles and return on Jan. j 1 7th, 1910 $3)4.: j THIS RATE INCLUDES RAILROAD TICKET FOR THE ROUND TRIP, AND BERTH IN SLEEPING CAR FOR THE GOING TMP. SIDE TRIPS PROVIDED FOR IN THE ITINERARY, AND ALL MEALS FROM THE HOUR OF DEPARTURE MONDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 17. UN TIL ARRTVAL IN LOS ANGELES, 5:80 P. M, SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, ARE ALSO INCLUDED; ALSO TRIP TO RIVERSIDE AND REDLANDS, OVER THE INSIDE TRACK, MON DAY, JANUARY 24TH. TWO TICK ETS ENTITLES HOLDERS TO A FULL SECTION. RETURN LIMIT, APRIL 17, 1910. STOPOVERS ALLOWED RETURNING. Berth reservations and full itinerary of the trip can be had of yonr local agent, or R. Burns District Freight and Passenger Agent, " Walla Walla, Wash. A deposit of 120.00 will be required on each ticket at time ervaMoa la made. 1 wan t Ads. w WHERE DO YOU STOP when in Portland T Why, at the Plaza, 111 1-2 Third street, of eourse. Wber the rooms are clean and cheap the and landlady cheerful and ac commodating. Try It, it la Hk home. WANTED Wheat ranch of abont 2,- (00 acres; will pay cash. Give lo catioa and fall description. R. F, care East Oregonlaa. Wanted Con tinned. DR. BAKER, the oldest and meat successful cancer specialist In tan northwest, may be found at Oakea dale. Wash., at all times. I am a graduate of Saint Louis lied leal School of I860. Patients can find rooms at reasonable rates la the Galas Block, and board can be had very reasonable. AN intelligent person may earn SI monthly corresponding for newspa per. No canvassing. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 3701 Look port, N. T. HAIR WORK DONE. All kinds of hair work done at . Madam Ken nedy's Hair Parlors,' 07 E. Court street, the enly natural human hair ever sold In Pendleton; also a nice line f goods to sell, rolls, chains, Damps, witches, pufts, made from your own combings. Everything strictly guaranteed. Shampooing, haardrosslag a specialty. Highest price paid for combing. Phone Red 3762. FOR BALE. FOR SALE Furniture, from mine room rooming house, also plana. 201 W. Webb. Phone Red 1321. Extra good offer If taken at once. FOR SALE: 1(0 acres Irrigated alfal fa land about 2 1-2 miles north west of Echo; 110 acres in alfalfa. If acres In garden and orchard, balance grass pasture. Good Ave room house, fair barn. Will sea either to one or two parties. For particulars, address Frank Corves, Echo, Oregon. Read the "Want" ads today. Classified Directory Four Lines, . in Daily, Weekly and Semi-Weekly 51 per month. Extra Lines over Four, 25 cents per Line per month. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GAB FIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathlo physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2(32. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO- nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electrot herapeutics. Judd bulldi g. corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; resicence 'phone, Main 664. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST. OFFICE Mam street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Mack 3421; resldenco 'phene, red 1J61. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUR- geon. Office, room 16 Judd build ng. Phone, red 8301. VAUGHAN BROS., DENTISTS, OF- fice In Judd building. Phone Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office Tall an's drug store. Res. 'phone Main 6. ATTORNEYS. RA1JSY A RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank building. LOST LOST ONE BROWN GELDING, t years old, branded TZ on left shoul der; weight about 1300 pounds. $10.00 reward for information lead ing to recovery. Joe Craig, Pen dleton, Ore., Box 475. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RH palr work on all kinds of machines, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alt streets. Marion Jack. Prop.; A. P. May, manager. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work It's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $6.26. Electric Hot Water an : 'urling Iron Heaters. Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixtures. First-clasj wiring of homes, etc J. L. Vaughan, 122 W. Court street YEE SAM, LEE CO.. NOODLE RES taurant, Mrs. Goey, Prop. Chicken noodle soup,' chop suey, etc. Webb St., between Main and Garden. Phon Red 3391. FEE & SLATER, LAWYERS, OF- flce In Despaln building. CARTER A SMTTtrn, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in American .Nation al Bank bulldlnk. JAMES B. PERr.Y, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates setueo. wins, aeeos, nortsraices and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17 Sc. Idt block. PETERSON A WILSON, ATTOR- neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 S3 -nun- Crawford building. PEELPS A 8TEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offices In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Association diock. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNET at law. Will nractlce In all state and federal ccurts. Rooms 1. 2, 3, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND- hand goods. If there is anytmng von need In new and second-hana furniture, stoves, graniteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 East Court street. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CC 5IAKE8 reliable abstracts of tit's t-. all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does s general brokerage business. Payj taxes and makes Investments for non residents. References, any ban In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vlve-Prei. C. H. MARSH. See. 1 LIVERY AND FEED STABLFC. "JITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street, Carney A Bradley. Props. Livery, feed and sale stables. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. 'Phone main 70. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO.. ME chanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. 25-2( P.-I. Bldg., Seattle, Washington. BENTLHY A LEFFINGWELL, res', estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 111 Main street. Phone Mam 404, SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY: family washing; work done by hand; mending free; goods called for sn.1 elivered. 408 East Court street. BILLS COLLECTED and advertise ments written by a competent man with years of experience. Prices very reasonable. Room 31, Pen land lodging house, phone Black 1391. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athens and Farmeis' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. BAKER & FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral pari r. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 76. FRATERNAL ORDEHH. PENDLETON LODGE No. 62. Q A. F. and A. UL, meets the first and third Mondays of eae month. All visiting brethren are In vited. Thos. B. P. O. ET S NO.- Ml meets every Thursday even ing in Eagle' s-Woodmen hail. G. W. Phelps, E. B ; Fits Qerald, Secy. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. U. of P., meets every Monday evening In I. O. O. F. hall. Vtaiting brothers cordially Invited to atten.. R. Tarbet, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. of R. A S. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY CONTRACTOR AI.T' Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walla, etc. Phone black 37S(, or Or- gonlan office. Every Woman U Interacted and thoal'i iUktHf I tbuat the wonderful m Marvel "''"l ft 1OUCIiB MSI tnirrirt tor VI. -i iJ V7, r 47 M' f W Ask TOOT IL If b nnnot tnpolT the MARVEL, swept no tnied book slL It etTrs mil enletilar ami directions invnluaMe V ladies. MARVEL CO. 4 E. Sis SUN.aT.it JlRJthX I Cm Btg for tiotii ' t l t VJVI dtMfasUimUnSftaMattkknsV OlHUIsnt U tTTltaUWM Of Ul rlinJB i tm tutelar. of m ueoii lovmbrtuuk, PmM Cawtatrltftv P&inlM. and not sutrai or potwcnoU. CS.&. 1"T or ant m vikil wrppr. ry essr, prptaiu, lor Vl.Ma,, B bottle U.?5. Circular oa ntiuai F0LEYS KOHtTTAIt for efiildrtni af, sure, tfm opiate